
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, JUNE 21, 1919 PAGE THREE COLORED WEST INDIAN SEAMEN IN GREAT BRITAIN LA MASCOTA London Is Jazz Crazy Says Mr. Dorsey The REGAL and BOSTONIAN Shoes tain MULLER Te a an abundance Seness are still in being fought.
its lust lips of in. We white nations Only Colored Man can glve the proper punch, Boycott of National Sailors and THE HOME OF according to Band Firemen Union.
London, April. His name is Dorsey. He lives in a THE BRAVE IN WAR TO STARVE IN PEACE.
handsome flat in an exclusive West end section of London, High and Low Cut where, according to his business cards, he can be found at oer hours prepared to teach In the March issue of John atts have we murdered? How jazz music on the piano. Every Bull even Horatio Bottomley, many hospital ships have we sent in all the Latest Styles and Prices to Meet night except Sunday he leads the erratic Jingo, and celebrated to the bottom of the sea with the the jazz band of eight pieces at Negro hater, has a word to say brave nurses and the helpless the Pocket of All one of the London most famous in defence of coloured West In wounded Not only none, but, jazz palaces dian seanen in Great Britain rather than that, coloured seamen who are under a disgraceful and conspicuosly West Indians, Mr. Dersey is coloured and boycott by the National Sailors have rendered gallant service in from New York. He comes and Firemen Union of Great the war. They served to heigh pretty near being America Britain ten the morale of white British most representative business man in London this minute. Por We gather that an order has sailors at a time when the subina Sole Agent London is jazz mad and Dorsey is gone forth from the Union that rine menace struck terror to their hearts.
the doctor colored sailors are not to share ve come over here to show in the common privileges of the Thousands of coloured sailors, Union, and; in short, are not to from the West Indies and from 37 CENTRAL AVENUE PANAMA these London people the real jazz music, said the impresario sail alongside of white sailors on Africa, went to sea bravely, of coloratura noise. There are British merchant vessels. Many when others paused to think of of these coloured sailors have the risk, and much to beat the lot of cheap imitators who been cong to the funds German in his own game. If respeak with the broad a and of the who dont know anything more during the war, corded history were not usually but their money is not wanted thade up of a tissue of prejudices of the end and of their begin solemnly subscribed their names so shall jnstice, eternal justice about our regular American jazz to day, because a prosperous and lies, a glorious chapter of the ning. They will not again hasten to a League of Nations, which untempered by mercy, ride upon than a rabbit. To hear jazz time for British trade is ahead, sea would be written in connec. to the rescue to lay down their bas rightly been called a League the seas of blood in its lonely played by an English trap artist and only white money is need tion with the work of colored sail live for the damnation of Governments and Executives, ark, and re populate the world of. is like witnessing a performance ed, of which there promises to ors in the war, with special re nor will they again suffer in or, but not a League of Peoples. But mind with human principles of Ibsen by the Georgia Minbe an The most ference to the part they played der to make the world safe for it is more than a League of Gov. injustices have prepared graves strells.
disgraceful and is a for nations all down the ages, diatas that these coloured sailors vessels. When the hesh and The rejection of the Japanese League of whites, racially. And and human genius which have table field bere for real jazz and ungrateful part on decoy and fake merchant hypocrisy and the white Race. ernments. politically, it is Yes, will say there a prefhave done their full share, and blood of whites were dear, but Amendment to the Covenant of to make assurance doubly sure. changed the breed of beast artists while the present danter more than their full share in the flesh and blood of coloured the League of Nations for racial there is to be a League within a and the type of fruit and grain, ing craze lasts, yes esir, the were cheap. when men equality shows that Liberty and League, for, apart from their in have not yet found the art of gravy good.
duties of war for the honour of were wanted to go unfraid in to Righteousness for to day as it of Nations, Great Britain, Fran Justice. As it was with Perperforming the most dangerous men need timate association in the League shanging the laws of morality the British Mercantile Marine, the tangled traps of death, in of What the average earnings but there comes a selfish cry mine strewn seas, and in sub was nearly tive years ago wher and the Prussia of tomorrow, sia, Greece, and Rome, so it is of one of my boys, you ask? Well that they are not wanted now marine infested haunts, the col the German Uhlans rushed across are to enter into alliance and so to day, as Germany bears ample should say 25 for a working Jo ın Bull in a later issue issue oured sailor rose to the occasion, the Belgian frontier bearing the establish an inner circle! The in evidence. Nations however day with meals Yes sir, with to the sbbject. An ex. We have read in the miserly tri challenge of Might to Right as a clusion returned of the United States into great, mighty, dig their the English style eats thrown in tract of the subsequent remarks bute, squeezed out of his historie world issue. And among other that alliance is significant. There graves by injustices, grow giddy That not bad for a boy who is given in a letter from one of enemy, how he was first on dan shameful injustices, the case of can now be little hope for liberty in some moment of supreme in knows the slip horn or or can tinkle our sol liers, published in this gerous mine sweeping operations our poor colored West Indian and justice to colored people toxication, and fall suddenly the cowbell. You see its this isst e. des. Danes, and all on the fake ship, which dure sailors is a case in point to bear from the League of Nations and asleep on Oblivion.
It and how he was a principle way: first in the afternom, out our kia conviction that, after all, far less from that suspicious GERMANY ALONE SHALL o clock to 45, st the grafton there the Dansant from four manner of friendly and unfriend ed u up like a merchant vessel, in the same old white world, NOT BEAR THE BLIGHT OF Galleries or some place like that.
power to sail on British ships, truction and often to his own. for power and domination, the ly neutrals, will have it in their vited submarines to their des grasping, vain, and with Fredy League within the Leagle.
All we may do now is to pro Then there the dinner dance at bile coloured West Indian sea We the pat war test against the various forms of the Criterion fro. to 10 and meri, British born subjects, are an eye witness the story of how same old white world, ever at war race batred to which we are sub WHAT EVERY WOMAN most likely as not a private enitself and particularly to be marked off by the color the colored sailor was often put OUGHT TO KNOW gagement somewhere any hour up to four in the morning. others, is to re establish the burlying down so long as we have e say it in no spirit of to lean over the rail of a subma: jealous of the development of jected, and to take some of it li e ness, but it must be remem rine hunter; which was disguised den of its claims upon the heart breath to resent it. But, after The rate for a real high class Buying wisely to the fundamen jazz combination like mine, say, rat that variou: West Indian as a tramp steamer, and how of Humanity. To make sure of all, we should pray earnestly for Islands have given their fair con calmly be puffed bis pipe, and the re esta shment of those injustice to grow and stalk tal principle of Economy. Let with eight pieces and the trap tributions to King George fund posed for the spy glass of the claims, have abroad in all lands, for it is only me do your shopping and you artist getting sound out of any for sailors and to no other fund enemy, who came, and came to will soon realise tha immense thing from a cuckoo clock to a for the benefit of British sailors doom! But for all these loyal and saving that can be made on ground gourd, is sixteen guineas but British West Indian sailors patriotic faults he is tw suffer, Dress Material of Silk, Cotton that 80. for an afternoon and Woolen fabrics of the very dance and 20 guineas or 100, are told that they are not with the satanic German, the dis: SIMONS wanted on British ships! John grace of British boycott!
latest Styles. am an expe for the night dance with the rienced shopper and know how dinner and tea thrown in yes informs us that the Every maritime nation knows racial Hymn of Hate is now that the colored se man is sec and where to buy. SUCCESSOR TO SIMONS HART)
sir, thrown in: being sung in Scotland as in ond to none. He is the handy The Novelty Lousine Silk Of course, we re artists and England. The new choir is in man under the flag of the mer 22 CENTRAL AVENUE artists command high prices is a beauty Gasgow. It was well to inform cantile fleet of every nation. He you know.
Glasgow that the West Indies canne MRS. ANN THOMAS, welcomed Scotland years ago, je known to be efficient and fear: less, British born He has served Dressmaker.
where they made unexpected Great Britain, but white British Headquarters for Family Groceries and General Supplies 17th Street Central. Let Em Cry Bismark said fortures, and that Glasgow comrades have united in putting House No. 11 Pauama.
than is to order West Indies him out in the cold to starve and When Germany was Dictator men to starve.
perish! He is not to gain any With all this, when coloured shred of advantage in peace con Teas, Coffee and Spices NOTICE Zurich, Tuesday. Maximillian people denounce this growing ditions.
Broca evil of race prejudice and race largely determine the standing Aarden in the last issue of Die He is not the kind of skin to Zukunft comments on the be hatred, certain fouls, some of our TTEASTI of a grocery store TO THE PUBLIC AT LARGE haviour of victorious Germany in own race, counsel Don bring whom peace has come with bene.
por corror proud to say that we supply The West Indian Pacific Band 1871.
up the color question. The color fits. He may be of the kind of begs to notify the publie that question In 1871, fat the time of the brings up itself, or is mind and heart, and soul, but many homes with teas, coffees the y have changed their name qeace pourparlers, he writes, brought up by the other side that does not matter in the least and spices of the highest grade and address to often in such a way as imperious to day! Colored people, THINK. Jules Favre annoyed. slightly DECIDE. THE PANAMA CAPITAL ly to demand treatment.
though not of the highest cost, raised his voice. Bismark then Silence is certainly sin against Act II in the world tragedy BRASS BAND began to speak in German, alALL CAN BE HAD AT ourselves, and bumility becomes is coming, and as certain as the Band Hall, 22 St. Guachapali, that Harve did not know a word though he was perfectly aware humiliation, when we get such operation of certain natural laws.
House 25.
kicks in our faces and clasp our and pause between the acts.
There is but a drop of curtain, Sec. Whittaker, of German When some won hands in piety sublime. It is Band Instructor Sealy, der was manifested at his be The audience is given a little THIS GROCERY Calidonia House 80 haviour the Chancellor declared time for us to begin race hatred instead of race breathing spell in the interval, that thelr was no need for him humility.
We sometimes think and a chance to rub their eyes to behave more politely than the like and to get back to something plenipotentiares disposition to continua When asked what WM. LAWRENCE my would adopt in case of French refusal sign foolish. The come is Bismark replied: being. actors humility and childlikeness, and Tailor and Outfitter the rigid religion of a life, may be are decorating themselves in to the All of them are forts. the armistice is not likely good qualities, but we live in being wronged and all will Dealer in School Books, stern, exacting age, and the subto be prolonged and in any case We may not see war and Stationary, we will lock up Paris more tightlimity of our nature makes us the again, at least war in the historic ly than before. Our measures prey and the slaves of others style. Massed legions may They harness us like donkeys to confront massed legions on con: IS SO WELL PATRONIZED. prove efficient when the No. 11 Street, Panama French feel the pangs of hunger work for them, and then fence tested fields, with all the rules In the mean time we will ask for chains from Central Ave.
as around in a desert, they ex. and dignity of the game. Act II their arms and their gung. Let cite our generosity of spirit even may not start that BECAUSE it is the oldest Established Drug Store them cry if they like, they would to fight and die for them, and dayelops along the lines of arbe in Cilidonia. Address: at last realise how rediculous it then reward us wit tiontrary seizure of power by is to make formidable threats, and disgrace. We need learn Box 805, Ancon Z, BECAUSE it is Managed by a Graduated Druggist.
which it is impossible to carry some of the religion of kicking masses. colossal massacre and back, and something of pride in sp of nations by their own na a terrible breaking out, to a victorious enemy, BEEAUSE there is no fear of substitutes: service to our equals in humanity up mere animal tionals, in a violent effort to clean Panama Hats CAUSE it has always a fresh supply of Drugs for Lessons Given The coloured British subject, a is coming, and the teeming and Patent Medicines.
gentleman of history, is put into milllons of coloared people, CLEANED, and BLOCKED on the Clarinet, the leading the same boat with the white Ethiopian, and Mongolian will beast of a German, for Germans and TRIMMED to Order Band Instrument.
Band or rise on the ruins to be. It will and coloured British subjects are be to their interest, and in keepTHE NAMA DRUG STORE Orchestra furnished for all ALSOnot to offend the chivalry of ing with the Higher Purpose, to kinds of engagements.
sea by their presence on British stand aside and see on the MULLER BUILDING MILLINERY DRESSMAKING NEILSON ships! How many Lusitanias horizon, red with flame, the have we sunk with women and message of the burning of BabyNext to the Calidonia Police Station. HOUSE No. 965, LaBoca, Clarinetist Republican Band babies? How many Captain Fry lon, until the last fitful glow tells Ancon Phone 1053 Canal Zone 16th St. West, House 37, Panama Bull We are TEAL OFFICE French beso hum that coloured pie plecare religious, tionsbe horrors. The curtain has did.
of hele boom med up in one word toe dicopeda moren time, and the stage war WHY?
bot the refusing to be of up the world justice. Act. Anhen


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