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the scene. What can can be foreman Soon it was per a acts of the former WAS to the sea pipes.
of All fellings favour of your higres were Demeraja mans to Brass Tacks West Indians Going Over to Pertinent Answer to Note 81 Fill Gap Germany Thrilling Scenes Were Caused by Three Men Fired, Entire Gang Sad Catastrophy GRENADA PAPER GIVES TELLS HUNS NOT TO Strike Work NOTE OF WARNING CAMOUFLAGE Between the hours of and ditch ware buried in not less The West Indian a As President of the Peace report reaching this of the men. At once the rep. on Monday last the vicinithan twelve feet of sand and ties of Marañoa and Guachapali water Those who witnessed Grenadian paper, recently Conference, President fice yesterday evening states mainder of the gang quit were thrown into a state of that scane will never forget it, pante; people could be seen com strong mun shed tears, women published a report of labor Clemenceau worded a most that a number of carpenters work ank refused to driver employed by the Buildtng stroke until the three men ing from all directions and mak croanvd, children screamed, and shortage in Demerara due poignant reply to the Ger Division and working on the who had been fired were refor one common point, men, even the workers seemed afraid to the abolition of East man Note on Reparations cable offices in course of stored to work.
women, polieemen, at fira to approach the bomberos, all all pull inell. josting We commend those who were in Indian Immigration, as in which that country construction at Balboa made decision was not long in each other, trying to be first on charge for keeping the the great tried to evade aggression a short lived strike on follows: the mat. crowd back or the loss of life in, and responsibility for Thursday, when three of coming from the foreman ter? What has gone wrong might have been greater At These were the questions asked first search two of the workers, shortage of laborers through the het his understand owing to the the War. The Premier their gang were fired by the who put the men whom he had discharged back on the Even by. reply which is dated May The information explained went on with their work, job and then the whole gang to the point where a Caromina, Panatnanian were en had begun ther. taken out, and when it was found Kration, Demerara is offering em 20th, 1919, is as follows that the gang of carpenters and they didn push the it was noised arv ni that that life was not extinct those ployment to West Indian labor Mr Chairinan.
had fixed some wooden barrows either.
accident had take place men were hastened to hospital. ers at the rate of about 4s.
at the work enath was being done Hd the search boen vigorously offered for the settlement on the state that Gerunany while accept bourers were to fill with the day at Facilities In your note of May 19th you forms for concrete which lanothing ach and bijouh hath been that the other or night have not been able to get into the travo sasion to make reparation alia mixture. The foreman, in the occurrence as a power half of pursued who knows, but Dance of We have The men are talking about 1918 obli killed. On arriving at the were actly the case, but, as in most ertions slackened with the respear that laborers from this colo hility was involved either for the called upon three of the car ters should take notice of Wolfound that this was not ex all that ware covered in the eve of this rumdur, but it woulut ap not understand such an accept stead of allowing the labour sul instance of unity and that her responsi ers to do their proper work they assert that all carpensult inat later instances, the tirst report was of Rufus Lasn and Georg9 Dar on the subject and many of them war or for on the dead bodies ny have already got information bility Krestly exaggerated.
German Government, and that penters to push the wheel the incident and stand up rell both West Indians ar leave every mail in search of work lows. dich about right feet water boy. It seems that he just and The facts briefly told are as fol. found. Poor little Rufus was a in the Magnificent Province of it is only possible to conceive of barrows and pour the con for the dignity of their there are no guarantees such a obligation it its origin crete in themselves, where craft. Nothing doing fiet deep is being dux leading to some one and at bhe same time before leaving the island to so souhelador at the digenges, that it was not their work, sage they are sending to wide and about twelve to tiftesa entered the ditch to hand water and the people should think well and the soubor the responsibility upon they refused protesting without unity is the mesfrom 19th Strees Guacha pull the embankment gave way, the thing is certain, in a very short would never have undertaken a.
that German The boss did not like their brethren of the the This drech is for the sides came in, and the protect the other italiand will be able to wr of aggression. this flat refusal and fired saw and compass.
the purpose laying sewerage ing byards were forced together attra Yet in the tan attract every able bodied Gren from Secretions, we un precau and both he and Darrell mnetan ada laborer whose work is much tary of State Lansing, of Novemhad bn untimely death. Ah! who taken by those in charge. The describe sandy, boards of the of appreciated abroad. In that case, ber 5th ground, being sandy, in pin had been tixed to keep the the present when the bodies every man owes a duty to himself of anach 1918, which you approve New Movie House, this paper can amply testify to the business like methods sides of the ditch from coming were brought to view! Mothers, offered him.
to go where a living wage is obligation. It is said that the For Colon.
to make reparation of Messrs. Pinel and Arosein, and th se bards were sop: weeping, all wondering if any fathers, brothers, sisters, all arises out of Germany sion by land, sea and air.
mena in placing the Pacific ported by justs. But as more once said, there is but one Ruler embankment, for some of the buried beneath the Brown Set At As the German Government The Management of the Theatre on a basis as an up did of earth and sea, and none can workers, whether they had min.
not at the time make any Pacific Theatre in this city to date Picture Play house.
say to the waves, Thus far Liberty We anticipate unbounded which gled with the crowd, or whether it thereby recognizes it is wel particularly and to colored success for the Management Therefore Germany all the precautions taken the they had taken advantage of the tide for a long time had been be found. We learn from a relia the cou notion and gone, could not Readers of Workman recognized in 1918 implicity, but people generaly, has just at the Union Hall, especially undermine the side eff this ble source that both of the role wille a doubtless th remember the clearly, the aggression, and her completed arrangements for so as the prices charged: 20c. as stated before and 40c. silver are within the extending their operations to quite sandy; the result was that ties taken to the hospital, though strange incident at colon relat responsibility.
ing to the migration of labour. seek to deny them today. It is therefore too late to Colon. The Union Hall has reach of all.
this day the water not only suffering from injuries receivel, ers to Cuba during the months been secured and suitably penetrated, but the force of it as well as from shock, are on the of May and. June last when It would be impossible. you fitted up as a Picture Play Seventeen Hundred New Z62caused the protection placed at road to recovery. To the sor. a goodly number of West Indians state further, that the German House, and from to morrow the sides to give way, the ew rowing families of the deceased olen med to love been detentibus et de colupices de retour de night (Sunday) West Indians land Fighters Arrive at Colon each bankment cared in and some of the Work man begs to tender its for the purpose of getting to committed by the former Ger at Calon will be treated to faults were in.
Cuba by a labor bureau estab. ian Government. However, some of the most modern lished at Colon and run by Regi Germany has never claimed, and features and serials that have From Blood stained Battle nald Brown in connection such declaration would have Fields of Europe West Indian Contingent Men to all ever reached the Isthmus of International Paw, Returned that a modification of its politiOurColon correspondent writes Commencing to morrow that the seventeen hundred New And so poor Brown untortunate cal regime, or a change in the night there will be shown the Zealand soldiers from the blood Last week, twenty two of Johnson, Wright, Hinds, out to him which eventually tur. he sufficient to extinguish an exciting and interesting Serial who landed at the Cristobal dochts iy had the former course dealt governing personalities, would 1st and 2nd Episodes of the stained battle fields of Europe the brave boys who left here Reid, Howell. minated in his being incarcer obligation already undertaken The Lure of the Circus. on Wednesday last thoroughly and went over to the war to Lynch, Hurd, Bailey, ated in the local jail for the by any nation. She did not act themselves in do their bit in the great bat. Young and Cumber long term of over eleven months upon the principle she now con. featuring Eddie Polo, the cities of pending trial for what he claims tends, either In 1871, as regards dare devil actor.
tle for liberty and right re batch.
olon and Cristobal, Those turned, after two years of loyhe was innocent of fighting heroes who were unable France after the proclamation of Sergeant. A. Gaskin the Those of us who had the to go ashore wore sumptously the Republic, nor in 1917 al service with the colors, to popular Willie is expected in reBut within few gard to Russia after the revolu pleasure of seeing Eddie Polo entertained on board by kind ladies and who made it a meet their loved ones whom here soon, and all his numer montas a friends of Brown sot tion, which abolished the Czarist recently in his serious stunts kapeta apo nt hersee that mine less they had left behind. ous friends are preparing to look after him which quickly report of the common responsi Gnost, The Brass Bullet employed a lawyer regime. Finally you ask, These men are among the give him a right warm wel sulted in his being liberated bility be communicated to you. and oihers, will never get which carries the 1, 700 fighting in such pictures as The Gray fortunate werenot neglected.
transport Waimana great sons of Britain who come when he gets here. on Friday the 23rd ſinst after In reply we beg to say that the went forth without question. In the West Indies the spending 11 months in durance Allied and Associated Powers tired in seeing his familiar men for John Bull is one of the ing the reasons for the call. home coming of the boys has ot moneys which he declares mission, set up by the Peace vile for the alleged appropriation cons of the Com figure on the screen, largest troopships at present in Their country was at war and on all occasions been marked has been used by other indivi Conference, as documents of an the Circus as a curtain raiser allowed on shore and it is claim.
In screening The Lure of ing at Cristobal the men were the New Zealand service. On dock they were needed that all with great events and we duals.
International character which Now that their work is o er should not be behind in Particulars with cannot be transmitted to you.
the management doubted that of the large number of and they have done their duty Panama.
Brown incareeration Accept Mr. Chairman etc.
less make a HIT with the 1, 700 hundred soldiers let loose as England expected it, they We hope that an im as follows: During on a single occasian in a city, the are here again and we bid promptu committee will get Brown along with two leading of June 1918 the (Signed CLEM ENCEAU. Colon movie fans.
behaviour was all that could be At the present time it has desired; there was not a single them welcome.
The following are the names for the boys so that they will were arrested and placed in the professional gentlemen WEDD ING BELLS.
been decided to give shows occcrrence of misbehaviour by of those who have returned: feel that we appreciate all ock up at Colon on the denun four times a week Tuesday, any of the men, and considering Sergeant Charles Jackson, that they have done on their ciation of a number of persons Mr, Richards and Mrs. day, when the same pictures long sea voyage it augurs well for Sunday last the 24th instant, Thursday, Friday and Satur: the length of time these men were confined on deck during the Lance Corporal. Abraham own account and in our be who stated that they had been Rozal, widow both of Jamaica were will be screened at the Pacific the excellent behaviour of John Williams. Privates Ed half.
charged ten dollars gold a head joined together in holy wedlock gar, David, Skeete, The unannounced returning for transportatiou to Caba by an by the Rev. Carson ad lock in Panama and Union Hall in Ball fighting force whose conLegall, Best, Haynes, of the men is responsible for Brown, and that after waiting for Zone. Aiter the marriage ceremployment bureau duct throughout the war has been run Church, Ancon, by Luke Canal Pinnock, Marshall, the lack of preparation for a considerable time could not get emony the newly wed couple, notify the Colon public that states The Management begs to absolutely impeachable.
Our correspondent further Hudson, the New Blackett, Sharpe, Thompson, some arrangements may be but suddenly discovered that their home, where a pleasant af screening the very best pic kad heroic acedesi ons valor on the their reception, but we trust away demanded back their mon lookin quite happy, repaired to no expense will be spared in Zealand fighters were some who Hamlin, Colston, Smith, made to give them a right the plata was non est. Richards, Hibbord, hearty greeting. Contined on page goodly number of friends and tures, and those of us at Pan battle fields of blood stained well wishers.
ama including the staff of France, no further.
It seems that with. goose some one pays the piper ples of the to the tune.
In the the past that The the reports of connected run of St. Colon.
that amung


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