
PAGE THREE THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, JUNE 22, 1919 Grenada The Arrival of the Van CRICKET CRICKET GOODS guard of Our Boys Cricket Implements on the Isthmus 99 made in Open all day Saturday, until 30 of We Wer were Irank an to recieve un.
make Interesting News from the 20808 KOOS John Bull on The West Indies.
Song of Woodrow BARBADOS In a brilliant article which (Continued from Page DO YOU KNOW THAT WE KEEP THE MOST COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF appeared in John Bull that reReception for returned soldiers.
nowned English paper, dealing To the Oficers Non. Commissioned HEARTY RECEPTION ACwith the general situation at the Oficers, and men of the Contin CORDED THEM peace conference at Versailles, gent of the British West Indies We only carry SPALDING GOODS and guarantee Horatio Bottomley, its fearless Regiment:Editor writing under the headBIG CROWD GATHER TO GREET every article we sell Brave soldiers. On behalf of line, The Sons of Woodrow THEM the Government and people of states the following: Barbados, a very hearty wel HERE ARE SOME OF OUR STOCK do not propose, this week, come home is extended to you. From the West Indian)
to waste more words on Wilson the part taken in the Great War Grand Prix Cricket Balls Wicket Keeping Gloves The long suspens and the anxietty We shall soon know where we by the British West Indies ReAnxious hearts have been Bats giment generally, and the Bar. relieved. The sixty three Grenada solare; and in our next issue supBatting Gloves shall be saying some very Cricket Bales and Score Books Jain things about the Pesca tent especially, has been followed diers about whose coming news was re. in America which at the by them with interest and hope cieved about a week ago, have arrived at last moment, looks like being a fitting and confidence.
Since Friday preparations were being conclusion to the war war mnaue ciel Interest has naturally been made to give the men hearty welcome Germany. But will reproduce Pay us a visit, we are pleased to have you taken because your Regiment is home, and in order to make their return some verses which have recently repr sentative of this portion of as impressive as was their departure, the come and look over our Sporting Department come into my hands: the British Empire, just as the Central Cont ngent Con mittee buried it When Germany provoked a war large armies from the various self. Recuests were irade to house THE MADURO COMPANY Of frightfulness unknown before, Dominions are representative of holders to decorate their windows and Who wrote epistles by the score?
them severally. It is a matter this met with the most hearty 21 CENTRAL AVENUE.
response PHONE 24 Twas Woodrow Who watched the havoc Germans for much satisfaction that this From Saturday morning the town put wrought, honour and opportunity have on new appearance and everywhere And when our aid poor Belgium been afforded British West Insought, Who dians, who are most loyal and flags and streamers waved in the beautiful morning sunshine. Not the least atpreached Neutrality thought devoted subjects of the Crown.
tractive was the preparation made at Twas Woodrow Confidence has been enter the landing place, where a well decorated Who saw French cities overrun.
And desecrated by the Hun, tained that whatever duties stage was erected for the Governor and And said that nothing should be might be assigned you, would be bis invitees.
loney performed faithfully and thor The Transport Ajax came into port men were marched to the Volunteer fram begrary in a short time.
Jamaica Twas Woodrow oughly, and the hope has been at 10 o clock on Saturday night and re Drill Yard where they were entertained strongly advise them to save their little When babes were massacred at sea.
Who id, How rude those German. cherished that the opportunity mained at anchor until the next afternoon at luncheon and given to each of them earnings for wet days.
might be afforded you of going before sailing for Trinidad. It became Thereafter they dispersed, some of them Stir in Fruit Market Anoth note is due from mey.
into the actual fighting line and known overnight that Our Boys would proceeding to their homes in the out Woodrow.
taking part at the front in one be landed at o clock on Sunday morn parishes and others went around visiting WHAT EVERY WOMAN When we asso aid the more of the theatres of the ing and in that case people friends.
able to or OUGHT TO KNOW plight, Montego Bay, June There war. This confidence has been make all arrangements for the occasion.
was quite a stir in the fruit trade of Allies fighting for the right.
fully justified and this hope real. At o clock the bells of the Churches Buying wisely to the fundamen. Atlantic Fruit Cos. pur this week both the United and who said. We are too proud to tight ised.
a merry peal and two guns were BOUNTY AND BACK PAY Twas woodrow Official records and reports be alive and doing and from that time tributed among the 63 men who returned me do your shopping and you large shipments of bananas be. Because he kept us out of waret Yesterday, fully 1, 606 poands was dis tal principle of Economy. Let chasing. Indications point to Who captured ballots by the score, he had before, make creditable mention of the people could be seen hurrying to the to Grenavia iast week.
Part of that will soon realise the immense ing made at this port. It may be cheerful, steady and praise word Twas Woodrow thy service rendered by the Brit. wharf for the preeting. At o. clock the money has gone to them as their bounty saving that can be made on mentioned that the United Fruit But, when at last the country choos.
Who quickly struck the martial every sphere of service that has contingent Committee and private citi: the other part represents their Army and Woolen fabrics of the vers during the weekend pose?
zens on board, left the harbour for the back pay. One man among them is latest Styles. am been assigned to it.
Twas Woodrow bay to bring the men and their baggage said to have done so well rienced stopper and know įhow Alleged Case of cookie number terug het You and comrades of the ashore. In the interval the crowd gather fully 66 pounds. We are equally glad to and where to buy.
who chained the Huns at St. Mihiel.
And on the Meuse who gave them Regiment volunteered to go for ed about and those who could not ocupy know that the men have not been left The Novelty Lousine Silk Suicide.
Helly ward and take your stand in the positions of advantage ashore decided to adrift.
Not Woodrow ranks of those who were fight view the scene from boats on the waters, is a beauty With a little money to their credit they ing for the maintenance of Immedistely as the Teign entered)
MRS. ANN THOMAS, Newport, Saturday As is al. And who should to, with courak high, and Justice and the harbour on her return time that most of them will be in search can manage to struggle on during the Righteousness ready reported Alfred Ashman. to sit in Conclave at Versailles, Dressmaker. it is alleged, shot and killed and stick his finger in the Pio.
Government Truth and against those who had of joy on all sides and the But Woodrow His Ex of employment.
ennuciated, and were striving by Band struck up a merry tune.
But it is himself here at about o clock regrettable 17th Street Central, House No. 11 Pauama.
force of arms to establish the celleney and His box that some of them are already going the Lady Haddon Smith parentage, a shoemaker by trade For whom should banners be this morning. Of respectable Since Emperors from their throne are doctrine that Might is Right.
just about that time and proceeded to the way of the spendthrift. They the frequent calls upon the Treasury and ind from his innate ingenuity he furled ADVERTISE IN In that contlict your side comes They were joined bere by libe when they get money spend it foolishhas been successful, the arch foe Chief Justice, members of the Executive.
These men have passed through hardi could tackle successfully work As autocrat of all the world.
would think But Woodrow how breturn home wearing your Religion and a fuit number of ladies. The times and ws deplore their want of eau. The Workman apacity. He was a keen ideickets vanquished, Councils, of think these verses sum up. of er of Newport In short, the situation very nicely. There portion of the Palm of Victory on that occasion a very useful life full of promise can be no question at all that, IT PAYS Barbados is much grattised the arrangements were too perfect. They farthing they own and should at once and possibilities has been cut but for the American Professor at, and proud of the manner in simply gathered and looked on from the pull up if they would save themselves short.
in outside. The men were then landed and idealistic flapdoodle, peace It is stated that Ashman was would have been signed months which you have acquitted your drawn up on parade in front of the stage selves.
arrested under the Bastardy ago. Candidly, think we are History will surely do under command of Lieut. Darwent. In your Regiment Justice in the the company was lieut.
and bailed to appear in a asked to pay too big a price for matter, meanwhile by your this island who SIMONS Island home most hearty greet Barbados, The Government Band at this joined the the transport at This evidently depressed him Wilson does not ings are accorded you.
stage the Welcome Home to (SUCCESSOR TO SIMONS HART)
and drove him to commit the American opinion. If you doubt To Almighty God we render the appreciation of all and in keeping with fatal act Had his parents our heartfelt thanks for your the gladness reflected in the faces of the 22 CENTRAL AVENUE brothers aware of his difti recent culties matters would be safe return be mended recently become mover here and who seemed happy to be once more His Excellency added: am not in their native land It was observed self. For the last two weeks he stunt is the biggest bit of my. go ng to keep you longer. know that of them looked well you are only too anxious to get hardships inseparable from military life Headquarters for Family Groceries and General Supplies did not sleep at his home; but oc Yankee blut have ever come those whom you and service. The men settled in their cupied quarters with one James across!
but should like to add places.
His Excellency the Governor it is un my own behalf a most hearty then went and shook hands with each of stated that Ashman went to bed and cordial welcome to you. the men. Returning to the stage he and when asked why he kept on Teas, Coffee and Spices should like you to realize that addressed kind words of welcome to his boots, replied that he might Lessons Given fuel the honour you must all feel, them. He said that as Governor of the SPOCE large y determine the standing go out during the night. Leavand being myself an old soldier colony it gave him pleasure to see them TTEAST in where he slept very early, it on the Clarinet, the leading of a grocery We are share it with you that you have come back home safely. He knew that was not ten minutes after Band instrument.
Band or been allowed to take a part in they had done their best and, although com proud to say that we supply loud explos! on was Orchestra furnished for all heard this very great war. trust most sin they might not have done what they No one could say kinds of engagements.
conta many homes with teas, coffees cerely that on your return anticipatad they might have been called definitely where the so and spices of the highest grade here whether at work on the upon to do, still they had good reason to came from Woodburn coming NEILSON out walked towards the police plantation or in the store, be proud. They volunteered for service though not of the highest cost, Clarinetist Republican Band TEA CORTE CON justify the of be when the Motherland was in need of fact station. Meeting District Con Aneon stable Phone 1053 ing King men by magnificence men and that was an act for which they ALL CAN BE HAD AT Hines, both men walked 16 St. West, House 27, Panama of conduct, by strenous work, and abould be proud. By that he did not by the the main street and came by upholding that Glorious name mean that they should be swollenon the Newport Snowdown road of the British army of which headed. What he meant was that Ashman by s, workshop is THIS GROCERY you have formed a part: wish their good behaviour and calm manners situated Seedburn peeped in the NOTICE you all God speed and the best of respectful behaviour they should show Ky opened, woo good luck.
those who remained behind that they lietle suspecting anything when TO THE PUBLIC ATH LARGE Captain Niblock, responding, were men who had gone to the war and had blood, and braghastly sight of The West Indian Pacific Band Your learnt discipline, manliness and bravery.
matter, Ashman incelenina behalf of the Officers, Non Com Counsel They had done their part and in foolish in a stooping position and the begs to notify the publie that gun near him. Deceased was a they have changed their name missioned Officers and men of the good shot and from and address to he Grenada appearances the Barbados Contingent, beg the name of the people of he had set the muzzle to his ears set the THE PANAMA CAPITAL to thank you most beartily for congratulated them. It was their duty and pulled both triggers at the the kind welcome you have given which had been given them wherever to continue to earn the same time, discharging the conBRASS BAND 18.
tents of the they had gone to serve in the war. When the gun and blowing out Band Hall, 22 St. Guachapall, As soon as his Excellency had their pockets were full of money they his brains.
House 25.
left, the men were marched to would find numerous friends, but they IS SO WELL PATRONIZED. Dr. Sherlock held a post mor.
Sec. Whittaker, the Drill Hall where preparations should be watchful and should not treat tem examination and it is alleged Band Instructor Sealy, he withdrew thirty six bullets.
for their entertainment were They should be treated instead, Calidonia House 80 The remains were taken to deLater they because they had done for the rest of us under progress.
BECAUSE it is the oldest Established Drug Store were lunched in sections, and what we were unable to do for ourselves.
ceased home and buried.
subsequently handed their de. He assured them that a fair sum of in Calidonia. gloom is cast over the entire moblisation tickets and each, money was awaiting them as the result neighborhood for the young man WM. LAWRENCE which represented furlugh pay.
BECAUSE it is Managed by a Graduated Druggist.
of provisions that had been made for Wss of a quiet disposition and them That sum would either be given much liked.
BEEAUSE there is no fear of substitutes: Tailor and Outfitter to them in cash, if they so desired; or it Ladies, Listen! would be deposited in a bank here to BECAUSE is has always a fresh supply of Drugs Panama Hats their credit and the bank book handed and Patent Medicines.
Dealer in School Books, Before getting your new to them. It was left to them to CLEANED, and BLOCKED and Stationary.
say which they required. He said that Hat give a call at No. 22 he not desire to detain them for any and TRIMMED to Order Street, opposite the length of time as he was well aware that THE ANAMA DRUG STORE ALSO No. 11 Street, Panama they were anxious to receive the greetoxio National Institute. ings of relatives and friends who were MULLER BUILDING MILLINERY DRESSMAKING chains from Central Ave. You will hear the rest when naturally very please at their return home. Again he welcomed them home.
Next to the Calidonia Police Station. HOUSE No. 965, LaBoca, Address: you come.
After His Excellency address the Canal Zone Box 805, Ancon z, crowd could not rush. Kerr of e rendered the me been awam despite the Woodburn: a way home to love best, Last night store.
when you will where pure door slight Excellency. On They should not be led away by WHY?
THE PANAMA DRUG STORE good name others


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