
Sailings for Bocas Launch ALBA Leaves Colon for Bocas del Toro Every Tuesday.
Taking Freight Passengers them CARLOS HENRIQUEZ The Different Garage.
Not INDIFFERENT aproxiDuring the CHALMERS GARAGE and 000 of whom to The State Department at Washington has went out an The Management spares alam wall based on the great no expense in providing number of foreigners wbo are for the comfort and conleaving the United States to re.
turn to their native countries.
venience of his patrons.
For the first time in a century the tide is running away from this country instead of toward it.
Courteous and For Further Particulars Apply to Thousands of Europeans are Polite Service Laving every day taking with the money they have earned and saved in Ameriea.
The The Italians, home loving to a SPACIOUS APARTMENTS 25 BOTTLE ALLEY Sold Phone 325 COLON degree, have not had an oppor.
Absolutely (Sanitary their native land, They will pipot Only bably come back for there is no Conditions bon in hance for them to earn five or six dollars First a day in their sunny Friendly Societies Directory Cakes, Pies, Sandwiches, home country Grape Juice and a fine There is less likelihood of the Court Brock No. 6725, Superior Lodge, No. of Court Bolivar St. Colon General meetPoles and Bohemians coming Class Panama assortment of Preserves back They always in Stook ings ist, and 3rd, Wednesdays Seety Brock, Bolivar Street, Colon, de Samuel Crawford, Regular Convention 2nd and 4th Friday here. They believe that the new Poland and the just born CzechoCourt Land, No. 8449, nights of each month at p.
BEER Slovakia are going to give them City Also Cigars and Cigarettes Land Hall Higino St, San Miguel Ganeral meetings Ist. and 3rd ThursRose Bud of the Isthmus Lodge, the same freedom plus home surdays Seety George Alleyne, Anoon of 24th Street, Guacharoundings. C, pali. Meeting nights 2nd and 4th MonPassengers to and from the trains, can cross over the way and get refreshed while waiting Court John Wallace No. 9111. days in the month. Secretary Adriaus There are two expensive proO. 24th St. Guachapali General Armatrading Box 704, Ancon, meetings 1st, and 3rd Saturdays Secty, blems arising from this exodus.
Alexander Sanebez, Anoon Loyal Johnathar No. 2641 LOA First, the shortage of labor.
S, 20 St. Cen. Ave, General meetings Second, the necessity, even if 1st Friday and 2nd Wednesday Court Mizpah, No. 9198. Grant, Seety, Panama, there is labor enough, of replac War Adds Million to Civil Morning Star Lodge 24 St Guachapali ing, each man that goes General meetings Ist and 3rd. Wednes Lily of Panama No. 2756 O, J, One of the overhead cost of List.
days Secty. Claud Vincent Box 326 20 St. Cen. Ave, General meetings 20d manufacturing, which is given Balboa Heights.
and 4th Tuesdays Mr. Boyer Seety, Anoon.
too little recognition, is the ex Before the War began the United Court Minerva No. 9284, 0, 1F, pense of turnover in labor, the States Government employed approxiSamaritans Hall San Miguel General Isthmian Star Lodge, No. 13; meeting cost of breaking in new men.
Meetings ist and 3rd Saturdays Secty. nights 2nd and 4th Saturdays. Loyal mately 500, 000 persons in the civil branch Sydney McClean, Secretary Box 866, Victor Hall, San Miguel. Secretary In the up to date manufactories After Uncle Sam Cast his lot definietely Apcon Canal Zone.
the estimated cost, in mistakes with the Allies the great army of WorkL. Yearwood, Ancon Boxand cost of training, figured by ers behind the fighting forces grew by Court Paradise No. 9292, A, O, Land Hall San Miguel General numbered al Star of the Isthmus Lodge No. 2166 experts, of taking on one new tens of thousands until it meetings 2nd. Tuesday and 3rd. Satur Grand United Order of Odd Fellows workman is from 30 to 150 most a million men and women. The The Garage where every one is treated alike. day, Secty. Rouget. Balboa regular meeting nights 2nd and the During the war the Govern. force of civilian employces of the Gore Tuesday, Secretary RM. Wilkinson ment. by a system of official re. ernment in the district of Columbia inOne Price Court Paeltic, No. 9751 A, O, F, Box 411, Panama ports, found that the turnoverer. The forces in navy yards (Good Service from about 35, 000 to creased from Groves Hall ist. Ave. La Boca men ranged from 200 to 600 per increased from about 20, 006 to more General meetings Ist. and 3rd Satur Household of Ruth No. 961 Right Pricse days, cent Convening nights Monday each One large Government con than 100, 000, and in Goyernment orPythian Pride Lodge No. I, K, of month; Worthy Recorder Martyn tractor reports showed that in dance plants from 10, 000 to about 50, Loyal Progress Hall Calidonia Rogu. Box 198 Panams.
One year he hired 7, 179 1, but 000. the nineteen months of lar Convention 2nd and 4th wednesday Keeper of Records and Seal Green The Panama Canal Lodge No. 1410, that the maximum number American participation in the conflict Anoon O, United Brotherhood of Maintenance of working on any day was 2, 812. the United States Civil Service CommisThis turnover means a heavy ad sion, whose duty it was to recruit the Panama Star Lodge No. Way Employees and Railway Shop LaB. Land Hall San Miguel Encamp borers. Regular cessions second dition to the cost of any work in civil service to meet war needs, examined ments 1st. and 3rd. Tuesdays Jarvis fourth Fridays each month at Grovela volved.
almost a million persons more than 400, Seribe, Anoon Hall, La Boca whom were appointed.
The Loyal Pacitie commission found it necessary to adverOne of the most efficient means Groves Hall La Boca General meet Isthmus of Panama Lodge No 2151, tise extensively of checking this rush of emigra workers. Three thousand local Boards order mobilize the ings 1st. and 3rd. Thursdays United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Falas tion is the foreign language of civil service examiners 2) Hunter Secty. La Boca.
Way Employees and Railway Shop LAand 8, 000 PostLoyal Pride of the Isthmus Lodge, borers. Regular cessions first and third press o the country. They masters at should be most earnestly inter: smaller towns constantly kept the anmasters at third class Post Offices in the 21 Sl. Central Avenue, Mondays each month at St. Anthony General meetings every two weeks ested in preventing it, for its of the commission (wednesdays) wm. Lawrence Hall, Caledonia Road. Seoty, Box 805, Anoon ineans the loss of readers and a nouncements More their respective communities.
resulting loss in income.
More increases one interest in Star of Chorillo, No. 635 Loyal Progress No. 8, meeting nights 2nd Tuesday than 5, 000, 000 posters and other printed Editors of papers in Italian, announcements were distributed and Caledonia General meeeings 2nd Polish and Bohsmian tongues displayed; lantern slides Tuesdays and Saturdays Blades and 3rd Thursday each month, Secretary were thrown Seety, Box 974 Anoon. Samaris Ancon Post re.
should begin at once a campaign upon the Loyal Ionica, No. 12, M, he keep their fellow countrymen en ben tres car is 16, 000 motion picture theatres; 24th St, Guachapali General meetings were displayed in 28.
here and achieve the triple re 000 trolley cars: notices were printed in Perseverance Lodge, No. 229, 1st, and 3rd, Mondays J, F, Rallop. Druids Hall, 20 St. Central Avenue.
sult of serving erving themselves. help 6, 000 newspapers and more than 200 CALL IN AT THE Buckner, Seety. Anoon Meeting nights, 1st and 3rd Wednesdays their countrymen by periodiccals, posters were displayed upon them where they will be better the bullentin boards of 3, 000 libraries, Future Hope No. 2104 and 3rd Saturday. Per. Secty.
off than in Europe and assisting 1, 200 caambets of 20 St, Cen, Ave. a neral meetings Ist Brown, Ancon Box 1011.
caambers of commerce and boards and 3rd Mondays, bau Ruggles Seoty.
in preventing labor shortage or Box 1061 Ancon St Mitchell Lodge No. 30. O, of of trades, in in many other prominant which may easily further in and D, of S, Samaritan Hall, San Loyal Johnathan No. Daughter No Miguel; General Meetings, 1st, 2nd and in every city in the country.
crease the present high cost of 68 Central Avenue Phone 1050 Appeals for recruits were also printed 2756, L, O, S, 20 St. Cea. Ave, production in every branch of ou the backs of gas and electric light bills General meetings 1st Tuesday and 3rd 3rd, Wednesdays David Leon, Secretary; manufacturing Thursday, Miss Williams Seety. Box 1002 Anoon CZ.
on letterheads of business houses, in Anoon theatre programs and on Weather Bu And you are sure to be interested in having St Marks Lodge No. 21, Galilean reau bulletins. Thirty motion pioture your PICTURE taken by the genial proprietor Lily of Paraiso Lodge No. 8714, Fishermen Meeting nights 1st, 3rd, and TO USE ENEMY PATENTS. producing companies either posed special Grove Hall, La Boca, Meeting 4th Mondays, Samaritans Hall San Mifeatures or attached trailers to flims. McKENZIE nights 2nd and 4th Thursday each month. guel, Secretary Evans, Box 712 Ancon Educational institutions and numerous Secretary Fitz Bowen, Box 701: An Post Office.
Machines for stamping needorganizations assisted in the work, The (LATE OF THE MARINE STUDIO)
con, Canal Zone.
les to be ade at Birming only to the Government for millions Britains Pride Lodge No. 2343. Order Royal Primrose Lodge, G, o. of tan.
of dollar worth of advertising was for meeting nights every Tuesday San of Druids Druids Hall 20th St. Central the printing of posters and circulars and Printing, Developing and Enlarging Miguel Clarke Secretary.
Avenue William Benskin Seeretary, Box 807, Ancon Several applications for licen for the making of lantern slides Guiding Star Lodge, No. 2322, Druids ses to use enemy patents were personal will be gradually reduced.
From now on of course the civilla SPECIAL FEATURE Hall; 2nd and 4th Mondays and 2nd Gorgona Star Lodge No. 3, A, S, made on April 23rd to the con Saturday. Secty. Mrs. Esther Fletcher, Meeting nights 1st Monday 2nd troller of patents, London Ancon Box 1036.
and 4th Thursday each month. Druids Small Arms Grove, 20th street, Central Avenue Britain Pride Lodge, No. 2343; 2nd Fonseca, Scribe, Box 741, Ancon, Post and 4th Fridays. Druids Hall, 20 St. Office.
respect of a German patent machine for the stamping of Hughes to try Kaiser Central Avenue. Secty. William Bensneedles. It was stated that they ksn, Ancon, Box.
Loyal Primrose Lodge, No. 1016, 0. Meeting nights 1st Tuesda were produced before the war Rising Star Juvenile Lodge, No. 2341; each month, Blakes Hall San Miguel solely in Germany, and the Was hington Gossips Says Chief 2nd Tuesday each month. Secty. Clarke Secretary Ancon Post Office.
Company propose Justice White would not hand a complete Headley.
works that have heen engaged Want to Act.
Panama Star Lodge No. 4, I.
on munitions in turning out line of reliable Star of Hope Lodge No. 632. Encampments 1st and 3rd Tuesday these machines so that we can late Washington telegram states Meeting nights 1st Saturday, 2nd hold the trade that has been that. Charles Evans Hughes or William low priced and 4th Monday in each month, Loyal every month Court Land Hall San Miguel Hanna, Scribe Box 702 Ancon Progress Hall, Calidonia Road. Secretary Post Office captured from the Germans.
The Controller intimated that Howard Taft may be the American judge Sydney McLean, Box 866, Ancon, the grant of a license would be to Loyal Felix Lodge, no 26, U, former believed here tirecommended. meeting every Saturday night District Corresponding In another case Messrs John day. Elhu Root was also tentioned as Give us a call before going elsewhere.
Secretary, Mount Carmel Lodge Hall; San Miguel, Thomas Headley, Ancon Box Vernon Secretary.
Dickinson and Company of possibility for American judge. Chief Justice it is not You are sure to be on time if your 1011.
Hemel, Hemstead ask for WATCH was repaired by US.
license in respect of a German wish to make the long journey over seas!
Royal Victoria Lodge, No. 2344, Odd Star of Dorcas Lodge, No. 12, Kord Reading, Chief Justice of Eogland, machine that produces envelope is regarded as the likliest British candiFellows Hall, 10 and St. Colon. meeting every Wednesday night, and inner linipg in one operation date. The scene of the trial will probably REMEMBER WE MAKE WEDDING BINGS AND OTHER Alternate Fridays. Secty. Frank MacLean Mount Carmel Lodge Hall, San Miguel, The application was granted. he Geneva, the seat of the League of The Canal Press, Mt. Hope. Benn Seribe.
True Love.
Oh! What a Disappointment Dr. CONNELL Dr. JOHNSON She never leaves him, night nor day.
With love her heart is smitten, met the fellow at th dance, SURGEON DENTIST Yes, she is quite a loving cat, In the Caledonian Hall, SURGEON DENTIST And he is her first kitten.
He sighed and made such lote to me, sure did near y baw. 122 CENTRAL AVENUE Can be found at 175 Two reasons why some people dont My heart it said You ve met your mate.
mind their own busiee88. One reason is, With him you ll spend your life. Corner 22nd Street, Panama, Phone 939 Central Avenue Phone 1003 Address thay have no mind, the other is, they Just then up came another girl, Said he oh here my wife.
Opposite Station hive no tusiness.
Ancon, 852 Good Picture PHOTOGRAPHY keeping Scranton Photo Studio places cost to compaBirmined for Sumiem demais Wilson May Name Taft or to utilise NEED We always have on WATCH on the international tribunal do try the WATCHES and JEWELRY a FULLER is the MAN you want to see.


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