
United Brotherhood The first meeting of the Unique Lodge in the St. An thony Hail where most of the locals are now working took place on Wednesday night last.
Prior to the hour set for opening the meeting, the hall wus crowded to its utmost capacity with both men and women and the em sy of Junior officials alte content to swauk cheap cigarettes 60 Three Lucy coast on Saturday an old woman named sequences, expressed the of drowning herself como yong nely more We runs: PAGE FOUR THE VOREMAN, SATURDAY, JUNI 14, 1910 Editorialettes.
THE WORKMAN Stone Throwing, SIMONS There is an increasing nuis(SUCCESSOR TO SIMONS HART)
Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisement on applies ance in the thickly crowded WALROND, at the office Central Avv. tion. Correspondence on all matters districts caused by the prac22 CENTRAL AVENUE sue and corner of Street, Panama, of public interest invited. do tice of stone throwing by All copy for publication must be youngsters of native and Box 74, Panama written on one side of paper only, and foreign parentage alike.
Headquarters for Family Groceries and General Supplies RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION must be accompanied by the name of One Year 82. 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publica Besides being an ignorant Six Months 20 tion but as a mark of good faith. habit it is a dangerous practelar decreprode; but 60e.
we do not undertake to return tice which has already result Teas, Coffee and Spices Ope 250. rejected correspondence éd tragically in numerous instances.
large y determine the standing The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of ourrights JUNIO of a grocery store We are Perhaps it is regarded localproud to say that we supply And Decomposed ly as a minor offence in which SATURDAY, JUNE 14, 1919 case when the offender is many homes with thes, coffees of an Old Woman caught he is slightly repriand spices of the highest grade Found in Sea.
The Curse of Poverty.
manded, but it is decidedly TEA TOPF though not of the highest cost, criminal for lads to lurk Srbados Weekly Herald rd alto, states that the around corners and alley ways ALL CAN BE HAD AT and decomposed body There seems to be a revival of the old philosophy of with their hands filled with han was found in the sea Poverty, long ago exploded as a rank subterfuge, and now stones to throw at passers by presented under the camouflage of blessedness. The for the mere fun of it.
THIS GROCERY he body is believed to be quarters whence the new sound comes are strangely those where, under the enlightenment of twentieth century intel good walloping from some If these boys were to get a pach. 70 years of age, pt shop Roach, it lect one would expect to find such grotesque ignorance man whom they might strike as ordered to the hospiconspicuously absent.
with a stone the police de Looking Northward.
Poverty, as we see it and feel to day, is a state in which partment should not take Officers of Silver AssoIn operation, but fearing Announcements from the the necessities of life (including an assured lodging place) any steps against such a States are to the effect that han submit to the surgithousands of European (Continued from Page 1) al. She was last seen wherein the dignity, self respect and integrity of men and ment that will cure them ofers and workmen from the will not fail to state here that nesday of the sea, going women are trampled and ignored. The misery sweeping their foolish habit. great Northern and Eastern it is the rumour that some of nderstand that this anfor.
over certain communities and keeping them in a state of semi serfdom, the hunger that hits numerous families and cities are preparing to return of those now directing the association business would not care woman has a daughter, makes virtue hang her head in the dust, the sickness accompanying want and distress which ends in death are Dead Dog.
actually left already, while seems to be much truth in the lak, Canal Zone, and a brothe results of cursed poverty which, while it depresses the possibility of a general rumour, for it that was not the Ihn Johnson who resides some, creates the condition of ease and opulence for caused Police and sound that doubtless caluse a shortage of be transacted. It would be of teamship CompanyED.
It just dead cur is believed. This aim more and Chil. to some. beyond the limits of his offi labor and probably open a the association would die.
The great labor movements and industrial agitations cial power and at the same way for colored people of the feel that it can do a great deal are nothing less than natural revolutions against all unfa time beyond himself, when he States and the West Indies. of good for us: Trinidad.
vorable circumstances, under which, those who feel most chucked a West Indian from The rush to the North from United, we shall firmly stand, Port of Spain Gvzette keenly the struggle for life find it not only expedient, but St. Lucia and compelled him this country and the West In Divided our foundation sand.
that the Demerara inevitable, to do something in order that the oppression to remove the carcass from dies in the Spring and Sum Our future success depends Indian Cricket Tean which might cease In the face of such a state of affairs exist the street. But No. 38 will mer of last year was a decided like this! we should never en Ast Indian Cricket Club upon our actions in the crises a series of matches agat ing all over the world, it sounds unusual to hear men who have a long long time to failure owing to the return and trust ourselves antirely into Jidad, won their first een pose as leaders of thought declare themselves opponents think over a foolish act which demobilization of American the hands of the white Sent by 155 runs. Voerato the logical and universal outburst against the indus in haste and arrogance he troops, but now that a re ad man. Get him to do for us, the Demerara barristor trial slavery which is throwing the economic status of the committed in a trice. justment in labor matters hasselves but should undoubtedly do asienter what we for our ticketer, who is well knowa world out of equilibrium; and the fact becomes all the come the outlook for the something to help ourselves. The considerable success in the e principle contribui The officers of the more perplexing when we hear the precept of blissful Association had better count people is more encouraging new association may be able to mings capturing kes victory poverty and don see the example of the inconsistent ten before they permit their than it was a year ago.
and the 2nd ioniuga wk tions than the Silver en direc bemper or personal prejudice The poor have had too much of this balmy stuff to harl them into an attitude ADVERTISE IN Association can, but among rammed down their throats in the past and the sort of that may find no room for re. The Workman ding with one of our own at the entertainment of the Trio other things we should seek to leadership that insists on presenting the hocus pocus is that pentance even if they seek it be united as a race, as West Inscriptions to defray the last which will take an inglorious route with all other delu bitterly with tears.
berd IT PAYS narcial, and edueational pur ar are being collected from industrial from sions into the oblivion that awaits them. Men and women want to be independent in these days.
poses. The Silver Employees issional men, bankers, mer Nobody destres to spend decrepitude in a charitable insti been a blessing; but to day whor money is the lever of these things. All that is neces collecting from individual Association accomplish ts. shopkeepers, etc. but no tution or on the street corners as the objects of spasmodic progress, the fulcrum of sanitation and the stearing gear sary is to have the reins of Ebers of the mercy. If such a life is blessed how peculiar it is that of indepewdence, poverty, as it is now known, means men morally and intellectuelly Fur to our soldiers. To meet public, who hands of a like to join in doing the great preachers do not seek it! In such a case, are twey economic stagnation, despicable squalor, and industrial capable. There are many suche subscribers a subscription not offering to the world or rather, a part of the world, the slavery.
glories, rapture and happiness of a prradise which they men.
lis open at the Town Hal themselves are not careful to enter!
voluntary attitude or mercenary interest is responsible the very best way ten perpetuate randa ingurea ignorances and ourselvau ir tnis association every istina o canal Whether bia them with a complacency that starties civilization; While albanon finto which we wotha be received at the Cashier Let us a moment for the socialistic, ethics which has recently been villainy, outlawry, disease and anarchy is by keeping the is permited to a ripir of the dead sent by letter addressed to Subscriptions advertised as a blessing, we do not know, but we may be masses in the state of want.
sure of the fact that it is the brand we cannot use, and draught now being prepared at for it. Among other things this so, will have none of it.
The rich and well favored resort everywhere, to the may happen: the money now be practice of sending out emissaries with a catalogue of lies laging to the association may (Continued on Page 6)
Nothing is more responsible for the general oppression on their tongues which they crystallize into a system called be burned over to home botilako among the peoples of the negro race than poverty. The the philosophy of Poverty. By this the Negro is taught themelore, casound hand to mouth trunk on the back life which the people are that the hoe and the spade are consecrated implements scarcely spare the money neces things of JOHNSON forced to live causes them to accept almost anything in the while the pen and the pencil are the devil own tools; sary to support this association, SURGEON DENTIST form of work by which a penny might be earned.
those who can find the work are forced to descend in the that a servile curtsy is more manly than a square look in that the benetit that would be And that rule of thumb is more practical than education but did so with the confidence one 1003 Address moral plane at one angle or another.
Anson, 852 This will the face; that a thinly clad body is more healthy than a the saerifice; byt what will wo continue as long as the dependent condition of the well protected skin; that a feed of green bananas and cod think and say when we know masses remains as it is at present. There can be no fish is better than two or wree square meals a day; that if that there is no hope of hope of moral or social amelioration, no cessation of theft a pig can sleep on water man can sleep on the floor; getting a cent reward but instead no end of strikes, no killing of the White Plague, or that if a dog wears no shoes at all the negro can wear away simply on account of the White Slavery, nor the thousand evils which now demora puss; that if the negro must pray, at all he should thank mean that our money is thrown lize the race until a new doctrine is preached and a new God and superior man that he exists rather than foster the spiritedness of a few? If life practised by those who would lead us, or rather, until aspirations and encourage ambitions for a more progres selfishness break the associawen, who through their a new school of leaders can be found to lead us; and if we sive and more civilized state of life.
can find these leaders among other peoples, then we must look to our own through whom we are sure to get the right make the masses what they ought to be as to cleanliness the situation would No amount of legislation, force or gentle suasion will every member every cent ever form and character of guidance.
put into this association, then and good morals. It takes the spirit of freedom to elevate wholly not be The philosophy that enthrones poverty in this age is the social and moral tones of any community and this they are not, they should be 100. 00 JU. Cy.
not preached to any race except the Negro, and this spirit can not exist in the presence of financial oppresion. very carotul. Poor people, as makes us wonder whether it is because we are considered a race of fools or an order of inferior creation. This and America come the most obdarate criminals, drunk financially. The man who hind.
From the great crowds of impoverished whites in Europe waste. We are for some of us are, have nothing to improvement philosophy unconsciously exalts vice and crime and sancards and dope fiends; either because poverty rids them ofers that is a base enemy RENCY taons immorality with the most liberal license it could ever every sense of decency or because they seek to drown their race and should be treated as The given. It is neither impossible nor difficult to see that woes in the narcotics within their reach. The same is true lose such a glorious opportunity the determination to keep the Negro in ignorance is the to some extent, among the colored people and in addition, of getting financial assistance. We are to basis of a system which was thrown down fifty years ago the ravages of tubercolosis are seen almost entirely among and at the same time lose the in North America, and in the West Indies more than all classes of the poor races whose ill clad and under few hard earned cents that we eighty years.
Organized labor is the answer to such jazz intrigue trous of endemic diseases.
fed bodies are not able to resist attacks from the most disas could hardly spare because of RGANIZATION OF which stalks unveiled on the Isthmus in every quarter of some snean fellow who would not be straight and honest in the priviledged clàss. Unorganized labor is as voiceless place of this present generation and replace the ravages of for its motto Pull Together we If a healthy race of men and women are to take the business. The association has brk as a ghost and as powerless as the jaws of a toothless pup. four years of war, poverty must disappear from among the tekers botwin writing this REIGN BRANCHES might rise up like a phantom or yelp for ever: it can ac laboring classes. If peace is to succeed the strife of nations dent that the association motto Straight. It is eviorganized labor can demand with a voice that knows no among the substrata of huinan society a state of affairs that great pity. hope that every the ACILITIES.
will make men independent, contented and self respect che concerned will catch the It might sound fascinating, if not consolatory, to say ing. If the noney kings. the high ups, and the four spirit of the new motho and Poverty is no crime, but if it isn a crime it a hundreds are to remain unmolested they must unelose their association.
thereby infuse life into calamity Whatever might have been the virtues of fists and shell out to the labering classes who will be satispoverty in the days when science slept and industry fied with nothing else but a fair share of the gifts of a Pro bhat all the important pohits of It is my desire and reguest ROBERTSON, meant angebloing except dollars and cents it might havevidence which has created all men equal.
Acting Manager.
this letter be carefully dis. for can nature.
Sone of us could coula repay our TRATION membprepared to refunaw York tion, are but ir. of the. Be


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