p. 4


Saturday December 26. 1931 Current News AIDA CAFETERIA.
Re, God and the Negro Commercial Treaty pur Atlantic and Pacific an, or on Dr. Valverde Vega To all Clubs and Associations Continued from page that the date of this interestto train the minds of the ing debate is 29th and not Sir Josiah Crosby, His the working people; a.
young people to argue reas 28th, as was printed on fly Christmas is near and you must visit Limon, Britannic Maiesty Mi mong these are the Mer onably, no hostile spirit should sheet. Error is printer error. whenever you do, remember the only place you can nister plenipotentiary to chants Trust Co. of Conbe manifested after the victory The subject for debate shall get a real good meal and feel perfectly at home is or defeat of any club. be. Resolve that the Moving at AIDA CAFETERIA at the Panama and Central necticut and the Broad No going over the subjec Pictnre is more harmful building. Drop in and convince yourself.
America, resident in Pa. way Banks Trust Co. o.
shall be tolerated, for any than beneficial The Alpha nama who arrived here New Haven. En New La reason whatsoever, as this is Boys shall defend the benefits a fortnight ago, present sey several small Banks a direct insult to these gen of the movies. Come and listen ed to the Executive a and in Kansas City the tlemen and ladies who were to three new orators presentasked to participate as judg. ing to you in Ciceronean without any financial style the good in the Movies.
porting to es, be between Gulf Oil Co.
consideration on their behalf. whilst the Catholic Athaeneum, Dear Mr. Editor: ity vvith him vyho created Great Britain and this No outsiders shall interfere for the first time in the annals all things; of these vvriters, with the debaters, whilst de of Limon Church, will present It is with mingled feeling Jesus says, ye told the people country. The idea is to The American Senat bating No consulation three orators who are bent in that read you article of that the Lord hath said, give favoured duties on has approved the.
passing of facts or any paper whipping the Alpha Club. last issue entitled The Negro whereas tie Lord hath not certain merchandise im Moratorium, al whatsoever, as this will lead This is quite an interesting At The Church Naturally, said.
ported into both counone to judge the dishonesty subject. Is Moving Picture The Negro is by temperament No doubt we are told by tries from each other.
President Hoover gou.
of party of parties who stoop Beneficial or injurious. Parents, especially fitted for Christian some that God can not be The matter is being name has been cruell: to such low means to win. come and heard whether you ity because he possesses in knovvn that. He is so infin studied by the President attacked in the dehat In the course of the debate, should send your children a great degree the two essen itely beyond our reach that by Senator Johuson. debaters shall be their own to the show or not. There is tials: Mildness of disposition no measure of human learn and his Ministers.
said Mr. Hoover ha masters, and it will be up to no greater sermon than the and credulity.
ing or investigation can find them to find rebuttals and one preached by your boys It is only the man who is him out.
The question of the smashed by this Moms facts to take care of any ris and girls.
not of a grasping nature who ing situation.
This is indeed the case: emission of eight mil. orium the Constitutio This is a new life open to will not accept Christianity. for Scripture itself asks the lion colones of paper ition went so for as ti in fragments, the oppos No summing up of facts us in Limon, and it is for The Negro is already by tem question, Canst Thou by will be tolerated by anyone parents to help keep it alive. perament what the other searching find out God. Jobmoney by the Internat.
before the decision is given to you know what will come Races with their churches. 11. 7) and it states that. The ional Bank and the cor say that this stay of pay by the judges, as judges are out of these debates? Your and colleges, are trying. ap world by visdon ktev not responding provision ments was intended to supposed to be able to deduce children shall become interest parently in vain to» become: God first. Cov. 21) Ne for safeguardig the rate of facilitate the Banking the best arguments for the ed in these enterprise, and because two thousand years vertiseless God has been exchange, has passed its German Firm of Kuhr evening.
their oratorical powers. There vent them from disturbing faith, and therefore, vvhilst final stage in Congress, Loeband Co. who backe Debate. Catholic Athaeneum fore remember the the natural mind of man has giving the Executive him in his election Cam vs. Alpha TUESDAY 29th 1931, at 30 which they have been preach to admit total incompetence, Council permission to paing. Silver Collection.
ing the gospel of peace for the vveakest believer pos launch this emission.
The public is asked to note Literary Director of C. a long time.
sesses this vvonderful knovy General Morett ha: spok also of credulity ledge. believe that one of the great He knovys God. Notice, There was a strike on started a Revolution a handicap of the Negro today dear Mr. Ed. That everything Monday in the work gainst the Government is too much credulity. too hinges on taith Just as science shops of the Pacific Rail of General Gomez in much acceptance of a reli and reason are correlative way. The workinen de Venezuela.
San Jose gious faith of which the great so are revelation and faith.
manded. their two Quinmajority know about as pa Reason may grapple vvith Graduate of the University of Paris rrots. They repeat things sim things vvithin the boundaries cenas pay that was due ply because those who preof sight and sense; but faith them. The maſter was The foot ball team Ala Specialist in affections of the blood and other deseases. ceded them repeated them, is needed for the apprehen amicably settled by the juelense which were vic Surgical cases given special attention.
all without a single thoughtsion of things unseen and Minister of Public Works torious in the matches Treatments modern. Prices moderate, Patients met on arrival by his interpreter, Mr. Lewis.
as to the liability of human eternal.
Further information, if required, can be had of The Searchlight. and the men returned against Mexico returned nature to make mistakes. once heard of a man to their duties.
Christianity is a handicap who had been an atheist.
to Alajuela on Wednes to e majority of Negroes. He vorite a pamphlet in day; their reception was As pointed out, it is only order to prove that there Cleaning up our Scouts Four more Banks of full of great rejoicing the man of a quiet, unselfish is no God. On reading hs the United States oí and enthusiasm.
Mr. Editor. have been your Scout Commisioner, nature who will accept it, production, before it vvent America bave declared The Peruvian team «A.
awaiting anxiously the conti Major William Dunn. Follovv while the man who needs it to the printer, it struck bim nuation of Mr, Dobson arti the examples of the scoutthe greedy man, cannot, by that, vvhilst he had effec in Bankrupcy, involving lianza» have arrived and cles. Scouting not military, masters scattered through nature, accept it.
tively met every objection fourteen and a half mil will open up their tour.
but disappointment is my lot out Kingston and St Andrews, Christ himself, more than that reason could present, he lion dollars of the peo nament on Sunday aalways. really appreciate They demand respect from the once, pointed out how hard had not dealt vvith faith. ple deposits, adding gainst the Heredianos in reading articles like these, es community at all times. Their it was for a rich man to be. But here was his difficulty, greater misery among the stadium.
pecially when they are written wives hold prominent positions come a follower of his. The Hovv could he dispose of by our young men. think in the community, they are acceptance of Christianity by faith? He savv no vvay but that a greater amount of our not vvaifs and strays, vvho the quiet man thus places to fall ou his knees, and in young men should write their have no moral principles him even more at the mercy Carlos Manuel Fernandez prayer ask God, if indeed of the greedy man.
He vvas, to views, so that the public may about them. They represent reveal Himself be interested in their philos your mothers, and are ever It is like making the lamb to him through His son. He DENTIST ophies. would like to read ready to assist you. If ve gentler while the wolf is waitdid sohe ask God to grant about the aims and objects of the leaders, the heads, are ing ready to pounce on him.
him this revelation, and a Specialist in movable bridges of the Akeres or Deefour type scouting, as given to them by living shameful dirty lives, The Negro needs the teach merciful ansvver vvas speed Plates or bridges of Inlay type without crowns and without any Sir. Robert Baden Powell. Of hovy can ve expect you to ings of Nietzche, instruc ily granted him inconveniences for the patient.
course, some of our scouts live clean vvholesome lives, tion that will make him more He learned his lolly: he Teeth set in Hecolite, Gold, Porcelain, Aluminum, and Rubber know the scout laws to their hovy can we expect to de.
assertive, more defiant. discovered not only that Office in front of the 2nd. Section of Police in Av.
finger tips, but are they liv mand that respect from you While Church going is good «God is. but that He is the Hours to 11. 30 and to p.
if no ing them?
San José. Box 1252 and the community? It is fine more, than for the God of all grace and love.
Telephone 4201 The writer once attended a to presenta vvell drilled cleanliness it entails, the hu This man destroyed his function in Kingston, given tro to any visitor, it is vvell man tellowship and the mu miserable pa phlet, and bis by the 5th. Kingston, St. to knovv your right and left sic, feel that our preachers, after life for many years declared, before thousands Georges College troop on the turn, but hovy can you feel regardless of color ought to return contingent of scouts vvholesome in keep pace with knowledge. of vvitnesses, the verity and your cons.
from the Jamboree, in 1920. cience, knovving that you have About ninety per cent of blessedness of his God gi Continued from pag. vvrite to Mr. Lewis can remember a story told to not lived up to your scout theological education is a ven knovvledge.
lavys of Costa Rica, as us by Scoutmaster Fred Fields.
San Jose, or through To be continued.
lavus? Our clean uniforms, perpetuation of those ideas soon as it is inaugurat of the St. Troop, of our svvollen ranks, our sil: that belong to the infancy of «The Searchlight» en By James Barrett ed.
course, vvas a member of very blast from our trumpets, the human race, and the falseclosing stamps for Reply San Jose.
that troop, but just a Tender our colours fleating through impossible Jevvish history.
For further particulars foot.
the air, our tramp of feet, but must turn to the next «Morality he said vvas heard in every street, are not phase of the article vvhere greatly observed there, and worthy of praises, if we are it is said Assuming that of the tvvo hundred thousand only living a make belief life.
there is a God, vvhat reason scouts that were present. Therefore, dear scouts, hope bas the Negro to praise him Although Jamaica and are satisfied not even and ship them home to only broke the line ofone rect vvhen the time comes for you etc. etc. That sounds blasitude, and; for his action, he to elect to turn avvay from phemous novv Mr. Ed can Jamaicans have subscribrations nor help are ex Jamaica.
vvas disgraced. This Fellovy see that you took objection ed over 3000, to aid tended them until the vvas from one of the islands to vvallop in the mire of in on this vvise, that God should the sufferings caused hy natives are supplied; they in the Mediterean Seas, hav morality, that you do not not make the Negro hevvers the rece. catastrophe in are told plainly to go Politician dead ing been a King Scout for disgrace such a noble organ: of vyood di avvers of Belize Honduras vvater. God is love and he yet back to Jamaica.
years. It was a Sunday morn ization as the boys scout; but By latest in urmatio there is much complaint What a calamity it is it is sad to announc ing after divine service, vvhen as a loving father could never that you vvil forget that you condescend to such a thing by Jamaicans who were to be born a Jamaican that Mr. Augustus Bai hundreds of thousands of us wvere ever a scout, because That damaging statement caugnt by the disaster, under these circumstan had gathered in the open, that the memory should frighten Alves is dead. Mr. Bai the commander in chief him you. was designed by an evil mind that they are being han ces, even Belize.
self, called out his scout, and Alves vvas one of th ed sect of vvhite men vvho And dear Mr. Editor, that dled prejudicially there; stripped him of all his badstop at nothing to defame most devoted politician was the lecture given to us ges, his whistle, his lanyard, by Fields, of the St.
the Negro, as well as also no relief work is given In Cuba we find that Jamaica has knovvn and everything that pertained Georges College Troop, after trying to break off our affin them until the natives inany Jamaicans there crganized the Labou to scouting. We all felt sorry he and seven others from our are wanting to return Union The Longshorem for him, but he deserved his, troop returned from the Jamhome as there is obsol. Association associate fate. Boys vvho have climb. boree held in England, and CLINICA FIGUERES ed the ladder of scoutcraft can assure you it vvas a utely no work there for vvith that organizatio shoul live a clean moral life. better troop after such a lec100 YARDS TO THE NORTH OF IMPRENTA ALSINA them; but these have built in America, hy dedicate Scoutmasters should not, byture. Now, many of her memAll sick and infirm persons from lite distressing, Malarial Zones of the Atlantic houses on hired lands all his life to the Poli their examples, scandalize bers are studying for the and Pacific Regious, who require doctors attention and up to date nursing, will do well to go straight to the SANITARIUM of DOCTOR FIGUERES.
and if they leave their ics of his country, th those that have been placed priesthood in the Mother coun. Very moderate charges. Confortable airy dormitories, coupled with sympathetic belongings, they will all loss by his death vvi under them. Troop leaders, try, for law, for medicine and and efficient Nurses, as well as ibe Salita aid of some of the best doctors in should realize vvhat is meant other professions, and yours San Jose, whose pleasant and alfable dispositions lend inspiration and confidence be lost. They have pe. be keenly felt by all e by. scout is pure in truly is writing for the to the patient. His agent Mr. C Lewis will meet all patients by appointment at titioned the Jamaica Go ganizations vvhich the Stations, and conduct then direct to the Clinic.
thoughts, vvords, and deeds. SEARCHLIGHT, vernment to afford them as its aims the address LEWIS Forlovy the example that is La Gondola, Frente Imprenta Alsina, San Jose the necessary funds to mentot being set dovvn for you, by Dolare mdasepopiedad del abistandaning in balanse innsida. Sistema. Desianabis Biblioteca del Ministerio de sulture demolish these buildings people. New Fraternal Hope Happenings Around us CHOKIOCO NGO. UBOD DOO the


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