
THE WORKMAN, SAPURDAY, JUNB 14, 1916 PAGE Open Forum Entertainment of Return Canal Zone Notes ingl Soldiers WHY?
THE PANANA DRUG STORE Continued from Page Listen! To stop attacking the worken. To look and discern the of the time and look another the soon) to listen for what the Ney to say. Fair Play by Parson, Priet, man or Government.
Thanking you for space, beg to Yours Negro for the Square De Word of Appreciation jbe proud Sir:It is without the slightest exageration am expressing true appreciation of your molt journal. The coloured West dian element on the Lathuns should be to know that such a journal exists among a Too much support cannot be given your valuable paper and feel sure that am only one the thousands that think the same and Vouch to democratic Workman.
Thanking you in advance for permitting me enough space express my heartfelt approche tion and assuring you unstinted support remain SANDFORD SACRED CONCERT.
support CRICKET GOODS lent the opportunity of handing dough but o even a chew of tabocco to the brave soldiers who passed through the loeke GATUN Robbery took place Finance Committee Meets.
Salled for their native Homes.
The Monte Lario Commissary suffered low on Saturday sight last sunThe financial committe ap Quite a large number of residents from known thief entered the store and made their native home off with certain goods amounting to pointed last week by the this Section railed General body of the West on the Italian boat which pulled out 130 all efforts will be made to IS SO WELL PATRONIZED. frm Cristobal on Friday 13th inat. bring the guilty party, Indian Committee met at among them are the following. Mrs.
the Office of Dr. Lowe Vanterpool, wife of Vanterpool, em Labour train has been started from on Thursday night and ployee of the Locko, and two neice, Mr. Colon to this section bringing the em BECAUSE it is the oldest Established Drug Store again last night for the pur Edwin Cox, wife of Edwin Cox, employed ployees who are making larger district in Calidonia. carpenter on the Locks, and four, of Gatun, with this accomodation, those pose of rushing arrangements children, Samuel Webb, wife, and sister employees of the various departments BECAUSE it is Managed by a Graduated Druggist.
for the raising of funds for along with her child, Samuel was an feel joyful in their hearts to know they BEEAUSE there is no fear of substitutes: the reception of the soldiers employer of the building Division for a will be privileged to ride from Colon returned and returning from number of yenu past.
before the 15 train, which reaches this BECAUSE it has always a fresh supply of Drugs distriet at Thanks to the war.
Birth Notice Building Division and Patent Medicines.
The Plan is to treat a West Indian soldiers who en. Chrysth Forysth, clerk of the Quarter Well, Well, let go, where, oh don listed for service with the master Department at this District is you know, to the cricket game whi will THE PANAMA DRUG STORE British and American forces. Blad news of bouncing eleven pound Messrs George Phillips, eleven, and wearing broad smilen, having received the like place at Camp Baird between During the next week cir baby boy. Mr. Forysth is well known MULLER BUILDING cular letters will be sent to both in hie native land Grenada and vom Operators eleven; Best says it ball to the officials of the Pana the Isthmus, therefore his friends and and on can be secured, Phillips team will have Next to the Calidonia Police Station.
ma Government and the Co workers join is com ratulating him on to jump for railings and pailings to win on the combination from houses five and verror of the Canal Zone te arrival of his newly born. Mothet fifty seven. Well then let go.
the various Secret orders und and babe are at Panama but will soon be home to gladen the heart of Papa!
Friendly Societies, and the Ministers and Consuls of Visitors of Colon Bosxs80985 soe sis Foreign countries here.
Following is the list of those who visiA Tag Day will be held ted Colon for the week end P, Butcher some time in the month of Butcher and wife, Vaterpool, July and an all Star game of Hall, Bracey, Maloney, and several cricket will be arranged for others.
to help sweh the funds.
Those from houses and 57 are the Subscription lists will also Gill. Robinson, Lawrence, Feafollowing. Best, Brathwaith, DO YOU KNOW THAT WE KEEP THE MOST COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF be placed in the hands of ron, Bruce, Boyce, Wellington authorized persons who will Small, Commings, and P, Holder.
Cricket Implements on the Isthmus hustle among the mer Johnson of house 57 attended We only carry SPALDING GOODS and guarantee chant and other business Baptism celebration at Colon, on Sunevery article we sell day last; his address was one which will men of the city for their sup long be remembered by those who atport in this worthy cause.
tended the function.
HERE ARE SOME OF OUR STOCK Our Popular district chairman called West Indian Red Cross Notes Clusia on Thursday night beh inst a very at colored Grand Prix Cricket Balls Wicket Keeping Gloves when the women of this district turned Bats. Batting Gloves The Red Cross is under the su out in mass meeting was for the benefit Cricket Bales of organining a woman society along and Score Books pervision of the Americans.
Membership fee for one year is 81. 00 with the Railway of maintenace Labour Cy. and for juveniles, 25 cents Union which bringing together all the Cy.
young men of the Silver Employees at Pay us a visit, we are pleased to have you this district.
Under the supervision of Mrs. Heala, come and look over our Sporting Department a nursery for West Indian children will The newly Clubhouse which is near.
be estnblished. Mothers will then being completion is the talk around this THE MADURO COMPANY able to leave their little ones during the town. The roof has been raised and day and seek employment.
with the speedy carpenters on the job all 21 CENTRAL AVENUE.
PHONE 24 The West Indian Red Crocoris now in hell for the fourth of July.
looting forward to have this spacioua posesion of visiting and hospital cards supplied by Mrs. Heald. Slick persons Red Tank, Oh Red Tank your kindpresenting one of these cardie will be new towards the boys who returned treated at the Ancon Dispensery.
from the font is one which should be There will be a monster Rally held at commented on as Gatun residen had the Labour Union on the plat font, The funde obtained from MainTube will be added to those in band to hot in this nursery drive.
期SSS The IR Crowe will chlieb a po per office. typewriter has already been urod.
The timely assistance of the Amerisana has put new vigor in the old members, while new ones are pouring in No office in this society is paid for services rendered Every West Indian werking in the Athmus of Panama is asked to ontribute at least 10 cents silver per month It would be a proper investment and a sure means of relieving many destibate home. a of quartetts Lovers of good music will have their taste amply satisfied by at tending the Sacred Concert which will be given at the Pan ma Wesleyan Church on Sunday afternoon June 22nd.
Mr. Blackwoodwili will preside a the chore. Kan and the programme vocal solos. duete and which will be rendered by some of our best local talent has been selected from the writ ings of some of of some of the most famo With of the Concert it is it is intend repair the windows of the church for a long time an eyesore those who worship there, and the price of admission TWEN TY FIVE CENTS GOLD. He been placed within the reach all it is expected that there will be a full house in attendance to help so noble a cause.
the wrong Open all day Saturday, until 30 Coming Concert of the Star of Dorcas Lodge.
The Star of Dorcas Lodge Ne.
12 LO will be giving grand Concert at Mt. Carmel Hall, San Miguel on Wednesday next the 18th inst. Arrangemente have been made to have one of the best known Comedy Company in Panama, present. The presence of said cum alone assuras a.
The programme is botta select and choice and is sufficiently varied to suit the taste of all Be sure to be there and haves good time.
ARE YOU GIVING YOUR WIFE SQUARE DEAL. joyment and fu great deal of ea GE OBITUARY OBITUARY ELECTRIC FLATIRON No more discomfort bending over a hot stɔve, no fumes as from other irons. You can iron anywhere that there is a lamp a socket.
On Tuesday evening last Brown, an old timer on the Inthmus, who for seyeral years had worked on the construction of the Canal losing thereby one of his legs, died from appendicitis after an operatiou.
The deceased was a native of Jamaica and a very popular man in all circles of West Indian life.
He was a member of several fra.
ternal societies and a former Vice President of the Panama Canal Colored Cripples Association.
Recently deceased was engaged in second hand furni.
ture business in Guachapali and appeared to have been doing well. He leaves a wife and children to mourn his loss.
The funeral service towk place at the Wesleyan Chapel on Wed nesday afternoon, the cortege he ing one of the largest for West Indians ever seen In Panaina.
Eight frateroal societies were represented at the funeral and a beautiful foral wreath was presented by the Panama Canal Colored Oripples Association.
The Electric Iron is used to cay in ihcusar ds o homes. Have yeu bought one yourself?
the the hand.
The handle is always cool and will not burn or blister lost in changing Irons. It stays hot as long as wanted.
No time lost in waiting for irons to heat and no steps It is with the deepest regret that we have to record the death of Henry de Laroche, West Indian, which sad event took place on Saturday at the 7th instant in this city, diately after his arrival from Colombia where he had brem employed.
Henry left the Isthmus about two years ago for Colombia take up a position as Stone rapher and Typist to a Britid Mining part of his sojourn Firm. During the in Coloma Roach as he was familiardy known by his many friends Cand Henry had a host of the seemed to enjoy good heal but within the past year health began to fall and he to seek medical ald, but would appear that despite the best that medical skill Com Live In Colombla Henry com altion did not ine prove. He last made up his mind to return to the Isthmus where he past rived on Friday the 6th inst At once medical aid was so but on examination it was covered that his condition hopeless and he passed on Saturday at 10 o clock fra aneurism of the heart.
He was buried on Sunda evening in the kerrera tery where a large concours friends followed his last malns as a token of the general esteem in which Henry held in this community Joaves a mother, wite and kori The Workman joins with the West Indian Pablic in tem dort the bereaved family our site condolence in their sad berean ment Call and ask about these Liberal Terms.
Phone 602 Phone 150 Dr. CONNELL SURGEON DENTIST Gan be found at 175 Contral Avenue Opposite Station Compañía Panameña de Fuerza y Luz Sta. Ana Plaza, Panama. యణ Colon Elestric Ice Supply Co.
Bolivar Street, Colon.
mourn his loss.


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