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The Pacific Theatre Week Program Saturday, April 26 3rd and 4th Episodes of BRASS BULLET ASH CAN ALEY Saturday, May 9th Episode of the BRASS BULLET And the Roal Featur WIFE HE BOUGHT AND Tuesday, April 29 Sth and 6th Episodes of the BRASS BULLET An Exchange Serial Feature. Also IN DUTCH Thursday, April 30 7th and 8th Episodes of the BRASS BULLET Also Carnival and Cannibals mormowa Sunday, April 27 THIEVES GOLD in Reels AND SCREEN MAGAZINE Reel Sunday, May The Flash of Fate in Reels and Weekly No. 1 Reel Jonstructing Structural Draftsman Structural Fokineer Window Timer Show Card Writer Outdoor Six Painter eotrio Wiring Beetrie Lighting Heavy Yeetrie Traction Telegraph Engineer Telegraph Work MECHANICAL ENGINEER Mechanical Draftsmen Machine Designer Machine Shop Practice Boilermaker or Designer Toolmaker Foundry Work Blacksmith Sheet Metal Worker Architecural Draftsman Contractor and Builder Building Poreman Concrete Builder a Heating and Ventilation Plumber Forebilir Kaspector Designer High School Subjects Teacher Coal Mining Metal Mining Assayer Lumber Dealer Steam Electrie Engineer Marine Engineer Refrigeration Engineer Gas Englue Operator CIVIL ENGINEER Surveying and Mapping Bookkeeper Stenographer and Typist Oertitled Pub, Accountant Commercial Law Good English TRAFFIC MANAGER AGRICULTURE Live Stock and Dairying Poultry Farming Army and Navy Service Positions Modern Phoronges by ADDRESS NAME RESIDENCE OCCUPATION that is you be the reserve being over at President Porras not included in the epidemics Thomas, Layne and Bost (Britanie)
that periodically visited them. What Position Do You Want? Brown and James (Vincentius. wish to believe that it has Phillips und King (Yorkshire. Continued from page 1) only been your zeal for the wel International Correspondeuce Schools, Scranton, Pa.
Savoury and Samuel (Extra. Tivoll Defeats Tailors.
Wells report have been pub. care of the army of your country Branch Office, Ancon, Uunder the skippership of LEFT HANDERS VS. RIGHT oficial organ of the Congress of Xished at your request in the that made you accept with such easiness the the information that the Please explain how can quality for a larger salary in the position, Milton Garvey, the Tivoli HANDERS.
the United States, placing them portion of that army stationed scored crushing defeat on trade, or profession, before which hare marked the Canal Zone is living in in on record and thus giving them atmosphere of vice of the lowest an Tailors at Standard Oval on BasAll roads will lead to the Stand.
ELECTRICAL ENGINEER SALESMANSHIP a ard Oval to morrow to see the worla wide notoriety.
Such ac Bridge Engineer ter Monday ADVERTISING BAN actions on your part simply sort prodaced mainly by the Tailors on winning the toss fight for supremacy between the Electric Car Running means the most humiliating dis. women off Panams and Colon Municipal Engineer sent Tivoli to bat and at 10 they Left handers and the Right regard for the position that Pa who are ninety eight percent ARCHITECT CIVIL SERVICE declared their innings closed with handers, on the. Isthmus. Poe CARTOONIST nama, although very small prostitutes. That is the only ex.
the score of 111 runs for the loss quite a long time it has been con ILLUSTRATOR nation indeed, has assumed as a cuse that can be found for your of seven wickets. For the Tivoli tended that the left handed men friend and ally of the United readiness in putting on record PLOMBER STEAM FITTER Common School Subjects States, dispositiucing at the nation communications that are a mark there are Patteromaker going first to the wicket and cricketers, whilas ber territory, of infamy against a country returning not out after making quite a few who contend that the gether with all her resources.
to where vice is found in common CHENIST a dashy 62, Mairs in his usual right handed men are the best The war has taught that nations with the virtues that characAUTOMOBILES BUSINESS (Completo form made 16; and Julien 10, pages yo at rewerye street corner NAVIGATION need not be large and powerfus terize humanity all over the STEAN ENGINEER were the prominent scorers.
may a from the military point of view, worid. If Higher Accounting The Tailors faced the wickets men, the topic is the coming match and the bets are being in order to be treated with an inexplicable hatred against courtesies prevalent in internal of an our motives have not been Panaina and possibly can not tional relations.
desperate trial to ward ot defeat made quite freely. At presenta but with Mairs and McCol. favor of the left handers. Can seems that the majority are in believe that this is the case However high might be the am stre that this is a sentiment lier entrusted with the leather they win? We will all see toposition in the Government of of chivalry and generosity will their innings was closed at 25 the United States of General force you to request the Senate for the total of 62, the prominent morrow.
Blatchford and Major Wells, 25 reparation, this letter scorers were, Knight 11 and 1th the two captains can inspire their opinion as to the morals of Elcock 11.
men with the spirit of de a be also placed on record Robbers Have Crop Season Bird Eye View of the Week the whole people of my country or that at least some mention termination, there can be no should doubt about the excitement this snou have been received should be made on your counTivoli to Meet match will cause. Both captains demanded by the Cables gravity of the imputations. Te try protest against the infamy Several Persons Weeping believe they can win, both Empire are determined to win is, you will admit, no small talk so lavishly thrown on her.
the Government Hit, too. My action in addressing my The Tivoli is booked to Dr, Gittens, the captain of the to say that com ana in vestigation, self to you is more than justified Wednesday seems to have Paris news stated sday that meet Empire tomorrow left handers, is doing all in his along main thorough and am confident that my been a special time in the crop the German Goverment was secretly (Sunday) 27th inst, at the power to prove himself the victor, fare of the capital city of the words will merit your impartial season of the local thieves who building and concealing atmored cars and Oval.
Republic of Panama, only three consideration.
celebrated the occasion with other paraphernalia of war, in various The following line up of the tain of the right handers say while teacher Thomas is the cap.
women declined offers to several acts of depredation in. sd) BELISARIO PORRAS. which some West Indians, parts of the country Tivoli CC, will be as follows. that when the game is their bodies, one of whom did so a Garvey (Capt. Wells, Mairs is going to be great sorrow in there on account of her husband John and the government An aeroplane at Landover, England Thompson, Chandler.
Fuentis, Panama over the results, as quite. thus num have been victimized. tell to the ground through an accident Julien. McCollier. Bridgeman a few pockets will be empty. He ber of honest women on that Labor was Advise The Calidonia Government and five of the seven were burnt to Patrick and Jacobs.
admits ereely that the Tett handstreet to two. That statement is so stupendous that it can only School for girls was broken and death apd the other two badly injured.
ers have the superiority in bowl. Continued from page 1)
be taken as another proof of the entered at midnight and the dis on Tuesday morning.
THE PRESENTATION ing: bat believes that the bats.
honest visitors selected two ignorance of Americans in gene. hailed by the mandador, L clocks, 12 chairs, two boxes of of Four has decided that exile is the he MATCH.
has Paris dispatch says that the Council his command will more ral with reference to everything Lucas, who wanted kuow what falcon pens, a piece of Table proper punishment for the Ex Kaiser of than off set the slight advantage o of challenge Cup League met Tast bowling: The Committee of the Gittens the left handers may have in America and to the prejudices of The mandador insisted certain high sealed ukcials Suith stwuld tell hin; Smith number of school books, two tional tribunal for trial for the violation present the Cup to the Surrey un interesting one, and there can that paper. several pieces of tape, a made to bring him before an interna Thursday evening and decided to whose positons should render deelining to do so le foliowed pairs of scissors and several of the neutrality of Belgium.
Certainly the game should be them more diplomatic 2) the creet.
village to a spot where Smith 11th a team representing a great crowd of fans present to The main street of Panamalanhesitatingly he struck Smith path but up to the present we on Tuesday that a rebel leader named on, on the on, seated himself on a The sleuths are on the search News from Vera Cruz, Mexico. stated those Clubs that took to play The following are the two in the section mentioned by the head with his fist; Smith trace of the missing goods or in the battle in which General Blanquet Among other business transacted Major Welis report is a lined the retain ted sending Laens reeling the culprits has been found.
have not learnt whether any Francisco Alvarez, who was captured the occas! on. teamsLEFT HANDERS city, occupied both for residensome of the best buildings in the the round. Farins hiu Chinaman keeping a grog after a court martial.
that the was killed was shot by firing squad was the admission of the Red tial and commercial purposes, result was fatal Tank to the League. The Dr. Gittens. Captain) Holder, Among the people who occupy self behind a house. Lucas; shop in street, San Miguel, fixtures were therefore revised Holder, Beckles, Blackman, those houses are many of the however, immediately regained was alarmed at the disappear. special military mission headed by in their favour. There will there. Blackman, Holford, Thomas, best many foreigners of good stand Porde, Phillips, J, Jordan, Walcot.
RIGHT HANDERS That section the city ed 10 of the amount due hin 10 packs of Lucky Strikes, tenants has been appointed by the revolver in the air; Smith eollect packages of Mecca ciggarettes, two majors, three captains and two lieu. season which begins May 18th.
The following are the men who Thomas. Captain. Charles, cannot be differentiated from and escs unburt from West packs of London Strike and French Governigent to look after the will play the champions: Pitterson, Alleyne, Barnett, any other main thoroughfare of Virginia farina This is another several well selected bottles gof German delegates during their stay in Dr. Gittens (Capt. Juhn Charles, Cain, De Sousa, Best, Blackman in ment various kinds of liquor.
Hector and Phillips (Creole. being an artery of traffic in the experienced by Jamaica lobour Edghill, Williams.
day and a boulevard in in the after ers on the UF farms on the Costa Rican division treat women of and evening character ment which the natives of the Friendly Societies Directory.
frequent fit just as they do the place would not nor do fashionable watering places, and scend to work under. What have she Hotels avenues and boale. become of the many hundreds Perseverance, No. 229, Dreide vards of the rica and Eureat cities of Ameol Costarican labourers inmi.
Hall, 20 St. Central Avenue. Meeting grated to this country a (BRANDON BANK)
nights, Ist and 3rd Wednesdays and 3rd To judge by the presence of weeks ago? Have they not cleared Saturday. Per. Secty. Brown, such women, who keep an order out of the farms on which they Ancon Box 1011.
y conduct, that ninety eiglit per were employed? Can the cent of the women living along Co overseers say why Costa Guiding Star Lodge, No. 2892, Druide Hall; 2nd and 4th Mondays and and Central Avenue are prostitutes, Rican labourers quit PANAMA FOUNDED 1860)
COLON Saturday. Seety. Mrs. Esther Fletcher, is a very uncalled for insult and Some more Jamaica labourers Ancon Box 1036.
shows lack of judgement in are wanted to be brotally those who make such a state treated!
Our targe Resources and well known Britain Pride Lodge, No. 3343; and ment.
conservative Management afford unand 4th Pridays. Druide Hall, 208, Central Avenue. Seety. William Bens General Blatchford is per. THIRD FOURTH EPISODES teetly right in his efforts to OF THE BRASS BULLET AT questioned security for every dollar kan, Anoon, Box.
surround. bis soldiers with the Rising Star Juvenile Lodge, No. 2341; most pura environments, but it THE PACIFIC TO NIGHT.
deposited with this bank.
and Tuesday each month. Svety. must be borre in mind that Pa Headley nama and Colon are two cities where travellers from all parts Ladies, Listen!
Royal Victoria Lodge, No. 2344, Och of Pellows Hall, 10 and St. Colon.
world arrive daily, and the Alternate Fridays. Seety. Frank MacLean that the cosmopolitan population Before getting your new of those oftles capne be kept Hat give a call at No. 22 General Banking Business Transacted The Canal Press, Mt. Hope.
within the bounds and regula.
Distriet Corresponding Secretary, ISAAC BRANDON tions NATHANIEL BRANDON BRANDON of an army camp. The na Street, opposite the Thomas Headley, Ancon Boss tive residents of these two cities President.
Vice President.
National Institute.
never knew before 1908 what the Superior Lodge, No. 6, of Court use of drugs meant, and even You will hear the rest when Brock, Bolivat Street, Colon, de with the deplorable sanitary con Regular Convention 2nd and 4th Friday, ditions of the time, syphilis was you come.
nights of each month at pm.
had was selectpart in the see the struggle.
ing kind Co natyrally do not conde PANAMA BANKING COMPANY SECURITY Work


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