
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JUNE, 21, 1919 Interesting News From The West Indian Islands BARBADOS was arred with me ta told by the Staff Oficer that the rait of the incident that the Trinitat Garnet was was beid abled concioned by Collecting Bones to Boil Tea Wanted!
Genre Padder and Free Transportation Ze Betten room Preposed War Memorial.
ere People are thin anz Panny Woman Detected in Grave Yard with ward to the monet War diting and not by the fore and Arrested Memorial for the land, and the granted Den idea in quart in that it Compiutere pot fird should take form beneficial some their Polowed by a chattering and digger at the Cemetery said be the rising zeceratio. It is be cret when they received it was for the Farms and Railroads at ostaged gang of violenty dis sav deleadaas in the Cemetery liered technical semed personas oid soman yard. Os inquiring bermission which would give the community Colerably short and that this meste Tbe named Louise Headley. of Light she told him that she was in properly instr veted arkas Trboid scote Lase, was brought from the searen of grave dizger Prescod, would be a good thing consideraz ter to the Barontal Puy master Fortbury Cemetry on Wednes fee whom she had bougine ten the decision in the day cooning by Island Constable Alea ninates later she burnedig handicrafts. Another isa is the through the by authorities and later placed laced passed him wth something of an intelligent friend of mine bere are We Magistrate Bogee on thing in a eh which turned out who thinks that a fon shoid be eners stated that so far as chance of tresa pass. See bore to be bodes. Prescad came up raised for sidesing Benad Street the Dorothy Hob Fuad rus UNITED FRUIT COMPANY ber kund a tin cap of dried and said that be never seen de and piacing at one end of it a naman bones which she had col lendaat in his life neither had memorial bringing home to the neerped one of the boys of the and which were largely sbe brought bim any tea passer by the grotesens which from it that the ther expected BWIR received any benest responsible for ber arrest. Dur Miriam Austis said that she it would commemorate, on leving the Transport was ing the progress of the case de sau defendant pall up a few citen them 3s well as ferdant 20 most loquacious and weeds after which she picked up y gifts that were sent them boisterous and had to be repeat the boces fron Trinidad The Start Oteer ed. called to order by His Wor Defendant: That is not true. TRINIDAD replied that the Trinidad GoverApply to COOMBS went to toe Cemetery to get a certain bosh found there, for the bent was not concerned with the The Evidence of treating a consump Returned Soldiers.
latter questions and they were in 137 Central Avenue purpose 155 Street Anda Patrick said she saw de tive subject whom am doctoring ignorance as regards these fasts.
PANAMA Palin Beach soit was issued COLON fendant in the cemetery strop Every one in Lightfoots Lane over one of the grates that was knows that am not as obeah Portof Gazette for May to the men, and they will re ceite pas fortaightis antil their newly reopened in the free woman now have 50 is band zround, pick up a Bamber of for treating my case.
papers are sent through boces from among some freshly Samuel Hank said: know de Yesterday at 10 pm the in Soldiers who had a genuine ing the death of a male East Is sound of something besty that fell on the floor. She ras sp dag mould and place them in a tendant who was a customer of valided soldiers met at St. James case of distress were advise by dias called Ali uit cup. Witness shouted at her, mine whea kept sbop She al Barracks to dras part of their mi Lenegan the Paymaster The evidence was that Ai vas stairs and saber caiid bathed The child and she began to walk down the ways, entertained some afection pay. Most of the mes took the who is a member to communi found in the matter sear is the boiling en gap The watchman arrested her for me, which resented Delendast: That is not true. ances, which was dealt with in a Relief Pand, when their case age groaning and foaming as dows upon herselt. See did ber and she pleaded that she was only opportacity to air their gries cate with the Discharged Soldiers the Central Market, three reeks ust have called the coalpos peiling weeds and asked for a was your repated wite and the most courteous manner by the would be gives every considera excruciating pais a bit of best to relieve the berns and chance cloto disciosed mother of two children for you Stat Oficer. The pay Do tion pieces of bitter cassava cimed then brought the child in cabo Delendant Didn you see me Witness said: Od drawn by the boys is not de continuing to San Fernando Hospital the Saturday last met delendant dacted from their credit, but is he said he had eaten this king is same day. She died four days poiling weeds?
was street cassava He was re afterwards Dear St. Mary s Caarch whes simpis invalided Some SAN FERNANDO Witness a you picking up she said am going to put dapps men boreturned here repatria mored in the police ambalano. The Coroner varned her that dad people bones bet died on the way to bospitalas Ordinance had been passed His Worship after examining shook a bottle in my face makis plained bittery that they were dast in you it die. She also ted before the last lot. com Cassava Poisoning The Coroner returned a ver by which parents could be foed the bones, and quantity of dost several other threats dict after medical testimony ras 350 or sent to prison for si not pensioned, and they were inquired of Servt. Collins as to His Worship Defeadad: am An inquest was opened touch given that death was the resalt moeths for allowing their child beber defendant was known ts of the openion that you are one of of cassava poisicing ren to get barned through carebe a repated obeah woman.
those person who trade on the lessness.
Joseph Bertrand, father of the Sergt. Collins. No, Your Wor ignorance and superstition of Suicide ship. bot a witoess will later be people. order you to pay a fine What Position Do You Want?
child. corroborated the evidence produced. who mighe possibly pr 20. in seven days of safter Touching the death of Moosa and said the mother res a very explain pia, a male East Indian at Her. careful woman and a good one months hard labor International Correspondence Schools, Scranton, Pa.
Edward King, assistant grave Defendant: Thank you, Sir.
Branch Office, Ancon, mitage Village, South Saparima mother to his child on the 20th April on the su SP the evi The Corover the returned a Please explain how cas qualify for a larger salary is the position dence went to show that the girdiet that death was dee to trade. oe professi00. before which have mariced body was found hanging by the burning accidentally received Imperial Preference on Extention of Pay Wards neck with a piece of loincloth, At Wednesday meeting of ELECTRICAL ENGINEER RR Concrete SALESRP suspended from the beam of his LDVERTISING There was a pitch oil tin Exports. the House of Committee of the Grenada Electric Car Running General Hospital, the question of near by as if Moosapia Used it to Best Beste Traction Maneta Ener stand upon while tieing the the extension of the Pay Wards CIVIL SERVICE noose to his neck. The body was CARTOONIST The telegram sent by the As of the institution was referred to. MEGAGAL BRONEER identified by one TUTOR Ramrattan The Labor Problem sociated Chamber of Commerce The enlargement is estimated to Concrete Pulider Maraj Death due to hangin of the British West Indies to Mr. about 1, 000 Mr. Baeza has STEUN ATTE School Sansee Borlar. cer or Designer was the rerdiet.
in Grenada Loyd George and Lord Milner offered to give 150 prosided conveying appreciation of the es nineteen others can be got to Poremsa Plumber of Prefer subscribe a similar amount It Child Scorched to Death. From the West Indien)
The Dea en ce claims that this great for was stated that three other gen MOTIILE avan Evidence was taken touching The departure from the colony the British Govern tlemen intimate their willingAGRICULTURE the death of Veronica Bertrand. since the begining of the year of ment will secure the folure com news to subscribe 250 each so Hister Accounting Line Stock and Daryo Wilhelmina Bertrand said she an unusually large number of mercial and agricultural stabili that sixteen more are required lives at Penal, Moraga Road, and persons of the labouring class, ty of the whole Empire. We in to fall into line The Press was DVIL ENGINE is the mother of Veronica Bert the West Indies will have prefer to mention that Sarregat Maine TRAFFIC ARABER ence on our sugar and other er son desirous of making a dona.
the 17th April last, she left a pan man the other day on the subject rand. who was six years old cannot fail to have attracted as Ontentions. Speaking to a ciergs.
its within the Empire, and tion should communicate with of pap boiling. While coming he remarked to as that he was should prosper along with the the Secretary, Mr. Ward. at down the steps, she heard the other colonies and Dominions the General Hospital not later child scream together with the (Continued on page It is reasonable to expect, there than the 30th June. letter was fore, that we are on the eve of read from Mr. C Colis.
an era of development in the more forwarding a communica these part, and that all classes tion from Sir. Farnest Clarke will benefit. Were it otherwise who offered as Ambulance the the sentimental link between Hospital, Mr. Collymore, offering these colonies and the Mother to pay all freight and shipping Country would become attentu expenses provided the Hospital, ted and might snap would maintain the Ambulance The Board decided to ask St.
Michael e Board of Guardians it Head Office, National City Bank Building, New York Installation of New Tele they would accept the ambulance phore Switch Board. and in the event the Chairman of the House ComThe Barbados Telephone Committee will rece recommend that the Dany has just completed the in ambulance be handed over to stalation of a new modern and the parish of St. Michael which up to date Switch Board at the transports the largest number of Telephone which has patients to the Hospital.
been imported to supercede RESOURCES OVER 100, 000. 000. 00U. CURRENCY rather obsulete and inadequate system. The new instrument is the vers latest type of Magneto Lunatic Caused by War Depository of the Panama Canal Switchboard used in common battery operator sets and flashing Richard Wesley Grant, of Milk recall Market, an ex member of the is wired for 1, 120 miles, bat Barbados Service Contingeot, has a capacity of 1, 800 lines, as has been declared a lunatic at a against 699 lines of the old switch sitting of competent Board THE INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION IS INCLUDED IN THEEORGANIZATION OF board. I: offers greater con and ordered to be detained at vienience to the hard pressed Jenkinsville. Grant saw service The Pational City Bank of New York operator at work who no longer in Egypt with the Regito restore the line drup on on meat, and the board with her tinger but has June, last year, discharged as AND IN CONNECTION WITH THAT INSTITUTION AND ITS DIRECT FOREIGN BRANCHES the advantage of a mechanical unfit for further duty. The illap other important feature of the fected bis mentality somewhat, Anness he underwent evidently atsystem is that by means of an and his actions were from time electric indicator it is possible to to time suspicions. He had once INTEREST PAID ON SAVINCS ACCOUNT AT PERJANNUM.
perfect accuracy and before, since return bome, precision and in the shortest pos been sent to the Lunatic Asylum sible time the point of damage to Recently he made a violent at MORRICE, ROBERTSON, any single wire or any other tack on Percy Small, tailor, of Sub Manager.
source of trouble and inconveni Middle Street, who had to fee Acting Manager.
ence which may arise for life as the unbalanced man Briter andineer Steam Defa Surat Ener MORTEST red Buting Porema Wow Trimmer Shunder Ostes Painter Te Engine Telegraph Work Mechanical Drama Machine De Machide Shop Practice Partersmater To Pory Wom Sheet Metal or Eesti Vesila Plumbing anpectie Comic Sheet Teder Con En Metal Ayer tablishment Imperial ward step of the be STEAN ENGINEER Smeetriem Marie Refuper Engineer Game Do Scenographer and Ty Cerit Pub. Atas Comercial LA Posters Purana Navy Service Pro Modem sked to any per SANCE RESIDENCE ADDRESS OCCUPATION INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION doing so Capital, Surplus, and Undivided Profits Over 9, 000, 000. 00 Cy.
Exchange has to returned here in OFFERS EXCEPTIONAL BANKING FACILITIES.
trace with his


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