
PAGE TWO THE WORKMÁN, SATURDAY, JUNE, 14, 1919 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands JAMAICA BARBADOS Old Time May Bains How the Soldiers will be Received SIX DAYS HEAVY DOWNPOURS CHURCH BELLS WILL RING FOR TEN MINUTES of the contingent al Vehicular and smoke cheap cigarettes.
SEVERAL LANDSLIDES: SWOLLEN STREAMS: The rain started in Kingston soms tie maile for upper Claren peted soldiersruhe serenta distributed to their ownload as appeared editoriale ses all the St Lady coastein Saturday fearing the Mas She was seed son.
and from all parts of the Island pours. Fortunately but that is not more Weit all colours.
on the their The bells of all the Churches for an increase. The police and in the city and in the saburbs Sementary Teachers seem very will be rung for 10 minutes, one much concerned about their pre hour before the landing of the sent financial decrepitude; but Troops.
the majority of Junior oficials In connection with the landing pour quite content to swaak Traffie be suspaadd sbortly before the disembarkation of the Headless And Decomposed ALL VEHICULAR TRAFFIC WILL BE SUSPENDED Troops.
Body of an Old Woman NATIVE QUESTION IN Found in Sea.
The following taken from The Returned Soldiers will THE WEST INDIES The Jamalca Times of the 24th ulto. reports re the Barbados Weekly Herald then pl to the Drill Hall. The Barbados Weekly Herald where they will b: entertained of the 23rd alto, states that the cent abnormal downpours of rain in that colony is the forecast of a program at dinner thus: arranged to receive the BarThe following is taken from the headless and decomposed body After din aer the trops will be Barbados Advocate, where it of a woman was found in the sea on don had to be conveyed by mail to that question in the West last. The Saturday, Sunday Monday, coach to Chapolton. After two place on the 23rd ultimo. Indies! Do the laws in force is that of an old woman named Merchants and others are any British West Indian Colony Sarah Roach. 70 years of Bath records 24 inches and 50 days regular traffic was resumed parts the heaviest. decided as also in the Vere section which Wharf opposite Mesers. Jones Committes in The Contingent will land on the asked to co operate with the diferentiate between the black who kept shop Roach, it is break on Tuesday afternoon. was also interrupted. Swan, and proceed (headed by the hearty greeting to our returned avenues of employment legalis tal for an operation, a man and the white mab? Are Stated was ordered to the hospi bat Toward last week end the In the Country.
Bands of the Local Purces by Soldiers, by to any class of citizen on the conseyuences, expressed the rains commenced The days pre way of McGregor Street and sures with flags, etc. and by account of his colour or race? intention of drowning herself viously were unduly, hot and Throughout the country thero Broad Street through the Public closing during the time that tho We mus must confess that it such is rather than submit to the surgiclose, and the indictations clear igno Leal ly were that we were in for des were general rains which foodod Buildings, entering by the South Contingent is in procession so the case weare in complete I ordeal.
last of heary rains indeed, such the rivers, damaged crops, aadGate, iato Palmetto Santhat their employees may have rance of the fact. There are on direction of the sea.
Wednesday 14th inst. going caused the drowning of several Rickett Street Trafalgar Sqare a opportunity of participating social and economic questions to in the as the Island was accustomed animals. Bay Street Bush Hill Polo in this historic event.
be We understand that this antor to experience in years gone by. The only casefot a loss of life is Grouad, Savannah, where Latterly these May rains have reported from Glengofte. On Guard of Honour, composed of route and residents in Bay some parts of America and South Mrs. Tobitha Boyce who lives at Merchants along the proposed question as it is understood in tupate woman has a daughter, falling in June. This year Saterday night Mr. Bell was the Volunteers, will be drawe Street and the Garrison are par West Indies. There is, of course, ther John Johnson who resides marks the return of the old times, driving his mules in a cart reup Africa Red Canal a bro Liculariy asked to decorate their wes On the Garrison Savannah His premises for the occasion.
more or less colour news has come of heavy down. turning from market in Kingston W: in company with another cart Excellency the Governor, secom matter that can in Colon and works for the Chile the can ean Steamship Company ED.
rains owner. At Sue River miles from The Ladies Civic Improvement be of much force 80 the damage were not accompanied by winds Glengoffe, he put in, when the panied by the Members of the Circle at the request of the En. De regulated or corrected by law, WGRKMAN. the Returned soldiers and Enter certain mente e committed the love does no Perieben werden behandlere swollen stream recognise In crops has been slight Land smashed up the rept away and tainment Committees, will re kindly undertaken the necessary West Indies all avenues of em cart Two of the ceive the troops.
blocked traffic on suid alinho caned Parochial roads who was with him in the cart ad their hold a short service of sere decoration of the Public Build mules were drowned and his wito ployment are are open His Lordship the Bishop willings and Yard.
alike. The black boy and the The Port of Spain Guzette bowever. The beaviest fall, speared to be drowned also, as Up Thanksgiving for the safe and the Troops, it is proposed to hold primary and secondary schools East Indian Cricket Teain which that the Demerara far reported, was at Bath, name to the time of writing sto has After the return home of all white boy sit side by side in the states jy, 24 inches and 50 parts up to not been heard of victorions retara of the Coatin a combined Thanksgiving Ser as well as at what serves locally played a series of matches 123 Monday. At Crooked River 203 gent.
inches fell.
Mr. Justice Beard Held Up His Excellency, on behalf of Mareh, And, in order that all sions are open to them; all posts vice followed by a Great Victory as the University All profes the East Indian Cricket Club. Eti The Railway.
Since Saturday last landslides having fallen into a ditch. Water read an Address of Welcome and special public holiday may be ar tion it is not countenanced by and cr cketer, who is well known Beard was held up by his vehicle the Colony, will be pleased to and do honour to our soidiers, a Services. If there is discrimina sawmy, the Demerara barrister caused the blocking of several tlowed down on the occupants Thanks to the returned soldiers, ranged law, if the black and coloured here, was the principle contribu victory. He trundled lines. There was a block on people are found chiefly in the ter to who included also Mrs. Beard and Chapelton branch line which pre another person. But for the in the with considerable success in the timo lower walk of life it is because first innings capturing sats vented the train from Cnapelton ly assisstance of a Mr. Anderson they form the mass of the popu for 51 and the 2nd inniuge wk which connecting with the Potas the results would have been fatal lation. It environment is train at May Pen and another Beard was prostrated What Position Do You Want?
bad, their housing defective, their for 23 runs: which prevented the same train through the accident and His education neglected, their genereturning to Chapelton Station. Hon ur was unable to get to Subsc ral social conditions deplorable ions to defray the International Correspondence Schools, Scranton, Pa.
The result was that there was no Spanish Town for the Circuit these thinks no more constitute of the entertainment of the Tritrain service to Chapelton from Couton Monday, and in conse Branch Office, Ancon, a native or racial question than idad soldiers retarning fruen Saturday to Tuesday morning quence. His Honour Mr.
HLC do similar conditions in England, the war are being collected from when the landslides were remov. Brown had to preside. The acciPlease explain how caa quality for a larger salary in the position, professional men, bankers, mer ed. The last train from Port An. dent inade Justice Beasd late trade, or profession, before which have marked HOUSE OF chants. shopkeepers, etc. bat no onio to Kingston on Sunday for Tuesday sitting also.
is collecting from individual was also held up by ELECTRICAL ENGINEER SALESHARSHIP members of Hectrie Wiring landsi. des at at Bog Walk, and did More Mules Lost.
Will Consider Increase of would Window Trimmer like to join in doing not reach Kingston till o clock to our soldiers. To meet Electrie Traction Salaries.
The Old Cole gally near Free honour to Monday morning. The passenger Town, in St. Catherine was reARCHITECT these subscribers a subscriptio from Port Antonio to King: sponsible for the loss by drownContractor and Builder open at the Town Hall When the House Assembly re and subscriptions however small ston on Monday did not reach Mechanical Draftsmes Building Poremaa the city till halt an hour behind ing of three mules belonging to sume in a few weeks time, its will be received at the Cashier PLOMBER STEAN FITTE labours will include largely the office every day from 9am to schedule tiune. Between Kingston Mr. Richard Bennett. This was question of considering the in. p. Subseriptions can al and Grange Lane a portion of the ones tardas. He also lo his en tire load of ground Poremas Plumber water crease of salaries of gove Depart the Town Clerk at the Towa be sent by letter addressed The Lorne sliding was liding undes faded provisions.
employees in and two cars there were nearly STEAN EGINEER ments. Police and Fire Brigade Hall.
AGRICULTURE gone into. Continued on Page 6)
Teachers between Kingston and Memorial Service Hold for line Poultry Farming Spanish Town the commons and also demand attention as well as pastures were under water, In Jamaicans Killed in the War the increments of Junior offi Dr. JOHNSON cials. In every one of these some part acres were covered.
cases it will be easy to show SURGEON DENTIST On Tuesday morning there was wasbout on the line between From the Times.
justification and there can be Old Harbour and May Pen at the little doubt that sympathy will be Phone 1003 Address On Sunday last an impressive displayed towards any advocacy miles, which necessitated all service was held in the Kingston 203 Anson, 852 the passengers travelling on this Parish Church for officers and section being transferred. The men of Jamaica who have been trains were late in arriving at killed in the Great War. The their respective destinations. Lord Bishop of Jamaica was the IN KINGSTON speeia! preacher and Revs, Cannon Ripley. Hall and Tram Car Service Sus Pooltney assisted in the Service.
included friends and relatives of the tallen Head Office, National City Bank Building, New York From Sunday forenoon the men, The church was decorated street Cars stopped running with flags and the pulpit was owing to the power station at draped with the Union Jack and four wreaths with suitable moitos Bog walk having been put out of the choir rendered the anthem.
Capital, Surplus, and Undivided Profits Over 9, 000, 000. 00 JU. Cy.
on and use had to be made of the tory and the West India Regi steam plant at the Gold Street ment Band played The Beard March in followed by the RESOURCES OVER 100, 000. 000. 00U. CURRENCY Station both for operating the Tram cars and for lighting par. His wordship preached from Last Post.
poses. At noon on Sunday oda the words Faithful unto Death at Depository of the Panama Canal Street placed the boilets out of and the collection taken was in use for time, Repairs werd Church Clock Tower, which it aid of the fond for the Parish effected by Monday morning and the Tram Service was resumed properties to restore as a memor.
fallen men. His 10.
lency, the Governor, and Bragider THE INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION IS INCLUDED IN THE ORGANIZATION OF The Mall Service Gilbert, ere among those On account of the block at Sut. present.
Acting Manager.
ASSEMBLY One afternoon was of the public, Structural Draftsman Structural Engineer Municipal Engineer Architecural Draftsmas Train from pod list is Electrie Lichting Becure Car Running Heatsineer TeleLaph Work MECHANICAL ENGINEER Machine Designer Machine Shop Practice Boilermaker or Designer Bolmeer Poundry Work Black Sheet Metal Worker MOTOMOBILES Concrete Bhalder ADVERTISING MAS Show Can Water Outdoor Sin Painter CIVIL SEBNICE CARTOONST ILLUSTRATOR Designer Common School Subjects High School Subjects Teacher Mining Metal Mining Assayer Laber Dealer LATIGATION Conta various the Hesting and Ventilation Plumbing Laspector CHEMIST BOSSESS (Complete Bookkeeper Stenographer sad Typist Hicher Accounting Certified Pub, Accountant Commercial Law Good Eaglish TRAFFIC LABER have to Elementary Steameetrie covered with water. All alon along Berine Laclaceragineer salary wili Refrigeration Pagineer Gas Encine Operator CITIL ERGEER Surveying and Mapping Live Stock and Dairytac Army od Navy Service Position Modern Languages by Phonograph NAME RESIDENCE ADDRESS OCCUPATION INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION Fended Saul, EEEEEE The Workman Printery


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