
Saturday December 19. 1931 THE SEARCHLIGHT (LA LINTERNA)
PAGE Our Financial Condition CAFIASPIRINA Christmas AS no meris well known our fin Toothache. provisions to meet the sit spent on the construction tacial standing has been uation when it does arise; of carreteras, and if this ausing the Executive very and so now the Executive extra issue is launched, it nxious moments for has proposed that Congress will be used most of it to Duro Jow the employees shall give the authority to build roads etc who then ave been in a very prec the International Bank to will be benefitted may we sous condition so for as launch an emission of ten ask but the owners of prope pa, ment of their salar million colones in paper erties and those who own is are concerned, sometimes money to be guaranteed by the means of transportation, two there months such the State which Congress (camiones and autos. why Quick relief aries have not been paid. has given permission to do, then not place a super tax e government has been but the question now arises; on the value of all propert.
yrrowing and borrawing how are we going to stab ies within the radius menrom all tho Banks and rich ilize the rate of Exchange? tioned in their ratio of dismporters such as Solera It is evident that if we tances from these roadways so as to be able going to throw on the mark in the proportion of first, Lep the exp. ses of ad et ten million colones in second, third, fourth and Again by the evolution There are those free prehistoric happiness and. strative functionings still paper money which are not fifty order, whose values will of time has arrived the thinkers who question the to live among us, suffer ving: ofcourse it is well guaranteed in the Bank by naturally rise by their proxim annual celebrations of the circumstances surrround with us, and identify him.
known that if by any means the corresponding value of ity to the Roads.
he wheels of administra two inillion dollars in gold Today the cost of travell. moment which biblical his. ing the ocurrence and self in our vvoes and geu logged and the the government must act ing is extremely convenient tory has recorded and time of the birth of the joys as the greatest Evan ernment is forced to say very firmly and shall we say it costs only fitty cents in handed down to us as Saviour of mankind, but gelist of longsuffering and her employees we cannot despotically in preventing the best camion to go from Christmas. time of happy none have been able to affection did?
pay y u, that a dangerous those persons who are usurcondition would arise, and iously inclined from char colon from Cartago to Ala recollections of a great question the fact of this Let us show by our lives ere could be no security ing what they care to those juela, thus competing very ocurrence to all Christian harmonious gathering of that this Christmas shall he maintenance of pub. who are bound to send mo unfairly with the railroad peoples, and in fact not Angelic Artists pealing be the means of extending, order.
ney out of the the not only during this season an example this is hence exchange must rise. fifteen cents to go to Sanand only to Christians but to forth to mankind the whole civilized world, glad tidings of great but throughout the years ctly what happened in There is no question about se from Cartago; why could Salvador a few days ago it that if all depositors in not 25 cents per passenger whereever there exists Joy because some great and to be augmented in ich resulted in an upris. the banks were to make a be put as a tax on these that comradeship among event had occured which succeeding years, that with the result that the rush to withdraw their mon wheels the public would men; for the circumstance evidenced Love, peace, sympathetic touch of Love government of President eys all at once, that our not mind paying an extratax is such a universal one goodwill and happiness and Goodwill evidenced by Araujo has been otherthrown Banks apart from the Royal, of this 25 cents so long as and over 200 persons killed John Keith and possibly The that whether you meet a among Mankind; and, as the life of him whom we as it can be arranged that in e Capital; hence it will Banco Anglo would soon it goes into the hands of greek, a chinese, a jew, a if it were a proof to corn celebrate this day, given be seen that the govern be closed in Bankrupcy. the government instead of turkish or assyrian ac cide with the marvelous by his forethought in leav ment of don Cleto Gonza Take for instance the Int the owners of the car as is quaintance the greeting of manifestations of the an ing as his legacy to us lez Viquez is lying in ernational placing her pos always the case, in every happy comradeship goes nouncement of those ar his two greatest desires.
very secure bed of Roses, sibities as say thirty million case whenever the govern to each and is accepted tists, has anyone been able. Give Reverence to God, and it is well realized by colones, she has properties ment put on two cents exthe Excutive officers too, mortgaged to the tune 01 tra on an article, the by each, a Happy Christ. to refute that the life of and Love thy Neighbour hence every effort is being twenty odd millions, if her chants make it so that it is mas, and that same the Jesus, the Saviour has as Thyself, then shall yve put forward to normalize depositors with an average they who benefit at the sa happiness of spiritis caught been one exemplary of find true happiness and the distressing situation. amount of say six millions crifice of the poor consumer. on by each and enjoyed Love, Peace, Goodwill and contentment in our minds, At first it was conjectured were all to make a call on In the case cited within for the season of festival Harmonious transactions by our unstintud service to to pay the dependents of her will anyone say, what say ten years, the govern and the government sixty then would happen? besides if toe well might it be, among men on this earth? our fellovvs, in doing seventy per cent in Cash many depositors there, were deem the emission now because the example in None. well therefore unto others as we would and Us for the remain to make requests ter drafts being put on the market if hat spirit of happiness wast might we accept the dogma expect to be done unto ing thirty or forty per cent on foreign Banks, would her just a little jndgment be set to the world of mankind of a happy comradeship us by them.
of their salaries without any guld reserves not be deplet used; every country has to given time for payment of ed? What then would be be adjusting their revenues when on that memorable and pleasant associations hese slips, that is presum the financial condition of by extra taxes why should morning that most har among our fellowmen of Notice! Notice!
ably whenever the Crisis the country?
we not do the same, and if monious of all Orchestras, all Creeds colour and races mightbe tided over; needless The issue of ten million properly adjusted it would composed not of the most of this earth.
All Shareholders of the to say endless controversies colones of paper would be bear heavily on no one. efficient musicians before Unfortunately however Agricultural and Building arose over this arrangement. quite in order for the govthe throne of the king while Yuletide is looked Co poration of 28 miles will the Banco de Seguros have funds in the country Cricket at England, the kings of Italy, upon as a time of great are advised to be present Je made to receive these to carryon her internal operGermania Belgiam, Siam or the Em happiness it is more de at a General Sharcho slips of paper in pay rentations, but the government peror of Germany, but dicated to material revel ers meeting to be held at of Policies from those civil need to be firm, strong and Madre de Dios on Saturwhose lives a id decisive in her rulings against pleasant game of those who played before ings and feastings, vve property are insured in speculators in the country cricket was played at Ger the throne of the King of lack that amount of Spir. y the 9th day of Janthe Bank? Will the In crisis: She would have to mania on monday 14inst Kings touched the swcet itual feastings vvhich the uary 1932, at p.
ternational and Credito Hip demand that all drafts for between the Germania chords of the Angelic life of the Saviour vvas This meeting is specifotecario Banks accept these produce shipped out the and Bananero of composition of Peace, really intended to convey ically called to call in the acceptances from employees whuse prop gold at the International Cairo. The captain of Love and Goodwill to to our minds, hence in a receipts by ordinary slips erties are mortgaged to these Bank, to be converted into the home team won the all mankind. does any time of such material of paper in the hands of goveromental institutions? exchange of this country, toss and sent the visithistory record such har stringency and lack, as supposed shareholders Will the Banco de Costa rather than be deposited ors to bat, and they mus. mony among any existing exists around us now, may to be redeemed by reguRica accept them from Land abroad as is now the case. tered 42 runs all out. The creed or creeds of this it not be opportune for lar shareholders Certificate lords and merchants whom they may be tendered no drafts in gold be issued took their turn world of ours? No. be us through the columns of Shares in accordance by Tenants and debtors from the International but at the wickets, and the fittingly then should it of this little Journal to with Law.
endeavour to stimulate in The Directors will not as a liquidation of their for bona fides trading pur: opening pair of batsmen be considered by all manobligations to the govera pose, to merchants and did well, in scoring 20 kind as a time to be the minds of mankind a hold themselves respon ment as Taxes and Customs thoses persons having ge runs for the loss of wick commemorated as an event more universal feeling of sible for any Receipts not duties?
Here the governments She should demand that all et. However the team fail of universal comradeship that Love, harmony and presented at this meeting hands were tied and as a customs duties and other ed to keep up the average among men of Goodwill, goodvvill as taught us by to be so redeemed.
result they had to resort to Taxes be paid in gold, this and were out for 56 of Love and happy con the life of him vvho conS. NATION some way out of the dif would bring out all the gold runs thus beating their cord among us all.
descended to leave his President ficulty, and so they again that is in hiding in the runs.
tried to get the Banks con country and in this manner opponents by 14 certed to loan them as much she will gradually be able The principal scorers were money to meet the obligat to redeem the ten millions Daily and Hanson ions; this required two hun extraordinary she has thrown 10 each for the Bananero Mr. Levvis is ovvner of the Gran dred thousand dollars to Portland House of San José, vvho has been on the market for her own and Francis 29 for finish up the year, but the conveniences, and straight. Germania For the Ba advertising through these columns Dr.
Banks met consulted and en out the great depression Valverde vvho has cured 360 patients in decided not to loan any around her nanero Taylor took six months from the Atlantic Regions, among more inoney; Messrs Solera Another means of income wickets for 21 runs for vvhom he has carried out 46 dangerous op y Co. great flour merchants that the government has the Germania Wilperations vvho vvere declared incurable by however came to the rescue closed her eyes to is the other doctors.
son took for 21 Fran and promised to advance automobile service and cis for 19. The game Among them Miss Jane Robinson an em this amount with a super tax ou lands Within ployee of Messrs Lindo Bros. vvho had been promise that this vill be a radius of five til on a whole was played in suffering for many years and vvhose case deducted from the customs either side of the Roadways fine sporting spirit, thus could not be properly diagnosed; but is novv dues on fiour imported into constructeu; It is an indis. making the days sport an permanently cured by an operation by Dr.
the country, but as such putable fact at the cause enjoyable one. frec Valverde.
drawb icks reimburse of the great scringency of dance was given in honor He also has the honour of seeking patments will rebound in future money in the country today of the home team. Mr.
ients for Dr. Roberto Quesada of the necessities early in 1932 is on account of the many Royal College of London England. Dr. Raul they vvill have to make millions that have been Tully gave his dance hall, Orozco Casorla graduated in the Royal Coland his son Mr. Frank lege of Dentistry London England.
Tully supplied the music Dr. Corvetti specialist in all deseases of free. Many of the visitors the eyes graduated in the College of Pisa reinained and spent a Italy, as well as representing the Clinic of Miss Dr. Figueres and the Botica Central of Lic.
PAYNTER and ROBERT few happy hours. Ortiz, as well as the Studio of Messrs Maud Cunningharn and Paynter and Robert.
others assisted in felicitHe is also owner in Association with Mr.
75 yards west of Park Morazán. San Jose ating the visitors and we Barrett of the Gran Portland House, beg to tender our thanks recently remodelled and renovated to suit the conveniences of their clients as well as all Special sittings at all times by for their able services to patients who may need apartments to be attended to by the Doctors whom he represents.
Mr. Bertram Feurtado of Limon vvill operate as Agent for the Portland House arrangements.
the from time to While all visitors and patients vvill be met at both Atlantic and Pacific Railvvay Stations in latimeblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano delanemboste nama Mtuoddamesminister alluitura y juventud, Costa Rica.
servants in a c010on ir Artistic Studio Mr. LEWIS


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