
High and Low Cut the food exter part of avail, C. MULLER We have got the men have to drilket will be arranged si paprted engine di riendlies being be placed in the hands de rechange the stroke your beloved the Where the Work Four Houses for Sale The Lynching of a Negro Piled up in the shed.
Solder in Georgia.
Mr 22 90 hoon caur wood how long. some those work, and how.
will tbe Nerto live THE BULLY. BY SILVER EMPLOYEE. We do not hold ourselves responsible for opinion expressed in this columns the sentiments are purely those of the correspondents. Labor can be had from New Orleans in five days. The Negroes will soon return to work for they LETTERS TO THE EDITOR.
are starving, and have no money, Tnürsuay தய THE HOME OF They ll have to quit the Govern.
again last night for the pur ment quarters too.
and rent pose of rushing arrangement LEST WE FORGET!
rooms in Colon. They can re for the raising of funds fo main away another week. Such LEST WE FORGET. were the expressions of those the reception of the soldier who can see in the Negro nothing returned and returning, fron more than an efficient human machine for piling up wealth for The Plan is to treat al real Missionary has left this land on our Sir: Lest we West Indians forget that others.
West Indian soldiers who en behalf, that he came to this land on our Bebind such remarks is seen listed for service with thibeoalf, and to our interest. and we, Nothe spirit of the Bully. The big British and American forces roes feel that that Gentleman is working in all the Latest Styles and Prices to Meet sixteen year old boy eats the graater portion of the pie and During the next week cirfor the good of the caus But Sir, there is cular letters will be sent tícolon, and wish for one that he too another Missionary in the Pocket of All makes the uttle fellow of atau do the lion share of the work. The to the officials of the Panawould go away refer to the writer of smaller boy argument that the ma Government and thehe Notes and Comments in a Paper one who ate the greater verror of the Canal Zon, called the West Indian Churchman, beshould do the greater the various Secret orders anfore going further want to my Fellow part of the work, being of no Friendly Societies, and th Indian Paper its going to be run by West West Indian if we are to have a West he becomes exasperated, and reMinisters and Consuls (Indians, no Europeans, for fuses to work any longer. The Sole Agent big brutal boy gives the little fel Foreign countries here.
low a severe thrashing, and then Tag Day will be hel We have got the me ko.
seizing bion by the throat de some time in the month We have got the Talent too.
37 CENTRAL AVENUE PANAMA sume work after the grip on his July and an all That paper came out as a religiosa now the Editor thats throat is released. The little fellow has no desire to be beaten to help swell the funds.
bere. and perhaps by Dock Labourere or choked to death by the strong Subscription lists will als also can find nothing else to comment coward, so he again begins to cut the wood his mother lust to be authorized persons who Colored Workers down here alone, if you Churchman we want to hustle among the me want to know anything go out and shop man can be Had AT NEW PROVIDENCE The big brutal bully deserves chant and other busine your eight hours, not nine, or ten, and pity and a policeman club. The MONTE LIRIO.
little nine year old fellow demen of the city for their su receive the Dock labourers pay, and then serves sympathy;. be lacked the port in this worthy cause. go out on Sunday and preach to your Congregation but dont hang around in The Workman Newspaper One measuring 25x44, Rooms The following letter written to strength necessary to make the 36x34. your study and comment upon their ace can be had at the Medical Hall, the New York Sun relating to the bully treat him on the square 24x17, tion, lynching of a negro soldier in ani We silver employees do not 30x30, West Indian Red Cross Not to you are not for us you are agaiast foot of Calidonia Bridge, us severely alone and we shall Osborne, agent, who is also auform, must make sensational need sympathy, we are strong be better off, instead of waiting to thorized to receive communica. WITH VERANDA reading for every colored man enough to remove the bully. The Red Cross is under the share with us our meager wages. tions, advertisements, matter for No Reasonable Offer Refused the world over, hands from our throats and de pervision of the Americans.
How strange the only thing that good publication and Job Printing.
SE: If mistake not there is mand a square deal: But alas.
Miss Forbes St. near St Apply to, a Federal statute which protects our hands though stout an Membership fee for one year is su for the Negroe is religion given to him MR. CLARKE. Comissario) New the uniform from abuse strong are bound with the cable Cy. and for juveniles, 26 by the sons of Shem, but ah! Lord, Thomas Hospital, Providence, Cy.
Recentis a negro soldier who of DISUNITY and UNORGANIf the Editor used to come in contact Central Avenue.
Mr. Fuller jewelry Store, 12 MR. JOHN BERNBPTS, New Provi. had returned from overseas to IZATION which must first be Under the supervision of Mrs. He with some of the poorer members of the dence.
his home in Blakely, Ga, was ac broken before we can secure a a nursery for West Indian children churches in his visits he would wonder CANAL ZONE Mr. WILSON, 23rd Street, cused of wearing his uniform too square deal. Whose fault is it be established. Mothers will then how of them is it Mr. Brien Agent for Building 66, Chorrillo. long and ordered to take it off that who eat three and leave town able to leave their little ones during man work is capable of doing they can carry Red Tank and Paraiso, who will On his refusal to comply with fat pocketbook, could with assquare meals a day, and haveja day and seek employment.
smile on their dark faces.
receive news for publication and The West Indian Red Crosonis non The church provides for him, attends Job Printing Ladies, Listen!
the demand he was brutally mur surance say that the Negros posemion of visiting and hompital ca to his repairs of furniture the Negroes Mr. Percy Holder Agent for Ga. Before getting your new white citizens, who ignore all because they were starring and dered by the desby a mob. com. who took part in the recent the usual prominent strike would soon return to work supplied by Mrs. Heald. Shick pers rushed to be married, they carry infants presenting one of these cardie to him, they die, all this make him dy tun who is auth treated at the Ancon Dispensary, sum, wbat right has be to wonder how all communications for publica Hat give a call at No. 22 laws and statutes, are upheld as had no money! Ils our fault.
tion and job printing. Street, opposite the the states in which they reside, knew not at our home, but have benefactors of the white race by We have imbibed vices we There will be a monster Rally held Nr. Crawford, corner 8th Ah! my fellow men we are going to be the Labour Union 11. on the organised, we must be organised and our and Street, Colon.
National Institute. who regard the Constitution as a not yet adopted the cardinal vs.
inst The funde obtained from this coming together is going to give us the to meill be added to those in hand to square deal. when hear my brethermatex Street, Box Colon You will hear the rest when ities have never been surpassed though we see daily what others scrap of paper and whose brutal. tue of ORGANIZATION, alP. Allman, Tailor; Bolivar met in this nursery drive.
these are Methodist very wonder you come.
by the Hun in northern France accomplish through being ORThe IR. Cras will certahlil the method of the Negro must be the if they realize fully what that means, and Belgium GANIZED.
Will the Government ever make per office. typewriter has already be the effort to bring the prepara Just as surely as the boy who Negro for murod.
Negro, the White Preacher tors of these crimes to justice is strong enough to liek tue The timely assistance of the Ame uplift the Negro, and now we must live and his religion has completely failed to is the continuation of bully goes ao molested, even just oans has put new vigor in the old me above it, they have used it to their credit these crimes against the negro as sure as will silver employees bers, while new ones are pouring in any inducement for us to put be given a square deal wurde office in this society is paid for servi to see how much they can get from the easy going Negro. Why, Why, Why?
FOUNDED IN 1881 forth our best efforts to assist wanized. You know, knew, and rendered wonder Why? No body is worrying the Government in its Liberty every bully knows that the bully Every Wort Indian werking in or fooling the White race with much Loun drives?
always picks out one whom ho thinks he can lick. For the Athmus of Panama is asked to ont religion, they see their own ryce down so THE OLDEST DRUG STORE IN PANAMA WM. HOLDEN.
sake of the rising generation, let bute at least 10 cents silver per mos the gutter and they are content to leave It would be a proper investment at them alone, with all their Christianity CITY, AND THE MOST MODERN ONE.
NEW LONDON, Conn. May 20. us organize and make their chances of being bullied less than sure means of relieving many de and is quite content to stay and stick ours? Let us show the balling How Are You Going to Wet and would be bullies that we are te home.
among the Negroes.
Headquarters for all Articles AssoThe Editor of the Churchman has Your Whistle. not as weak as we appear. By quoted several sharacters in his Editorial, ciated with the Drug Trade.
OBITUARY. will that good gentlemen tell us which of How are you going to wet your uniting we become strong. Let whistle.
these he is following whether the times us give our children a good fight a PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED BY QUALIFIED PHARMACISTS When the whole darn world goesing chance.
On Tuesday evening Inst were hard then we know not, but St.
what are you going to do in the strong labour organization Brown, an old timer on the Paul said he labourồd with his owe morning when you need a nip to open in the learning that labour mus, who for seyeral years bands so as to relieve the Church of that MANUEL ESPINOSA worked on the construction The Editor of the Churchman goes to up your eyes burden and he was a preacher.
Now what of the wedding and the on the Isthmus of Panama is uaCentral Avenue, 33 the Canal losing thereby one Christening and the wake when your derpaid, resolved to assist labor dear friends die Panama.
Opposite La Merced Church his legs, died from appendicie church and humilltes a member for not to get its just due, through effi keeping his class account up to date, or Oh, how are you going to wet your cient after an operatiou.
whistle The deceased was a native not being punctual with his ticket money, When the whole darn world goes dry. organization which has extended he does not ask you to meet him then by to us a helping hand is known as in all circles of West Indian faith but where we are concerned we must the United Brotherhond of BRITISH OFFICIAL WAR PICTURES Maintenance He was a member of several of Way Employees a Note. Member of a certain church and Railway Shop Laburers.
The United Vice President of the Pana on the Isthmue was in dire straits and Brotherhood is Canal Colored Cripples Assoe and seked him to assist him with 00 he approached his minister (European)
afilitated with American Federtion.
of Labor, which is the until he could do better, the reply, no Recently, deceased was organization gaged in second hand to Brother, can do that. Dont you join an rganization which stands ture business in Guachapali Lodge? That the Religion that 4.
Powerful for equal for pay appeared to have been do handed out to the sons of Ham. But, work of equal value in quantity He leaves a wife how long?
and quality, and this is the reason children to mourn his loss. would like the members of the Colon why some of tlie gold employees Church to Strike for the month of June.
The funeral service took Dont pay any Choo Money. Dont give are opposed to silver employees at the Wesleyan Chapel on any collection and listen to the man of organizing and becoming allied to the United Brotherhood.
nesday afternoon, the cortege God? on the 15th aed 22nd.
ing one of the largest for West But Bretheren, we want a West InWell brothers, since the way to dians ever seen in Panadian Paper? No Sir, we got it and its get a square deal is shown to us, Eight fraternal societies we not published in Colon but Panama. Its let us go forward. Fear not. Let represented at the funeral and THE WORKMAN what a pity that we us all join the United Brotherhood beautiful Goral wreath Hear the words of Samuel Gom cannot see it till Saturday.
presented by the Panama Cw pers, President of the American Colored Cripples Association. iPerhaps il West Indians would see to Federation of Labor who repre.
it we could have We could be WORKMAN oftener sented labor at the Peace Conthas once per week.
Honest Boys! Why buy a Churchman gres in Europe, and who has been Dr. CONNELL aud a Workman when you can buy selected as presiding officer of the International Commission for SURGEON DENTIST another Workman to send to the Friend at Labor Legislation.
the Front, or Cuba, or the States or any of the Home Lands, let them know that Wherever men co exist in in Can be found at 17 that is our own Paper Edited by West dustry the principles of freeIndians, pris led by West Indiana, for dom, justice, and democracy Contral Avenue West Iudians and it stands for the square Yust and will prevail. Wherever deal.
the wage earners are not permitopposite Stati must close this or it will become a ted to organize, these rights of letter as it is intended for a Note but free men are denied, and those want the Churehman to stop! Look! and who enforce this denial do violence to the most sacred prin(Continued on page 5)
Cami wransport Corps work at Saddler Shop. Continued on page 5)
Central Drug Store any elde and, lastly, 80 This walk tails tion most in wh the well.


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