
The Open Forum Higher Education PURE DRUGS This HALL your CHEMICALS fuli development, surely this is MEDICAL boys with a Phone. 834 The THE BOX 1008 other Wor Ancon, LbOTO we have and PAGE SX THE WORRMAN, SANURDAY, APRIL 26, 1918 British West Indian Islands and Representative Government Petition Forwarded to 10 TRE EDITOR OF THE WORKMAN King George of Dear Mt. Editor; Is your love England.
lot the 19th inst. in your edito riglette re the bedding of letter, have strongly to support (Continued from Page contention. It is. really sensihle and well meaning article: CAN do it, and we are aure that in overy intelligent and well the case of Barbadon will bo dono; that is, they should refund AND thinking man must admit. That litgher edgestion is an essential to enter into any scheme of Fed.
necessity for our young boys oration with Crown Colonies. To and girls no one will deny. But do so they will be runplug the risk of losing their special po to begin at mere future. at accomplishing this end sa fiasco litical identity pure and simple.
Let xplain: say mere pretence. f) o see.
The question becomes one of child weighted under lag increased importance. The peof books including Latin, Algebra tition of St. Kit Nevis has alEuclid and the like, mer foolready been forwarded. but lead ing over a few Latin roots, etc. era of the movement in various subjects pertaining to higher islands, in the light of present studies, without a knowledge of 20 should consider the the essentials, the three s, question of sending a United West Indian petition even together have come across a mere pretence. with the separate petitions from among his the various colonies. Within three what is orthography of English library, who could not tell or four weeks the big session me Grammar, also trying to solve un will be held in St. George to algebraic quantity and could not consider the details of the Gre. nada Petition and the form and do a simple question involving method of approach to the King.
simple addition and substraction e three s need to be be per We favour the sending of a rep.
ly taught; this the teachers of retentative body of West Indians the on set nimto England to lay the Petition of the West Indies before the self conscientiously to do. Que Throne of His Majesty.
boys should be taught how to apply the rules of Practice.
The following is the petition Interest, Discount, Percentages, Reduction in all its phases, etc from St. Kitts Nevis: to every day transactions. In words, he should be well To The King Most Excellent Majesty taught how to work and apply The humble petition of Your these rules, same tast te said Majesty most loyal subjects, of the girls the inhabitants of the Presidency Our boys should be trained in of St. Kitts Nevis in the Colony arts and crafts; indeed there are of the Leeward Islands in the the greatest essentials for their British West Indies future career. In addition to the SROWETH:the girls should be taught housekeeping domestic economy, That your Petitioners here, nursing, cooking, sewing. ee for many years past, been labour The professions are alright, but ing under the disadvantages and super floity of those disabilities which are inseporable rody. There will be more par.
ther we continue at from the form of Government known as the Crown Colony Friendly Societies Directory. ons system.
than patients, more 0000000000 2. That under this form of Governmant civilised and intelliCourt Brock No. 6725, IDENT te, the market is already Bolivar Colon. General meetover stocked. We WARU gont men are ruled in an arbiings 1o. and 3rd Wednesdays Secty more mechanics, agriculturiste, trary manner and have no share Samuel Crawford.
larmers, etc. etc.
The soil needs in the management of their own Court Land, No. 348, Let get down to business and trained and scientific handling affairs. The so called Represen Land Hall Figino St, San Miguel tatives of the people, the unGeneral meetinga 1st, and 3rd Thurs bave our boys trained for these toial members of the Legisla.
days Beety. George Alleyne, Ancon functions. It must be Wto Council, are not elected by the Court John Wallace No. Pill, a, band. The matic training of eye head and poder administering tbol 24th 80. Guachapell General and economic wondial, industria veeds such meetings 1st, and 3rd Saturdays Seoty, as such MULLER BUILDING Alexander Sanchez, Anoon 6: is possess the necessary training in lines. If the efficer and not the people whom Corner 24th Street Calidonia Road teachers would get dowa to they are supposed to represent, Morning Star Gunohapali o 2018 business in fact, some of them openly say General meetinga lot and 3rd, wodaan will see future generation of in this direction, they that the TELEPHONE No. 835 o only reason they havo in days Seedy, Claud Vincent Box 326 industrious Balboa Heights soce bag on this Council proud that they of their IndiCourt Minerva NO. 9284, belped, if not wholly, to make vidual in Samaritans Hall San Miguel General Let it be everlastingly a well laid nohen men Ice Cream of the very best quality manufactured Meetings 1st and 3rd Saturdays Seety. fundamental foundation. If the. Balboa spum root of the tree can be mastered, being Court Paradise No. 0292, the branches will of Land Hall San Miguel General access.
meetings 2nd, Tuesday and 3rd. Saturthe Son of sesta on do reruse to accepe ORDERS DELIVERED ANY PART OF THE CITY could say very much more day, Seety. Rouget. Balboa Mr. Editor, but think have 191191 Todjon That the westemdeh, congray encroached on much of your ment being rub utaratiphol Court Pacific, No. 9761 space and patience over much, Groves Hall 1st. Ave. La Boes univie hout the people General meetings ist. and 3rd Satur so thanking you in advance, are ruled the book yo diyetol 39 days.
gard to their wishes. bas, PoE Special attention paid to all patrons am yours 2018 Pythian Pride Lodge No. of NEW to be a decided the ecided the Loyal Progress Hall Calidonia ReguNoued the bensoehage storal visiting our Ice Cream Parlours.
lar Convention 2nd and 4th Wednesday Keeper of Records and Seal Green limited pebben Ancon individual pervateger under Panama Star Lodge No.
delen sanato bu Land Hall San Miguel Encamppasurit ments 1st, and 3rd. Tuesdays Jarvis York Majesty haap entpaper Awill grant to Seribe, Anoon dency, ha historia che che ther halftants of this Presi Loyal Pacific LU. human Wu Wa Wcb med baeneo hatsthe qualitica 21 Per Cent of Children Groves Hall La Boca General meetus to pray for that poir tions betale mentioned and aro Sailings for Bocas ings ist. and 3rd. Thursdays B, Underfed.
Hunter Secty. La Boca.
we are entitled permanentementen har en telling en gang bleraitis, mas Emaineur Meir affairs Loyal Pride 21 St.
as the abi tepla 1, 800 NEEDED TO SUPPORT Tebaxolas steal Popular Represen.
Central Avenue. General meetings Justice ameteulin me 28 orved errortit momiar Launch ALBA every two weeks (Wednesdays)
FAMILY Lawrence, Socty, Ancon That Unit 1883 aling bawal nat enjoyed by the!
More than 21 per cent of the ed to You Mageldgºs bi Barbadis and, nnder oictoeganta letul Leaves Colon for Bocas del Toro Caledonia General meeeing 2nd undernourished, according to the Loyal Progress No. 8, o. children of New York City are Tuesdays and Saturdays Blades Nevis og peisaiyoto Mwer Seety, Box 974 Ancon.
ment Assbeix toy of Benjamin Howe, Secretary of the Doble ce in giving us the Loyal Ionica, No. 12, M, Councils of National Defence, Community P1090 AMPYA 24th St, Gunchapali General meetings before the War Labour Board set forth egodi 1990 te has an elas Taking Freight Passengers ist, and 3rd. Mondays Rallon sub committee in session in City attached Historante istedd alle pogo gent Buckner, Secty. Aneon o.
of this Assobna bir mit Kue many pontich istence YOUR MA Hall to day. The committee is of the mosainen St, Mitchell Lodge No. 30, 1, bearing testimony on the conMAMOWesiyeva TAHW poverty and disease G, S, Samaritan Hall and of troversy between the San Miguel General meetings 1st 2nd workers and boat owners.
marine nd 3rd Wednesdays Martin Seoty.
middle. Each one of your cy from hic Aneon, O, Howe declared that a yearly petitioners aatioaegesse beenslife is depois nt stream of immi.
Future Hops No. 2104 income of 1, 800 is the lowest İnd YOUR MAJES AVASTTLE ALLEY Phone 325 COLON 20 St, Cen, Ave S400mgiban a neral meetings 1st on which a family can be supCom mon suorg hanggang der plus to realize the and are no andares Puppies Sooty speaking of a family of five hold.
ported here. An earlier witness which we shared Box 1061, Aneon na the nota humbly separadas Third and Furth Episodes of Good Advice.
Lily of Panama No, 2755 0, 4, At the hearing today it was noted that was the capable or 20 St. Cem. Ave, General meetings 2nd ed life they are usi REMI Reans Dear Son. wrote old man Reddit)
and 4th Tuesdays Mri, Boyer Secty, again that many New York police Corel Pake this advice fro a me, Ancon, these ideals being excitis. ThextraThursday 24th their own trai re 1981 ention of oppression and firemen receive only 1, 200 a The less you use your credit Loyal Johnathas Daughter No. 2541 year.
YOUR PETITIONERS 19990 Protektion of the rights The better it will be A, S, 20 St. Cen, Ave, General Mr. Howe quoted an free peoples, VIRGH meetings ist Friday and 2nd Wednds in saying that the purchasing authority MAJESEY win betrobust may to len the privilege 5020DO JHOSSO Independent Order of Mechanics day Grant, Seety, Panama, power of a dollar has dropped to pleased because present democrko Isthmian Star Lodge, No. 13, meeting 2758, L, O, 8, 20 Sk Cea. Aves association along the lines of the Loyal Johnathan 38 cents since 1909. Howe advopernicious Pataht THWAND YOUR PETITIONERS, as nights 2nd and 4th Saturdays. Loyal General meetings 1st Tuesday and 3rd No. cated the organization here of an Colony GovernmeniQo be abo im obedich and duty bound, In the Workman Victor Wald, San Miguel Secretary o. Food MG Williams Seoty. Rosedale Society of England. that.
YearwoodAncon Anoon ааа. он THE BIJOUE Ice Cream Factory systemen and women, they may justly leg is now been be easy Sound of this system, The copa АЯ 9dT med Cost of Living in New to the of the earlindir faqedonde Site federal Every Tuesday, bo hayo wis bar bot For Further Particulars Apply to practicali, VOMOT Tuotteet on the presivba ARLOS HENRIQUEZ the Leeware, end dingen 230 delicet em and electing se ou ago 399482


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