
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, MAY 31, 1919 PAGE THREE Interesting West Indian News. which has mid him up. LA MASCOTA and it of the occu The REGAL and BOSTONIAN Shoes 2, 000, 000, 000 MULLER more. Exclu will the United of the Uniants to 200 pay off its obliThe Workman Printery RENT RECEIPT and the provided on de prognition nited King be plenty were of patron The Different Garage.
Not INDIFFERENT and severe motor car accident Cost of the War to On the afternoon of the first day races Continued from page at St. Andrew Mr. Renwick the United States was riding home with the Date family when something wen wrong with the motor East Indian, replied, did not toppled over Most o According to a review made by car and Representative Cordell Hull, of curse the Constable it is God nants escaped uninjured but Mr.
the House Ways and Means Comwas cursing because He brought mittee, the total cost of the mar me into this world and left me Renwick unfortunately sustained in THE HOME OF to the United States from April this poor state. Whenever 80 which rendered him unconscious.
a blow in the head, and wounds 6, 1917 to June 30 1919, will be to get a job. He allows someone He is still ill but is reported to be 30, 205, 000, 000. Compared with else to get it. His Worship tola improving gradually, the war costs to the Allies from bim he was a foolish man to speak August 1, 1914, to date, this is like that and fined him one pound three fourths the size of Enor 14 days hard labour. WEST INDIAN UNIVERgland war expenditure, 40, 640.
000, 000 one. fourth larger than SITY DISCUSSION.
High and Low Cut the debt of France, approximate Fedo de Gannes ly 23. 400, 000, 000: twice as large almost, as the debt of Italy, 16, Rises In Cricket tion of a West Indian University In various in all the Latest Styles and Prices to Meet 000, 000, 000; and 15 times the war is being discussed seriously debt col. 500, 000, 000. Con has been Thermometer where sons of various Colonies the Pocket of All seeking after knowledge and pared to the cost of the whole Makes Double Century, Not the popular professions and carts anxious to attain Civil War period, fixed in 1879 et 86, 190, 000, 000, the war just clos Out, on April may be enabled to do so so at incon siderable cost and with no less ed cost five times sin sive of losses in property materiinconvenience than is usual in Playing for the Oriental the recognised Universities of never be als, which probably against Holborn on Saturday the Kingdom and Canada.
Sole Agent known, the cost of the war in April 15, Fedo de Gannes The ord money or its equivalent, accord The proposers reached appare new ing to Mr Hull amounts to a brilliant display of the willow ciation of benefits which 37 CENTRAL AVENUE as the port of Spain Gazette of been conferred by Codrington PANAMA 000, 000, 000, or within 50, 000, 000 000, of the estimated wealth or the 13th Ult. reports:the United States.
College but it is rcognised that charges on the total indebtedness Double centurions are very the efforts of the local University rare indeed in the colony, and it is principally confined to the of the Allies will amount to 10, 000, 000, 000 annually. Mr. Hull that honour belonged solely to and the giving of the arts HUMOROUS says this nation can without dit1 Constantine. Yesterday to the students of classics. The ficulty meet and gations far in advance of other week, however, that splendid new University will be wider in His Studies nations, and that we should and all arourder, Fedo de Gannes, its educational it is whose achievements Curate: And how is your son soon be able to get our normal on the suggested Governmentand sup cricket field have gained for him port from each Colony should be FOR getting on with his studies in expenditures down to a permanend peace level of not over the distinction of rep London, Nrs. Jenkins?
representing obtained Sir Leslie Probyn reIsland. 3, 000, 000, 000.
joined Constantine Mrs. Jenkins: He be working in cently proposed the establishBOOKS terrible bard, poor lad. He savo the 208 not out in the Oriental against ical be often up until two in the Holborn down South. Andre Colleges in Jamaica for West Indian students, and sugges SPANISH AND ENGLISH mornin larning ow to ja.
Cipriani was disposed of cheaply tion has been most favourably NOTICE but de Gannes defied the bowl. receceived. The establishment ing and by a dashing and brilliant of any. We West Indlan Hard Labour for Magls TO THE PUBLIC AT LARGE display placed his club in a side University it secured Professors of trates The West Indian Pacific Band position, the total for the good in the United une being 329.
There would be should at once be a success. Before a man becomes a Mabegs to notity the publie that gistrate be should have three and address to the y have changed their name age provided the facilities months hard labour as part of his Grenada good, and its immediate recogni.
training for the office, THE PANAMA CAPITAL Bug gested Miss Underwood BRASS BAND secretary of the Women Free Band Hall, 22 St. Guachapali, The West Indian saya it is es inclush University should not be Certainly the fruition dom League recently, at a meetHouse 25.
timated that nearly 10, 000 were of the idea would be one of the in to discuss penal reform.
Sec. Whittaker, spent by the officers and crew inost, pleasing and enduring Band Instructor Sealy, of Cornwall during the combined memorials which week that the ship remained in would be established to the perThe Garage where every one is treated alike.
Calidonla House 80 our port. That was a good visit petuation of West Indian beroism Panama Hats helped certain lines of busi in the late war.
One Price Good Service ness. part from the question CLÉANED, and BLOCKED Triumph of, Sur.
of cultivating intimate relations Right Prices with Britain sea heroes, the Dr. JOHNSON and TRIMMED to Order gery.
VINTL of ships to these islands ALSO carry with them the more im.
SURGEON DENTIST portant aspect of profitable busiMILLINERY DRESSMAKING Grafting Operation Cures 11686.
Paralysis HOUSE No. 965, LaBoca, Phone 1003 Address The local manufacturers of naAncon, 852 Canal Zone KANGAROO TENDONS PLAY IM.
tive made leather are proudly PORTANT PART holding up their heads and after An affection of the spinal co the experimental stage are able lumn of Thomas Ryan, of Harri to proclaim that they can offer a non avenue, which was paralyzed good quality of leather made in public froin hips down two years ago has been cared a bone graft chen per prices than it e by a can be im places abroad.
This ing operation performed in the United Hospital, Port Chester, in the establishment of a step by Dr. Charles Walker, of new industry, if assisted by Dr.
be the means of ensuu Adei ph Hoerr, of Mamaroneck.
ensuring the retention in in the colony Dr. Walker is an assistant visitmany standing pounds sent P: abroad annually for leather of a ing surgeon at Bellevue Hospital, New York.
certain class. We are in a posi piece of bone, eight inches tion to say that the article offered long and approx mately one balt at the establishment of Mr.
has fully an inch thick, was removed froun ully stood its test, one of Ryan legs and was suband there can be no reason to be other than genuine. Every stituted for the deseased portios taken of the spine. It was tied in posiedhe tion with kangaroo tendons and out, and for this purpose the pro grew firmly into place. Ryan moter is money. Com upper body was kept in a plaster cast during the months required the Call in at the for proper knitting of the bone.
tenring depot is located at Fonte Ryan was delighted one day Hoy near the sea and ample pains when he found he could move his are taken to render the surround toe. Soon he could move his teet ing as sanitary as possible. We and by degrees regained the use have olten written that the peo.
Ryan was discharged from the ple must look in different dnec hospital recently, and a few days tions for the means of helping appeared on the strets of Harithemselves and it is certainly a sign non apparently as healthy and that they are are adopting strong as he was ten years ago, that plan.
PHONE No. 1050 when the malady which pro leather here is a big one and justiduced paralysis attacked him.
ties any pushful man in under The articles are dear, and the heavy cost for building WHAT EVERY WOMAN or repairing the boots of the OUGHT TO KNOW people. The native leatber in.
dustry therefore requirer every kis dod patronage in order that Buring wisely to the fundamen.
those responsible for it will be tal principle of Koonomy. Let enaused to extend their business me do you shopping and you and in that way meet the deC. Mc KENZIE will soon realise tha iminense mands of the market.
BET saving that can be made (LATE OF THE MARINE STUDIO)
Dress Material of silk, Cottse and Woolen fabrics of the very The West Indian records the latest Styles. am an expedeath of Mrs, Rebecca Webster rienced shopper and know how Public Librarian St. Georges and where to buy.
Grenada, which took place last the Grenadiats please no The Novalty Lousina Silk ice.
is a beauty SPECIAL FEATURE.
MRS. ANN THOMAS, His mamy friends will learn Dussmaker.
witle regret that Mr. Reatot Central, Wick or this town has sustained House No. 11 Pausa.
CHALMERS GARAGE wa ported from plad beveit encouraged, of the very will GOOD PICTURE increases one interest in PHOTOGRAPHY Franco has lieve it other to have a clean turn component Hands are on The manufac a good deal of ing satisfactorings are progress of both.
SCRANTON PHOTO STUDIO 68 Central Avenue good The trade in sole And you are sure to be interested in having your Picture taken by the genial proprietor Printing, Developing and Enlarging

    Civil WarFranceItalySpain

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