
PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JUNE 21, 1919 nie vertetona vai convinge Richest Negro Woman San Andres, Republic of Colombia Is Dead. La Memoria de los Hijos namamanna persons who country table part is at ten some persons here trensere witerway what of hard a an Again be given fee mem pod character, Dobrodotto Before begini country it of FROM 1918 Imme ton Interesting News from the Jamaica West Indies.
Interesting Address to (Continued from page An Example of true Repubpositively afraid that we would West Indian Soldiers.
de la Gran Britana Mme. Walker, Worth Millican Democracy under eventually suffer for lack of good lion, Benefactor of the Columbian Colors. labourers. Nearly every mail he BY GOVERNOR OF JAMAICA Race in Education had to sign passports for half a dozen and Charity.
There is no subject of humane, earthmen at least. And what made him more apprehensive was The following highly MUERTOS EN LA GUERRA DE 1914. 1918 ly or national importance which has the fact that all the who address was delivered by EN DEFENSA DE LA HUMANIDAD.
The colored race has lost its during the last yeu than that of Cogiven me more pleasure to write ou were taking leave appeared to be rich st women member and one lombian democracy, as is evidenced in the men strong and healthy. Some the Governor of Jamaica of its most charitable workers in living conditions of the English peaking of these bave gone north, others to the first batch of invlthe death of Mr Sarah Walker subjects of South Americas greatest, south, and all in search of better lided soldiers who returnatler beat residence at means of livelihood. The regret most nothernly Republic; vingtos. Hudson Fuisteis ayer promesas de la vida, that they do not ed to that country from which, like Holland and others of East know exactly where they will the war:y hoy sols, fayl realidades enterradas, Mrs. Walker, better known as ern hemisphere importance, desene miés que el tiempo agosto, sin ser cogida; find employment; yet they are Madam has left a fortune es credit for steering its ship of Slate chiar I, being the Governor of Jamaigoing away. Recently a few of y ni aun os queda, al fin de las Jornadas, tinated to be in xcess of 1, 000, of the Militarism responsible for the 000. Her only heir is a daughter greatest butchery of human souls, in them left for Cuba but they were ca, now speak so that you may el consuelo de patrias sepulturas, Mrs. Leila Robinson, of 136th human history in modern times.
stopped up the northern Islands be quite sure of other real facts: pobres, si, pero al cabo visitadas; stret.
as their services were not requir. First, the whole of Jamaica THE COLOMBIAN TRI COLOR AND pero habéis hecho vuestras las llanuras ed in Cuba. Demerara on the now gives each one of you a Uutil twelve years ago Mrs.
WHAT IT STANDS FOR other hand, is said to be very ease the whole of Jamaica thanks you heartfelt welcome. Secondly, de ajenos Pueblos, defendiendo altivos Walker had a laundress, but honra, justicia y libertad futuras.
tractive and some In introducing my subject on the having discovered a tonic that rego so far as to believe that an ef. truly because you, yourselves, y la Patria os vé ausentes, pero aún vivos, noved kindiness from the hair, most nothernly Colombian Archipelavivos en el respeto y en la gloria, fort is being made their to recruit have enabled Jamaica to have a she began a house to house can resas per invitation scarcely more labourers from Grenada for the hand in winning the war.
por més que seáis despojos fugitivos.
vas of the colored folk of Harlem than 225 miles from the world greatest bouters and other sections and soon was inter oceanie big Colonisation Scheme now on piential foot in that colony. In the interMany of you have money which No, no veréis vosotros la victoria. it might be of interest to tell those of on the road to influence.
No la veréls, aunque la habéis traido, our readers who dont know, the est of the industrial prosperity you intend to spend in buying of Grenada, we view the outgoing some land; all of these will find Helped Education. Colombian Republics Tri Color stands y por siempre jamás, no transitoria, Ofe She built up more than 200 for The yellow, Blue, and Red; the of our labourers that the Government has so set.
times ahead. Our population is tled matters that the cost of get¡Levantáos que os Hama su alarido, beauty parlors throughout the yellow gold of Colombia, separated by already a limited, and to lose the ting a proper conveyance of the y os tiende ya la mano el camarada country, and about eight years the blue waters of the Atlantie, from the little that we have is certain to land will be paid for by the Gov.
que os ayudó a vencer, y no ha caldo!
ago became president of the Ma bloody (Red) Red voke of Spain.
This is an idea of the ideals on which affect us. We should like to hear ernment, instead of being paid que os junta la bandera idolatrada)
dame Walker Beauty Co. insignia de un país de caballeros, of Indianapolis, which corpora. Colombia liberty was achieved and head of the administration on well earned monies.
tior she controlled at the time of those ideals, characterize the attitude pera llevaros la Patria honrada!
the subject. Members of Coun. some of you may like to have a her death.
of the Colombian Republic of to day in cil who are planters might also free grant of Crown land: If so, que aguardan ya imponentes los cruceros, She has maintained at all times her treatment of her English speaking enlighten the public in the mat. you will be grant con disparos y flamilas a miles since 1908 six students at Tuske subjects of course of African and British ter Crown land in the Rio Grande el honor de albergaros los primeros. University and has been a origin. These facts, rather than reflectValley where the Government is Ved ya salir del agua los cantiles making a model land Settlement.
generous contributor to all moveing adversley on British supremacy of ments for the betterment of her the seas, do credit to British Justice and The last mail edition of the Grena Further, vacancies have been de esa Isla noble, Reina de los mares, race. Her home on the Hudson tolerance as well as non interference in dla West Indian says: gentleman porque es Madre de pechos varonlles. picked ability and Ved ya allí, en pié, las gentes a millares, most of the states that during his Church or in the Police Force for men has been the gard Place of Colombian rule of territory: the langur men and and descent of those people being a Lily Mission of some months ago before herehan money, want to begin.
que en vuestra lengua os dicen que han guardado women of attainment in this traceable back to British enterprise, es ho el calor y la fe de los hogares. THE STAR HERALD AND THE ful address in Grenville on the more friendly give you a bit advice: Mrs. Walker was born at Deltz labour La madre abraza al hijo bien amado, COLOMBIAN ARCHIPELAGOS question, and did not put my advice is that you should La. fifty two years ago. She had he al esposo la esposa, el padre al niño, BECOMING BETTER KNOWN y quien no tiene amigos, al soldado.
been ailing for nearly a year.
the scandalous condition cause Thrift is a under which Madame Walker came to New human beings are friend. Unfortunately, this good Fluid en la gran ola de cariño, York about six years ago. One of Early in 1918, native of Jamaics.
expected not to to live but exist. friend Thrift has many enemies, e id al festin que familiar aguarda the first evidences New Yorkers 1, one Denniston, having We know to our certain know and these same enemies are ali those en casa y mesa blancas como armiño. had of her wealth was when she visited San Andres via one of the Cayledge that the Archdeacon (men and women) who will seek bought three lots at 108 to 110 man groups get in touch with the Star sympathy goes out to the poor to rob you or, perhaps, to entice Pero ya veo la pisada tarda West 136th street, tore own the Herald Atlantic Bureau by introducing brutes as they are, having been you to spend your money in wan del que os perdió volverse entristecida old fashioned residences then certain notes into the columns of the made so so by their employers. tonness.
a un hogar que el recuerda, solo, guarda, standing there and built a cas. said organ on the archipelagoes.
How sane are Archdeacon Wal.
tle of Indiana limestone, él llevarán la prenda recogida, diately after the said Bureau proposed to impressions of the lamentHaving given you this little bit the writer undertaking a trip to the la ultima frase, la intención al menos, Home Cost 250, 000 able condition of the West Indian Island in the interest of that organ as los que os vieron sonreir al dar la vida.
In 1916 she planned to buy the special correspondent.
labouring classes as compared of friendly advice, want to ex with those. that is en tanto que vosotros, como buenos, country place at Flushing which was requested to give San Andres who states himsell or allow to which you can help yourselves reposáis lejos, confiando un día had been occupied by Bishop good, write up, to which end of course appear in his Church magazine, as well as your well loved coun en otros libres ya, por fin serenos.
William Derrick, of African it required obtaining historic and similar the glaring impertinent remarks try. The help which you can Methodist Church. This property very great, and you would characterize my impresthat Poverty is a blessing give will be very Reposáis, sí; pero en la tumba fría was at State and North Prince data.
which every West Indian should will be able to give this great sions in the undertaking as from a comsols centinelas ivas del sendero Flushing, and Mrs. mercial view point. had no reasons streets, earnestly desire and embrace. help because of your experience que no cruzara ya la tiranía, Walker planned to erect a magni. Whatever to feel or act in any manner of the great power which is al.
ficent residence there, but some irom political influences. was no ways found in good. hearted coAllí, al pasar, se quitará el sombrero local opposition developed and irom From a Son of the Isle of Springs be the fact that the War was o llevará a los ojos una mano operation. Thus, you know it to el inglés, el piadoso, el caballero, her agents were not able to get agent other than that of all people newe the property paper man; but nister agents branded to a Jamaican Soldier won chiefly by the good hearted quien tenga o lleve un atomo de humano.
In otherwise, and It is said the country residence the greatest adin ration for a Government as a Private Newcome of Jamaica, was a Allies. This, then, is the nature at Irvington, where she died, claim: to Republican democracy tiller of the land, Short and Chubby, of the help that you can give af.
cost her 250, 000. Estimates of include in its every department of adShy on letters, but Chockfull ofter you have returned home.
meme og alama 2200 200 000. De her fortune vary, but according ministration the customs peculiar to Grit and Sand You will be able to convince your to her friends there is little doubt eye Private Newcome of Jamaica, proud neighbours that progress is obthe estate is worth considerable every grade and shade of its. with surprise on visitin more than 1, 000, 000.
and glad to do his bit. Standing all tainables only by means of brothe metropolis of Panama Republic on the his Captains chaffing, never took no therly co operation present occasion to articles beed of it.
THE LESSON OF LIFE. on San Andres were adjudged as beinz Kind of gets me all this chaffing; ridi Mark well that give my ad.
of international importance and culing fore the rest vice and ask your help very One life story which the par or naval value. As regards the greatest lor Bolshevists who know that therefore on Cause a man cannot write English, earnestly, will tell you why the archipelagoes and dont prove what inside his brest. am so earnest in this matter: America is a land where oppor. therefore on the great South American Every man, cant go to College, There want Jamaica to become prostunity is denied will not speak northern Republic, as a result of an a heap too cannot farm.
perous, and want all people, in about over the tea cups is that humble effort of the writer, should feel THE CITY PHARMACY of Mme C, alker, And his being not quite cultured, did future, to reckon that this pros ich be somewhat flattered to have thus far servent do brave Newcome harm.
perity began to run from the day gan over a wash tub and to which ed a great country and fortunate people, on which Jamaica brave sons death wrote finis in 250, 000 with sincerest solicitude that nothing If he willing, that the ticket, If he came back home from the War.
Has supplied a long felt want by opening up home at Irvington on Hudson shall ever happen of a political or similar triee, that man will win.
mar the national, social or an up to date Braving all the many dangers, on the And yet parlor Bolshevism may domestic conditions of a people treated as road to bad Berlin Advocates State Lottery in a few petted children by a loving and indulgent Soda Water Fountain be able, after all, So Private Newcome count me for you pertinent conclusions in favor of parent.
its theories from this life story of Let me squeeze your rough black Jamaica.
Cool and refreshening Drinks of all flavors a Negress. Schwab, for instance In my inquiries into the history of the Hand, Now war is over get your The Gleaner of recent date states that ticket and get back to our dear Is Mr. Jim Watson writing from Guanserved with Syphon Soda, at moderate prices not balk the It is true archipelagoes, past and more recent, Schwab had his origin in the have heard different stories. have col.
tanamo, Cuba, approves of the suggestion mine. Woolworth had his inthe locted data proving that the archipelagoes al of a State Lottery in Jamaica. He assures us that the lottery in Cuba is very help THE CITY PHARMACY country store. But the have been very much under the knows both rose to positions in and influences of Anglo Saxon Buccaneers to the natives and foreigners.
the capitalist class because they and Pirates. Morgan being one of the He has known many Jamaicans who have 130 CENTRAL AVENUE NOTICE!
had the capitalist disposition, most famous among the rest. That won thousands of dollars by lottery who May be the also will find cotton with slave labor spend the greater portion in Jamaica that Mme Walker was a born ating in Jamaica, was the chief under introduced froma ubor from similar industries operThe Management of the Cuba. On the contrary it helps the rich He says that the lottery does no harm in capitlist and that so her life elbise and amar Workman begs to notify and poor.
proves nothing for American taking of the traders: that because the freedom of Secretaries of the various opportunity at all.
of behecotton in the English and JUST OPENED American markets fell too low to make Friendly Societies and Secret Pay of Elementary School Unless you happen to have fail the continuance of its cultivation a profied in life it is not ºo easy to reable concern. The British whites cleared Orders, whose Lodges appear in Teachers.
cognize that America is sharply out and left things absolutely into the our Friendly Societies Directory divided into capital and Labor hands of the slaves. The islands thereoolumn to communicate with that the financial position of the Mr. Altamont Stultz writes 122 Central Ave. Panama with the pudding headed Bour fore coming under Colombian protection the office making the necessary Jamaica elementary school teach geoisie as a buffer state between and rule. near late Continental Bank)
correction of any errors appear ers calls for immediate remedy.
To visualize such an America This fact seemed to have had its good Ing In thek LodgeNtice.
Soon the the best of these teachers BROWNE McALMON, Prop you must be a Karl Marx starv.
will have to seek new pastures.
ing your family in a London efects in saving the inhabitants of the Our correspondent says that slum on the a week that a Revolutionary experiences which have archipelagoes many of the Latin American the teacher should be given a living large assortment of DRUGS and CHEMICALS New York paper pays for your tended to blight and impoverish others Ladies, Listen!
wage. Some assistant teachers news letter, a Trotzky, getting of such Republics; till at the present PATENT MEDICINES receive 24 as yearly salary, from all of a week as a writer on an moment when there is nothing of an inwhich rent must be deducted.
TOILET WATERS, PERFUMERIES, SOAPS side paper, or some one ternal nature known to be causing the Before getting your new a great comfort to see America in people of Colombia as great unrest and Hat give a call at No. 22 this light, because it Americanin anticipations as is witnessed one height Street, opposite the ADVERTISE IN one failure is not his own fault Prescriptions carefully compounded To give an idea of the time spent, of Perhaps is Trotzky had been freedom and therefore that of Democracy National Institute. The Workman BROWNE DAVIDSON well fed in America things enjoyed in the portion of the Colombian You will hear the rest when Druggist Druggit might have gone differently in Republic in itself a little Independence, Russia. Phone 939 IT PAYS you come. might state, without any attempt at (Continued on Page 8)
Continued on page me ration oman possessing.
of its subjects great sur to find that my spider maritim Meet Me at the Fountain value placed nature to all, to draw did. land.
ful both cultivation The Chemical Hall similarly situated. It bouring


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