
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MAY 31, 1919 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands a les Besia to give itish Guiana the others a vilad bo provide the labour that RR Sonstructing Structural Draftsma Structural cineer Municipal Engineer Window Timer Show Card Writer Outdoor Sue Pier CIVIL TERNICE Architecural Drama who bag Yleetrie Lighting Weetrie Car Running Heavy eetrie Trueties Telegraph Engineer MECHANICAL ENGUREER Mechanical Draften Machinerigter Shop Practice Boilermaker or Designer Patternmaker Toolmaker Foundry Work Sheet Metal Worker STEAN ENGINEER Designer Common Sehoot Subjects Concrete Builder PLUMBER STEAM FITTER Heating and Ventilation Plumbing Inspector Foreman Plumber CHENIST Teace Metal Mining Assayer Amber Dealer RATIBATION Bookkeeper Marine Engineer Refrigeration Engineer Gas Englue Operator CIVIL ENGINEER Surveying and Mapping Live Stock Mod Dairying Poultry Farming Army and Navy Service Modern Photograph Certified Pub. Aceountant Commercial Law Good ng iba TRAFFIC MARABER St. Jamesla NAME ADDRESS RESIDENCE The scheme ose rely foot vand Georgetowi. Dexerator Star pred joined on her last voyage First Class Workmanship led anon more and sounds sanger between East view or about actes of Jamaica docked here. This will be the Eran Wong, Luckhon, that the opening of work will pbig railway, will involve the ex. some money it conditions are en first effort of the kind made at and Permal and Dr benefit the West Indies. The penditure of huge sums of money, couraging. There is no doubt Montego Bay, and it is confident Wharton.
Panama Canal and the Brazilian We do not expect the Govern about it, the people of these The following case heard in the believe will be means of His Bxcelleney the Governor railway schemes did, and many ment of British Guiana to do the islands are experiencing hard.
Resident Magistrates Court at giving constant employment to a Dr. Nanan Attorney Gener are the sons of these islands who work itsell. The Imperial Gov. ships and are anxious to find a where they could get This to be in England at the mulated money and returned standing may think fit to do sofair pay for this work.
from a recent issue of the Gleaner atord the sale docking of visitsregether with others interibome in a position to help them Whatever happens, Vest Lodianois redected in the fact that is here reproduced, not so much ing vessels time.
for general information but as a Beside the slip dock, other in ested the colony residing in selves forward in life. We are stand to gain, for to turn for hundreds of West to States every who would pay their employees the premises including the land. the deputation in bringing its season. In fact, nearly every starvation wages and at the game ing place which is to undergo inission to a successful issue.
boat is full of persons going over time expect them give food thorough repairs.
there in search of profitable emaud faithful service. and more The schooner William Bloom Bill has just been passed in than all expect them to be honest. teld.
What Position Do You Want?
yment. If the British the Demerara Legislature to de The forceful comment of the Resrailway early next year. We schemes were made a International Correspondeuce Schools, Scranton, Pa.
The Atlantic Fruit Co is pertine and regulate the law with ident Magistrate Mr. v.
worthy of consideration chasing bananas today honestly believe that the is!
The respect to contempt of Court. It Branch Office, Ancon, proposing to go the United from any order by the Supreme States will go to Demerara in looking woman, neatly clad, was head.
Please explain how can qualify for a larger salary in the position, stead to arraigned on a charge of larceny cartain concern here not where the contempt takes place Court for criminal contempt, e.
trade, or profession, before which have marked for and in erecting the railway of two pieces of paper valued at be necessary in preparing in tbe the ELECTRICAL ENGINEER face of the court, or is Beetrie Wiring SALESUARAI sentation in appreciation of the calculated to obstructor ris Cawley shoperty of Dor associated with the recent repreBridge Engineer It is the order of the day every impropMOTERISIS NA guilty where for men to try to improve The Clerk of the Courts ex services of Mr. Dorinaldi erly prejudice the administration their position, and they will go plained the facts of the case brief us it is learat, under considera of justice in proceedings before Telegraph Work ARCHITECT to any place where they think Vy; the accused was employed to tion scheme to perpetuate the the court. The maximum penalty CARTOONIST they can achieve their purpose.
of Contractor and Builder complainant who is the postmis: formation is to the effect that a default of payment in. is one month imprisonment, in Poreman ILLUSTRATOR tress in charge of the Troja Post prominent gentleman a fine of bas 120.
Office. And during her mistress High School Subjects absence she made away with two the matter in hand, may take it a Mining TRINIDAD unstamped distinct representation, his or postal orders Blacksmith His Honour: What work was matter. What can be definitely turned by the jury at the inquiry, ganization having no voice in the Following the open verdict re AUTOMOBILES BUSINESS (Completo she employed to do?
Trinidad Fireman War Steam Electrie Engineer Corporal McLeod said she was sented is that the promotorina into the cause of the death of AGRICULTURE Stenographer and Typlat making the Mrs Higher Accounting employed to carry the mails be of his efforts and they will not found murdered at her residence Experience.
tween the post office and the be railway station confined to at Alexander Street, His Honour: How much per an early announcement is expec 15th March last, the two youths By the Santilla which week does she get arrived recently, fireman Dudley Corporal McLeod she got four ted Bertie Green and Thomas Barton Morris, a native of Trinidad re.
are charged with the crime, OCCUPATION shillings per week, sir turned to the colony after an abHis Honour: Gracious, goodat the City Police Court sence of a little over four years ness; how on earth do you exbefore His Worship Mr.
on war service.
rvice. He the Demerara. McCowan, The two Trent pect a person getting four shillings per week to be honest; it a perfect accused were remanded till Wedfrom this port in 1915, and on ar disgrace: it is nothing else than nesday, 30th instant, as a result WILKINSON rival in England he signed off.
Demerara Colonization scandal in a civilized country: of the first witness for the pro Later Trent was when the bow is she to live on it, must she Scheme.
secution being Contractor Builder converted into an auxil er with six guns, he rejoined as an auxiliary cruie not steal?
Mr. Burrows, will you please Deputation to Proceed to Vulted a fireman, and proceeded write to the postmistress and Kldgdom.
Demerara Considother places to Africa, where the tell her that it is a positive discruiser got into action with the grace to employ any body much la connection with the Colonizering Big Program German battleship Konigsburg decent person at such a ation Scheme which is engaging Plans and Specifications Free which eventually caught fire ant wieked rate of pay. Tell the attention of the authorities in was sunk by two monitors whici her it is a scandal, and ask her British Guiana, it has been decid and industrial development, BriFor the purposes of its internal the Trentº was towing After how she expects a person to live ed that he Govorament should tish Guiana is considering a big 15th Street West, House 90 this, the cruiser was engaged as on such wages. Sarcastically, make arrangements to send to programme. She has even tak BOX 411 Four shillings per week, heaven the PANAMA, Africa, and it was at United Kingdom a ing steps to bring to the notice of help the unfortunate people.
wwwwwwwwwww this time that she took part in deputation Mr. Burrows: But she can be bers of various races in the col possibilities of this area of consisting of mem. His Majesty. Government the bombarding and capturing sea: blamed your Honour; she is post fore, His Majesty with the port towns of German East of laying beforty eight million going by orders; it is the PostGovernment land which have been neglect under Admiral Chandler Africa, master General. representation of the needs of for too In 1917, Morris was Voice; One can hardly tell if the colony both for the maintain. improbable. It is therefore not of the flagship Vengea that the West Indies to present industries and Mantau than the messenger or mail car for the extension, and to showill benefit if work is set on foot postanistress is any better off ance armed cruiser. In October of that in that FOUNDED IN 1881 rier, when it comes to the matter the We once heard country.
age which this colony while year. we once heard off Gibraltar, his of of wages, a nin raider Hier is nour: Well, write to the utfords to immigrants from other scheme there connecting the countries. The comunittee in with Brazil and upon was sent to Davy Jones THE OLDEST DRUG STORE IN PANAMA was Postmaster General and tell him charge of the scheme, recom this eager eyes have been set for locker within two hours, after that is a shame, a dia mend the adoption of the follow CITY, AND THE MOST MODERN ONE putting up a sturdy some time, but the disruption of Dur fight.
bolical disgrace, to employ peo ing procedure for the guidance the war made it impossible for it ing the scrap Morris got wound.
at such small wages and then of the deputation:materialise. Now that the war expect them to be honest; and Headquarters for all Articles Assoed on the right hand and left leg it no wonder the poor people Invitation to Sir Wm. Goode is over, it is to be hoped that the fell on deck. He was and Mr. Aspinall to act as matter will be steal, because they are tempted debe considered ciated with the Drug Trade.
Honorary Secretaries. and fully carried out. Should mobilized on the 18th of March last and was given a passage out to do so by those above them. Formal visit to Colonial this be done, we have good rea. PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED BY QUALIFIED PHARMACISTS on the Santilla along with 17 cannot speak too strongly on this Continuing His Honour said, Office to arrange reception son to anticipate that there will which he had to his credit as disgraceful and scandalous by the Secretary of State. be an exodus of West Indian laprac wages.
tice. And the more think of it, MANUEL ESPINOSA Reception of former or pres.
bour to the centre of of operations, When asked by His Worship at the more it makes my blood boil ent British Guiana colonists Men practised in that class of Central Avenue, 33 the City Magistrate Court yeswith indignation. TO accused. now resident temporarily or work, look out daily for news terday, why he went on cursing Opposite La Merced Church permanently in the United and would be glad of ths first inPanama.
law sorrry for you and am not in the manner he did, Gooling, an going to send you to prison. But dication of the railway schem Kingdom, also of those finanin cially or otherwise interested being made a reality. We know Continued on page mind, don go and steal again.
And take my advice, if at in the colony. any nte time you go out to work again d. Interview with East Indian and you find that wages doesn suit you Association in London separand ately or if advisable jointly live on it, then leave the with other Indian Associament. bind you over on your tions.
own recognizance in the suin of to come up and receive senInterview with leading jour nalists (arrange through Royal tence when called upon, Colonial Institute, West India Committee and Returned Contingent Men Interview with leading memContingent men recently rebers of colony both houses of turned to the parish have been Parliament, risiting the town during the past week in goodly numbers. From Arrangement by courtesy of those associations inter what could be gathered, they ested in the colonies, of city very little intention of set. luncheon and also special RESOURCES OVER 100, 000. 000. 00U. CURRENCY thing in the parish, and are pre dinner Royal Colonial Instito swell the side of immicute tute and other bodies, also of Buation to Cuba. committee!
evening lectures and recep was appointed in St. James some tions at Royal Geographical Depository of the Panama Canal time ago to procure work for the Society and elsewhere. Disreturning men bat it cannot be play of films.
stated what erúployment is at Meeting with various Secre.
their disposal.
taries of State, deputation to Slip Dock be accompanied by His ExTHE INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION IS INCLUDED IN THE ORGANIZATION OF Among the several im cellency.
provement being made in and The Pational City Bank of New York around Montego Bay, great in Personel of Deputation to terest was centered this week on the preparations being made at England.
AND IN CONNECTION WITH THAT INSTITUTION AND ITS DIRECT FOREIGN BRANCHES Mr. Emery wharf preinises on Harbour Street for facilitating The following gentlemen have the docking of boats at this port. been recommended to form the correspondent visited the pre deputation to proceed to England mises and found Capt Edwin Wal. in connection with the INTEREST PAID ON SAVINCS ACCOUNT AT PER ANNUM.
ton of Cayman Brac, and his Colonization Scheme. His Wor statt in tion of a slip dock. When this (the Hon. E, G, Woodford. MORRICE, ROBERTSON, undertaking has been completed. Hons. Browne, it will be possible for boats vary. Brown and Brassington, Sub Manager.
Acting Manager, ing from 35 to 40 tons being Messrs J, McFarlane Corry, Central Drug Store advantage whicharisengaged ac mainland Dimica tehost the bursting of the a sha.
again that the you cannot employ INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION Head Office, National City Bank Building, New York e.
Capital, Surplus, and Undivided Profits Over 9, 000, 000. 00 Cy.


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