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still the more more What He get use who upon the prebas not measure.
te In the Timet of the 10th there work to people by the day as they The execution of Robert his satisfaction of the manLABoca meeting of the Board of Direc.
appeared a Government Notice used to in former days, as they Neil who was condemned ner in which he was handled June 4, 1919.
to explain what he termed an unwarning intending Emigrants to are of opinion that the men will for the murder of. Elmo at the prison. He further Mr. Reid, tors called by the ex president Cuba that they are subject to the not work as well as under the Black took place at 55 a. m, stated that if anything like Secretary, Panama La Boca pleasant situation that Focal laws of that Republic and and task system. So the work arisen, and could have opened the they should show respect to placed in the hands of one or two on Tuesday at Glendairy the treatment he received District, Sir: am confident that the son why the president was de yes of the people as to the rea.
wards the represent ses copine Contractors, who emplacement Prison in the presence of the frame Prisomi nauthorities members of the Silver Employ taying their housiness but and order there. The warning ber of men and a. For had been given Association will hoped that dificulties was given on the suge stion of cheaper rate than they them. some reason or other, no the Jeremiah Smith there me in saying that its business is would have been surmounted with the who represented that complaints Sions by the time the job is finish. outsider was permitted to would have been no necessi not being conducted to their out making public the knowleda ed the Contractor is no where to witness the event and a Rety for him to ascend the satisfaction by those in whose which possessed. Seeing how him by Jamai. be found. And this after two or presentative of the Standard gallows.
ever that IN difficulties eans of the ill treatinent which three weeks of hard driving of who turned up was denied refer particularly to the mat. exist, and believing that The Execution. ter of deputation tu the United they can be traced the Cuban Police Rural Guards, them that pay day is near.
States. It was decided that in or less to the same source, and which on investigation in he has done of course is ylain. the execution.
Neil displayed no traces order to secure the greatest a. find it necessary to disclose cases prove to be due to some Having drawn the hundred dolprovocation offered Jamaicans lars from the paymaster he has His Behaviour in Prison. of excitement on the arrival hound of benefit delegate this knowledge, with the belief and to their refusal to carry out beaten his way to some other Neil behaviour in prison of the fateful hour. Dressed shoshilineconvey, the petition to and hope that matters will shape of months since that was decided smoothly. The ex president ac So ran the statement. gen. labourers without a cent. And mand but after his condem black boots and collar and and although it was the desire knowledged to the Board of Di.
tleman who had that very day worst of all, some of these men nation is stated to have been he to troubles between returned from Ouba, had this may have just arrived from Jus exemplary. He gave no strapped in the usual way sail about the first week of May, himself and the delegate were maica and called at the JAMAICA TIMES fall back on. In cases like this the trouble and throughout his prior to the adjustment of nothing definite had been done made right: but still he did nothe He had spent up present ing to have the people busioffice and had enuch to tell about penniless labourer is one result incarceration conducted him the noose.
ness life in the neighbouringe Repub But there are worse thing to self in a becoming manner. the greater part of the night. The o rotten, way of handling ed. To me it appears that she desir.
he. He was eager to talk too, and happen.
He ate his meals, read a in prayer and, just before the people business was notice still continued to put dificulties so a representative engaged him How asked the much inter. Bible which was handed to he was hurled into eternity, able whilst the ex president in the way!
for a chat.
ested reporter.
he was opposed to the delegate him daily, and was occasion he was heard to say shall we sin office. was certain that finally had to resign. Have you seen this? asked In this way. Sometimes the ally merry. strict watch be with thee this day in selected by the people to handle new president is in office but to our man, pointing to the warning Contractors cannot a was kept over him to pre Paradise Lord have mercy their business at Washington. all appearances the influence of the ex president is still dominant.
printed above.
ca chance to run away. The pay clude any possibility of his upo my soul. All the pre: knew that because he on one oc The visitor looked at the para master may not advance the escaping from prison or parations having been com för Barbadians. Any one who sociation, feel that we absolutely u We, the members of this asgraph, opened his eyes and eke money before Pay Day actually endeavouring to take his pleted, the signal was given heard such a statement could must have a man at its head. the con The fact is, he began, our tractor may.
own life but he showed no to the executioner, one John have readily seen that the diffi, will handle our business as desirlearned representative in Havana Short Pay Several of the Men signs of resorting to either Prescod, of Roebuck Street. culties placed by the ex president dent to have the matter of the ed, and hereby call in the way of the delegate going been suficiently thowho released the bolt secur to Washington was for no other delegation to Washington carried rough in his investigations of sometimes one fifth or one sixth, course, admit, he has a diff. telling them that the job, has Despite the mental torture ing the trap door. Deceased purpose than to prevent the man on with all speed. We desire to fell and broke his neck, selected from performing that have this done in order that we culty, cuba being seven times failed, and that no more can be which the knowledge of his death being instantaneous special piece of work simply be might be satisfied that we have will happen in out of the way against what is to come after; occasioned he remained firm suspended by the rope for larger than Jamaica, and things paid. But in order to provide impending death must have He was allowed to remain cause he is a Barbadian. Every done our best in our own behalf.
Dods dent will remember that the exparts the will went so far as to. We want the president to under the things which will relate, it any of these men should raise a which he was treated at expiration of which time his of the associntien, he is limited of the people holding office at to hear about. Not only that, but la Guard live dollars, or so, that to the end. The manner in the space of an hour at the and president stand that he is only the servant happen chiefly to hew men, as quarrel or a fight the Guard wil Glendairy pleased him and body was taken and placed to perform such a duty although their will and pleasure and as to the right persons to whom the batch may be new meme who ment was superior to that jury and Mr. Briggs, ple as evinced by the election.
they are called who are ignorant toe the Contractor part. Wh! he dclared that this treat near by to be viewed by a contrary to the desire of the peo Ngehitler has the pieprise leged to use or friends personal they do the lanopinion or feeling to direct what their punishment as a matter of that they are robbed, that this board the Jeremiah Smith. hold an inquest. The en any man what was con cold timer in opposition to our plan. We The result is they simply take guage. So they go on quarrelling which he had received on Coroner, who were to hold He went further and stated that course our business should take puts our money into in the association go.
What are the causes why Ja pocket and will not pay the Thay and money he possessed to deceased was placed in a known fact that among the so tion have some amount of determaicans are ill treated in Cuba? up comes the Gerard He remay his father together with a coffin and interred within called old timers there was no mination and courage to compel quiry having been held the not the delegate selected. It is us can think a little and in addi have been an eye witness. few robbed and that they are in the letter notifying him of his the precincts of the prison. one that could be considered real our servant to do our business. tell you, men of what we call old men (men who right this time. He starts to fate and expressing therein ly capable of performing this this as we would have it done or give have lived for years in the countlog them with his cutlass, or he work who was not a Jamaican: place to honester men.
so if it try) and who have become wrecks may even put them in jail, while there go at times to gamble with the Contractor makes away with Silver Employees Association British Consulate Notices. bleh by the Board or is necesso If the President action in any Directors to the Cubans, even on Sundays. hin gain.
go back on the election and have way prevents the delegate going The Rural Guards rush upon Thit, seeins a hard case.
or the this them and generally the Jamai coinmented the questioner, Board of Directorsmate the silver would be glad of any infor he would have succeeded in de know what steps will be taken to all Barbadians, for satisfy Bon propertsociation will be mation regarding the where privin he had justice. Remember cans get the worst of it from the Are there any other such?
cutlass, while the natives, more wily, make their escape. Then, Yes. It is a law in Cuba that held on Saturday evening June abouts of Miss Ida cor Whares whom he had no use, the privile friends, that he is ready, that he performing may be. is capable, some very foolish, Jamaicans when the tire aların is sounded 24th.
Edwards who is required to considered dignified or honorable and that he is the choice of after receiving on a everyone who is not sick in bed their work. All members holding receipt call at that office.
Does not this clearly people. Must we engage a man Pay Day will be seen in the cafes is supposed to go to help put it cards for annual contribution or prove that he is opposed to the to do work with us, then after be drinking and squandering their or on a certain plantation last buttons are asked to attend, ob The whereabouts of Mrs, individual simply because he is a has made such mental and physiGuard. man of this kind is in a fane field. Everybody ran and decide for yourselves. The Village, Kingston, Jamaica is those who believe that he made tell him that we do not require hard earned cash. Up comes a year andaren was given of a fire tain first Pand information, judge Albertha Wright of Smith Barbadian?
This is an axion to call efforts to prepare himself, called to order and perhaps to the spot; but a certain car Association and its foundation makes a rough reply to the Guard venter, who suffered from corns oficers have weathered manya requested at the British Con use of the statement, have no bis services? Will our conscien for. ces we The sequel is a fogging, or very not as fast as the storm ot abuse, but never by re sulate General Office in forget that be stated nothing de such a man right? do not belikely a season in jail others. Up caine the Guard on sorting to newspaper coatro ver Panama. It is believed that trimental to the moral charac. lieve that any living creature Continued on page Well. what is your complaint. his big horse, and down came his machette on the back of the car.
Wright lives in the Canal ter of the delegate. If he could would for one moment think Zone, he would have done so. He men that such treatment would be Nothing, quite agree that in penter, six times. In vain the The whereabouts of the sensical matters which only tos to do our work it we deliber.
tioned a lot of trifling and non reasonable. What are we going these cases the punishment given inan pointed to his crippled toes. 111 tia as slaves, the man is jost, though at times when the The Guard did not leave oft beat Some days ago the master of following persons are re showed how mean he is.
Guards will oyerlook oases such ing him till the spot was reached.
All we want to know about a imp as these (as many of them are The shame faced carpenter sim a Plantation would not pay the quired at the British Con impossible for him ately make it unnecek. Or interested great gamblers and drunkards ply took his flogging and said libishers for days after they had sulate General Office in man who is intrusted with im. inough he is prepared, work.
portant work is that he is moral and capable? This is an import themselves) they will not over nothing.
he did not realise the fact that ly and intellectually qualified, ant question, and would be look simpler breaches of the law. The real cause of most of the the men would go away, he simELIZABETH BUCKNOR. and whether he is a Jamaican glad it this meeting to night Now for other cases. trouble is, that Cuba is getting ply said that for every ten men ALEX. EDWIN FRASER, or Barbadian. We want men could see its way to offer some Here is a glaring case of what overstocked with Jamaican la who would go away fifty would ADELIA MCINTYRE, whom the lust of office cannot suggestion or explanation that is nothing less than fraud. At borers and the natives do not come. And this is a fact. There kill nor the spoils of office can may help in solving the problem: present Companies and planta want any more to come there; so are more dogs than bonos in DUNCAN LEWIS, not buy, tion owners will hardly give out they ill treat the simple ones and Cuba.
JAMES HANRY. was present at the special (Continued on page do not Corsep.
of the money on run nems to do with to even if


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