p. 8


What Happened to EARLY Mouday the 12th MINSTREL SHOW BY PANAMA MINSTREL COMPANY MR. MRS. CHARLES CHAPLIN Mrs. Charles Chaplin in Borrowed Clothes Charles Chaplin, in ONE REEL COMEDY Tuesday, May 13th The Last two Episodes of The Brass Bullet See our Programs during the Week The Labor Strikes at. Grand Tea Meeting, There in their hours may come off.
Jast SALESMANSHIP Electrie Wiring Electrie Lighting Electrie Car Running Electrie e Traction Engineer Telegraph Work NECHANICAL ENGINEER Sadeting Bridge Structural Engineer Municipal Engineer Trimmer Sand Writer Outdoor San Painter CIVIL SERVICE Sur Architecural Draftsman Contractor and Huilder Coperete Builder is Cricket.
that he knew that the match reward. Batting first the Brit Open Forum would not come off, as every right tannics could only put up 36 rons hander knew that the first was altogether they played 12 side Continued from page Continued from page 1) grand on Sunday last. great disap bely a aduiken, and Mr Barnett and had the support of ing day and night in their effort concert will be given by the pointment was felt when it be being to right hander had only Murray of Colon, the Skipper they are now contronted would nos released them other steam oficers and members of the Star ed match that was to take place have played, picked an eleven of was top scorer for La Boca with Scylla and Charybdis came apparent that the Schedul tried to protect his chums.
The Cricketers, who were to La Boca replied with 91. Kelly not now be standing between have been averted; they would daily, Chorillo Lodge No.
the situation teil be in the next F; at the St. An between the Lett handers and light, and left handers. vander 21 to this credit. Bowling for La So far the labor troubles have few days can better be imagined thony Hall Caledonia, on Satur. Right handers would not be play the Captaincy of Mr Phillips Boca Goddard captured wick beea confined to Cristobal, but ed, than told.
day night May 17 1919. as the Right handers, says he doe and played Material Store Cets for 12 runs and Hill for those who know, can bear testiMr Thomas, the Skipper of will be Dramatic performances not know the real cause of the who, had also been disappointed 18. It mignt here be remarked mony to the fact that the by the great Communications Betwee and Mrs ID. Monre Comedian and postponement. as he himself did batted first and made 88 whilst Croney, two of the best bats in seething with discontent, and game. Material Store that both Joe Hill and Victor Silver force cat that is the chentire on. 11 has Troupe Dancing will also be not Balboa Men and Boss that enjoyed Doors open at 30 Sunday Mr. Phillips team could only put fortyon that the ver match up 28 Adinission Gents 00 would was one of La Boca so it was a dose of their see walk outs» on a more exTruly the day silver not The followiug communica Ladies 50c. children 2009 disappointments for who would own medicine that Brittannic got tensive scale; and the governTickets can be obtained at the Mr. Barnett the Secy. Of come? Surely not even the most tempted, and Brittannics put ap ance of the cause. They know He says he was told then by have thought of such an out. last. second innings was at ment cannot then plead ignor.
tions between the Silver Em door on the night of Perfor the Standards. that the game sanguine of the Material Store a score of 124. Chandler 31. Met and each passing hour adds to ployees at the Balboa Shops mance had been called off owing to some ley 25, Goring 19 and Best 17. their knowledge. Nevertheless and Mr. Kintner, Nevertheless, as there was no what is being done by thos Sanitary doings that were to supporters.
take place. Both the Cricketers Superintendent of the Me SUNDAY READINGS LA BOCA C, DEFEATS and the Public were disappoint.
time for La Beca to have a sec, who are responsible for the e chanical Division, Balboa, ed; as it was believed by inany BRITTANNIC ond knock the game was decided isting unrest and disquieti yrere conducted yesterday:on the first innings. In the sec conditions. The position is Continued from page that the left handers would have The Brittannie journeyed and innings, the Skipper of La sumed that no strike exis Balboa, Canal Zone, But Christ said this he lived and er, the great left hander says got la severe thrashing as their ets for runs. We wonder why employed additional police won However Mr Edmund Hold to La Boca on Sunday last, and Boca Old Sam bowled wick meanwhile scab labour is be May 9th, 1919, died to do.
The very essence of Christianity is he does not deliver the ball more being dispatched to to points affe Mr. KINTNER, that we can so devute ourselves to Jesus regularly id and a policy of Supt. Mechanical Division What Position Do You Want. watchful Christ that our personality becomes en THEPRESENTATION MATCH. ing is being adopted. Reta Balboa C, riched by His No longer live, Christ International Correspondeuce Schools, Scranton, Pa. Tomorrow on the Standard tory and repressive liveth in me.
measu Dear Sir: Oval the Cup will be prepented to nothing by way of conciliar are being adopted, but so At a Mass Meeting Branch Office, Ancon, Jesus Christ Risen and Glorified can Surres the champions of the In held May. 1919, we the Silver communicate Himself to each of his season. Sarrey has indeed Please explain how can qualify for a larger salary in the position, the meantime the disaffect prov.
Employees of the Mechanical members; and what He has been and has is ed herself the champion team trade, or profession, before which have marked in spreading Division do hereby make the done, that, in Him each of his members Panama, as she has not been The silver employees do following demand through the can be and can do.
She has a clean record, and they demand ELECTRICAL ENGINEER Let us try to rerlize what a tremenbeaten at all in the competition, seek equality with the Ameri undersigned chosen represents dous Gift was made to us on our Easter ADVERTISING MAN as to wages and pn tives: Structural Draftsman their demand is just Communion. It was the Life of God That we be given a living which in Christ conquered sin in all its ARCHITECT hope to see a good game as egy wage to which all workers are CARTOONIST rey will try her level best to pre and justice; they demand a entitled, regardless of race, color forms, triumphed over ait the hosts of Mechanical Draftsmen Building Foreman ILLUSTRATOR vent the pick from the other ing wage for services rende or creed. Whereas the cost of spiritual wickedness, opened the King they demand fair play and clubs defeating her. The follow the dom of Heaven to all believers.
PLUMBER STEAN FITTER living has increased 200 on the ing men will play on the pick: no favours. The struggle we have not reIV Dr. Gittens Capt J, Charles, tween Right and Might ceived any reasonable increase If we will try to grasp this, we shall Metal Mining Hector, Phillips (Creole) on and is daily becoming mor of twentytive cents Curren not let the Great Forty Days of the EnsThomas, Best. Layne, tense. while sober minded BUSINESS (Completo)
ter season be for us a time of falling back NAVIGATION ey per hour where are (Brittanic Brown, James, evero anxio STEAN ENGINEER That eight hours shl be from the earnestness and devotion of AGRICULTURE Week the standard day, and all time Lent and Holy Vincentian) Phillips, King, awiting the issues On the contrary Yorkshire Jordan. Garrison Yours e.
after eight hours, be made for at we shall go onward, to higher levels of with Savoury and Samuels JUNI a Love to God. and man. In Lent we CIVIL ENGINEER as Extras.
THE 1919 CRICKET SEASC That instructions be given tried to follow Jesus in the Way of the Phonograph to all the foremen under your Way of the Cross. Now we must start ADVERTISE The 1919 cricket season charge as to better treatment to to walk with him in newness of life. Ft.
begin on Sunday May 18 Silver Employees, as during the Benson tsed to tell us that whilst in this RESIDENCE OCCUPATION In the Workman when the Standard past it has been the practice to life we can never pass beyond our need of meet Brittannicon Standa Jay off men for unreasonable the Cross, and must never forget what Oval and the Pickwicks will ind periods from one to ten days we our Lord in His Passion and Death Pedro Miguel at Empire without just cause.
for us, yet we ought to meditate mure We expect a reply to clause often on His Risen than on His Suffering Lodge Notices and within twenty four hours. Life. For sufferings lie in the past, but The Isthmus of Panama Lod FHE COMMITTEE.
at this and at every moment He lives in the glory of His mediatorial kingdom, and has received its charter grante THE REPLY calls us to follow Him up the slopes of by the Grand Lodge of tr the mountain of holiness Therefore we (BRANDON BANK)
United Brotherhood of Maintei Balboa, May 9, 1919.
look and kan det ble property for tho coming to ECURITY Ance of Way Employees an promised Railway Shop Laborers bearid Memorandum for, Committee, Strengthener and Life river and JoySilver Employees No. 2151.
It was quite ple ERVICE sant surprise to the that by we may bodies only follow our Lord in His Risen Life James Spencer members o pot PANAMA (FOUNDED 1868)
that Lodge to be greeted witt COLON William Parris et al Dife but may also ascend whither be has their charter at their meeting or the 2nd instant. It is expected In reply to your petition of gone before, and reign with Him in glory Our large Resources and well known that their regular meeting place May 8th requesting wage in even now in the midst of this world crease of 25 cents (gold) per cares and griefs, then conquerors conservative Management afford unwill be at St. Anthony Hall on the Caledonia road every Ist and hour, bave to inform you that in the Captain of our Salvation.
third Mondays.
action on such a request is be This is the paradox of our course as my authority and that your Christians. Not only must we die to deposited with this bank.
There will be an open meeting petition has been forwarded to live, but we must follow our leader in of the United Brotherhood of the Silver Wage Board.
Passion because we are even now Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway shop Laborers wish to call your attention ting with Him in heavenly places.
the Bottle House, ventral Ave. to the fact that the law passed at by the Congress of the United note that the amount of increase opposite thie. railroad station on States, relative to the pay of in pay which you have requested General Banking Business Transacted Mondap May 12th at 30 ſp.
employees on the Panama Canal. is impossible under the law The general public, is invited to is such that positions paying ISAAC BRANDON NATHANIEL BRANDON attend The matter of the hour day BRANDON more than 75. 00 per month are President.
Vice President.
given American Citizens and must also be acted on by the Dr. JOHNSON Panamanian citizens, with soine Wage Board.
SURGEON DENTIST miner exceptions in connection KINTNER, Superintendent, Mechanical Phone 1003 with men who helped to build Address the Canal. From this you will Division Ancon, 852 average and Machine Designer Machine Shop Practice Boilermaker or Designer Patternmaker ork Blacksmith Sheet Metal Worker AUTOMOBILES Heating and Ventilation Plumbing Inspector Foreman Plumber CHEMIST Designer Common School Subjects High School Subjects Teacher Coal Mining Assayer Lamber Dealer Steam Electric Engineer Marine Engineer Refrigeration Engineer Gas Encue Operator Bookkeeper Higher deer and Typist Certified Pub, Accountant Commercial LAR Geod English TRAFFIC MANAGER Lave Stock and Dairying Poultry Farming Army and Navy Service Positions Modern Languages by Surveying and Mapping NAME ADDRESS PANAMA BANKING COMPANY us of Paraclete, the SE more questioned security for every dollar yond sit


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