
Saturday December 26. 1931 THE SEARCHLIGHT (LA LINTERNA)
PAGE Popular Superstition CAFIASPIRINA or Education of The Negro consum.
Artistic Studio Earache. by CYRILO Then we also have the hesis, and as such a very fleet manoeuvre of the strong opponent to Continued from last issue navy and the shamfight Truth. Where Chrtstiancome now to the ofthe army as very nighly ity is concerned, it presecond part of my ar suggestive of a supers sents itself as a very gument and find that a tition that is based on stubborn obstacle, cons.
med hypofhesis of su the hypothesis, like af tituting, therefore, a great perstition consists in fects like.
social evil. There may Relieves instantly confusing a casual se These Lasic principles come a time when, with quence of facts with a of superstition are never all its illegitimate hypot by Harrison VVVVV ۷۷۷ facts. To illustrate this: of by most people, for the Truths of Christianity my right palm itches which reason the general as its alchemy las done schools, Negroes are taught inspire him to his racial philosophy of race superior. In their own as in mixed general and not enough to thought is steeped in the Sresenily, receive idea about it is extended before the universally to admire the Hebrew, the dignity.
ity. Darwin, that great English: dollars from an old only to cases of demo approved and accepted Greek, the Latin and the «The purpose of elemen Naturalist, says. In these var; on a subsequent nism spiritism. There is teachings of chemistry, Teuton and to despise the tary education. says Profes. islands. meaning the United åsion when the same hardly a scientific error and its cosmogony besor Huxley. is to train the Kingdon of Great Britain, palm itches me, win that is not, or was not, fore the established facts The above quotation is the young in the use of those «We are in the habit of reg.
tools wherewith men extract arding mankind as of one fifty Oulars on a lottery traceable to superstition of geology; but the ima. cpening sentence of Mr. Car ticket. Sn ever after this More full of it, daresay, species, but a fortnight gination of man heart ter Woodson in an article knowledge from the everwhich he wrote on. The shifting succession of pher steam will and us in a counas this itching takes me, were Woodward, and being evil from his youth, Miseducation of the Negro, omena which pass before try where divines and savans, look for similar joyous Burnett, and Catcott, of and the speciousness of The Writer is in full agree their eyes; and to inform for once in agreement, vie experiences. Of course, cosmogony fame than is superstition being a wel. ment with Mr, Woodson and them of the fundamental with one another in loudness wait, but it never hap our present Brother Da co ne guest there, hardly adds that: In the elementary laws which have been found of assertion if not in cogency by experience to govern the of proof, that men are of ens so a şain, and feel vis of pocomania ten.
schools toomuch attention is think such a paid in teaching the Negro course of things, so that they different species, and more disappoinded. My trouble dencies. Personally, do mation a mundane real youths about Moses and the may not be turned out into particularly, that species Ne. in making an itching not see eye to eye with ity.
prophets and Hebrewism in the world naked, defenceless, gro is so distinct from our ight palm the reason people of the Davis type: and a prey to the events they own that the Ten Com might control.
mandments have actually no or expecting money be. cannot agree with their Our youths are sent to reference to him.
ause by a strange coin whole week tastings, their school to be instructed in have quoted Darwin only cidenc two previous all right orgies, their what is known as the three of his attitude on the Negro, experiences of the kind prancings, and such other s. They are taught to read but the quotation could be are followed by the re. acrobattc exercises for PAYNTER and ROBERT in order that they may have multiplied from several emiaccess to infinitely wider nent leaders of thoughts not ceipt of money and not which their rituals call; stores of knowledge than only in Science but also in only hasa casuallequence but cannot, because of 75 yards west of Park Morazán. San José could ever be opened to Literature, in Art. in History of facis been confused these idiosyncrasies, rate them by oral intercourse in Philosophy and in Reliwith a casual connection these well ineaning folk Special sittings at all times by with their fellowmen; they gion. All which prove conof facts by such a line of learn to wite that their means as being superstitiou; for, clusively that until the Negro hought, but also has after all, they are hauntarrangements.
of comunication with the rest becomes thoroughly educa of mankind may be indefi ted in the history of his own en a mistaken ed, or led, ly some spirit sequence in time for or spirits evil, no doubt. Another Outrage by Police Officer Keywledge they acquire. They Marcus Garvey his chance nitely enlarged and that they race and with a national what we usually call would not even apply cause and effect. The the epithet to the obeah. To the Editor of the threw a stone in Matilda learn Arithmetic that they of success in this world is whole thing is supers man without some res. SEARCHLIGHT.
Jame hen coop and broke relations of number and failure.
may understand all those doomed to an everlasting tition, pure and simple. erve; for, tell you, gentlc So as to make public the leg of one of her chic. form, upon which the trans Race segregation with all There yet remains reader, that trickster be. an outrage that has been kens and that would have sections of men, associated its ill effects, is meeting the another specie of supers. lieves none of what he perpetrated on me beg to pay for it, told him if the in complicated societies are Negro youths in every tura tition, which is founded tells his clients; he simply that you will publish the woman can produụe two have some practice in deduc educating them in such a of the way and yet we are upon the hypothesis that formulates hypotheses to following.
legal witnesses to prove tive reasoning.
like affects like. Books establish a case much manner that they shall enter On the 29th Nov. 1931, that my son did it, would Thus reading Writing and the world, as ignorant of on anthropology tell us like a good lawyer who, the Cairo Agent of Police certainly pay for it; he there ciphering, are intellectual themselves and their relation that when an Australian having no facts to sup sent to call me at his upon took the lock up key tools whose should, ship to the rest of mankind native wishes to delay, port his side, introduces office, while going met from his pocket and gave thoroughly so that the The entire world is full of. be as the day they were born.
as he thinks, the course legal technic lities into him at La Francia Water it to a police to conduct me youths may be enabled to artillery; and we are turning of the round sun, he the case he is defending. Tank, asked him what he to the jail and lock me up make their life that which it out our children to fight in simply makes a ball of To sum up, supers. Wanted me for, he told me at one o clock. About an ought to be a continual it equipped with the shield clay and fixes on that tition is merely magic that my son Peter Davy hour after he brought me progress in learning and in and sword of an ancient to the branch of a treel with an ill found hipot a youngman of 19 years out for trial. The Complain wisdom.
gladiator ant Matilda James was pre But in addition elenienPeoples of more advanc.
Posterity will cry shame tary eclucation endeavours on us ir we do not reniedy ed civilization sent without any witnesses, to fit the youths out with this deplorable system of less superstitious: the JUAN MEZA DENTIST she said it was my wife certain equipment of positive Negro Education. Probably best soldiers in any mioMary Davy whom she saw knowledge. They are taught we ourselves may live long CARTAGO COSTA RICA dern army are men wlio the great laws of morality; enough to have our Lower floor Chamber of Commerce Building driving the chickens out sciences cry shame on have spent no little time the religion of their sect; so Central Street 325 Yards East of Market of our fields on the 26th.
much history and geography It is may firm conviction in game hunting. Why?
Nov, and when the crickas vvill enable them to knovy that the only way to remedy Because in thc chase, Preference given patients from Limon and other ens came home in the eve vvhere the great countries of it is to adopt the programthey mimic the attacks points of Atlantic Zone.
of ferocious cirnivores, Painless Extraction. All work guaranteed ning she found one of the e world are, and now they me of the Universal Negro fowls with a broken leg so become vvhat they ar. Improvement Association how to counter attack Tere is no doubt that all to make the teachings of my wife is responsible for these things are most fitting Mr. Garvey an integral part and over throw those it. excellent in teaching them of Elementary Education, creatures, and expect, as Finally the Negro must a result of such mimicry, Agent of Police said must them would be a sad blow adopt those methods which to overcome their ene It is understood that ing hard practice for the pay two colones for the to their intellectual outlook will assist im, materally, in mies in actual warfare. some of our lads are hav past three weeks. They fowl and ten colones mulAll these subjects are taught in combating the clandes.
are preparing to make a ta, naturally refused, he races; and yet surely there to the youths of the other tine motives his adversaries. He must endeavour to 0 0 0 0303030 record walking trip to San thereupon replaced me in is some great difference bet seize every opportunity that José leaving Limon at 30 the jail locked the door and ween the youths of the other comes his way; and by a Mindful of a duty out of Op. on the 26th inst. went away from o clock races and the Negro. And systentatic study of his enriendship the most popular making stops at the follow onthe Sunday 2th. to Cairo what has made the difference? vironment and a willinguers answer boldly: The instit to adopt proper methods for rac: adjustment e will soon rrialba and Cartago if nec til p. Monday 30th with racial pride and national win his way to national Has arranged to distribute a value of almost cesary, arriving at San out being able to get a mor glories.
glory and racial independdouble the former value of the wrappings as a Jose on Monday 28th at sel of food or a drink of The whole of modern benefit to its many users. For 15 wrappings you about 10. 30 am.
can get now any prize valued 25 wrappings before water for 25 hours; through All No. wrappings have a much greater value than No. and others.
Those engaged in this my friends appealed to To all Clubs and Associations walk are Johnson, the Jefe Político at SiquiThe Alpha Literary Club is following shall be the condi.
Dailey. Edwards, rres and that gentleman cisposed to accept challenges tions under which she shall Taylor, and Brewster ordered my release.
on any subject, other than re give and accept challenges Is always sold in a package, and its wrappings will be They will be taking snap This is the sort of dis ligious, for debate. But the Clubs must guarantee to exchanged for valued prizes. magnificent assortment of gifts accept the decisions of judges shots of the most import advantages under which will be placed at the disposal of our clients to choose.
ant stations and sceneries we suffer along the lines, irresponsible, injudicious without any fussing, as these Distributor in Linion along the lines. The most where the government put men sent out as Agents of after disatisfaction only give Armando Heilbron of the walking well be these class of men to rule Police. This is a case for which will certainly disgust the British Consulto in intelligent people intimidating Distributors in Turrialba, done at nights. They have as Judges, consulted the reporter of Yours truly tervene, if the victim of them from assisting in any Rojas, Cortés Cía. As the judg La Tribuna who has such outrage would make further debates.
es are supposed to be intelpromised toget their nec Sgd. Charles Davis proper representation, such ligent, respectable people, fair INDUSTRIAL SOAP Co.
a man would certainly be play is expected at all times.
cessary papers.
dismissed, so as to avoid Therefore, the decision of the Apartado 271 Teléfono 3103 They are all members Ed. Note. These an International claim for judges shall be final.
of the First Limon Troop the outrages committed Arbitrary arrest and det.
As debates are only held 90 0 0 0. 00 of Boy Scouts.
from time to time by these ention.
Continued to pag. Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica use are no conus. PALM ERA SOAP in blations caiquaires neu Branch never returned un linge in the other Things to ence.
PALMERA SOAP Dailey. Edwards, are


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