
Saturday December 26. 1391 Learn to Know Yourself The Gran Portland House Mr. LEWIS Baptist School Breaking up a ve can «Do you want to be happy to call the «I. lives in every money to produce and purand succesful? read our ins molecule of your Physical chase your actual vvants.
piration Column written by Organism, called the Body. Progress, and suc ess is Professor Llewlyn Prof of Get a splinter in your toe based exclusively on inves100 yards West of Parque Morazan In front of Imprenta Alsina. San Jose Psychology of the Federal and you cry out, it hurtstigating.
Institute of Pschology. me. Has the Me gone down If you need a Hat, Suit Recently remodelled and renovated run To all Suscribers of tle into the Toe? when you of Clothes, a Farm, Covi, Searchlight. guarantee free pinch your finger, you ex Mule or a Safety Pin. Why as a first class Boarding Ledging House of charge to solve your claim; It hurts me oas should you be in a hurry by its propietors Messers. LEWIS to Psychological Problems. the ME novy jumped into make your purchase. and BARRETT State your difficulties written your finger? you hear gocd before consulting and ma The comfort and conveniences of their main your own hand writing, nevvs and say, It makes me king free use of our Service ny friends patrons on the lines are their if not done in your own happy, has the Me gone Bureau, constant care; meals at all hours; clean and writing my Analysis will not into your Brain?
You are aware that Costa comfortable rooms at moderate prices be correct. All correspon. The Ego is all over. in Rica is divided into three special home for the sick who are dence must be done through and through your Body, Sections, the Atlantic, Censeeking Doctors aid. In this respect the columns of the Search and that Ego is. Yourselt. tral and Pacific.
to Lewis who is agen jut Dr. light.
not your Neighbour; but There is a great difference Valverde Paris; Dr. Roberto QueIt is not necessary to you.
in cost of things in these sada London; Dr. Jose Corvellit sign your correct name, Sir William Hamilton said different Zones.
Pisa, Italy, Specialist in eye deseases.
state your problem plainly, that the greatest thing in Our Service Bureau is Dr. Raul Orozco Casorla, Surgeon Denand you will be startled Nature is man, the greatest represented by Mr. Lester tist; and the Sanitarium of Dr. Fres when you have it Analysed thing in Man is Mind. Pope Norton on the Atlantic Zone, LEWIS BARRETT and forcasted, if you want said. The highest study in Mr. Gusman of this City your Correspondence to be Mankind is man and Mr. Gonzalo Castro of done directly. Mark person. The Greek Philosophers the Pacific.
all on the Envelope, and en said; the highest knowledge You can save money by close 10 cts. stamp for vvas «Knovy Thyself. Holy the simple use on one 10 reply, do not give Inter Writ. What vvilla nian cts, stamp and a sheet of views, my writings are only hive in exchange for his paper. Make use of our serfor the benefit of the Subs. Soul (i. e. Himself. After you vice freely, without any cribers of the «Searchlight have read and studied many charge to you.
On December 15th Mrs. in this Atlantic shores for a they drew out to demonstrate My analysis is done other things all the time, in We vvill attend your Mitchell did not spare pains long time took place on that they were past masters through the natural Laws of this vvide, vvide vvorld, you vants from the value of to present a well prepared Monday Night, at the Arras in the art, thus disgusting Psychology, which is based are novv at last going to a Pin upvvards. vve vill program to the public, dem ty Theatre, by a Company the public.
on the function of the Mind. sit dovvn close up to your get you absolutely any arti onstrating the ability of her calling itself the Rainbow We certainly wisbed our Your thought is like a rub self and consider yourseli. cle that can be had in Cos children. programme of Follies. The theatre was people vvould have a little ber ball, sends out an evil You are going to put your ta Rica thirt six items were well crowded, and a good amount more stick to it ivers or destructive thought; it self under the microscope At present we have for rendered, consisted of songs, of money was collected, but and let something nice be it is not caught by your of Mental Analysis, and sale. Mules from 175. 00 recitations and dialogues. the goods were not deliver said of them. These girls Target it rebounds to you throug, a study of my vyrit to 25000 each, Horses of Miss Doris Cole, in her two ed. The songs, sacred and surely need voice culturing, with double force.
ings build tovvards Hap all prices, Heifers from songs, vvas the primadonna otherwise, buck dances, and stage Ancient sorcerers, to damWhat 4500 upvvards, Butcher of the evening, training. They diness and Success.
vvhilst a drills, comedies, etc, were have to sacrifice a vyhole age their enemics, have a is Self. What is this thing Stock at current market a quartet by the Misses the poorest display of stage lot to gain, Jumping waxed image made, and vvhich vve yvish to lead to prices. Zinc Rocfing a 1500 Lydia Myers, Carmelita Esco, work, The audience was gains before one even mal would chant their curses «Success clear under. Quintal, Barbed Wire 6. 00 Messrs Herman Skinner, and simply disgusted at this dis a start, vvill get one nov on this Image, sending a standing of is point is the for fifty lb roll, Engish Ben. Esco, was worth while graceful attempt of robbery. here. We vvished the wor knife through the head of first necesity in the Science Suiting from 630, 00 per mentioning. These last men Limon is in a progressing realize their follies, the imaginary enemy, calling and art of self education. Suit upvvards. we vvill send tioned vvere only assisting era, and she wants the return to the fold that we it by name. All students of If our vievy of self is hazy; you samples. the function, and their abs gouds, one hundred per the only source of realizing thought transmission knows if our idea of it be overcast Felt Hats from 64. 00 ence to the programme cent delivered Reading for Liocon an artistic troupe that if you are in a recep by clouds of uncertainity: upvvards, you would be vvould not have been cons between the lines vvorth vvhile.
tive attitude, you will re then our efforts vvill be surprised to see the beausce a direct attempt of sur picuous.
The correspoadent is not Hats ceive the impression of any scattered inefficient. Self tiful vve have at Mrs. Bladina Mitchell is a passing the performance of a friend of the Combination thought that affects you, culture involves and requires 64. 00 each in all colors.
product of Limon, graduat that company that called Co. more than he is a friend whether good or bad. a thorough knovvledge of vve can sell you Shirts and ed in Westwood Colleg. itself The Black Stars and of the Rainbovy Follies. He Have you ever felt very the thing we would culture, ready Clothing that will Jamaica, and vve feel that combination Co. Althout is only interested in the happy, and suddenly feel and perfect. To go at it ig. cause you to believe that she is capable of teaching the Same artist had perform yvelfare of the community, depressed in spirit?
norantly would do more they are stolen goods. We Read the Searchlight and harm than good have a consignment of Bred pupil for higher studies. We any subject, preparing any ed to the satisfacticn of the thus, to whom this article many things will be remay offend, do not heap Would you ask a man Pigs From Mr. Castro Farm would be glad if parents hough there was a fine fuwhole community, and altany malice on his head, vealed to you.
who didnt know what a of Orotina for sale, also would send their children to but accept his criticisms, Watch was, nor its various Chickens of all Pedigree. such teachers, who have been ture gleaming in the near For the benefit of readers parts, to repair it would as your stepping stones to Save money by getting in trained from their own good this occasion, showed that distance for them. they, on success that are not aware of the you? howmuch lers try to touch vvith our Service Jamaica, to be taught. We The Lone wolf relation between Mind and repair yourself, unless you Bureau. Our business is wish Mrs. Mitchell if they yvhere vybat they success Body, will give my first know what you are, and based on cash vvith order, in her efforts.
thought we were, and could Backeteering in School Analysis, on the Body use how the various parts work vve guarantee you satisfacmake good, they would.
your imagination, and cor together (1. e. Body and tion Dolores Joseph But getting to red eyed, It is template the Body and its Mind. My writing in the Address Economy Service and wanting the giant share disgusticg to be SEARCHLIGHT parts.
Racketeering is worth Bureau, Apartado 1068. San paying entrance fee to the of the profit without even Coolieman stole a Chick much considering the beu Jose.
reckoning the discomfitures final exercises of these pri vate schools around the en The Judge gave him efits you will get, be sure to The greatest racket played the managements sufered tovvn. Teachers must Our Economy thirty days. In bis plea the get a Copy of the next Issue.
Service realDarky said «Judge» wasnt vvill to Legal in that coop: wasnt in? Have your economic matters in any part of CSS! El mordido por una culebra en Pococí advertise their schools, they vvill have to do so grationly my hand was, the problems solved rectifica los injustos cargos hechos tiuously. They cannot be Judge there upon sentenced We vvill have your Titles that hand to thirty days in Your problems is to make studied and get any defects milking the last penny from contra don Alberto Piza the Village Lock up. The enough money, this you adjusted, you can save monthe public, and present kind ergarten En honor a la verdad ha LA TRIBUNA en Siquirres es darky found that he himself cannot solve owing to pre ey by consulting us.
recitations, and was mysteriously tangled up sent existing conditions. If your Property is involv. go pública manifestación de completamente falsa.
songs. The movies is cheap at this time, one vvith every part of his dusky There is one economiced and vvould cannot find agradecimiento a don Alberto body You the Ego the Soul problem every man can solve, prefer to see a vvell acted José Manuel Meza you vvay out of your Piza por haberme salvaor Spirit vvhatever you vvish and that is to film, than going to hear use less dificulties. No one else can. do la vida tan oportunamen. f) Alfredo Ortiz infants recite for a fifty cents.
We have at our service te al inyectarme dos ampollas Testigo M: Lobo and Mr. Gui de suero Butantan en el tren This is too frequently prac.
ticed in this tovvn. School llermo Mata, ivho are tvvo con motivo de haber sido (1) Alcibiades Vargas of the most honorable Law mordido por una culebra terTestigo breaking up is the final exibition of the school to Limon Service Bureau yers of Costa Rica ciopelo, y por haber sido él Our free service Dep. vvill the scholars parents, to see quien me proporcionó la asis ANDgive you free advise, enclose tencia médica y pases de fevvhat they have been doing Con tan expontánea maniBUSINESSMEN PROTECTIVE AGENCY for the year. It so happens, Stamp for reply rrocarril cuando me conducia festación me basta para conORGANIZED AND EQUIPED Address Economy Service al hospital bajo su cuidado. fundir a mi atacante, el pseuthat no reading of marks Bureau, Aptdo. 1068. San La publicación que al respec. do corresponsal de LA TRI. Teachers, if you cannot make are being done, and why? Bureau established for the greater convenience, understanding, satisfaction and protection Jose.
of the En to hizo el corresponsal de BUNA el Siquirres entre la a free demonstration of your glish Speaking Public, in their legal affairs, and a Col. abyección de sus bajezas work to the public, then lection Department annexed for the protection of BusBien podía yo no haberlo si shut up school.
inessmen against unscrupulous debtors. Law Firm that does not encourage litigation to quiera tomado en cuenta, por lose: a Collection Agency that enjoys the absolute conque contestar tan burdos ataThe Lone Wolf fidence of the public for honesty and efficiency. Both ques en el tono y forma que now operated under the direction of a Barrister with of London lo hace es rebajarme a SU over twenty five years practical experience, acquired on the Bench of the various Circuit Courts he presided as 100 yards North from the corner taltura moral y darle una im.
Judge and by practice before the Circuits, Superior and of Imprenta Alsina. SAN JOSE e portancia que no tiene ni meSupreme Courts of the Republic. His best testimonials rece.
are records of the cases he has conducted as Judge and Counsel.
Special attention given to patients from the Quien es de la Mi its the best for the randa? Aquí cabrían tres inEmiliano Odio Mendez Edmund Moore lines. ENGLISH SPOKEN terrogaciones. Me dice el se Laundry. And you Barrister Accountant ñor Director de LA TRIBUAttorney at Law Notary Publle Manager Collection Dept NA que él ha usurpado el will get a Prize for Aurelio Bermudez cargo de Corresponsal oficial Investigator de ese importante diario pues the Wrappers Soliciting Manager Life Guarantee nunca se lo han conferido.
MAIN OFFICE BRANCH OFFICE Su actuación, sus burdos ataLimon; Oposite Arrasty Theatre San Jose, 50 yards West of the The surest security for preserving a healthy vigorous body is to drink always ques y lenguaje escogido más 66 59 propios son de una persona To obtain results Correspondents and Agents at the principal ports que desconoce en un todo el and cities of Panama Colombia, Nicaragua. Cuba and Tamaica, made and distributed under the supervision of trato con gente culta que el in your business, California, New York Illinois and Pensylvania, The Florida Ice and Farm Co de la jefatura Política de Si. advertise in TF quirres.
betier Alberto Piza SEARCHLIG vorkin Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
ta Rica vie a Bay Jabón Palmera Presidencia Traube Cerveza ba:


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