p. 4


Saturday 19 December. 1931 From Alpha Literary Club When Christmas cheers Xmas Greetings 011 0Limon, December 15th. have my purpose set By Dr. Robto. de La Bastide, will and remembrance. wrath of their Sun god was many lively memories 1931. Chiropractor)
before my face.
Even before the advent appeased, and that he was the past keep fleeting by And must go forth to Peace on Earth, of Christianity gave to it again returning to bless bring to recollection Mr. Editor: strive and win the race. Good will toward Men. the reverent and beautiful and prosper them. occasion on vvhich a no Its not the lofty achieve: For nearly two thousand significance that we attach Health, wealth, peace table educator expressed Dear Sir: Hark! The ments alone that make years this strain of the to this occasion, national and prosperity have always surprise to find that a sound of Christmas bells, us heroes and heroines, Angels song has been the festivals were held, and been the nature of the vvho was once a chauf.
beyond a few days jour. we can trace too many expressed sentiment at the superstitious tribes and blessings and good will so feur had later become ney. On the wings of the heroic deeds in our Christmas season.
races reveled in the belief generously extended by the Chiropractor. He, Poo. wind soon will be borne years as we live them, Christmas, throughout that the lengthening of the rejoicing peoples with ap educator, vain, silly and the strains from the glad endeavouring with clear the ages, has always been days of late December was propriate emphasis; on the conceited, forgot, or vvas old HERALDS. Merry consciences to speak and a season of rejoicing, good. a sure indication that the first and most important perhaps, too highly «misXmas, all good oldtime move with such sympli.
of these good fortunes educated to rem wishes, gifts in parcel city and naturalness as do dvvell.
that the greatest of posts and sweets on would please the greatest Without doubt, this is Healers, vvhose bir christmas trees; FOR number of our fellow.
because it has always been vue celebrate this month, CHRIST WAS BORN inen whom we encounter realized, that the person vvas once a poor Co 1931 ON CHRISTMAS each day. Yet never who has health is in a penter.
bowing below the lines The Excelsior Sport Club Searchlight, for his unfail.
fair way to procure any We ought to have go We are truly proud of of selfrespect. In this way. begs through this medium ing interest and appre thing else in the world cause to be thankful for you as editor and ma Give a little, take a to extend to the members ciable services rendered that was really worthwhile. anything that displaces nager of this our esteem little, never mind a frown of the Orane Cricket Cup to Costa Rica cricket To Get Sick People perstition, and to rejoic ed weekly; for the abil. Make your smile a Competition Commitee, the through the columns of his Well is about the noblest that natural methods ity displayed in such an welcome thing all around various club and friends invaluable paper during the mission on earth: and when treatment are daily exter uphill persuit, confront. the town.
of the cricketing commu year now drawing to its the discoverer and deve. ing their field of usel ed by both pecuniary Every cloud has a nity the compliments of close; and wish for himself loper of Chiropractic coin ness to an ever increas and other periodic diffi silver lining, but its up the season. and wish for and staļf, not only a very ed the phrase The Right clientele, and be grate culties, your persever. to you.
them all the enjoyment merry Xmas, but that their of the Sick To Get Well. that this season of go ancece has creclitably (Search Light Selection) of much better and brighter efforts may enjoy a des he builded far more firmly cheer presents the opporcleared another year Alpha hereby begs to cricket throughout the ervingly brighter future.
than he ever dreamt. tunity of extending to one mile.
extend her most hearty coming year.
In every civilized coun another, our best vvishes We desire by this me. thanks to you for the Your sincerely, The club also tenders its try, there are practition for a healthy, happy, peace dium to show our grati pleasure she has been sincerest thanks to Mr. NATHANIEL WILLIAMS ers of Chiropractic earnest ful Christer as: and ab tude and to acquaint aftorded since her birth; Nation, Editor of the President. men and vvomen vvho all, Good. will towa you of the fact that you and enveloped in her are «doing their bit» to Men.
have thereby been ins Christmas wish is PROwards making sick people Let us not only at Chris trumental in creating SPERITY for you and vvell, and thus exempli mas time, but du the existing intellectual your journal after a hol. JUAN MEZA DENTIST fying daily the truth of the every hour, and every and consequently social iday full of pleasantness.
CARTAGO COSTA RICA Christmas saying, Peace of every year shed evolutions which have To her patron don Ro.
Lower floor Chamber of Commerce Building Earth, Good. vvill diance in homes of Central Street 325 Yards East of Market already proven their va gelio Gutierrez, her Hon.
tovvard Men not only erty and illness, like lue in our coloured president Prof. Harriott, Preference given patients from Limon and other during Christmas tide, but rays of the Star of Bethl cummunity. You have ber directors, Hon. mem.
points of Atlantic Zone.
during every hour, and hem vvhich penetre served as a direct sti bers, and fellow aspirants Painless Extraction. All work guaranteed every day of every year. the dark corners of ear: mulant to the former of her sister and brother Just at this rousing sea vvith the advent of the apparently dormant in Clubs and Associations.
son of jubilant cheers when CHRIST CHILD. tellects; for which we lift She wishes a very plea.
our hats and reverently sant Yuletide.
bow to you. THE BEST To you again we say IS YET TO COME. Mr. Editor, Merry Christ On Sunday 5th inst The opening address dispite world depression. mas and a prosperous on impromptu Circle was, was delivered by he To your readers with 1932.
called at this place by Selec Master Bro Joseph On monday ni 3ht apologies to PROF.
The pupils acquiti Yours Truly, Bro Brown of the Lee, followed by Bro. December 7th Mr. Rod themselves most con Harriott thought Enoch Temple of the Brown who spoke gers teacher of the Se. mendably. Much credit in his 1930 Christmas Fraser Order of Ethiopia, hard on the point of venth Day Adventist is due to this young message. Let us trace in there were present many Love among the brothers School of Cairo, who is man for the masterly our minds through the Pres.
for the good welfare; son of our much esteem manner wnich lines of our life during Sister Sarah Johnson ed fellow citizen the manipulated his grea the declining and the doua spoke on strength, Bro. fr famed master Tailor in the Town. His pier previous years, summing Danl. Bennett gave an of Limon Mr. John were well accept up the periods thickened address on reconcilia Rogers, staged well by his audience, thus by the good deeds done; tion that will long be rendered concert at the speaking a great future then question whether or Continued from pag. remen bered.
not and for what is our the brotherhood that exTheatre Peña at this for him in his profession.
Bro. Charles Higgins place.
life worth living.
for all men and this all ists; realize it in truth ONCE TO EVERY men must include the and in fact then practice also followed with. black, for real spiritual Love TO DECIDE.
order to have peace on any other hue.
strught among the broA dastardly act was to be in the Cartagu Through every human earth, in order to get a As we ascend the scale thers, there were others heart a purpose runs, true understanding of of civilization we come speeches when the Mas committed at this place Carcel.
Whate er the station, the spirit of Christ, we The strange part of to realize more and more ter of Ceremonies Bro a fortuignt ago. Daniel it is that the doctor all are duty sons. must first get to realize the true relationship of ther Maxwell then Wright a Jamaican a our own species; as in officiated in his cap. labourer at Las Lemas is said, diagnosed the ca.
came up here to pass as one which would be 0 0 0 terpreted by the lowly acity and delivered the Nazarine, If, then a few hours, and fell in healed in twelve we crowning lecture on the Mindful of a duty out of realize that Christ came utility of the fraternity conversation with a wo whereas the man man named Adelina from the effects the riendship the most popular to save man from his among men under the fallen state and to res idea of the relationship Matarrita a resident here, day. The little com tore him to his spiritual of the fatherhood of Joaquin Sanchez a native nity is much horri over the brutai act kinship with his God, let God to us his children came up and encounHas arranged to distribute a value of almost double the former value of the wrappings as a us, as we approach the and closed in a wonder tering both parties in well as the sudden benefit to its many users. For 15 wrappings you anniversary of His nati. fully emotioned Circle, the talk got incensed lapse of the unfortu can get now any prize valued 25 wrappings before All No. wrappings have a much greater value vity embrace one other strengthening the chords and sought a row with victim.
than No. and others.
in His love, Charity and of friendship and Love Wright and during the mercy remembering: altercation he drew a To obtain resi among the Brethren PALMERA SOAP koife aud stabbed wrighi In the beauty of the thus giving a great inin the abdomen, the in your busin lilies Christ was born thusion that has never Is always sold in a package, and its wrappings will be exchanged for valued prizes. magnificent assortment of gifts across the sea, been felt for many and wounded man was taken advertise in will be placed at the disposal of our clients to choose.
With a glory in His many day among the to the Turrialba Hospi Distributor in Limon bosom ihat transfigured members of the Craft tal where he died the SEARCHLIGI you and me.
in this little vale of tears, next day. Sanchez is said Armando Heilbron As he died to make Another pleasant ever.
Distributors in Turrialba, men hely, let us live to ing will be called for early make me free, Life Guarantee Rojas, Cortés Cía.
For God is marching tion within the circles bringing closer associa The surest security for preserving a healthy vigorous body is to drink alway INDUSTRIAL SOAP Co.
of and among the Traube Cerveza brotherhood on the made and distributed under the supervision of Apartado 271 Teléfono 3103 IMPRENTA 10th January when many The Florida Ice and Farm Falcó Hermanos influential Brothers and Sisters hope to be there.
Jon Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y School Concert at Siquirres in The meaning.
a an from Peralta PALMERA SOAP on.
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