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fell good cause were in order that oner; tion in an institution Foreman in other Canal Zoncom kile coseph Barrete.
point a where on.
bim WALKED OUT JEALOUSY SAID TO BE REFUSED TO DO WORK THE CAUSE Struck OF LABORERS With (Stone and Killed One of the most conical, but Lively Meeting at the Districts One more tryitig event to the regrettable, cases that ever came up for police investigation in PanFrom the Gleaner. trouble, to which accused replied colored labor on the Canal Zone Falmouth, June 12. Last night move away, don let stone catch took place on Friday morning at CHORRILLO. other a band of selected member ama took place in the vicinity of Guachapali, at about o clock last special sitting of the Resident you. Witness told him to go the Panama Canal Clubhouse at speakers.
Monday morning when there was Magistrate Court was held to home, but accused said Rosetta Bajboa, formerly known as the On Saturday last at the school med borbe to the inside anus and cry raised around the maken enquiry into the cause of bodia Kemente non erat hion and the Baliwa vimocloea when about (12) carpenters room of Mr. Harte situated in called to order by the President, district that two women had got the death of Nathaniel Rosetta in would knock him Chorine, the Unique Lodge of followed by the Chaplain pray into a combat and that one had the Falinouth hospital, where he cused moved off and Rosetta who were working around that the United Brotherhood of Main er. The President inade a briet bitten off part of the lip of the was taken on the 4th inst, sufier came up and witness said Natty institution, now. circling tive or six months, walked out with one hon ange en veralget handal Railroad welcome de the meana de mantenerlomat meeting The Vice President, Mr. AR hearty response, and outlined atout the occurrence was that Morgan. The court sat at 20 passed on; and as he (Rosetta)
his audience for their further, the most peculiar feature is alleged, the hand ore James trouble and he said The men complained that they man presided and made the ini. lasted until after eight came up to where accused was worked for a very long time tial speech which was full of the ect of the meeting, viz the piece could not be found.
cheer and encouragement for the emphasized the fact that the On this information getting the o clock, and was presided over standing, Morgan threw a stone under a foreman who left their After Mr. Allman ted specially invi Founds a representative of this the President Marke Levy, heading which stecke him on the day hago for a 40 days furlough, and Rosetta and have had nothing very extra had sat down, Mr. Nicolas Carted hey journal left for of Acting Magistrnte.
Joseph Barrett said he was a water was used and Rosetta re as regards their work as arti Witness called out, and some ome ordinary to complain about, as ter, general organizer, save an may have the opportunity of the trouble but on his way met this time the two combatants in a sitney laborer at Fontabelle in the parish vived a little. Rosetta said noth sans. They always gave saits: address which can only be sum grasping more fully, The the meaning, the necessity and being escorted by a policeman to of Trelawns: deceased Rosetta. Barrett helped him and they never once reprimanded for any He brilliant.
knew the pris. ing to accused in passing him. saction and the foreman was marised audience listened with rapt at the benefits of labour organiza police headquarters, The accused was not working at carried Rosetta to his home part or particle of work which tention and at the close was perd timtea Brotherhood of Mainten inquiries of this phenomenal Fontabelle, but deceased was. Accused ham away.
United had been ordered by the General and the occurrence Accused lived at Sherwood Pa the president of Victor Collins ance of Way ban Tabourers, there was the castomary lover nesday when accused came to home, atcer leaving work at Fon.
ersin ocurrenc It eventually transpired that tent. He remembered the Wed Peter Brown said he was going followed and exhorteu his hearDuring their long period of ers to join the organization and order that they may stand Armly for the cause that to intelligendly support this or head ourse between the two women Raseiten hat deceased. Deceased labeled snd saw accused with work with him, they, as artisans needs assistance by that taking up three stone the gutter and accused said: ing up in the road, and as he work unless it was a necessity speakers were Mr. Le terest and membership of their at the bottom of it all.
Particulars elicited of the cir. Rosetta, the cocoanut you pick; reached abreast accused, Mor which could not be avoided tax Currier, President of the Pana labouring husbands, relatives en cumstance state that Francis don pick it again. Rosetta said: can stopped and hit him with a that moment, and which would ma Canal Lodge and Mr. and friends, whereby their men.
in all there were 20 their children, and themselves Fenton of Panama was the vic which coconut? and accused said stone on the left side of his head not prevent the man who is in speakers who had words or en. Would ultimately be benefitted, time of the bitten, chin indicted the one just at the gate. They are dhe fethioinstanty, and had to line for that job filling the posi?
couragement to pour forth to the box reasonably and legally up on Margaret small of Paraiso were both quareling, and they be taken home by Philip Williams tion; but in cases where it posis necessary to employ permanent.
shoved each other.
holding the body went away feeling satisfied rights and better living condi mall had come up from Paraiso talk to me but don assault me on the estate, said she knew both work surely be placed to do his Murray. labourer ly for any length of time, a man the morning in went over to Guachapali marketed his finger in deceased face. On Wednesday, the 4th of June. The new foreman was sent to question and ed and when Morgan, the accused, that good was being done and tions.
accused, and deceased Rosetta.
that the organization was one The choir rendered a selection to. en Both men went to the Cross which every individual should be and Mrs. Brooks the lady of countered the Fenton woman. Roads quarelling all the way she saw accused in the estate take charge of the gang, and his jealous to join honour was introduced and At asserted Rosetta left the estate yard and yard and went to the gutter first order to the colored arti gracefully performed her func itself and as jealousy is as cruel accused followed him out. the Rosetta was, and accused sans was to down tools and dup PARAISO tion. the unveiling of the char as the grave it did not take road where they had a tight said wie Fatty those coceanuts you with picks and spades ter of the Victory Lodge No. iany minutes before u fray was Morgan lifted Rosetta and hit any more. Deceased asked him but showed out that it was out of you must refuse, are picking to excavate On the 13th, there was a gen the applause of the merry crowd. Panteda Dame there was no The Amos Young said to accused: Whicha, cocoanuts, and accused re their line, and that the men for 2509. The startedr. Unfortunat? for him on the. The any more eral The President declared the feree to break and no symbol Let go the man, and struck plied: The same you There was a large Charter and if he saw task, and as Brothers of the assisted by the Past President Past Pouis vead it in his usual tants clinched or the latter and said: if don kill Rosetta, him on the tree he gathering, and the Secretary which and Journal Agent was kept busy slarion tone and from every might not have been minus a dead.
is afiliated with the American They were parted and Would have him Arrested asked who licked him: Williams he breast came the shout of victory! piece ofher lip to day, attending to the applicants Federation of Labor, Non members The Organizer was introduced subsehe The were quently asked to vacate the room, the first to lift the hammer of spot e police was quickly on the took charge of Rosetta and they and he pointed his finger at ac not take the brothers jobs, and arrested both parties passed Morgan on the road, and cused in saying so Rosetta chuck debar them from eart As the Foreman insisted upon earning a living and obligated the Lodge Off by surprise to find he could not They attracted much attention them with two large stones in antil the overseer called to them particular job, they came to a and the candidates were lined up on yiction. But, he was taken who were taken to the lock up. Morgan passed and went before ed him back and they went on the men that they must do that the ceremony for he having been he proposed, consequently had to their garments were profusely Keturah Murray, Werte present they got on the road accused the day off to give a chance to the. placed on about half mile day in a position with perfect the with blood.
from to carry out that function. The tion. He contined himself of of Ofiche. At and threw excavators. Communicated.
the Pan tight. Every bodhise was eving her one aim on the ground. The headinue up deceased police headquarters meeting was adjourned with 61 added to the roll, and a number the minds of men, we know so works at Paraiso is being at Morgan standing alongside a took up three stones off the dry influence on ma woman stated that her hus from work. When they hit accused band who resides in Panama but place called Salt Water he saw off deceased. Accused then Reception Committee of part payments recorded.
well, and left no stone unturned trac on the conditions and needs of tracted away by the Paraso bamboo root around a curve. He walk and moved along in the for Returning Soldiers Mayne loured Labor Organizations of men. He outlined the principles in question. She equal rights to the bedre up this two site ne e conoscertarwan Corporal Kenneth being the by this a little in front of Morgan said he was stationed at Fal meeting of the above ComOn Tuesday night last a Panama has ever exceeded the of the Brotherhood and the pro rightful espousa the unprecedented record of the tection she affords her members, mouth and on Friday 6th inst.
Victory Lodge when on Monday driving the spike to the soul of The Problem seemed a very Ran up and hit Rosetta he received a warrant for the ar: mittee was held at the resiiast, 16th inst. the evening hour every hearer. The attention ex. knotty one for im inediate invesrest of James Morgan whereupon dence of Dr. Lowe, rolled gracefully on for the un hibited, and the occasiona ap tigation and decision and the two and one time mediately fell He was on he proceeded to Sherwood when a large number of memelaw were detained. bit on the left side of the head. and arrested the accused giving bers was present.
veiling of the Charter of that po uste suve evidence of what is we understand that up to the Witness went up and called to him the usual caution and he Local to follow!
present, no police decision has Rosetta, but got no reply. The said. Seven persons came to beat Plans were made for a ConPreceded by Oñcial declara The band pealed in melodious been rendered on the case.
head man was sent for, but me. He brought him to Falmouth cert to be held in the Wesleytion and general public and strains, responding to each sucbefore he came on the scene ac. Police Station. He saw Nath an schoolroom on July 15th; individual invitation to cessive speaker as conversiun British Consulate Notices.
away in the direction taniel Rosetta, the deceased, on and a cricket game to be resident (ladies and was gradually being driven home of Sherwood. Phillip Williams Thursday, the 5th and gave him played on or about the 20th. of the district. the choir falling in as per pro The British Consulate was along with witness. Ketu, an order to be taken to hospital. between teams from Colon the crowds were rolling in from grain.
would be glad of any infor Festus Perrier were also pretah Murray, Peter Browa and the early hours of 00 Medical Testimony and and Panama is under considthe appointed bour found the The addresses were convincing mation regarding the where sent Williams and witness George Percival Campbell said eration.
tihed to its utmost capacity with her moet snoekersepted, Spanbieb. Edwards who is required to collected Filed He heard that for the Falmouth District, and by The public is asked to be element, as Bro guests Lodge. The response was praise heavy blows, in their native Baliste sent the spike in by call at that office. day. Deceased was brought first saw Nathaniel Rosetta in all the plans for raising funds Rosetta died to day (Wednes. was in charge of the Hospital. He come generally interested in. The whereabouts of Mrs.
down thusiam and events hitherto unon 5th of June. Hospital on the morning of the for the entertainment of our Filliams said he was a 6th found him known never forgotten.
Great happening to be boys who went over the top At the opportune of Smith and made good on the various Svined and opene cresults expectancies were the President. It was a pretty requested at the British Conhecis parish and while there he of the skull, and in a semi con battle fronts where they saw beard great scious. He also had pated. There were present in to the ante room.
orderly formation on the plat. During the obligating of these Wright lives in the Canal Morsiater Hexa wela mare derbivaimella tieng and removed servern Bird Eye View of The Pamante in dit is believed that the ring en onjano presence the and bone relied in They passed swallowing vind He form Bro. Carter, Organizer, men, the thunderbolts were fallBros. Henling and Batiste of the ing heavily on the audience, mid Zone, when he saw Morgan with three bits of the bones of his skull Week Cable.
Panama Canal Lodge, the Offi strains of musie.
The whereabouts of the stones at a place called Salt from the brain substance. He cers of the Victory Lodge, and a Wives moved toward their hus. following persons are re Water. He advised Morgan to never seemed to improve on Paris news of the 17th inst.
musical band from Panama, stones, meant Monday. he had whileca selented choir headed metal bands, handed up the key with a quired at the British Con trouble, He saw Richard Bart Three hits and got tant comatose states that the German delet ground foor against the plate Whisper and in a few short min sulate General Office in ret holding Rosetta. He again state yesterday and died at gates were stoned at Versail form on one side, and on the Continued on page Panama: called to Morgan and said: Mind (Continued on Page 5)
Continued on Page 6, 30 pm they could eould cers the tirst time, that picked got to a Nothing in the history of Co our women our children soeus o danne while the latter claims that did not see when Morgan picked direction of Coffee Hall.
and our she has who cused every gentlemen)
some used


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