
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JUNE 28, 1919 COLON NOTES THE WORKMAN UNION HALL BE IN FASHION Three Serial Tha, CREATION IN CIGARETTES Smoke the Latest to all Others FINE TIME Superior to all Sold Everywhere Colon Sir. Please allow me as much space AT 15c. Gold Are Per package Breatly Do pot pass me by.
Respect ully, LEWIN GIBSON Colon of Pareus the eing Large crowds have haon at Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisement on applicatending the shows screened at WALROND, at the office Central Avv. tion. Correspondence on all matters the Union Hall during the month nue and corder of Street, Panama, of public interest invited.
Messrs Pinel and Arosement de All copy for publiéation must be taken over the Hall for hos Box 74, Panama written on one side of paper only, and four nights week Besid RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION must be accompanied by the name of seven reel features and One Year 82. 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publicacomedies, they have shown th Six Months Universal Serial The Lure of the 30 tion but as a mark of good faith.
Circus which is creating a big e.
we do not undertake to return sensation at the Pacific Thestra One 25. rejected correspondence.
in Panama. On Sunday last wee The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of ourrights JUNIUS Universal Master shown the first episodes of the Brass Bullet, fratiring Jack SATURDAY, JUNE 28, 1919 Mullah the new rival of Elle Polo. This serial had the biggest rup ever seen at the Pacific Theatre. the house being literully Colored Labor Organized Over 50 Per Cent packed at every performuance both in the first showing and in the repeat nights.
While the opponents from without, and the skepticsfrom within the rank and file of the colored labor force on the PRO MUNDI BENIFIIsthmus were at work injecting impediments and introducCIO ing draw backs in the form of an impossible questionaire the organizers kept on at their task with a zeal and persistency that call for unstinted applause. The work commenced and continued under the most unfavorable and in one of your valuable Columns to disquieting circumstances; yet undaunted and hopeful, the state for the special information of my faithful Sons of Labor kept true to their pledge and friends, and the publie in general, that honor in their defence, and aid to the down trodden negro have recently recovered from illness, and in this Cenlral American labor market.
have resumed active duties, teaching at Salvation Army Hall 14th and It is beyond computation, so far as numerical results Straets Colon. am and moral effects are conce. ned, to summarize in a single by the rest, both phisically and men improved statement everything that has been achieved by those who tally, and am now ready to dispen have come forward at the summons of Messrs. Severs and SSKOKOS the brain medicine wholesale. All who me will accord am there with the Allen to help cast off the unbearable yoke of industrial opgoods, therefore if you are on the lookpression which has been so long imposed upon alien colored labor in this sphere of dilemmas, and institute an era of Editorialettes.
guineas, yet it is known all would be the same in all the Teacher out for a painstaking, and energetice re adjustment in affairs that strictly concern a people through Bocas and Costa colonies. If Jamaica should known in Cis Atlantic parlance as Those fresh niggers.
Rica that there are men who have an over crowded labor What the next few months may record in the matter of The Bocas import merchandise from market British Guiana or enrollments and registration can be opined from the rush Commission.
Europe and America and some other place might be seen at the meetings of the various locals whereverthey trade with the company em able to relieve the situation.
The Commission appointed ployees at considerable profit. labor bureau in every is Editor of the Workman June 24th 1919.
have been held; and to learn, at the present time, that the men have organized a long way over fifty per cent looks to enquire into the allegations The people are generally land would be the most effec Sir Please allow me space in your like an hundred per cent organization at the end of the of illtreatment to West In charged over one hundred per tive medium for the distri valuable paper, to state for the benefit year, the wave of enthusiasm being kept up to its present dians in the recent strike on cent beyond their value for bution of labor, and at the transfer lip given by the school Teach and usuans that he force.
the United Fruit Company goods sold them, but as they same time could handle allers It is being said in circles unfavorable to Negro or plantations in Bocas and Cos can obtain almost anything foreign questions where West payments have been made ganization that it doesn take much to lead the ignorant ta Rica have finished their on the easy payment install Indian emigrants are con. The movement does not bind a child o ers at Colon simply guarantes, that all teacher from whom the child is West Indian laborers into skin game schemes and fleece work and submitted their re ment plan it is not difficult to cernea.
children to any particular School, 25 and flay propagandas; and while, to a certain extent, this port as reproduced in this is: see how they could be the pos.
is true it cannot be said to bear honest reference to the Sumafrom thileGleanecepi sessors of the articles claimed Cricket Fans. some of the techers will try to dictate.
Jamaica: we. to be If parents or Guardians are not sati fied, The present season of the have every right to cerk another school.
with the progress of their childr childr they and Railway Shop Laborers, in as much as this is no fake for the time being, the find the amounts of money said to affair, neither are the men who are becoming members of ings of this commision on the have been saved by some of Gitten Challenge Cup Com This is neonformityk anathe conta it all ignorant, or of the blindly gregarious class which knotty question, yet it would the laborers a better know petition is progressing nicely The same stands og vond with the har.
seem a tremendous error if the ledge of the thrift habits of although the rains. interfered Thanking you for your space.
asks no questions and accepts everything for granted. am, It ought to be sufficiently convincing that over one half Legislative Council of Jamgi certain West Indians would with some of the games. Many ca were to desist from appoint have precluded any doubt, on of the small teams have al AS INDULGENT PARENT.
of the colored working force comprising from a dock labor ing and sending the commis the part of the commission, ready drunk their medicine er and a scavenger to a clerk and a school teacher is an in sion spoken of a few weeks as to the possibility of the from the bigger teams of the dex of general and substantial organization. The intelli ago. There are many things statements being true.
League, but the real hot PERSONAL.
gence of the personel of the unionists is too well balanced, in the report which have not games are behind. Surrey and The Misses Sybil and Brenda and co ordination is too carefully planned to permit the read altogether smoothly and Labor Bureau Pedro Miguel and All Jamaica Humber and Master Eric Humber statement that the colored people have been rushing blind the presence of a protest of and Standard are to be heard daughters and son respectively, ly to a scheme that has been ostensibly prepared for the one of the signatories of the In Jamaica.
from in their mix up which is of Mr. Humber Acting purpose of divesting them of their small earnings.
report is a matter for reflec The announcement that not far off. The championship British Vice Consul at Panama If the colored employees did not see in the Union op tion. If a member of the com Sir Leslie Probyn, Governor of the season lies between the we re exp to leave England portunities for their own improvement and the ameliora mission finds it necessary to of Jamaica, has appointed a first three teams mentioned on the the 27th inst. by the P, tion of labor conditions among them, it could not be thought record his disagreement with commission to organize a and the fight will be a tough Co Steamer Victoria, re reasonable that such a high percentage of them would have a particular statement in the bureau of labor in that island one for first place. Standard turning from school; in care of joined, after so many recent experiences of disappointment report, it follows that there has reached the Isthmus with may yet spring a sur Mrs. Humber their grand mother in other organizations and associations in which they have might be many statements a warm welcome. Such in prise when they wake up, and been stung, burnt and swindled. If the Union can keep which the people themselves terest in the colonial life of the unexpected may happen. recently given to the matter its promises the people can still keep together and gain could repudiate, although we Jamaica must meet with It would be a great pity for of jitney traffic in this city has for themselves everything that co operation can effect. If are not saying that this is the general approbation through any of the games to be inter produced a feeling of satisfacall the Silver Employees become members of the Union case. commission from Ja out the country, and here in rupted by improper be tion to the public who have what could prevent them from obtaining their claims? maica would be of consider Panama not only Jamaicans, haviour on the cricket fields. suffered so often from the irThere is, however, no doubt that the Union will be able help in re adjusting the but West Indians in general, We do not expect to hear any regularities of the chauffeurs able to make good all the pledges and promises made disturbed conditions in Bocas are glad to note that this reports of misconduct among in the charges for fares about through its organizing representatives who have attended and Costa Rica, and might be step has been taken. We are the players or umpires. The the city and on the Zone. Tie the recent annual convention of the American Federa able to answer for us a few hoping to hear the same people who are likely to cause public should be warned tion of labor, at Atlantic City, New Jersey. The men here questiɔns which the present thing in connection with trouble are the spectators who against the practice of drivers have placed absolute confidence in it, and nothing local commission did not find it ex other West Indian countries usually butt in and start con of the big cars of charging can occur to dissipate the faith of colored laborers in an pedient to consider, such as: and British Guiana. The ces fusion in cases of disputes. higher fares than the drivers organization which has come to their help at so oppor Why was Mr. Kyes fired sation of East Indian Immi There has been in the past, of Ford cars on the statement tune a moment and at so critical a time in their experience. from the service of the gration has made the labor a disposition for captains of that the big cars are not jitFor the fifteen years of American occupation of the Why have the wages of question in the West Indies teams and umpires to be neys. It is a good policy to Panama Canal no undertaking in labor circles connected laborers heen increased and one of inter colonial. concern. swayed and influenced by the ask the drivers of all jitney with the life of the colored people has been aș stupendous, the commissary prices cut The big planters and man crowds whenever there has cars to exhibit their tarifi internet and of as great import, as the present organization which down? Is there not a system agers of estates will have to been, a doubt as to a decision in a conspicuous place in the lids riveted the attention of not only the members and of installment payment be look at home for the help of stumped or cars in full view of the pasbut also challenged and won the interest and appreciation the laborers? The commission their industries. Ita labor is ces where there have been un ros also need holding up as prospective members of the different lodges of the Union, tween traders rin jewelry and they need in connection with an the one hand, or in instan sengers. Some of the couche of all broad minded and sympathetic Panamanians and said in effect, that it was im unequally distributed it will certainty as to boundary there is a practice among heterogeneous and cosmopolitan population stretching chase watches costing 20 and a surplns in another. It no condition should either fares from passengers whom Americans together with the foreign elements of our possible for the men to pur. mean a shortage in one place hits and run out. Under some of them to assic excessing from the piers of the teeming Pacific shores to the busy umpires or captains heed or they believe are not familiar lin tolerate the intervention of with the tariff regulations.
of the wind swept Atlantic terminal.
feel that there is nothing left to do when the battle is only of the spectators as to do so Since the Municipality has and their test. They can either make or mar their future we believe that the armistice, was signed too soone and and dissatisfaction. Cricket fares it ought not to be possiThe people realize that this is their chance, their hour but half won. The war against Germany did not end right; will always mean disturbance spoken out on the question of as an independent and respected class in these parts, and that Germany should have been given a bigger dose of her is too high a game to be treat ble trade, as the police are well their determination to seize the opportunity and catch own medicine, and that had this been done the terms of ed here with the rough de informed on the subject and every atom of vantage now placed within their reach may peace would have been signed long ago.
be observed from the miraculous growth of the organiza On this principle the organizers and members of the heard of in the past, and we putes as to the illegality of monstrations as have been will be able to settle all distion itself.
Union must keep up their fight, and increase their activi hope that this season will be the charges. It is fair to menNow that the force of opposition has been nearly spent ties until the Negroes are organized one hundred per cent, the best as yet in the life of tion that the habit of demandand the ranks of the skeptics reduced to a minimum, the and all the lodges placed on a thorough and substantial this popular pastime; ing excessive and illegal fares leading members of the Union should enjoy clear sailing basis, with the charters and all other neceessary accoutreis not general either among for a time at least. But they must be careful not to sur ments and paraphernalia concomitant with the proper eschauffeurs or cocheros, there feit on their successes. This is the only real danger that tablishment and working of the same duly installed, and Jitney Traffic: confronts them. It is easy to let up on any enterprise when until their work shall have been so complete that there will The attention which the both honest and conscientious being many of them who are great achievements have been gained. It is easier still to be no new lands to conquer.
Municipality of Panama has and possessing a clean sheet!


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