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San Jose EDITOR MANAGER SUSCRIPTION 63 00 Quarterly in Advance SINGLE COPY 25 NATION APARTADO 123 CARTAGO WEEKLY NEWSPAPER THE SEARCHLIGHT PUBLISHED SATURDAYS Devoted to the Interests of The Province of Limon Costa Rica generally Labora por los intereses de Costa Rica en General especialmente por Cartago y Limón (LA LINTERNA)
Phrase of the moment Face the nevy year courageously no matter vvhat may be your difficulties, or anxieties never fear the future: just as you think so shall your life be: Job in his afflictions exclaimed. The very things that feared has befallen me. Each being has in his hand the remedy of all his ills, if he yvill only use the Spiritual povvers of his mind, to be the master of himself and the dictator of his Will: o hervvise he vvill find himself carried about by the Slavery of desires, YEAR III LIMON, COSTA RICA; SATURDAY 26 DECEMBER. 1931 NUM. 106 The New Year ned LIGHT. At EVENTIDE. THE END of Philomela Serious Talk the OLD and the BEGINNING of the NEW YEAR With Girls HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR TO ALL The closing days of the year and of life with light For the little time that will be no relenting, until ear awaken retrospect and hope.
In a few days ere shall be ushered in the Cycle have been up here in there is a noticeable imforecast, and now in We stand upon the thres of time upon us the year 1932. The past year has San José, have noticed provement in their lives: wening hour of this hold of another year. The been to most of us a most distressing one; not only that there exists here a Since they are painting let us review the past is irrevocable. The to the labouring classes who have been found by the millions in nearly all countries of the globe in higher social environment themselves to the world, months. our hopes future is before us. What vvant of proper employment vvith ich to take than in Limon. The color that they are the best and ambitions and how is the forecast? How shall care of those dependent on them; but so will it be ed girls feel themselves type of colored girls, they they have resulted. we prepare to go up into found among the great Capitalists, financiers and more important, thus they will have to live it. Young When the year was in it? There are tasks await Statesmen of the world.
its early morning freshness ing us, there are temptaSome Capitalists having their great fortunes live up to a higher life. ladies of the clearer dye, locked avvay with out seeing any safe investments in They adopt the social life do not think that you are and lay before us fair and tions, difficuties sorrows vvhich to operate; others seeing the failures of the around them, they are exempt from these articuntried, how earnestly we before us. Where shall business in vvhich they vvere formerly erg ged and more colour conscious, les, your time will be desired to improve in spi: we find strength and com from vvhich they made millions, thus getting them more refined, more intel coming, so look out. Ta itual as in temporal mat fort?
bankrupey, the value of their stocks and ligent than their sister in Ta.
ters over past achieve Take a suggestion from shares being reduced to nothingness. Others vvho earned their millions from investing in War Bonds Limon. girl that is ments.
the Jewish people. They thus assisting to carryon the Great War are finding reared in San Jose, moves Notice! Notice!
We made strong resol had the gospel in types all their moneys actualıy being confiscated by Mor. in a higher social circle utions to attain a higher and shadows. In Exodus atorium of payments to the debtor countries, and than one that is reareds in All Shareholders of the obler plane of life and 40: we read that the novv the chances of repudiation of such obligations Limon, irrespective of her Agricultural and Building o accomplish better results tabernacle (God dwelling on the part of these bankrupt countries.
colour. And why? Because Co poration of 28 miles the coming months, but place) was set up on the The great Statesmen of the ivorld vvho have been educated vvith the greatest Care to fill the she embraces every op are advised to be present th year has gone, first day of the first month.
highest positions in the guidance of the affairs of portunity that affords her, at an extraordinary Share.
hat can we say of the When religion was reviv State of these countries find themselves incapable she lives the descent life ho ders meeting to be held retrospect? Comparatively ed under Hezekiah, it was to act, they cannot solve the great problems before that is around her, her at Madre de Dios on Saturfew of the promising seeds on the first day of the them, to guide e Industries of the countries so as deportment in the streets day the 16th day of Jare of good resolve that seem first month that the House to find employment for the labouring populations, consequently their Commerce bas been crippled and will have to be in conuary 1932, at p.
ed so easy of cultivation of God was sanctified.
the value of their currencies as a means of exchange formity with the customs This meeting is specifat the year beginning The Christian body and is deteriorated. Tere is a general unrest in the life of of San Jose, and more ically called to call in the have made a worthy show spirit is the tabernacle of man that fevv men can understand, fevy can deter over, she doesn want receipts by ordinary slips mine the ing in the harvest time. God. Why not let every cause and for vvhich note can find an effective remedy.
her white sisters to say, of paper in the hands of We find our good resolu one dedicate his body and The old vear is going with all its calamities. Que negrita más ordina supposed shareholders tions were as ropes of spirit to God on this first and the new is davvning on us vvith still the same ria. to be redeemed by regusand, mistakes, failures day of the New Year that anxieties. The accustomed age vvort vvish of Pros. But our sister in Limon, lar Shareholders Certifand disappointments have in this time of crisis. of perous New Year seem to be a mockery at the gen is something of the Pharicate of Shares in accorattended our best endeav uncertainty, we may have uine meaning of the vvish, but yet it is the sincere isee type, She sings and dance with Law.
our bringing us dark divine guidance, divine vvish of the heart from one friend to another, and so «the Searchlight in all its genuineness of friendly.
makes a devil of a noise The Directors will not thoughts of regret, and strength and comfort to fraternal feeling to our many friends, readers, subscriin church, she and her hold themselves respon sadness. But while the tide us through the months bers, contributors, sympathizers and Patrons cannot companions walk the sible for any Receipts not shadows deepen into ob to come. The desert is but express that same genuine vvish of a Happy, streets in groups, and ne presented at this meeting scurity the sun breaks forth pathless, we need a guide, Contented and Prosperous Nevy Year to all those ver a one to tell the to be so redeemed.
who have contributed to her existence under all these and illumines hill and val we need protection from strenuous efforts in seeing the dawn of another Year.
other her actions are rot fee of five colons ley. At evening time it the blazing sun by day We stand upon the threshold of a Nevy Year; ter. Little and big, old per Share older to defray shall be light. Zech. 14: the chilly reaction at night Te future is before us, and vve can only make it and young carry on their expenses of printing of such The Bible always speaks in life journey and all happy and bring Contentment to our Souls by illicit love affairs, without Certificates and other inof the morning coming at this can be found in the true Resignation to existing Circumstances: President tact and without reasons, cidental expenses attendthe end. Evening and morn indwelling presence of Him Hoover said in his recent Message to te American people «Our Prosperity lies in ourselves, do not such a love affair that ant on this meeting is ask.
ing made the first Day. who in the eventide of the depend on outside help for our future accomplishseldom leads to the STATE ed of all Shareholders.
Evening and morning made passing year is being wor ments tovvard Happiness» these are glorious vvords OF MATRIMONY, but NATION up every day of God. Dark shipped and adored.
and should be fully realized by all vvho hear thiem; very often leads to shame President ness and semidarkness Be trustful. As thy days and so vve in Costa Rica should take the full mean and disgrace.
first and after that the so shall thy strength be. ing of these vvords very veriously to heart, and begin Let us to think as vve have never thought before. We must see now what These are God days, light. NEW TRATASNAL HOPS face the future courageously, we must adopt our selves can be done to remedy Each day is a type of leave them with Him. The to conditions, vve inust cut lose all our former frivol this state? Can our clubs With the new year, life. Its begining, progress Spirit of Christianity draws ities and lock only in our selves to our own individual undertake this proposition? Mr. Lewis and sev.
and completion The gos over our life not a cloud actions for the consummation of our own happiness. NO, BECAUSE VERY eral associates are insti.
We must profit by the experiences of the past, pel iranifested in the gift of despondency but a sky watch around us for the exam ples of the more culFEW OF OUR CLUB tuting in San José and of the Son of God the if not a radiant, a serene, tured, the more experienced, the more educated, the MEMBERS EVER BUY principal points on the central figure in the fest chastened and manly hope.
mre prepared ones and go and do likewise, we must «SEARCHLIGHT» AND Atlantic Division of the ivities during these last «There is a past which is cease warring with each cther, try to live at peare THESE ARTICLES ARE country a Fraternal So days of the year is the gone forever, but there is with all men, cease fighting with conditions.
NEVER BEING READ IN ciety to be known as very essence of promises a future which is still our Look at the wise example set us by the DirecCLUB MEETINGS.
tors of the great Company who is indeed the upkeep BE The Grand United order fulfilled, hopes realized and own. of this country, they with their preparedness to grapCAUSE OUR CLUBS ARE of Benevolence, purposes achieved in the Let us ponder earnestly ple with world affairs, saw that there would be a slump ANTAGONISTIC TO OUR It is understood that fullness of the time ap these lines of Adelaide in teir line of trade; have they planted any bananas INTERFERENCE, and be the alins of this order pointed. The gospel fills Proctor in «The Old Year in recent years here? 10, they are willing to buy what cause our clubs are only will be, that by a small the closing days of the Blessings. you can produce and so just barely keep their business alive, but they will not fight conditions, and so it must representing a false phil. monthly fee, Medical aid «I brought good though as yet but seeds; be with us, ws must all think out a simple line of life, osophy.
and nursing for the sick Let the New Year make them blossom into deeds.
just look to the upkeep of our belongings: if our present The ministers? Well! and distressed of the brought joy to brighten many happy days; business proves a failure, think out something else. They could, but they dont order will be provided; Let the New Year Angel turn it into praise The cost of living has risen and is rising daily, like to be frank. The as well as, to find legal why, because our peasant population are depending If gave you sickness, If brought you care, schools? The schools and diplomatic aid to too much on public works and others to find a living Let him make one patience, and the other prayer. for them, hence ther. is no productiou of articles of should but do they? The those who have inadver.
Where brought you sorrow through his care at length, home consumption, my advice therefore to our readers homes? Hopeless, like tently tallen under the It may rise triumphant into future strength.
is to be sef dependent, plant and raise all that is some mothers like daugh clutches of the Law.
If broke your idols, showed you they were dust, necessary to make your home comfortable and happy, ters.
Therefore we are thus by adopting ourselves to conditions as they exist Arrangements vill Let him turn the knowledge into heavenly trust.
in a delapidated world, no also be made by vvhich around us, there is no reason why we should be If brought temptation, let sin die away overburdened with sorrow and despondency as 1931 outlet to remedy a des the beneficiaries of de Into boundless pity for all hearts that stray.
has been, but by substituting faith in the great Ruler perate situation.
ceased members vvill re If your list of errors dark and long appears, of all things, implicit confidence in oneself, an indus Next week we will try ceive not less than a Let the New born monarch melt them into tears. trious application in whatever we may devote our and find a way out to the thousand colones at such attentions to and a Contented disposition, avoiding Moy you hold this angel dearer than the lastsolution of our troubles. death.
the frivolities of life and such things that satisfy but So bless his future, while he crowns my past.
for a moment, there is no reason we should not reaThese series of articles The Society vvill be lize the wish of a Happy and Prosperous 1932, are meant for the young incorporated under the JOHN ROGERS ladies of Limon. There Continued on page Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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