
Those who get drnnk and those who used to get drunk, The former tight by imbibition: the latter by prohibition The following is a parody on the prohibitionist composed by a toper.
INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION Head Office, National City Bank Building, New York BATTLE HYMN Of the (Dry) Republic.
Capital, Surplus, and Undivided Profits Over 9, 000, 000. 00 Cy.
RESOURCES OVER 100, 000. 000. 00 CURRENCY Depository of the Panama Canal (By NELSON MACY)
Mine eyes have seen the malice of the Prohibition horde, They are seeking out the cellars where the corn and rye are stored, They think to stop our drinking is to glorify the Lord.
The strife is marching on.
CHORUS Glory, Glory Hallelujah! Glory Glory Hallelujah!
Glory, Glory Hallelujah! Majoritee must rule.
Republicans and Democrats are now consumed by fear, With eager ears placed on the ground the bone dry note they bear, So they vote to save the workman from his harmless glass of beer, And strife is marching on.
CHORUS The Prohibition lobbies and the Billy Sunday creed, The Bryans and the Populists and all the thoughtless breed, Have changed our Contaitution binding men who once was freed And strife is marching on.
CHORUS In Russin the barbaric, they took all drink away, It Bolshevik and lawless and a hopeless land to day, May naught like that come here to us, let everybody pray, As strife goes marching on CHORUS At a wedding feast in Cana, near the Sea of Galllee, Christ turned the water into wine, a miracle. You se Tho right for them to drink the wine its wrong for you and see.
His truth goes marching on.
CHORUS Let us face the situation like Anglo Saxons true, Vote dowu with a majority a law made by a few, We do not often want a drink, but when we do, we do, The strife will soon be o er. Paper. CHORUS THE INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION IS INCLUDED IN THE ÇORGANIZATION OF The Mational City Bank of New York AND IN CONNECTIO: WITH THAT INSTITUTION AND ITS DIRECT FOREIGN BRANCHES OFFERS EXCEPTIONAL BANKING FACILITIES.
Interesting West Indian News The Different Garage.
Not INDIFFERENT provided.
The Garage where every one is treated alike.
One Price Good Service Right Prices presented a House to them to pass to raise of St.
Headquarters for all Articles Associated with the Drug Trade.
PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED BY QUALIFIED PHARMACISTS Barbados Wireless Messages passed be back of the Bench in the Hall of tance of a zálous and patriotic tween the Commander of Justice. But on enquiring from juryman (Loud laughter. Destroyer Downes and the Smith Bros. Co. he found that It was subsequently remarked Governor on the 21st March.
they were only willing to sell in private that it was a blessing HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY MESSAGE FROM Downes them out and out and not rent that Chief Sanitary Inspector them under any circumstance. Luck was on the jury to observe Please to accept the thanks of Tuesday meeting of fthe the officers and crew of the The other jurors supported the the sanitary conditions at St.
House of Assembly the speaker Downes for the courte foreman as to the causes of com. James Barracks.
announced the receipt of a letter sies shown them by youreelf and did not object to sleeping at St. jurors, our reporter learned that plaint, and one frankly stated he In cor conversation with one of the from Mr. Lofty tendering the people of Barbados.
his resignation of his seatas GOVERNOR REPLY James if only better accommoda ille place was tithy, dirty, full of tion were bugs, and, in short, was not fit senior member for the City. The The Governor thanks the His Honor sympathised with for human habitation. He says fletter was, in accordance with Downes on behalf of the people the jury and told them that is however that the jurors could the usual course of procedure of Barbados for their kind mes.
be considered as the first busi sage and is glad they have en modated they would be accom not have been expected there, recorded on the minutes and will at the Ice House Hotel otherwise the Constabulary Au.
busi joyed their stay in Barbados.
that night thorities would have treated them ness of the day at the next The jurors all thanked His better by having the place ready ing of the House. Mr. Evelyn a petition from the resolution was recently Honor for his consideration.
Vestry of James praying the passed at a meeting of the Em JUROR ILLNESS san Act authorizing pice Movement Committee in The greatest disappointments Mr. Touissaint (a juror) asked not to say inconvenience, are at favour of a religious observance pose of purchasing and repairing that, should events make it pos doctor, as he was then suffering on the inability of the a loan for the pur of Empire Day, and suggested to be allowed to seen a medical present occasioned, consequent a house to be used as a residence sble, Empire Day. Saturday from fever and ague from want Canadian steamers to take pasfor parish. Bill to into the eat anything.
Medical capficer to effect May 54th) should be selected as of sleep think adatoto oreingable sengers for the Northbound voythe prayer of the petition His Honor asked Dr, Perez, all booked up to June. On the ages. At present, the berths are also given notice of an read a first thanksgiving for victory and for reaans of St. Joseph, who was Caraquet which leaves here time. The Council amendments bens a witness in another case, to at. on Saturday, the Navy to the Bill to amend the Postal tend to the juror and only use a has Surtax Act, which were of a formandeered the only available palliative so as not to incapacitate berth for an officer mal nature, were read Trinidad first him from service then. Canada. She will also be taking proceeding to and second time and agreed to on the motion of the the Attorney Dr. Perez saw Mr. Toussaint 41 Canadian soldiers. with two General. On tha motion of Mr. Jury Accommodation and prescribed.
officers, at St. Lucia, their serviBaeza the Council amendments Before the medicine came, how ces being no longer required at to the Bill to control the importation and disposal of ammuniOn the resumption in the Sec lever, the hearing was resumed, Castries, well known lady to Canada with eion were also agreed to me: ond Assizes Court recently, be and the case had not been in pro who is going up Baeza gave notice of and subse fore Judge Wright, L, of sain tew minutes when Mr. her two children, could only be Toussaint vomited copiously on accommodated. as a the case of Rex Augustin for the floor of the jąry box some of to boot. with a second class (inquently obtained leave to pro murder at Carenage, the iyrors the stomachic ejecta bespatter, side cabin, without port hole, alceed raised of protest against cellency the Governor asking the accommodationes provided into this for under the reporters though her husband was prepar.
that steps be taken to obtain a them at St. James Barracks the table in front of the jury box. ed anything a On this occasion, Dr. Howat comfortable berth.
tered into in 1904 between the previous night. It seems that son. o. of Diego Martin the Bocas, the Government of this island no alternative but to send available and and there was cue, Mr. Toussaint was taken to Among the Trinidad boys who, with reference to the exchange James the jurors who, by law, the corridor, the Court adjourn after doing their bit for Em In postal money orders, ed for a while, the reporters fled pire, Home and de tot allowed to separates when that. reduced and Who moving the Address the han; serving on a murder case. after the floor was duly mopped, home, yesterday, were Messrs the present arrangement a Icon Singuineau the fore the Court resumed its wonted H, Llanos Ist Merchants Considerable loss occurred to this body of jurors, complained bit much better indeed.
man, speaking on behalf o the tranquility with Mr. Toussaint tingent. who served with country and urged necessity Edwar. s Horse; Mr. SK taking prompt action in the terls of the accommodatic They had spent PATRIOTIC JUROR of the same Regiment and 2ni matter. The Address was passed less night, he said, and if they Lieut Carlos Adolfo Pradu, and Mr. Baeza asked to present had been convicts they could not His Honor expressed the hope Contingent. They lwere met on At the conclusion of the case, left here with the 5th Trinidad it to His Excellency.
have been treated worse.
Our Hospitality AppreHis Honor their discom egretted to hear of that the juryman who was sick the Antillian by their near would soon be better.
relatives and many friends and and stated that ciated.
it was solely due the want of Mr, Toussaint; am much bet given a jolly welcome home.
ter thanks.
The following Wireless Mes hotel accommodation, Of course, sages passed between Captain be was not a legislator and had to All the jurors in service on this SAN FERNANDO Gordon Campbell, administer the law as he found case were exempted from service Commanding S. Cumber it. But it proper accommodation to day.
land, and the Governor the night could not always be provided, the It was suggested by Mr. Child STRIKERS RETURN of the 29th March law should be amended to allow that Mr, Toussaint should be ex The Railway gangers. who, for MESSAGE FROM CAPT. CAMPBELL the jurymento separate. He empted altogether.
the past fortnight had struck for Captain.
Officers and men of suggested the desirability of take His Honor agreed and decreed an increase of pay, have gone ing them down the islands. Cumberland wish to (Laughter. accordingly, back to work. They were getting thank His Excellency the Gover Mr. Collins (Acting RegMe. Toussaint asked when 45 cents a day, to which 5, cents nor and the people of Barbados istrar and Marshal) agreed that should he return.
are added as a war bonus: mak.
for all their hospitality which has where, as here, hotel accommoHis Honor: If you don want to on with that until two weeks ago.
cents a day.
They went been much appreciated and en dation was not available, it was be let off you may remain.
desirable to allow the jury to (Laughter. Tam letting you out when they called for an increase 20 cents more GOVERNOR REPLY sessions.
They separate or have a permanent for the rest of the fered ten cents, which Warm thanks. The Governor place provided for their accom Mr. Toussaint said he came fused and went on strike. Most and people of Barbadoa say modation. When faced with the from Toco and would not be able of them turned out yesterday come again and come soon So question of the difficulty of ac to return before Monday next. however, after losing a forc.
cherry a crowd will always be commodation the previous day, if he felt a little better, he would night work, and it is expected welcome. Personal remembrance the speaker thought of hiring a come back before the sessions that the rest of them will pohon to Captain, Officers and Cadets. dozen beds from a store to ac were over.
suit, having accepted the 10 cents from all at Government House. commodate the jurors for the s Honor: hope the report increase, making it sixty cents a The folloming interehange of night in the open space at the ers will take your name as an ins day.
was not to MANUEL ESPINOSA Central Avenue, 33 Opposite La Merced Church Panama.
under wwww vided.
sleep WILKINSON Contractor Builder First Class Workmanship Pians and Specifications Free 15th Street West, House 90 BOX 411 PANAMA, wwwA ing it 50 The Workman Printery joyed.


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