
PAGE SLX Tragic Battles of the Great European War DESCRIPTIVE ACCOUNT BY WAR CORRESPONDENT WAS EYE WITNESS OF THE ENGAGEMENTS Purity Confidence wardate or Satisfaction formel The Different Garage. INDIFFERENT our that CHALMERS GARAGE TWO failed to The Calidonia Jewelry Store from tofthe sout THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JUNE 14, 1919 Interesting News, from the West Indies.
We pleased YOU before OUR MOTTO. Continued from page 9)
Pleasing YOU yet And always will. Our Recruiting. Soldiers HOW OUR BC YS WILL THE BE TREATED, Writing under the above captions, the Port. of Spain Gazette of MEDICAL the 22nd alto. recoris the following reception which is to be accorded the Trinidad Con HALL tingent returning from tho AND that the Trinidad draft will be In any event, it is expected THE STORE here not later than the 26th 27th instant the latter date. be.
that everybody ing contingent on the transport Viu cent, after leaving Barbados PATRONIZE Anyway the neccessary arrange.
ments are being pushed ahead for according a a fitting welcome home to the returning heroes of war. meeting of the Recep The Bully tion Committee was held at the Town Hall yesterday, and final plans adopted. The landing of Continued from page the troops will take place on the ciples of American society. Those St. Vincent Jetty where the first who persist in such practices are symbol of welcome in the shape nation most dangerous of the triumphal arch. with pNot propriate mottoes will meet enemies.
their gaze. Barges will be reThose who spent money cabling quisitioned for bringing the sol requests to have the organizers diers ashore. Passing through of the United Brotherhood re, the arch, they will assemble in The Garage where every one is treated allke. called, have the true spirit of the vicinity of the Nayal Station Unionism, and this attitnde on where a platform will be erected One Price (Good Service their part should be taken as Here, His Worship the Mayor of proof of the United Brother Purthood ability to get us a square Councillors and leasing officials of Spain, supported by city Right Prices deal. want every silver em. will deliver an address of welployee to understand clearly come to the inen. They will it Canal Gov. there is not the Panama thereafter ernment tha that is is opposed to our nah, via South Quay, Broadway proceed to the Savan being organized; but some of the and Frederick Street to the gold employees who fear that marshal str strains of the Constabi low.
The President of the American arches will mark the route, 21 lary Band.
more triumpha!
Federation of Labor further says the adjacent buildings will Workmen who do not join their gaily festooned with tags and terests. How long shall we re proposed that a strong body o?
union are untrue to their best in other patriotic embleins. It is main aloof the United Bro school children will line the route therhood and be untrue to our from the Royal Victoria Insti best interests? How long shah tute to the Savannah, and with we allow the strong and selfish Bags in hand, waft a joyous welto bully us? Not a moment longer, come home to their countrymen.
Obarrio Building. No. 2, Calidonia Road God wills that we go forward.
Believe me brothers when say sate for democracy. halt will be who have helped to make the world that prefer to be a lifeless clod, made in the neighbourhood of LET EXPERT HANDS DO YOUR furnishing food for the grass the Grand Stand, and the troops whereon a a tired brother may lie, will enjoy a brief rest sub.
WATCH REPAIRING rather than be a living piece of quently, they will parade before in the hands of others, to be kneaded and moulded to suit their His Excellency the Acting Gore WE KNOW HOW. TRIAL WILL CONVINCE.
eroor, selfish purposes. Let us be or from a platform on which he will who will address them Wedding and Engagement Rings a Specialty. give the bully the o. or die in and Municipal the attempt.
Grand Stand will be opened to Councillors. CAMPBELL the general public, on an adinis sion ticket of 81. the proceeds WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER. WHAT EVERY WOMAN going towards the Land following the Governor reception Phone 1063.
Cars Stop at the Door. OUGHT TO KNOW address, the men will march.
across to the Princes Building tal principle of Economy. Let by the City Corporation to rom me do your shopping and you public subscription. Mr.
George will soon realise the immense Goddard will saving that can be made on and in addition to his service the Dress Material of silk, Cotton Ladies Reception Committee and Woolen fabrics of the very of Mayoress of latest Styles. am an expe Port of Spain (Mrs. rienced shopper and know how Scott) is president, will utilize and where to buy.
the services of about forty young THE CITY PHARMACY The Novelty Lousine Silk ladies to assist in waiting on the inen. These willing hands is a beauty also be responsible for the decowill Has supplied a long felt want by opening up MRS. ANN THOMAS, ration of the tables and an up to date Dressmaker. Iply cigarettes, sweets, fruits, etc.
17th Street Central, During refreshi to the gullavey ever ppular Soda Water Fountain ments, House No. 11 Pausma.
band will discourse sweet music which, no doubt, for the sake of Cool and refreshening Drinks of all flavors Auld Lang Syne, will include served with Syphon Soda, at moderate prices NOTICE soine springy Creole Later, the pen journeying to the country will Suareh down to the THE CITY PHARMACY TO THE PUBLIC AT LARGE railway station to entrain for The West Indian Pacific Band respeetive homes, while the 130 CENTRAL AVENUE begs to notify the publie that Port of Spuin draft will proceed the y have changed their name to St. James Barracks to be and address to formally dismissed.
THE PANAMA CAPITAL We are pleased to record that BRASS BAND subscriptions have been coming JUST OPENED Band Hall, 22 St. Guachapali, chantent y liberally from the iner. bankers and.
House 25.
sion men towards the reception Sec. Whittaker, Cund, but so far appeal has Band Instructor Sealy, yet been made to the general Calidonia House 80 public, as a good sum of money is still required in connection 122 Central Ave. Panama with th hundreds of returning (near late Continental Bank)
soldiers who are to follow on, a BROWNE McALMON, Prop WM. LAWRENCE in the cashier oftice at the Town Hall where the genaral large assortment of DRUGS and CHEMICALS Tailor and Outfitter public can by means of donations ever so bamble, share in a stili PATENT MEDICINES Deaier in School Books, pam iotie demonstration of welfurther practical manner in the TOILET WATERS, PERFUMERIES, SOAPS and Stationary.
come to the colony hecoes.
No. 11 Street, Panama Prescriptions carefully compounded chains from Central Ave.
ADVERTISE IN BROWNE DAVIDSON Druggist Druggt The Workman Phone 939 Address: Box 806, Ameon Z, IT PAYS clay The following descriptive and sensational account of some of the battles fought on the Western Front, by English and French troops combined against the brutal Hun, is written specially for the Montreal Gazette. by Phillip Gibbs, the well known War Correspondent whose graphic, accounts of the war generally bear the hall mark for being authentic: Looking back on those years of wariantly under frightful fire and against remember my mornings of hope which the desperate delence of the enemy.
ended in evenings of gloom and tragedy: Some parties of the Scots with Londoners the mornings of battle when large dum among them went on to the miping vil ber of British troops assembled secretly lage of St.
Auguste on the outskirts of for some great assault upon the enemy Loos, but none of that gallant band ever lines, knowing that they would be hard came back.
and costly fighting, but buoyed up by Gassed Our Men Fell Gasping.
the belief that they would way through and inflict bloody defeat. Tragical things had happened on the Nearly always in those three years of war left and on the right. On the left the our generals were over confident and our 1st Division had prepared to assault bemen uplifted by an optimism due to a hind a wave of poison gas and the heavy faith in their own courage.
This faith among their men was the quality by vapor, rolled into gullies and then was swirled back to their own lines so that which after many frightful battles and numbers of men were gassed and fell fearful lossce they did at least smash their choking and gasping for breath.
way to victory. Without that supreme y conviction in suecese they could never German prisoners told us that day that have attempted the things they did nor our gas hardly touched them, and they recovered from the disasters that befell even said, with insoleat laughter, that them. In my humble opinion some of our they rather liked the scent of it, addrenerals should have tempered their own ing that the English always had to copy ties so that of our men by more cautides The 7th and 9th Divisione, attacking optimism due to the same racial quali German tethods, and copied them badly and a closer knowledge of the enemy the Hohenzollern redoubt and the quarstrength, because in many cases the Britries near Holluck, had severe and costly ish troops were called upon to attempt tighing gaining their first objectives, but the impossible and to make a sacrifice of being checked, and partly thrown back of the day.
count of overwhelming hazards, at the On the right the life on account of Criticism, however is easy now, Pronch had attacked with magnificent We were an army of amateurs fighting the courage and had swept through Souchez strongest professional army in the world, to the lower slopes of the Vimy Ridge, and our generals and their staffs had to but after beavy losses of French youths learn by many bittes lesson; and our men failure all failed, and it carry the heights, By what had to suffer while they were learning Lens would not be ours.
was dear that One Of Our Worst Battles. After that black things happened on our worst was that of Loos, which began henvy German counter attacks by fresh One of our early battles and one of the British battle front. The Assaulting divisions, now on Hill 70, came under on September 26, 1918. It was fought in conjuction with the French on our divisions of the enemy reserves and right who had decided to assault the hard they were weak in numbers after their Vimy Ridge above Arts, and after its hard fighting. They looked back in vain mupture to go forward South and for and for the supporting troops, but nobatEast of the city of Loos. Our plan wasions were on the way the 21st and 24th talions came to relief.
Two divito capture the village of Love and en but owing to a faulty time table they circle Lens on the north and west by sweeping over Hint 70 and esting into lighting line. They became hopelessly by had started late and far back from the the Loos, mining villages of St. Pierre and St. Auguste tangled up in traffie on the roads, and Ou information. to to the enemy ere exhausted by long marching and by the assault our men were told that these their own transport and cookers strength was very inaccurate and beforl unger long before they reached their place on the battle field. Then they had only wenk foroes against them. too far forward into a murderous place that they would have an easy break called Philosophe, and all their waggons through were also told to fast and as far as they could the two divisions had never fought be were smashed to pieces by shell fire with the promise that all the septand fore; the officers were inexperienced and thay took would be held by deporting had no knowledge of the treeps following close upon their heels. bben ground and Sir John French was then Commander when that evening the men were brought in Chief, and the main thrust was to be under heavy fire and against fiero der up to the support the forward troops delivered by our Piret Army, commanded unde that time by Sir Douglas Haig. We confused and demoralised. Many German Counter attack, they became had massed a large number of guns be their officers behaved with the greatest of our lines and three days before the gallantry and led forward small bodies of battle began saw them open and destruetive bombardment upon the men who fought and died, but the man memy defensive systems, and that Gre of them fell in disorder.
never ceased day or night, so that the Fault of Leadership at Loos.
of Loos was flung into a heap of ruine and the mining works around Land of courage, because afterwards these two It was the fault of leadership and not were torn and angled into fragments of twisted steel. The town of Bethune on divisions did heroic things in many great out side of the linee was the resembly battle, but this battle of Loos was for place of our men and through its old them them a black tragedy.
It continued for Grand Place un a day of snow and sleetseteral da ys and the Guarde were thror west purging tide of men and horses in to recapture Hil 70 and a black slag mod game. The men wore their bairies, heap called fosse 7, but they were out to or goat skin costs, to which the wow fall back. They did so as though on ies, pieces by the German fire, and had to olung, and they had white snow wreathe the infantry, artillery and transport of failed in its object Sir John pon their steel bate. They belonged to parade, with perfect discipline. but their loss was dreadful, and the battle of Loos the 1st, 7th, 9th, 15th, and 17th Division French riding behind the lines on. who were to wault next day at dawn. White There were Scotts of the black Watch White horse, speaking to the walking among the English troops of the 1st Di wounded who came back and thanking vision and the 15th Division was com the day when walked up to Loos and com them for their gallantry. That was on pored entirely of Soottish Territoriale, who the were about to fight their frat big battle saw the dead strewn in the trenches, The was composed of Lonnot expect myself to get back don Territorials, volunteer soldiers from manded by Sir John French and shortly It was the last big battle comthe old who day of of battle with the old spirit or death afterwards he relinquished his position as of glory. When the assault began at death Commander in Chief to Sir Douglas Haig saw the Scots went forward to the Fallen. The battle of Loos in its larger Dupon whom that responsibility had sausie of their pipes, veres ning the care o aspect was a dismal failure, but it proved ander. and London doys, not to be outdone by this music of the private soldiers and battalion offione thing, and that was a superb courage went over the top playing mouth organs cens of the assaulting divisions; and the 16 the music hall song of Hulloh, Huloh, Dfferent Girl Again, one company splendour of the Guarda, Themen actually dribbling football all the way were great soldiers and only needed to Loos to to show their contempt of death great leadership. The British arnice th, learned their biggest lessons in the two The battle began with success as far battles of the Somme. That is to say as concerned the Scots of the 15th, and our Division Corps, army and general the Lindeners of the 47th. The Gor staffs, lenrned their lessons, for the men dons were the list through the lines and into the enemy vrage of bad nothing to learn in human courago, Loos where they made many prisoners and method of attack, and were marvelously and did what they were told in their they were followad by the Black Watch, obedient to their discipline and training.
Seaforths, Comerens, and Highland Light Undoubtedly many mistakes were made Infantay. Then they assaulted and esp in the way of command. It would be tured Hill he beyond The Londoners Pantastic to suppose that an army like on the right were also successful and kept pace with the Scots fighting gol. Continued on Page 1)
They were ahead of thed to 801 do the Hind out the catering Meet Me at the Fountain will sup 88. airs, cheir 47th Division Loe and did not in The Chemical Hall German


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