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TE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 26, 1919 PAGE SEVEN How England Clothes the Discharged Mon.
bor Mr.
10, 000, 000 Yards of Cloth.
Continued from page with two votes each, and Serbia The number of suits kept in Greece, Brazil and Poland cack Choice of Civilian Suit or stock and in progress is about with one vote choose Geneva 12s. 6d.
600. 000 Ten million yards of cloth are Ja total of twelve votes France with two votes and China, now in process of manufacture. GREY, BLUE AND BROWN. representing approximately!
Szochum Blocked up in the minority Belgium, made Every day about 40. 000 mee 8, 000, 000 suits.
of six votos Thus Geneva are being discharged from the should soldier write and came the capital of the League army complain that suit does not fit of Nations. The feeling of bitter.
The task of supplying thosobim, a prepared address label nens fagainst Americans whick an with civilian suits in lieu of and self measurement form are previously had been indicated, thir khakr uniforms, is no easy forwarded to him, so that all be one. How is it done?
became more pronounced alons has to do is to return the suit, the Boulevard, and in the Chan Some interesting details were and the misfit is rectified without ber of Deputies, formerly supplier to The Daily Mirror any expense to bitself.
friends of Americans and whº verently by Walter Fryer.
18 STOCK SIZES had formerly greeted them E, consulting advisor and ctrller of the Royal Army The suits are despatched in warmly are shunning them. The query frequently was heard Clothing Factories, who devised parcels direct to the man ue scene of distribution.
When is President Wilson readdress, and for the first time turning home. Every de mobilised min, said warded prepared parcels without on record, the have forMr Fryer, given the choice an adhesive stap.
of a suit, or the sum of Where the Work12 12s. It may be that a man is so big man can be Had When the soldier goes to his or 50 small that not one of the eighteen stock sizes will fit him.
dispersal station he is handed a He is therefore messured by a form, and is measured for a suit, master tailor and a special suit The Workman. Newspaper and selects a pattern either is made up.
can be had at the Medical Hall, grey, blue or brown.
foot of Calidonia Bridge, As an illustration of the rapidOsborne, agent, who is also auSPECIAL POST OFFICE ity with which this is done, the thorized to receive communicato the Central Repot at Batter mal height (6ft. Gin) were receiv Mr. Branting, the wellknown Swedish Political leader visits our Tommies of a This form is then forwarded measurements of men tions, advertisements, matter for ed at Army Clothing publication and Job Printing.
sea, which has been organised to light railway points out something of interest to him.
Miss Forbes St. near St dispatch, if necessary, every day Factory at four clock in the Thomas Hospital, to each of these 40, 000 soldiers afternoon, and the suit was made Mr. Fuler jewelry Store, 122 the civilian suit of his own choos land despatched by eleron o clock the following tnorning.
all the men choose a suit In this factory alone there CANAL ZONE Mr. Brien Agent for We beg to informour Sub occupy the time of 630 typists, making discharged soldiers Red Tank and Paraiso, who will which gives some idea for the clothing.
scribers that it has been decided receive news for publication and details involved in the scheme of by the management of the Workman that subscrption to Job Printing this nature.
FOR Mr. Percy Holder Agent for Ga. As a matter of fact, the num On a Tombstone. the paper must be paid for quar.
her of soldiers who selects suits terly in advance. This step has tun who is authorised to receive been taken ufter carefal con RENT RECEIPT BOOKS all communications for publiea varies from 40 to 70 per cent.
Here lies the mother of ohildren sideration to ensure delivery of tion and job printing special post ofice has been on earth and in heaven the paper and to save consideraNr. Crawford, corner 8th established at Battersea, and ble amount of time wasted in and Street, Colon.
SPANISH AND ENGLISH every week fourteen tons of the in heaven preferring rather csllecting the monthly subscrip The names and address of brown paper and eight tons of ro die with mother; than tion.
other agents will be published string are used for the parcels. Live with. Fatbar.
16 of abnoring The Workman Printery ADVERTISE The WORKMAN NEWSPAPER will help you to keep your goods turning and bring good results This paper is read by all West Indians from Panama to Colon, and these West Indians comprise the bulk of the spending community on the Isthmus.
OUR ADVERTISING TERMS ARE MODERATE Call Phone 454, and we will take your ORDER or call on YOU JOB PRINTING of every description executed with neatness and despatch.
WE PRINT FROM BUSINESS CARD TO POSTER Ruling and Book Binding Form a New Branch to the WORKMAN Printery Why throw aside VALUABLE BOOKS that can be replaced in these times, when you can have them neatly rebound at the Workman Printery Central Ave cor.
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