
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JUNE 14, 1919 PAGE SEVEN Tragic Battles of Great Eu (fean Wars.
Launch ALBA CARLOS HENRIQUEZ o march and a Paing do.
ro ward the spite of and the Good Picture were han guns PHOTOGRAPHY rode on Flowers op for the Scranton Photo Studio lowing hurieme of fire which saw their way through with the bayonet, and battles were just mecres of you flesh thousand volonnes were in eruptioa, the lines. The attack in the dark was a tra infernal swamps. One of the worst days Canadians with the Highlanders of the gie affair.
of all came on October 12, when in storme Sailings for Bocas 51st Division on their right captured the whole lagth of the great Vimy Ridge, work for the French but owing to the As huve said, all this was team of rain English, Australia and New Zealand troop made ano bir desperate Continued from page so that a few gars after the battle had failure of the French offensive in the attemp to grin the Lights of Passehenbogun the entire German population of amateur soldiers could conduct par or were down on our side of the lines hard task when they set out too late in eurs, de up for the most part of the Ridge, exopt those who were dead. Champagne, Sir Douglas Haig and the dele. They failed, ond were cut down in British armies were confronted with swathes by machine gun fire and the in sands of ds of wounded poured back again to Leaves Colon for Bocas del Toro this sa e without many blundere, and prisoners.
igor u ce of moderp conditions. The the year to eapture the ridges of Flan the dressing stations and field hospitale.
And on the right, out from Arras, the ders, around Ypres. Because every time. These meu of ours cu sed the weather higher command had had no real experi 15th Division of Soots, and the 56th we smashed one German division. fresh the cause of their ill luck. They cursed Every Tuesday.
ene staff work dealing with large Londoners, with other English troope. one was brought up from the French it with deep and lurid oaths, cursed it bod of troops and conducting battles smashed their way through mase offront.
wet and cursed it cold, by day and night Taking Freight Passengers OV wide front.
trenches, through many ruined villages, We had one great and successful batle holes and swampe. For by duckboards and mule tracks by shell In the earlier battles of the Somme like cuprinde vitne formed a comic and at Wahtschnete and Mesines on June which caused their defeat, and held them. Hocinel, pusned forward on each. beginning For further Particulars Apply to of the valley of generals now acknowledge. Our men were side of most on the heights. It was this mud that beat our barrage fire, and actions were fought hands. So far, in spite of our heavy menzing and frightful them. Man after man said that the time taught to follow close enough behind sands of prisoners falling into their under the German lines the seen in war, and ending with 01 too narrow a front. We learned lowes, we might claim success.
But althrough of Fritz couldn have stopped us, said our troops to their ultimate 25 BOTTLE ALLEY dreadful Phone 325 COLON in the first place that unless men took ter that there were many the risk of keepining close behind the little battles, fought as team work for objectives, with light losses and the cap en Australian boy, warming his hands of prisoners body by a brazier after a night in moving wall of high explosives flag by the French which cost us very dear and But after that we had the worst of luck the cold slime which was still plastered uguns in front of them with inevitable led to no great issue.
with the weather. As soon as the bat him is chanse.
back about him. It was the mud which gavo eve casualties from shells that burat too gallant but a rash Adventure les began beyond Ypres, the Friendly Societies Directory lose, they would suffer for greater It was the mud that did us in, said Water bogen and hardly ceased until the end of casualties because the German treops would have time to come out of their on the Hill beyond Arras, was attacked already described the foul conditions. stretcher and speaking wearily. We of April thi the Village of Mouch the year. In a previous article have an officer of the Berkshires, sitting up in Court Brock No, 6725, District Secretary, hugouts and tunnels after the barrage and captured by our cavalry. That was through which our men had to fighe kot bogged and could keep up with bar Bolivar St. Colon RpGeneral meet. Thomas Headley, Ancon Borneo fire had passed over them and sweep our gallant but a rash adventure, and Samuel. 1011.
men to death with machine gun fire. In looking back upon it am certain that shat ewenty mile belt cratered land rage. That save the German machine ng 1st, and 3rd, Wednesdays Seety Twith every shell hole filled with water, Runners time to get to work on us. It Court Land, No. 8448, Royal Victoria Lodge, No. 2314, Odd the second place, it was found that if it was no jeb for calvary to Laod Hall Higino St, San Miguel Fellows Hall, 10 and St. Colon.
a battle were fought against some isolated village of Monchy, oa the hill top, was in that our men were stuck and drowned their luck.
Gəperal meetings ist, and 3rd Thurs Alternate Fridays. Seety. Frank McLena or wood, or section of of trenches, still standing when saw it that mornin bogs and swamps when they went for liling with hand un houses. Our losses were appalling in min the German concrete block against the volen emnym would quickly signal to al broken walls and a white Chateau only and guns and tanku.
days Srety George Alleyne, Anoon The Canal Press, Mt. Hope.
roofs still on its houses Lessons Given C, batteries around, from John Wallace No. 9111, Superior No. Court hi evide areas of artillery twenty milco or little scarred by shalt fire. few hours those Test see our amhen fought on with on the Clarinet, the leading course these caucho pai Camerai Brock, Bolivar Street, Coloa, Ir. der Wordleach ide of our point of attack later it was wiped via the moments ind they arim, desperate valor, capturing ridge Band Instrument. Band or alexander Sanchez, Ancón nights of each month at pm.
meetings 1st and 3rd Saturdays Soety, Regular Convention 2nd and 4th Priday here would be directed an annihilating was when the cavalry were in They after ridge and destr sying great number Orchestra furnished for all fre upon our advancing troops. Before were men of the 10th Hussars, the Essex of the enemy.
those lessons were learned the British Yeomanry the Blues and saw them kinds of engagements.
Court Mizpah, No. 9198 Rose Bud of the Isthmus Lodge, Too Great a Sacrifice. mies su Tered devastating losses. They going over Obeeriation ation Ridge on the way Moraing Star Lodge 24 St Guachapali of 24th. reet, Gusche attacked and captured the ruins of Conto Monchy, the rub of splendid bodies NEILSON It seems to me now as did then that a maison and fell in great numbers of men riding at the gallop in a show our men were called upon for too great days Seety. Claud Vincent Box 538 pali. Meeting nights 2nd and 4th Mo Clarinetist kepublican Band Balboa Heights.
days in the month. Secretary Adriana Again and again they captured Delville storm Delville storm which covered them with white Pacrifice, and that these battles ought Ancon Phone 1053 Court Minara No. 9234, O, Armatrading. Box 704, Anson, Wood and High Wood and had to re mantles and crowned their steel ha In treat from the ground they had von be the valleys below the hill was of Dever to have been fought. Some of the 10th St, West, House 37, Paum Meetings ist aad 3r Saturdays Secty. S, 20 St. Cea. Ave, General meetings Samaritans Hall San Miguel General Loyal Johnathar No. 2841 cavalry men cause they were clashed and mangled standing by their by their horses and Sydney McClean, Secretary Box 866, Ist Friday and 2nd Wednesday themselves under concentrated gun fire. murderous stamping to keep them war.
Anoon Canal Zone.
Grant, Secty, Panama, While was there a German aeroplane faite effect.
flew low above them and then whisked Court Paradise No. 9292, A, O, T, Lily of Panama No, 2755 , J, watched our men into those back to the enemy lines. guessed Land Hall San Miguel General 20 St. Cen. Ave, General meetings 2ad places and my heart bled for them, and what would happen and meetings 2nd, Tuesday and 3rd. Satur and 4th Tuesdays Me, E, Boyer Soety, and guessed right.
my spirit cried out in agony, ceause of day, Secty. Rouget. Balboa Ancon, few minutes later German the intolerable sight of that tunult of ranged upon the ground in which all Isthmian Star Lodge, No. 13; meeting fire upon the places they had enterred. these men and horses were assembled increases one interest in Court Pacific, No. 9751 A, O, P, nights 2nd and 4th Saturdays. Loyal Groves Hall ist. Ave. La Boca Victor Hall, San Miguel. Secretary And saw them come out ag in as and shells burst among them and the General meetings 1st. and 3rd Satur. Yearwood, Ancon Boxwhen the 9th (Scottish) Division ground was strewn with dead boys and days, the South African Brigade came out of mangled beasts.
Pythian Pride Lodge No. I, K, of Star of the Isthmus Lodge No. 2166 Delville Wood a poor thin remnant of this glorious body of troops who had But the assaulting squadrons of cavalry Loyal Progress Hall Calidonia Regu Grand United Order of Odd Fellows lar Convention and and 4th Wednesday regular meeting nights 2nd and 4th gone into battle, led out by some pipers swept round the village of Monchy.
until they topped the ridge and CALL IN AT THE Keeper of Records and Seal Green Tuesday. Secretary RM Wilkinson who played o the Forest as Anoon O, Box 411, Panana Jament dear dead they had left one left while immediately intense shrapnel fire Panama Star Lodge No.
burst over them, 80 that they were behind; and again when the Irish Divi slashed by bullets and men and horses Land Halla San Miguel Encamp Heus hold of Ruth No. 981 sion came back from Guillemont. They fell. Among them was the Cavalry Genunents Ist. and 3rd. Tuesdays Jarvis Convening nights Monday each too were but a little band of comrades eral. Bulkely Johnson, and saw his Seribe, Ancon month; Worthy Recorder Martyn in some of their battalions were down dend body on a a stretcher carried back 68 Central Avenue Phone 1050 Loyal Pacific Box 198 Panama.
Groves Hall La Bocs General meett the trength of companies, and some through the ruined of ru ned village of by a of their companies but a handful ings ist. and 3rd. Thursdays The Panama Canal Lodge No. 1410, small party of troopers, But the cavalry Hunter Secty. La Boca.
United Brotherhood of Maintenance of men, had lost all their officers and were made a dash to the And you are sure to be interested in having side of the to the northern of the Loyal Pride of the Isthmus Lodge, Way Employees and Railway Shop or.
stood beside their brigadier General It is an astonishing thing that two them: led free your PICTURE taken by the genial proprietor 21 St. Central Avenue, borers. Regular cessions second and General meetings every two fweeks fourth Fridays each month at Grovels Ramsay, and be shouted to them Bravo withered old Freneh women stayed in (Wednesdays) wm. Lawrence, Munsters! Bravo Connaughtsi You dia with McKENZIE Seely, Box 805, Anoon Hall, La Boca darn well. Dublins! and he had tears in the village all through the fighting When our troopers rode in these (LATE OF THE MARINE STUDIO women Loyal Progress No. 8, tired, boys of his Isthmus of Panama Lodge No 2151, poor, Caledonia General meeeings 2nd United Brotherhood of Maintenance of pulled them elves up and marched pasting Camaradex as though in fear of past come runing ferward, frightened, and cry Tuesdays and Saturdays Blades Way Employees and Railway Shop Lawith an effort at a jaunty Seety, Box 974 Ancon.
pe the turing and holding the Posieres Ridge them they were full of joy, and held up the enemy. When our men surrounded Printing, Developing and Enlarging Loyal Ionica, No. 12, o. m, borers. Regular cessions first and third the Au tralians alone lost 20, 000 men, their 24th St, Guachapali General meetings Mondays each month at St. Anthony 1st, and 3rd, Mondays J, F, Rallon Hall, Caledonia Road.
and the total losses of the British Army their seragry old faces to be kissed by SPECIAL FEATURE Buckner, Secty. Anoon in killed and wounded were 450, 000 in the troopers who leaned over their sadStar of Chorillo, No. 635 the battles of the Somme. That was Monchy was filled with a Idles to give their greeting Afterwards St, Mitchell Lodge No. 30, 1, meeting nights 2nd Tuesday G, S, Samaritan Hall and ot fearful price to pay for victory. But it Mor filled with a fury of shell San Miguel General meetings 1st 2nd 3rd Thursday each month, Secretary wag vietory, and the Germans had also fire so that harilly a horse remained slive, and the cavalry suffered heavy losses, ave: and 3rd Wednesdays. Leon, Secty. Samaris Ancon Post ce.
lost great sums of life, and all these ane had to come back on foot, leaving Ancon, O, Perseverance Lodge, No. 229, fields were strewn with their dead, many une Future Hope No. 2104 Druids Hall, 20 St. Central Avenue.
of their batteries were blown to bits and the village on the hill to be attacked 20 St, Cen, Ave. a neral meetings 1st Meeting nights, Ist and 3rd Wednesday er lav around them in rags and again and captured aknin by our infantry and 3rd Mondays, De Ruggles Sects and 3rd Saturday. Per. Seety.
of the 15th and 37th Divisions. who ribbons of flesh We always have on Box 1061, Ancon were also mowed down by fire. The blood Bath of the Somme Loyal Johnathan No. Daughter No. Brown, Ancon Box 1011.
hand a complete How our Tired Brave Men 2756, L, 0, S, 20 st. Cea. Ave, General meetings ist Tuesday and 3rd St Mitchell Lodge No. 30. 1: 0, of Under Loupart Wood on a small plot Bore Pain.
line of reliable Thursday, Miss Williams Secty. and D, of 8, Samaritan Hall, San Ancon of ground saw 800 German dead, and Miguel; General Meetings, 1st, 2nd and in the country around there were it is no wonder that the German Soldiers low priced Lily of Paraiso Lodge No. 8714, Box 1002 Adeon CZ.
3rd, Wednesdays David Lion, Secretary; called these battles The Bloud bath of many other battles in which our men we slashed with machine gunfire from both Hall They were demoralized sides of the Serape, and day after day and stricken with terror because of the saw our walking wounded coming bok St Marks Lodge No. 21, Galilean Secretary ishermen Meeting nights 1st, 3rd, and fury of our Guntire and the unceasingow our walking Give us a call before going elsewhere.
con, Canal Zone Ith Mondays, Samaritans Hall San Mi.
sequenos of our infantry assaults. And bravellose fields, streams of those tired, pain with most at the beginning of 1917 they made their brave men who bore their uel, Secretary Evans, Box 712 Ancon Royal Primrose Lodge, G, o. of Post Office.
You are sure to be on time if your first re rest on a wide front before the groan to be heard anywhere. They the stoic endurance, so that there was hardly WATCH was repaired by US. meeting nights every Tuesday San Britains Pride Lodge No. 2343, Order British, Miguel Clarke Secretary.
back twenty miles to the formed up in a long quene outside the of Druids Druids Hall 20th St. Central shelter of their great Hindenburg line, dressing station beneath the citadel of Guiding Star Lodge, No. 2322, Druids Avenue William Benskin Seerelary; which they had boen digning for a year. Arros, covered in mud, and too weary Hall; 2nd and 4th Mondays and 2nd Box 807, Ancon Another series of attacks by the Bri Saturday. Secty. Mrs. Esther Fletcher, tips texan in April of 1917 as part of and went to talk, outside in the sunlight JEWELRY TO ORDER Ancon Box 1036.
Gorgona Star Lodge No, 3, 4, 8, Kreat strategical plan in connection with waiting this turn to enter. Some of the the French under General Nivelle, then torted attitudes, vry much like men lay do vn on the bank in queer Meeting nights 1st Monday 2nd Britain Pride Lodge, No. 2343; 2nd sod 4th Thursday each month, Druide for a short time Generalissimo of the and 4th Fridays. Druids Hall, 20 St. Grove, 20th street, Central Avenue and slept there. Others came hobbling French and British armies. The Frene FULLER is the MAN you want to see.
Central Avenue. Seety. William Bens Fonseca, Seribe, Box 741, Ancon, Post had prepared a big offensive in the mach arm around the neck of ksn, Ancon, Box.
Champagne and be called upon Sir Douse atretcher benaren or stumbled rorward. It was the whimper of those 122 CENTRAL AVENUE Rising Star Juvenile Lodge, No. 2341; las Haig and the British armies to attack Mlint bove and the sgony on their facem Loyal Primrose Lodge, No. 1016, 2nd Tuesdhy each mocth. Seety. Meeting nights 1st Tuesda at Artas and draw in many German which was most pitiful those the Corner 22nd Street, Panama, Phone 939 Headley each month, Blakes Hall San Miguel divisions as possible so that 50 could ataack divided Gerti an defence men snusherlohout the face and bodd that only their eyes stared through the Star of Hope Lodge No. 632. Clarke Secretary Ancon Post Office.
Then his blow would, if successful, smash Meeting nights 1st Saturday, 2nd Panama Star Lodge No. 4, I.
and 4th Monday in cach month, Loyal Encampments 1st and 3rd Tuesday through the enemy lines, put a beavy white mask of bandages. tragie picture which, lives in my memory.
the strain upon German reserves, Progress Hall, Calidonia Road, Secretary very month Court Land Hall San MiOn May there was an attack in the wwwwwwwww Sir Douglas Haig would at that moment Sydney McLean, Box 863, Ancon, suel Hanna, Seribe Box 702 Ancoa attack the ridges around pres and drive dark, before dawn, and that was a fatal WILKINSON Post Ofice.
It mistake for which our poor men paid a the Germans from the Be sian coast.
was a bold scheme, but unfortunately high price. When dawn came many of the French were not successful. They. hem found that they had passed Contractor Builder Panama Hats NOTICE!
the enemy line, came up against what they call a bee de through The ir The Management of the gaz, a gasbracket, which is a slug ex that they were cut off First Class pression for saying that they took a hard only hope was to smash their way Workman begs to notify knoek. It was so hard CLEANED, and BLOCKED Secretaries of the various cost the lives through and back This they tried to do of so many thousands of min, owing to The East Kents or Bluffs young doland TRIMMED to Order Friendly Societies and Secret Hindenburg new system of elastic diers from the Garden of England Plans and; Specifications Free ALSO Orders, whose Lodges appear in defence, that General Niveile very wisely were among those who tried. It our Friendly Societies Directory abandoned the offensive. Pus to use a to the Bluffs, shonted a little lieuten 15th Street West, House 90 MILLINERY DRESSMAKING column to communicate with vulgar expression, it left the British in ans, who was one of the few officers left the eart, Sir Douglas Haig had launched in command, and, heading his men he the office making the necessary BOX 411 PANAMA, HOUSE No. 965, LaBoca, correction of any errors appear his attack against Arras with complete attacked two lines of trenches filled with Canal Zone success on the first days of battle. Po Germans, and that little band backed Ing in their LodgeNtice, of Tilloy hi his eyes as these a NEED WATCH the Somme WATCHES and JEWELRY ights 2nd and th Thursday each month going REMEMBER WE MAKE WEDDING RINGS AND OTHER di.
death, and ad Workmanship und cost


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