
o hold arriver for won are purely CORTE Condents Published on Saturdays by R. de a 20 One Year Six Months Three Ona 60e.
reports tial account.
over The Calidonia Jewelry Store to proa fact, that there is those AND The aim is to get the blood to loosen ite hold роа PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SAWURDAY, MAY 31, 1919 Editorialettes.
and he rushed frienzied to the employed is responsible for The Open Forum Congressional Hall announc tight fistedness of the money THE WORKMAN The Senator Nightmare calamity of the Nations, not getting thousands at a pinion expremedla was com the seat. ing the danger, peril and kings who calculate upon The League of Nations, coloured.
flash who would be glad for coloured! This was the while a job. The bunkyomtalk er well known Druggist. On Rates for Advertisement on applica: ejaculation of a mental dysEvery once in from New WALROND, at the office Central Avv. tion. Correspondence on all matters Due and corner of Street, Panama, of public interest invited. peptic who occupies a seat in there bursts forth from some Orleans might be a bluff, but Red Cross.
sudden it won be too difficult to get All copy for publication must be the Senate, but who obscure corner whieh Box 74. Panama written on one side of paper only, and isn sure of what he is there noise reverberates them in and around here. To The Edrok. THE WORKMAN RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION must be accompanled by the name of for or even why he is in the around the Capitol and then dies down like a full spent little over a week ago proper thing. 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publice world, tion but as a mark of good faith.
storm. Aliay thy fears, thou when the work on the newly practice of journalisa, to publish reporty, we do not undertake to return which is haunted by thoughts cian.
He belongs to the class excited nerve stricken politi planned military reservation the accuracy of which cannot be suported rejected correspondence.
of The Yellow Peril, dreaming!
Thou wast only at Miraflores commenced, by one of the staff of the paper, who eleven box cars carrying one understands the policy of the paper Orientalism and when a publie organization is under hundred men each left the consideration, the breach is the more to The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of ourrights JUNIUS and Negrophobia. The Panamanians first morning for the scene of grettable, especially when such and other Latin Americans Surplus Labor: SATURDAY, MAY 31, 1919 operations. The men were are are supplied or written hy one person who are half castes for all put to work and it was or another condicated with the society them and the Filipinos, InEconomic conditions are only in the late evening when It follows as a matter of course, that a Square Deal.
dians, Chinese and Japanese, still menaced by surplus La the whistle blew the men en the public sets only the writers mide of make up an aggregation of bor despite the exodus to the quired from the boss how offsinsinstead of the reportep impar.
the powerful colored race United States and Cuba much per day they would reDuring the late strike in Cristobal which occured a that threaten the future which was known ceive, and they were told on the West Indian Red Cross, is a great Your editoriallette of the 24th instant few weeks ago some empty headed individuals were heard safety of the world. In his year ago.
that they would get the usual breach of journalistic etiquette in that you to say that the laborers did not know what they were ask, nightmare the old senator Perhaps the presence here 17 cents rating. tempora, wrote without reserve about society.
the workings of which, on the face o the ing for and described them as an unorganized, misguided was kicked out of his bed, of a still great number of un mores!
artiel, e you know nothing, not having gang of malcontents whose grievances were imaginery attended the meetings, and whose attitude was comparable with the bucking Grammar School: state now, without fear of truthfe of a mule subject to fits of distemper.
When will it be? Parents are contradiction that the is not This kind of gab is the virtuous effusion of mental anxiously yearning over the for the public to put their monies in and proper place at present constituted dyspeptics who can no more digest reasonable facts than establishment ofa well ordered the only argument can advance (taus can they talk something approximating good horse sense, Grammar school and a de time) in support of the statement is, that and to give serious thought to such twaddle would be a partment of Higher Educa too many honest, intelligent respectable, display of as great, if not grosser, ignorance on our part.
tion West Indians. ladies and gentlemen of the community prominent and really representative We have found it impossible to make ourselves be Obarrio Building. No. 2, Calidonia Road The cry is getting louder and and the race respectively have had to lieve that the silver employes are treated with proper conlonger and more frequent and leave that society severely alone and sideration for the work they perform; and we cannot disLET EXPERT HANDS DO YOUR it seems as if something must say Red Crow chapter, Branch or mix possess our minds of the impression that the system of be done. In fact, the idea liary that falls to secure the best efforts, wages as arranged for colored men is based upon nothing WATCH REPAIRING of such a school has been in which can only be had from the liberal approaching equity.
the mind of a few prominent support of the ablest people in its It is an easy argument that if we, observers, can dis WE KNOW HOW. TRIAL WILL CONVINCE. West Indians in this city, questionable reason, which if brought out cover that the laborers are both ill paid and underpaid, and is only awaiting practi will surely reflect to the discredit of those who do the actual work must per force of experience Wedding and Engagement Rings a Specialty. cal materialization, and we responsible.
feel that their services are not commensurately rewarded hope it will not be long ere coucur in your views relative to with wages, and for this reason there is general dissatisS. O, CAMPBELL the doors of such institution knockers but there is another obstacle in faction not only among the silver employes of the Panama WATGHMAKER JEWELLER. here will be thrown open for such places and by far the worst of all. The Parasite Humanity, that which Canal and Panama Railroad Co. but also of local and the benefit of children of takes the place and the Phone 1053.
Cars Stop at the Door.
private corporations in Panama.
West Indian parentage.
good things previded for Suffering Humanity.
The fact is, that the colored man has come to underknocker chief The expense which parents sucking inset to loos stand that from his untiring, unfailing, and earnest serresiding here have to undergo she vitals of the society and that is so vice the employer is enriching himself at the rate of by maintaining their children good an object, that am constrained to enormous and abnormal profits while he (the working in the West Indies while re to regard the former, a wefal obstacle man) hardly gets in a few instances, and does not get in ceiving their education is and a necessary evil in the most cases, wages enough to satisfy the barest necessities alarmingly high and the To all those who are desirous of suid of inauguration of a Grammar Americana, through the Canal Zone sha!
porting the IR. say wait.
that the oppression be stopped and that humanity be school would meet the situa ver of the American Red Cross are ou shown.
tion admirably. Le bon the poor sickly little But justice goes farther and besides asking for livtemps viendra says the thing. The under their ing wages which has been the slogan for a long time, THE CITY PHARMACY Frenchman and so say we.
protection and since that will nican sterihas uttered a new note, shriller and clearer than anything lizing and fumigating and consequontly sounded from the camps of labor before. The cry now is Has supplied a long felt want by opening up death to Parasites, the knocking will No Knocking Please: cease, and then willing hearts and hands a square deal. Every body wants it and the most genan up to date ean step in to the support of those good erous reply is given to gold employes on the Isthmus who Whatever is Initiated in ones who are now doing their best, with simply have to hold their bags at the mouth of the cornu Soda Water Fountain these days under the name the firm assurance that suffering humnecopia and bear away their heavy loads of dinero when of social advancement must it will indeed be benedfitted.
the months end.
Cool and refreshening Drinks of all flavors necessarily be scrutinized, with thanks, The amusing philosophy applied by the golden served with Syphon Soda, at moderate prices weighed and tested; this is spooners in their demands for higher wages and free the natural way to go at BABINGTON SIMONS quarters with all the privileges of dame fortune children THE CITY PHARMACY things, but many persons echoes through tooting horns and megaphones around the adopt the policy of knockStadium as well as in the pit a pat on the floors of the 130 CENTRAL AVENUE ing the efforts of others THE WORKING MAN. steen hotels and clubrooms all along the Canal, while the when they should rather help natural appeals of the colored men are smothered by the set things right.
Sir. The Colored Working man has very noise that makes the others get what they foster a If we don agree and we been dsscriminated against year in and netion for can co operate, let us keep canery of the more unscrupulow. The year out. Through the trickery and chiBut the silver employes are determined to keep on contingency which in the form of opposition might try to ful criticisms. If it cannot been curtailed or limited until a decent selves and mobilizing their forces in order to meet any still, at least and avoid harm liberties of the honest working men have hollering till they can make as much noise, if not more, suppress and deny their claims for better recognition of be constructive hands on. man can hardly hope or expect to enjoy than the other employes. They are asking now for a their rights as contributors to the financial success of their let it be constructive hands many of the rights that are common to. employers.
off. Some may be able to go wake up and help to make some radical moral law can confirm the attitude of Capital in making men and their manhood and until you great gains for itself at the sacrifice of the the rights of The absurdity of calculating local rates of pay and faster than others, but we are changes. you will always be trodden down basing them upon wages for labor in the West Îndies all in the forward march. by the enemies of liberty and democracy the laborer.
shows that the idea must have originated in the mind of Let keep at that Have sense enough to organize and direct Why should the employer amass big gains on his out a most unexperienced labor dealer: If, at the same time your efforta in a substantial and legal lay and pay the man who turns the wheels of fortune for the wages of working men in the West Indies is investi NOTICE!
way against the enemies of fiberty and dehim a contemptible remuneration on the give you keep gated the spending capacity of the money were also conmocracy. Assert your rights and contend it system? Why should not the laborer share propor sidered and the general conditions of homelife taken into Workman begs to notify been fully attained. It is certainly a sad The Management of the for them in a manly way until they have tionately in the profits of his own muscle and blood? Why account, the investigators might deliver an impartial and Secretaries of the various spectacle to look around you and see should he not enjoy a part of that which his own brain sensible report and help those directly responsible for the Friendly Societies and Secret thousands of men women and children in and brawn produced? The employer has no right to take rating of wages here to arrive at logical conclusions and Orders, whose Lodges appear in abject poverty and want and to radost to himself, în proportion, more of the results of labor than recommend, with local conditions in mind, ratings based our Friendly Societies Directory that most of this misery is the dincel rom he is willing to give to the laborer who helps him to make proportionately, and not further outrage ordinary intelli the office making the necessary by a bunch of well provided for sults of the working the gains. If the one finds the capital the other supplies gence by a one sided presentation of facts.
correction of any errors appear Had it not been for the the labor. It is, by no means, enough to talk about a livignorance and ing wage; the men are entitled to, and are seeking comparison without the frank recognition of the instability Besides, there can hardly be anything like an honest Ing in their Lodge Notice. erudity of the working class who have Wages that can be considered as reasonably proportionate of Tabor conditions in the West Indies at the present time, Golden Opportunity.
failed to reflect and reason enough to me that just government derives ite with the gains of the employer. These men have families and a true report can not be based on the wages the people from the content of the governed, instead for whose future they are morally bound to provide as used to get, nor even upon the increased wages they are School for Limited Number of that we have been able to brow beat justice haters who owe well as their own comfort in times of physical disability now receiving since such dissatisfaction and unrest are their ascendency to and the fact Girls, evident everywhere, but upon the general trend of things their fellow. Now my fellow laborer No man can escape being called a grotesque fool who is and upon the fact that the demands of the people must family school will be am not one who believe in hasty kotions.
satisfied to work at starvation wages and remain in a be met if the wheels of business are to revolve without in npened on Monday, Jane 14, for but have no patience with the follow position which will land him in the ranks of the loafing terruption or impediment.
a limited number of girls over ditione but still shiut bis eyes to the who cries continually pauper when his strength fails; and no man the age of thirteen.
can ease his mind of his real responsibility to his family the wage earner and bread winner. If a man can share school subjects instruction in or de square deal is the best guarantee of satisfaction to In additition to the regular part in thinking and noting to abrogate refuses to line up and do his by neglecting to place himself in a position that will make in the profits which his own labor or skill produces and if needlework and fancy work will tions that have made slaves and seris of away with the deplorable it possible for him to discharge his obligations to them.
that share be proportionate with that of the capitalist, be given twice a week.
It is cruel, wicked and vexatious, if not dangerous, to who is not an exclusive owner but really a public trustee, the sons of men; now my fellow labore Parents and guardians who am not a preacher that tells you that use the services of people as mechanical media for the en there is nothing else that he will feel it necessary to ask are interested should apply at the human race in hopelessly lost, but richntent of corporations or individual investors. Dissatis for or desire.
once. Registrtion begins Monday things are in bad shape pertaining to our faction must come sooner or later and the safety of the The slogan of the Society of the United Brotherhood 14. For terms and other parti the world than there are bad one More June, 2nd, instructions June race. But there are more people in accumulated gains become a matter of great uncertainty. of Maintenance and Ways and Railway Shopmen, as well culars apyly, at this office. Re love than hate more kind souls thạn menn To improve the present unsatisfactory conditions as all other organized forms of labor is Square deal member only a limited number of and cruel ones; we have many reasons applications will be considered, to be hopefdl. There are many people in existing among them the employes are organizing them nothing more, nothing less.
therefore apply at once.
this our day who are studying, thinking Meet Me at the Fountain the verge of taking the am etc. re powers of through a few or old age.
om fact and condi

    DemocracyWorking Class

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