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womendamonacondono PACIFIC THEATRE WEEK PROGRAM Saturday, May 31st.
Tuesday, June 3rd 11th and 12th Episode of the Exciting Serial Feature The Purple Mask.
15th and 16th Episodes of the Exciting Serial Feature The Purple Mask and, Tail of a Cat. and Weekly No. 26.
Sunday, June 1st The Bluebird Featurd HUNGRY EYES in Reels Thursday, June 5th. THE GIRL WHO WOULDN QUIT ALSO IN REELS Father, Sons and Churus Girls.
Also Bullet and Boneheads See our Programs Cricket.
WM. LAWRENCE The Workman Printery RENT RECEIPT BOOKS considered witnessed the who AMERICAN ROOT BEER Britannics Defeat Standart vision came to me, STANDARD DEFEATS PICKWICKS.
tie was in Cool issue.
Tank was simply fine, and no risks could last Sunday, many a big Club is going be taken, so the scoring was naturally down before them to defeat. Knight cap slow At one time it looked as if Vin tured wickets for 24 ruas and Innis centians could not reach 40, but when the for 28, Tailor and Outfitter scoro stood at for 35, Davis joined Red Tank opened their innings feeling FOR James who was playing for all he was sure that victory was theirs, and at one worth and assisted in taking the score to stage it seemed so fou with Murray bat Dealer in School Books, 58. James played a fine innings for 20 ting strong, when when the eighth wicket felt and Stationary.
runs, taking no risks, but punishing any they had 52 runs up, the ninth fell at at 57 loose one most severely. The only other and the game seemed as good as won.
double figure score for Vincentians was Amid Amidst breathless excitement the bats No. 11 Street, Panama SPANISH AND ENGLISH Joshus 11. In Knight and Innis man took his guard and played Brown chains from Central Age Red Tank has two great bowlers, and if last delivery for a single. Samuels now we are to judge by their bowling form of took his turn to bowl, and if a pin had dropped at the time it would have been Address: nuisance by the hundreds Box 805, Ancon Z, of fans the match. The rooters for Vincentians hoping that Samuels would uproot the batsman wicket with his first delivery, and the rooters for Red Tank feeling almost sure ON FLANDERS FIELD that the game is theirs. What was tbe surprise of all when the batsman quietly turned and placed Samuel second de LOUISK FRANLIN MINER! lay sleeping.
Passengers Com livery in the hands of square leg, thus Last night, as making the game a tied one. It might saw the field of Flanders where here be reinarked also that Donawa many crosses be ing, in by train, the Captain of Red Tank gave noThe moon shone white above them, the tice to James that he crimson poppies slept, too is While a host of inourning mothers bee feeling hot and playing this game under protest, side the kneeling wept because of the Umpire decision seemed to feel the sorrows of all the thirsty, can step in the case of a stump. We hope the stricken race League will see to the settling of these and the woe of all the nations seemed gathered in this place.
across the Street disputes, and issue a full set of instruo. My soul grewnack pain horror, the tions to the Umpires appointed so that in fled; and get refreshed. the manly game of Cricket be not brought stood alone at midnight in the valley into disrepute.
Yesterday La Boca met Yorkshire at Then suddenly the vision changed. Men La Boea, but up to the time of going to moon shoge white agala, The Management has further press we had not received word of the hill rose high before me instead of Flanders plain Rame. This will be reported in our next saw the hill of Cavalry, where the Refreshlaid itself out to meet the conMan of Sorrows died venience of patrons by attaching Red Tand also met Pickwick at Red And the sons of all the nations with Tank Christ were crueitied.
ancther department where light ing and Instead of many crosses that murod Games for Tomorrow.
a shell torn plain refreshments of mighty emblem towered, on which Tomorrow Pickwick will enga the the Christ was slain, Invigorating All Jamaies on their ground at Emo Again the moon in darkness fled before my. British Guiana.
horror of the.
Etc. can be had.
Then once again the vision changed; Branch of National City The area y field of Flanders, wheros again it to Bank of New York many crosses be.
But gone were mounds and crosses 179 Central Avenue, opposite Station and 17 Calidonia Road the poppies crimpson glow, Continued from page And lo, there stood before me white The only two places in this city where the real ROOT BEER can be had.
kuights with face agtew, and as in turn they naturally de. And a the tid of anders with sire to sell us some of what they And all your is with Christ la ve intes vos sound white.
produce, it is thought that the risen! was walvd arought a cight establishment of one of their fi Your sons with inste wereworted, nancial institutions in this island but with Hoe again would help both sides. Hence the Bring prace ou earth, good will to decision to to start a branch of th men, from Flanders field of pain.
National City Bank in our city.
the This bank which is over a hun.
dred years in existence is one Church Services.
largest in in the It (BRANDON BANK)
boasts of fifty seven brauches ECURITY and agencies and its assets are St. George Church, Gatun, one billion dollars. The Corpora 11 am. Morning Prayer and ERVICE tion Solicitors, Messrs address Seilier Co. are now preparing PANAMA (FOUNDED 1868)
COLON the necessary papers while Mr. p. Sunday School Widmer is seeking a suitable site 80 Evening Prayer, and Our large Resources and well known for the bank to start operations.
address If business proves anything like Rev. Nightengale priest conservative Management afford unsatisfactory, it is intended to in charge, erect a proper building for the questioned security for every dollar bank which will conduct a gen St. Paul Mission, Chorrillo: deposited with this bank.
eral banking business.
Mr. Widmer, by first impres11 a. Morning Prayer and address.
sions, is is delighted with Port ofSpain and as it is his first visit to p. Sunday School.
the tropics, marvels at the lovely 30 Evening Prayer and scenery. He, however, feels the sermon General Banking Business Transacted oppressive heat we are experiencing just now, but hopes to ADVERTISE ISAAC BRANDON NATHANIEL BRANDON quickly get accustomed to it. BRANDON President.
Vice President.
In the Workman FOR Cakes, Sandwiches, Fruits and being condus ei engem Suraj ai suodatus on leia in the On Sunday last on the Standard oval, Standard met and defeated the Pickwick C, by 30 runs and two wickets. The day had been very rainy and the wickel in none too good a condition for play. Indeed it was a surprise to a great many fans to think that there could be any game at all. At the time for all of play only a few of the Standard men were present, as it was the opinion of the men that the game would have to be postponed Pickwick men were all there having come by the morning train, and 150 Standard had to hustle to get together their term. In the absence of the Captain, Agard spun the the coin, when Pickwick, having won sent the Standard in to bat Play was started about p. and a little later, Mr. Hector, the skipper of the Standard turned up, and took charge of affairs. Ten minutes after play had commenced rain again came making it exceedingly difficult to play on the ground Jordan bowled like a demon for Pickwick and was dangerous throughout the game. He not only kept a good length; but with an occasional break back made it very hard for the Standarda For Standard three men reached Hector 25 not out, Thomas 17 and Brett 13. After the usual recess Standard took the field and Pickwick was dismissed for 50 runs. Munro batted exceedingly well for Pickwicks, making 17 runs out of a total of 18. He played a useful and forceful inting and deserves praise for his score.
In this game, towards the end the two teams that were playing before eo famiseemed suddenly to get a hatred ode for the other, Pickwick trying to play for a draw and using all sorts of tricks to play till 30 and Standard try.
ing beir best to prevent it. It seems, arcording to the Captain Standard C. that no arrangements were made as to the time stumps should be drawn, and when Pickwick wanted to draw at 30, he refused not only on the ground of no arrangement having been made; but also because play was not begun at 12. 30. Such unpleasantness in Cricket does not help the game any, and the League should do something to prevent it. We understand that Pickwick played the game out under protest. The game closed 35, Red Tank and Vincentians Draw One of the most exciting games seen in Panama for a long time was played between Red Tank and Vincentians last Sunday, Batting first Vincentians put up a tal of 58 runs. The bowling of Red double figures PANAMA BANKING COMPANY of the liarly SERV Workman Printery It Pays


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