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dont SH PRICE Cts. Cr.
Dock Laborers Return to Work.
LADY MALLET PRESENTED SEVERS STILL WEST INDIAN DELEGATES INTERVIEW ORGANIZING WITH SOUVENIR GIFT Monstar Meeting Neld For Representation and GOVERNOR HARDING By Delegation From West Indian houses in the on they some committee Appointed Governor Believes Mistake Was Community Made Somewhere Monday Night.
Protective Functions hood of Maintenance of Way By Chairman Draw up Employees, and Railway Shop The Constitntion of the Laborers on th: Isth mus.
Last Sunday at 10 o clock good work you have done amongst On Monday night the 12th inst. On Wednesday night in the Tuesday last quite an innova decided to return to work the in the morning a delegation of us, and words are inadequate to a plaine Bottle Bination obligent Dental Parlor of Dr. G. Contion took place at Governor next day.
opposite the Panaina Railroad sell, of this city. ineeting of Harding office when a delega prominent West Indians com express our gratitude Station, officers Indian gentlemen prising of Dr. As a small token of the appre bers of four Ludges were group set to crystallize an idea to forintion of strikers came over from delegates by Governer Herding Attorney Car service to West Indians in Pana new ones int the Brotherhood functions shall be representa Cipal Government in open and much satisfaction and pleasure rington, Walrond, honor to present to Your Lady hits, for it was arrionbt. dly a sorvices that can conveniently be ma, the represectatives have the This proved all other of our parent tion, protection and such other straightforward conference.
Pinton Wynter, and a ship the accompanying souvenirs sranta successi contine mandate was rendered santeho matki. ee, proper Charlas Hudson and Duncan train to Calon, and it was only that it is said they forgot every The delegation consisted of thing about catching the mid day Fairweather met at the Brit codonere some we havins vor allet to packed to its cutmost and it was sphere of said Committee, consider the intrinsic value. with great effort that one could The presented to Lady Mallet a givers which cannot be adequate the secretaries of the different response ton circular signed by Laborers, and Jackson, out that the delegates realized beautiful silver tea set accom ly expressed in dollars and cents Lodges to to pay the entrance fee.
Dr. Lowe, as Chairman, Greenidge and Reynolds their plight of having to remain panied with an address in We wish Your Ladyship and At o clock, however, Mr. Colpro tem, and Dr. Johnson, sp saking for tbe Coaling over for the p. train.
called together and West Indian Colony was ex ment of good health in your new Collins Lodge rose and addressed This difficulty was, however, pressed to the benigil Lady field, and sincerely hope that your the crowd, using quite a number of thang in the preliminary stage, the reception they received was quickly overcome, for we underthe organization.
most cordial and reassuring.
whose great services on behalf British West Indians will never which he used was Our Battle much business was transacted the men the impression that once placed at their disposal and interest in, and consideration for of appropriate remarks, one of stand that the private car of the The attendance was large and The Governor attitude gave Railroad Superintendent was at of West Indians have been wane.
Flag of None. He ret gratefully appreciated by one the defunct after the constitutional organizaorganization of We have the honor to be. Mad. Colon with which he was con 10 known as The West Indian ness, on his part, td meet the son, Greenidge and Renyolds and all.
of tion of the Committee which is to there was every sign of willing Messrs, Hudson, Henry, Jackam.
Sir Claude and Lady Mallet nected years ago, but that he he Committee.
Your obedient servants, Felix was now under the flag and the situation and demands rode over to Calon a la gala to met the delegation and Dr. Lowe. IM. D; Connell, banner of the United Brother The following officers were of the strikers which had been break the glad tidings to the Lowes on behalf of the ;L, Carrington. LL bood. He also touched upon one elected: Dr. Lowe, Chair so clearly brought before his strikers.
Committee, in a few chosen on behalf of the West Indian of the virtues of the white mau, man, Dr. Carrington, Vice eyes, and the opinion of these men And so on Wednesday morn remarks expressed the desires community.
The white man he said, takes Onairman, Dr. Johnson, of the Committee to present Lady Mallet, with tear filled chances, he spends, and if he Secretary and Dr. Connell. men that had the fussy humbugs ing the docks at Cristobal took beeu alive to their duties the a business like appearance which to the good Lady the token of eyes, replied to the address on spending until he eventually loses, he spends again, and keeps Treasurer. was ap.
Governor would have directed bad been lacking for about 12 affection and esteem which which had greatly impressed wins out Such is the spirit he swinted by the Chairma to draw measures that would have made days.
they felt for her and read the her and said that in doing ser would enthuse among his people, up the Constitution of the Com the strike unnecessary.
following address :vices for the West Indians There are no Its about our mittee comprising the following: Later news from Colon states There was a conspicuous ab that the late strikers are ex.
Madam We, the undersigued here, and for those overseas and shall win il we as members man, Dr. Thompson, Secre sence of the usual red tape at pressing their gratitude in broad winning, he said. We must, and Reva, Nightengale, Chair: representatives of the British West Indians resident in the Re who had gone at the call of will consider ourselves Mission tary, Messrs. Walrond, this meeting as, without previous remarks of the action of Gover frorts, she had only done her ing into the Brotherhood each kinson and Whyte of the intended early departu duty and was thankful that men were received and given an his kind reception of their repof Sir Claude Mallet and your Just at this juncture Messrs The West Indian Committee is interview with the Governor.
resentatives and the attentive selt to other fields of labour feel the people had appreciated al Severs and Carter entered pant planned to include representar in grat Duncan Henry, who was the manner in which he listened to that she had tried to do for ing, and reported themselves as island. So that representation mouth piece of the delegates, and to their complaints and for thee itude and delinquent in apprecia them.
tives Indian just from Paraiso where they had will be general and complete.
tion were we to permit your attired in the real typical form of fatherly assurance given them to Ladyship to leave theso shores without expressing our sincere Sir Claude felt a great sense last two mentioned was next to done good work. The first of the This is the closest step towards a laborer, presented to His Ex. see that their grievances would reg ret at the less which this com of happiness that Lady Mallet be heard: He mounted the table union that has ever been made by cellency correspondence which be redressed.
munity must sustain by your had been the recipient of such so as to be seen by all of his West Indians on the Isthmus and passed between the strikers and The str! kers were determined separation from vs.
a strong token of appreciation nearers, and poured forth his is destined to cement in an unheads of the departments where to hold out, they said, at all costs and recognize, and referred to her natural neu a els encen a tonehen. upon breakable bond the various ele. they were employed.
rest and from reports received from with pleasure and satisfaction, spirit of self sacrifice which cow facts here and there. It was ments of the people.
only too visible The Governor, expressed be the Atlantic side it would seem your motherly kindness to the The motto of the Constitution poor and destitute West Indians was first demonstrated in her there are things which need look who never have been disappoint unselfish devotion to her chil ing into on the Isthun us for Pana will be One and inseparable, serebatia mistake had been made that they were well able to do so.
somewhere and During the strike, it is rumor ed in any appea made to you for dren whose education kept ma he said. It was decided that now and forever.
assistance. The cold and needy her away from him in Europe eight men flote each lodge will a later date of this paper.
an early date delegation of Fuller details, will be given in would not sufferva loss in their ed, the native strike breakers wages.
always played havoc with the cargo and re for long period of their meet for the purpose of striking He felt that the men should destroyed very many valuable lief at your doors. The brave West Indian soldiers who threw young married fe.
at our aims, aspirations, and de.
return to work giving them his articles. It was also rumored last in their lot with the rest of hu. Mr. Cunha who was sires ete, whereby we shall have Future Hope Juvenile word that their claims and griev. week that among many cases manity in the great world war present at the time on a visit equal pay for equal work per.
Lodge ances would be considered.
that had fallen over board were so that liberty and might not perish, will alation to Sir Claude asked leave to backed up by over 200, 000 work The men, satisfied temporarily two pianos and a case of shoes, in the United States, who and revernce the name od good work done by Lady condition of the 16, 000 West Inof express his appreciation of the ers in have decided that the deplorable Anniversary Celebration with the interview, returned to but we are in no position to Lady Mallet. You Colon and notified the strikers of affirm that these reports were their wants, and thought of tliem Mallet in connection with indians, employed by the Pana shivering in the trenches from West Indians to which, as a ma Canal, and P, Company The officers and members of the results after which they all true.
cold. This remembrance took West Indian himself, he was must be looked after, or they the above mentioned Society will tinally reached its climax when position t) testify. 104. will be dragged down by us to on Sunday the 18th May 1919, in Bird Eye View of Week Cables of warm clothing and other The gift was a sumptuous the Shepherds Hall 20th Street, necessaries left your hands for Sterling Silver Tea Set, beau ence has been made to us is We are Central Avenue Europe to succor and aid. the procession will leave the An appeal issued by the Central Com ly intend to reduce a kindred civilised the rigours and hardships at 70. 00 gold.
a position to say that any other Church at 1. 80 sharp where on Tuesday last urged the signing of the incidental to trench warfare.
The Chancellor continued by calling The donors comprised the worse if they had to live on 17c. a service will be conducted and treaty by the German Government state on the British people for help so that the people would be just like us, or Some did not live to receive the tokens of your thoughtfu nes; following: por hour. Some people have return to the Lodge Halle where ing that a refusal would mean the re Germans might not be forced to siga the forgotton the that the children will entertain the fusal would mean the retention of their others received them and blue. not Lowe Con boek needs good belty. fal. food visiting brethren with some fine prisoners of war, the occupation of their treaty as it stands, lived thank in the last nell, D, Carrington songs and solos.
raw material districts, the heightening of The body of Edith Cavell, the martyrday they willy rise and call you L, Johnson Remember boys that Doctors All representatives invited are the blockade, and numerous economic ed nurse was disinterred on Wednesday blessed Lawrence (Colon) Wal and Lawyers, at this time have hereby asked to be in time.
to the population, last and transported to Norwich, EngThe West Indian Red Cross in mnd. Rev. A, Nightengael, Rev. found it necessary to organize Paris news during the week announced land, the following day for interment in this city will rtlways remainasJ. Mulcare, Finzi, professions, they see the neces. Resolutions of Sympathy that Austria frontier hus been changed the Cathedral themselves lesting monument of Your Lads. Brage, Turpin, Rob sity of unity, by which means and that the Austrian treaty provides British and Ametican Troops rendered ship thoughtfulness of West erteon, Harris. JE, Mingo, they will have a set price.
for the detachment of lower Tyrol from the remains full military honors and At a meeting of the Future Austria and including it within the Ital dense crowds lined the streets along great interest you evinced at its Hylton Howell, Wilson, A the. These are not the days of in. Hope Lodge, No. 2104, the follow. ian boundary so as to give the latter a which the procession moved, all buildings inception. Starting without even Brown, L. Skaw, Fuller, dividualism; Germany formed a ing Resolution was passed: a book on First Aid. Your Dunn, Morais. o, murderous organizations; for Whereas it has pleased the strategie frontier with adequate protec being draped in mourning.
tion from northern invasion Ladyship came to the rescue and Drayton, Fairweather, world conquest, the allies in turn Chiet Shepherd of the Great kindly donated the only copy you Burke, Markland N. Pow. had to organize to destroy their Flock to remove from this earth: mentions the German Chancellor Schei. Athlone represented King George. London dispatch of the 15th inst, held in Westminster Abbey the Earl of At the memorial service which was had; then your council and advice ali. Morgan, Melville, w, aspirations, and Gen. Foch was ly flock below our dear and be deman as saying to the Britifh people which you gave from time have Forde, Atwell, Sanford chosen to start on the murder loved sister Beatrice Holder, one through the correspont of the Daily Her ure to respond to the invitation to send Paris failall united to establish an organi Williams, Byfield H, Stew. Tous Huns, of which we all know whom we greatly loved and was ald: zation, the usefulness of which loved by all, and delegates to receive the peace terms. We cannot believe that fellow hu and the general uncertainty of condition, is seen and felt from day to day, art, Cazabon, Smith, the result.
Whereas: Although being Time and paper are insufficient Davis. Colon) Mr Brooks, Bear in mind the slogas, man beings, however much under the in(Contiued on page Continued on Page 8) fluence of the past wicked yar, can realfor us to set out in detail the Wynter. Continued on Page 8)
we We realize always remembered the forun our own level. wowa by dangers Indians. We

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