p. 8


The Lure of the Circus MATINEE, Sunday June 15, at 30 analin znas episodes of Lure of the Circus whole went wiped Brief Summary of our house the bowling doo On Wednesday 11th inst. a work and thus a most pleasant The delegates from Sister the Week Cable. much for tema anda berhenga ad AMERICAN ROOT BEER PAAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JUNE 14, 1919.
Church Services.
umumnadoration Cricket.
Protestant Episcopal PACIFIC THEATRE UNION HALL Festival of The Holy Trinity COLON St. Alban s, Paraiso: PANAMA am. Holy Eucharist and sermon.
12. 30 HS Betism Starting to morrow Sunday, June 15th, a new ap. Sunday School Universal Serial Featuring the Great 30 Evening prayer and address De Tuesday 17th the Patronal Fe.
EDDIE POLO drval of the church will be celebrated follows: ENTITLED. FEATURING9 Holy Communion 30 Special Missionary Service.
Special preacher the Rev. Cooper, The Lure of the Circus EDDIE POLO Rector of Christ Church by the sea ColAll the Clergy of the Protestant Sunday 15th, 1st and 2nd Episodes Episcopal Church will be present and the TUESDAY 17th. Episodes 13th and 14th Tuesday 17th, 3rd and 4th publie is cordially invited to attand. The offerings will be given for missions Thursday 19th, 5th and 6th THURSDAY 19th 15th 16th All Jamaica Defeats Rod St. Georges Gatun Saturday 2st, 7th and 9th Tank.
SATURDAY 21st 17th 18th 11 a. Morning prayer and address.
Last Sunday the Red Tanks pm Sunday School SUNDAY was defeated by All7. 30 Evehing prayer and address Jamaica on the grounds of the MODELS CONFESSION St. Paul Mission, Chrorillo SEE PROGRAMS former by a total of 39 runs.
Batting first Jamaica put up a 21 an. Morning prayer and address score of 75 runs; the principal 3p. Sunday School Deginning with the 1st scorers being Brrnett 17 and McIntosh 17 The bowling 30 pm. Hvening prayer and address of Red Tank was on the good St. Peter Church, La Boca do whilst their fielding was excellent or Jamaica would have 30 am. Celebration of Holy Comdoubled the score. Red Tank Sunion Matins at 11 am followed by second Farewejl Repast Alleyne followed by ed to unveil the Chart, while alto the bat contident that they would have the score Celebration of the Holy Commuion Sunday Sehool at pm.
high tribute to Bro. Hingson ed to Chair of Service proved too Men Bible class at 30 pm Evensong and Sermon at 30 farewell repast was tendered evening was brought to a close Lodges, and other kindred Socie were Mr. Joseph Hingson by by singing of Hymn God be ties, as well as invited guests are all out for the small score of 36 runs. All Jamaica is certainly Panama Baptist Church his Bros, the officers and mem with you tiil we meet again.
asked to be in time.
Guachapali bers of Court Land 8448 The Marine casualty reports going strong and if they can bat The Chairman Bro. Drakes in The function will begin at ments give a total of 6013 according to previous state keep it up for this hall of the Sunday 15th at 30 a. prayer meet opening the function spoke in Dedication of Royal Primrose o clock season, they will sure be of the 11. 30 a. Morning Sunday Scho!
glowing terms of the Bro past The revised figures show that cup.
conumencing at 11 am. The anniver. career and exported him to stick Lodge.
32, 842 were killed in action, 733 Britannics defeats Vincenwere lost at sea, 13 554 died of wary services of the above named church to the order.
tians be celebrated which will be as follows The Royal Primrnse Lodge No. ORDERED TO SHOW CAUSE their wounds, 4, 640 died as a re91 am. Mr Richards will preach at The Chairman then called upon 10, 106, of working sult of accidents and 23, 270 died The Vincentian was de. Rev. Cannon also at 30 m; Brother. Jarvis to present under the Committee of Manage When Vincent Connor, a from disease.
feated on their own ground by Paris On Monday night their will be a pub Brother Hingson with a purse ment, England, was put through lawyer, apveared fifteen min the Britannic on Sunday The meeting in connection with (the Sun: which he did in his usual eloquent in March last by delegates of the utes late to conduct a case be tee of the General Labor Fed last by a score of 52. runs. Batche y Services Commandant Morris of manter. Bro. Hingson in reply Panama District. These delegates fore County Judge Me Dermott. eration has come to no decision score of 91 runs. Joe Hill, who ting first Britannic put pa when a prepared program will be render bers for their kind recognition the 22nd inst. for the purpose of an order directing him to show rent, but June 14 has been fixed time form played a up from Colon on Sunday in Brooklynge en hoe shox regarding the strikes now cut seems to be recovering s old wednesday evening at 30 m. the ever mindful of the busines of the Lodga Room dedicated for also top Court Senjor Society of Christian Endeav. well known popular Dr. of produce affidavits at the next Bent of the British, Italian and score for his side. as eas Best Belgian.
will meet, and at 30 the Senior Broe, Alleyne Secretary and Medicine in Panama has consent sitting of the Court.
seems also to be back in form Rolety. On Thursday at 30 pm strong protest in the form with the ball, as in both matches Wale Class and enquirers class wil of a note to the Peace Confer played by his team 00 has he ence was sent by Chancellor proved himself the bowling hero.
Renner of Austria complaining This club is also going strong Chorillo Baptist Church News against the dismemberment of and with all of its old members his country with regard to the playing up to form, it should CAN ONLY BE HAD AT No. 179 CENTRAL AVENUE, DIRECTLY seperation of Bohemia and prove a serious contender for Tyrol, saying that Austria could the Cup. At no time did the Tomorrow (Sunday) will be OPPOSITE STATION, AND AT No. 17 CALIDONIA ROAD.
not survive the loss of her indus Vincentians come near worrying prize giving for the Sunday School Scholars. goodly nuwtries in these places.
Britannic, in fact the only man ber of prizes have been earned The Management spares resolution was passed by who showed any form or dis by scholars for last year work.
the American Federation of Brown, the Vincentian all played any cricket ability was Owing to the press of work no expense in providing Labor at its meeting on Wedthe new regulations as regards rounder nesday, against wartime prohlfor the comfort and conmarks attained, the report by the bition, and in favor of exempt Pedro Miguel Defeats Secretary has been delayed thus venience of his patrons. Ing 24 per cent been from the Standard war time prohibition.
causing the late distribution of prizes On their own Oval, last Sun Mrs. Loveridge the Minis Courteous and The resolution was carried by day the Standard was ter wife will preside, when an overwhelming majority and ignominiously defeated by special addresses and songs will Polite Service its essential points will be sent Pedro Miguel. Winning the to President Wilson and Con toss the skipper be given by Teachers and of Standards gress.
Scholars. contest collection be.
sent Pedro Miguel to WS the Iween the Sold SPACIOUS APARTMENTS London news dated June 12 wickets, and so made his blunclasses will be taken up. good reports a statement with regard der With three wickets down time is anticipated. Deacon Absolutely Sanitary to the German surrender. Sir for 19 runs, Archer and Clarke preached Sunday last Only Douglas Haig during the festivi Haynes of Pedro Miguel came to Conditions at 11. a the Rev.
ties held in his honour and that ards bowlers until a score of the wickets and dexed Stand.
at 30. Tomorrow. Deacon in of Admiral Beatty, speaking at Barclay will preach at 11. a.
First Cakes, Pies, Sandwiches, Mercer Hall Sir Douglas empha 86 had been reached. Archer the Rev. Loveridge at 30. sized the completeness of the made 46 and Haynes 26. Tis special programme is also ar Grape Juice and a fine German Military surrender. He rue Archer gave three chances ranged for Mother Day Service but on the whole he played a good Joly 13th Class Panama assortment of Preserves always in Stook To have pressed forward af and useful innings. Layne, the ter the great culminating defeat skipper of Pedro Miguel also the Sombre river played a dashing innings for his Loyal Felix High Class Enteron EER score of 17. There has been, and City Also Cigars and Cigarettes Now her 18 woulde, hawerment is much disappointment felt by tainment.
loss of lifedestruction the.
of property and expenditure of over money, while constant defeats.
to White besin figno kitais meera Passengers to and from the trains, can cross over the way and get refreshed while waiting rendered Germany more help: Apparently a gwd team, and yet is looked forward tess in a military sense than she story she wins from them.
tainment for the season will be with her army disthe bowler of the day, what Last year Thom Is to day guns, transports and become of him? Has Orgotgiven on Saturday night the 21st solved, her ast. at Mt. Carmel Hall, San aeroplanes surrendered, and the how to bowl? notice that Miguel. by the members of the Rhine crossing held by the Allies against Pickwieks The surrender of the German bowled two overs, and was taken Elaborate preparation Loyal Felix Lodge No. 26 fleet could not be more abject off, and against Pedro Miguel he are being made to give the public more complete and more irrever only bowled two overs again the a real jolly evening enjoyment.
cable than the surrender of the second of which was a maiden. of the function German Army.
Certaialy Standards can do betwill be the rendition of some of (BRANDON BANK)
the latest rag time and sentimen ter than they are doing. Their tal Songs by the members of Siiver Employees Associa batting is also very poor for not one of their so called good bats the e well known Panama Minstrel tion.
Company, as well as some of their have as yet come on. John Charles 28 in pood side splitting jokes.
COLON style last Sunday and Continued from Paye was then Don fail to present, and run out at a time when all bowl.
that ear y, so as to secure a comsies, as they never ynd to builders were looking alike to him.
fortablu buat.
Our large Res urces and well known up, but engender discord and Now Standards! you must buek Admission only 25 cents malice, and worst of all court conservative Management afford unRefreshments will be on sale on redicule from those who are 50 up and do not allow your sup.
porters to be constantly losing on the evening.
questioned security for every dollar eager to harp upon the many you. Think of it! Pedro Miguel fanciful weaknesses of the Negro 135 for wickets, Standard 48 deposited with this bank.
for all.
Being eurate, of course he was Three thousand copies of our sly. The other Sunday after service, annual report are now ready: Games fos To morrow two fair members of his congregation persuaded him to see them home: and they will be sold at ten cents gold Standard vs. La Boca at after desperately dingging his brain per copy. Make it your business Stardard Oval.
for a tople to converse upon, he said to the girl on his right hand:General Banking Business Transacted to obtain and preserve the first Pedro Miguel vs. All Jamaica and only record of its kind pe What is your favourite bymn?
at Paraiso.
The girl answered coylyISAAC BRANDON NATHANIEL BRANDON BRANDON taining to the Negro race on the Isthmus.
Red Tank vs. Surrey at. Draw me nearer President.
Vice President.
The curate blushed furiously, and Truly yours is applied Red Tank that moment the other giel said:Vincentians Pull Together vs. Pickwicks That is only the eborusthe com0. at Bishop Hollow.
recement of the verse is am thine CHARLES STHPHENSON British Guiana vs. Yorkshire Then the emrate ran hard enough to Secretary, British Guiana.
and men and woinen The Bacon said: on It could not have only special featur feature PANAMA BANKING COMPANY SECURITY made at the wind to shame.


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