p. 8


TO NIGHT The last two Episodes of perfect of the The Lure of the Pune The Lure of the Circus Circus Sed on the whole was THE BRASS BULLET stood out Sir By For the Balance of the Week the last season After the WAS game won to It or the other Teach Teacher CRICKET GOODS Tuesday Cricket Implements on the Isthmus munion Zach.
the 99 MURDER AT FALMOUTH Cricket.
PACIFIC THEATRE UNION HALL La Boca Defeats Standard (Continued from page 1)
PANAMA. COLON Undoubtedly the most closely contest od game of the season was played last seven o clock this morning wit ness performed a post mortem TO NIGHT Sunday between the La Boca and the Standard C on the grounds of the examination at two o clock to day latter. Winning the toss the Capt. of the.
the 11th instant, and found the Universal Serial Featuring the Great Standard (Dr. Gittens) decided to bet. cause of death to be due to comand went on a wicket that was done too pression of the brain, following EDDIE depressed fracture of the skull.
POLO feet. Thanks to the masterly batting The skull was normal, and the ENTITLED skipper, who going first to the wicket was the eighth man to get out.
man physiqve was very well de.
Standard put veloped for his age; be was also up score well nourished. The injury reWith the bowling at the disposal of the Standard this was thought to be a score ceived by the deceased was such 7th and 8th Episodes good enough to win, but, thanks to the an one, as could be done by a and as a special, the 1st Episode of blunt instrument directed with worthless fielding of Victor John who considerable force on the skull, Suuday, June seemed to have some magnet on him, the 22 the Uuiversal Sensational Serial wo and a stone used at close quarters run. It is true that the fielding of stangame was lost by the small margin of could have occasioned such a PRODUCTION DE LUXE dard blow.
John poor, but Victor supremely so; and Lydia James said she was the MODELS CONFESSION what was worse that wherever he was aunt of deceased. She visited put, the to be attracted by him twice in the Hospital and UNIVERSAL SPECIAL ATTRACTION well him on Teacher Thomas last was present at m, to day and saw the dead body of her week we noticed that he not only bwled, Tuesday, June 24. The Lure of the Circus nephew, Nathaniel Rosetta.
but bowled with something of his form.
9th and 10th Episodes Eric Saunders (who had just the match over Dr. Gittens openly charged continuation of arrived) said he was overseer at the loss of the Thomas Fontabelle and knew both acsaying that in spite of bed fielding cused and deceased, Rosetta.
Thursday, June 26th. The Lure of the Circus THE BRASS BULLET he could have the game, if He 11th and 12th Episodes.
remembered on the afternoon Thomas had taken the ball when he ofestate and had a quarrel with in question, Morgan came to the Thomas refused to Rosetta He tried to make peace bowl at WOW! first and only consented when between them, but seeing accus.
St. Peter Church, La Boca two or three other bowlers had tried and ed was so determined to continue Morning Prayes and address 11 a. take the ball, the game was too far gone, failed. The result was that when he did he ordered bim out of the yard.
Sunday School at pm He heard when accused said 50 help me God, am going to lick Anniversary service of the girls and the result was, bis side lost by one Friendly Society at 30 run. Por La Boca, Wilford best making a mu down.
He also said the de.
Evenisong and Sermon at 30 pm.
score of 22. It is true he gave a couple ceased had cut him with a razor of chances, but on the whole his batting so witness struck a match as it Daily morning prayer at 15 pm. Confirmation Class was good. For Standard Dr. Gittene was dark and saw no trace of and Wednesday made 14 and Romeine 13 not out.
blood. He ordered them out, DO YOU KNOW THAT WE KEEP THE MOST COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF Mulcare Rector Pedro Miguel Defeats AllMorgan was not working on the estate that day.
St. Barnabas Church, Empire Flushed with their recent successes Amos Young (who had also 10. 45 Morning prayer and Holy Com over Pickwick and Red Tank, the Alljust arrived) said he was Headman on Fontabelle and knew We only carry SPALDING GOODS and guarantee Jamaica journeyed over to Parisso Rosetta pm, Sunday School every article we sell and Morgan and saw to administer the same thrashing to the 30 pm: Evensong and address them in the yard on the 4th boys of the Pedro Miguel lut.
Confirmation class Wednesday p. their arrival they were met by Jas.
but, on instant. They were quarrelling HERE ARE SOME OF OUR STOCK Muleare, Priest in charge.
about a cocoanut tree. The over Blackman, Blackman, and seer ordered them out of Grand Prix Cricket Balls Wicket Keeping Gloves Blackman, who told them bluntly that vard. He heard accused say, San Andres. they would allow no invasion of their will klll him He heard a Bats Batting Gloves (Continued from page Paradise, and what is more, that they noise and saw accused with two had already made arrangements with large stones in his hands. He Cricket Bales and Score Books anything of a disparaging reference to the Fuller Jewellery Store to have their took them away and he saw any lack in proper method of governing Dames engraved in in the cup, and so could accused take hold of Rosetta locally, that during my visits and resi brook no nonsense dence in San Andres the chief administra The coin was spun and Sargeant, And Flung Him on The Pay us a visit, we are pleased to have you tive office has been held by three differ the skipper of Ah Jamaica won and electGround come and look over our Sporting Department ent appointees from the capital city of ed to bat on a wicket that was all sodden the Republic within a little over a year with heavy rains: the result was they Witness clapped him with bis The first of the three of the intendente could only the paltry score of 37 cane, and he got off deceased. He THE MADURO COMPANY whom met there on my first visit in May although they were re inforced by men delivered Morgan to Barret to last year, was Generel Jose Angel Posadą from Colon. Mayers, the champion hitter PHONE 24 21 CENTRAL AVENUE.
take him home, and witness took an appointee of the last Colombian re of the Tivoli played for Jamaica in Rosetta to the works.
gime, recalled as a result of req of requests game. his first really first class after Rosetta left for his home, by islanders. Intendente Serrano was his match and made only one run. Cain successor, and in the same direction, Morgan censor another appointee of the also played in this match and was out had he heard a voice sayingLord gone. Not very long after last administration who was succeeded for one run during the past month by Senor Dan Pedro Miguel went to the bat and after God Almighty him dead. Wit Emmanuel Lial, an mang San Andres Goy having lost three wickets for 15 runs, Dess ran and saw Rosetta in ernor and Appointee of the present Re the same as All Jamaica, they managed blood, held by Williams and Bar.
Church Services. during his former governorship, and fol wickets, Jas. Blackman now came to the publican Administration. Much like to pass the score with the loss of only ret. He saw Morgan running away lowing in the line of his predecessors, pro bat, and one of the finest exhibitions of. Leslie Richard Hanlon said St. Alban s, Paraiso: gressive methods for the opening up of hard hitting seen at Paraiso for a long he was Inspector of police station11 am. Morning Prayer and address the islands, Intendente Lial, with the time was given by him. He brought bis ed at Falmouth, He had the acFOUNDED IN 1881 3p. Sunday School of his Alcalde, Captain bat out for 41. Blackman 22: Pedro cused James Morgan, in custody. Bent, and the island Municipality, as Miguel made altogether 110 thus beating 30 Evening prayer and address well as with financial support of the All Jamaica by 73 runs.
in Falmouth, from the 6th of THE OLDEST DRUG STORE IN PANAMA A, Nightengale, Rector.
home Government, seems bent on June on a charge of wounding fo Vincentions Defeat one Nathaniel Rosetta, who was CITY, AND THE MOST MODERN ONE.
in the Falmouth Hospital. Nathisland developments for the inhabitants Pickwicks aniel Rosetta died at o clock Just in Stock a large Assortment of St. George s, Gatun happiness, etc. as to warrant the concluThe Boys from Empire came over to a. Holy Communion sion that within a few months more, with Bishop Hollow last Sunday to try conthis morning, the 11th of June Brook Powdered Barley 11 a. Morning prayer and sermon the introduction of the motor car service clusions with the Vincentions, but they consequently he arrested accused and charged him with mur SMALL AND LARGE TINS 12. 30 Holy Baptism. in the island, some auxillary steamboat were out classed. Brown, who bowder He cautioned he p. Sunday School service with neighbouring ports, the con led for St. Vincent proved too much for made the following statement: He BROOK GROAT 7. 30 Evehing prayer and address. struction of a modern hotel aud sanita them capturing wickets for runs, Nihhtengale, Priest in charge. rium on the sea, within the short distance Vincentians made a total of 55 runs. Pickwas going to the estate, and he had Specially recommended for children and persons some cocoanut trees and Rosetta Convalessing of 225 miles, more or less respectable color wieks replied with 35.
stole some nuts off them. He people visiting the island seeking a Surrey Annihilates Red asked him about it and they were St. Paul Mission, Chrorillo change of health, recreation or pleasure Tank.
MANUEL ESPINOSA of the requisite kind, will hardly find. 11 a. Morning prayer and address a better country, climate and convivialtaken of Red Tank last Sunday by the The greatest advantage possible was deceased chucked him, and he Central Avenue, 33 p. Sunday School chucked him back. The Busha Opposite La Merced Church Panama. 30 Evening prayer and sermon. Colombian group known as San Andres, the skipper of the last season Champeople than are to be found in the Surrey Winning the toss Holder put them out of the estate: DeA. Nightengale, Priest in charge.
ceased cut me on my finger with Old Province and Catalina, where the pions sent Red Tank into bat, and razor. showed it to the best and safest sea bathing, plenty lenty of Busha: we left for home, and fish, fowl, milk, exes. fruit, etc. can be for 15 runs. To this meakre score Surrey Beckles and Holder had them all out he struck me with a stick, and a got on a trip, possible of being covered eplied with 271 for by sailing craft within 36 hours and per the skipper being top score with 150 not with 271 for wickets stone, but two men held me.
Holder an auxiliary motor boat within 20 hours out to his credit.
Land MeNiel 41.
Decessed had a razor coming The customs of the the people, domestic to me and flang the stone Last season Holder had the proud at conditions, Religion, court court procedure such crimes as are of occurrence from ual score of the season. John Charles distinction of making the highest individHis Honour after hearing the (BRANDON BANK)
time to time and note of general prac wal score had made 83 and Holder evidence said: tind a prima tices throughout the islands, police Pedro Miguel made 99 not out; and the siner facie case against you, so vision, civil and military when the following Sunday beat his own woord commit you for trial at the next thought necessary pro by makine 103 not out. This circuit court cedure in collecting revenue and main. he has opened with an Isthmain record season PANAMA (FOUNDED 1868)
COLON tenance of ways and means for a satis. we think of 150 not out. Certainly he factory administration of all concern has proved himself to be the first bateRICHEST NEGRO WOMAN Our large Resources and well known as well as island products and ecmmer man of the day on the Isthmus of Pana cial undertakings at home and abroad ma conservative Management afford unwill be treated in continuation of Games for omorrow (Continued from page 6)
treatise on the Archipelagoes which There are a considerable numPickwick ve Yorkshire at Empire.
questioned security for every dollar have undertaken with a speelfic amount ber of Americans, however, who of pleasure to satisfy as far as can Boca.
La Boca vs. All Jamaica a La as Mme. Walker is borne to her deposited with this bank.
capable of doing the super abundance Standard vs Surrey at Standard last resting place from the palace of interested enquiry and request on the British Guiana vs. Britannic at British which her business genius built of my own race resident on the on the Guiana will feel convinced that this of Panams and appear home is a land of opportunity sick for a taste of the social relations of.
We the Officers and members of the for all, no matter how humble the good old times preceding immigra: Vincentian tion to spheres where the cordially invite all Added to lack of education and the lowly positions of washerwoISAAC BRANDON NATHANIEL BRANDON home life and manners characteristic of patriotic Vencentians on the Isthmus to BRANDON muather handicap of Negró blood.
Mme. Walker had the conditions obtaining in the Atlantic meeting at 30 o clock on Saturday President.
Vice President.
colonies, blessed by the atmosphere pre June 21st to discuss the best means and Yet she triumphed not only vailing therein uuder the Union Jack, ways of getting up funds to welcome our countrymen returning from from the light that was in her are better valued now than then.
the front. The meeting will be held but because America does in By PILGRIM WILKINS. Capt. James house 24 October Street, at truth help those who strive. To be continued)
made this Shortly Open all day Saturday, until 30 dax Central Drug Store capable support of bent on re him and ed his sed.
Older against SECURITY latter has boon ty part of Isthmus of in truth General Banking Business Transacted suitably


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