
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JUNE 28, 1919 PAGE FIVE Real Unionist Fight Canal Zone Notes Paper Unionists.
United States Pharmacy now stands for were at sreech and would they will walk right through there.
Isthmus, a wages which equal that.
of arrival and the Zone Secretary Mr Mr. Small will remain acting Secretary. KING EDWARD LODGE.
Loud cheers was given him and he left for the late train. The ladies who took part are as follows. the Mines Richards, No. 13, M. S. con The Royal King Edward Lodge LA BOCA Gray, Holder, Young, Nugent and others. Special mention e ducted its yearly Master degree The gold employees, led by JUST ARRIVED!
made of the little five year old daughter meeting on Saturday night, June blind prejudice and goaded by Anniversary S.
of Mr. GeoMaycock. This little girl playBeitishness, tried to have the or On Sunday 22nd at The LARGE ASSORTMENT OF NEW AND FRESH ed with harmony and afforded a pleasure The meeting was called to or gan zers of the United Brother fourth Anniversary of the Girls PATENT MEDICINES the hear her. She received great applause der at 30p. by Brother hood recalled from the Isthmus Friendly Society was held at St.
from the whole audience, Credit must Wallace, after dealing Why did they desire that For use both internally and. xter ally the Peters Church Boca. The be given everyone as a pleasant evening with the most important part of came to a close.
organizors be recalled? Simply Service was conducted by the the agenda, the Masters degree because they came to organize Rector the Rev. Mulcare SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR, FOUR FOLD LIVER Birth Night Party was conferred on Bros. Parch Negroes. But the Lord of Hosts who gave an address on the life of TONIC, Dr. SIMMONS SQUAW VINE COMPOUND, delightful Birthnight party took Drummond and Gunter, by ment, Bowen Smith, Leaky, was with us, so they failed. Ruth. An anthem and the So DARBY PROPHYLACTIC FLUID, FOUR FOLD place on Friday, 20th Inst, when Miss Bro. Thomas, P, and Mas Mortified at their failure to have ciety Fraternal hymn were ren.
LINIMENT, the Dr. SIMMON VEGETABLE Louise Gray tendered her respects to a ter of Ceremonies, assisted by organizers recalled, they are dered by the girls. In spite of we LIVER MEDICINE number of friends at her place of em, Bro. Toppin, P, and PS ployment; delicious goodies made of Amering to cut us off from the the rain which fell at o clock Federation of Laber the service was well attended All these preparations have been used successfully by the home cake sandwiches icecream and There were several Past Of6by presenting at the convention The Society was beautifully re people of the United States for more than 20 years. various other eatables were served. cers from the Royal King George Of F. of now being held at presented by 70 members dressed Card playing, jokes, congratulations and Lodge No. 17, Atlantic City! resolutions in white 23 of which were seniors For Sale at Pharmacy songs were the hit for the evening, and rendered greet assistance, which they hope will cause the wearing blue caps with white Opposite Railroad Station)
Our movie nights have been changed Cuffie, Isaac, and Perkins Past among those present were Bros American Federation of Labor tassels. The to held in LOPEZ, Proprietor.
the which will run as follows, instead of Masters hood to cease issuing charters to Rectory on the evening of ThursCommand the United Brother lowed by miliary was fol.
Monday, Wednesday and Friday, shows On and after August 1st, this store will remove to The ceremony which was very silver employees, and to recall day 26th. Songs and solos etc. will be on Tuesday. Thursday and 149 Central Avenue, opposite El Sol Silk Store.
those charters already issued, were beautifully rendered by the Saturday. Readers of the Workman impressive, being completed the thus leaving us at the mercy of and friends. On both oc.
please take notice Bros. repaired to the banquet room to do justice to the most a tight tisted Wage Board. casions a very pleasant time was Everything is in readiness for the big sumptuous repast.
But why should gold em spente risa connection with this the Jamaica of Parama Mr. Booz, Secretary of Club Community Dance which will take place At this juncture Bro. Thomployees who are protected by played Houses was amongst the four thousand to night Saturday. The picture shows the of object to our The La Boca Bowling Team travelled ty as Toast. Master, and after adneing allied to the United Bro over to Cristobal on Saturday night, meeting of Silver Employees was not one vacant seat in the hall, you 7:30.
On Wendesday 25th a mass listeners present and when way there will commence at 30 instead of as was called to perform the du therhood? Simply because the June 21, to meet the Cristobal boys, and Association was hd at this onn judge for yourselves what a night dressing the Bros. on the order The Clubhouse is now in full swing called on Bro. Parchment, who the Brotherhood is affiliated efter anwerxa hard entrusteder the Cristobal merting, officers were selected. Gatun residents. and their families en: with the Jamaica Times, our Secretary delivered a of boys emerged victorious with a surplus of most thrilling ad the evening of for equal pay for work 201 pins. The La Boca boys seemed to the Dunbare infathe 17th Judy programme format item the lengthly has done his level best to supply readers dress, subject was Unity. was that is equal in quantity and be in hard luck on the Cristobal alleys as again appear in Hymn (Onward Chris with all that they require; don forget Several other Bros.
the La Boca tian Soldiers) followed by a prayer from come and read.
called and responded most fitquality and these gold em. the best bowlers were unable to put up club house. Several up to date the lips of our worthy Catechist, Mr.
ployees know that we can turn any score. They are sure, however, that plays will then be staged.
John Knight employed as carpenter Bros. by storm in his eloquent tingly. Brol Wallace took the Laurie, after which the concert was our work that at least equals when they meet on the La Boca alleys opened by the playin: of a March by this town, is out feeling much improved by the Quartermaste lepartn theirs both in in quantity Mies Sampson, who is spending Bro. Marson was next called GATUN, On Sunday last the cricketing acco Vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Maycock, at from his operation performed at Anton on to welcome the visiting Bros.
ing to the policy of the er promised to be a fine game but this town. Her correct time and mel Hospital. All joined in wishing him im and did so very characteristically.
can Federation of Labor, get owing to the rain which fell at Community Concert. charmed the full Bro. Cuffie was called on to wages. But according to o clock it was brought to a the audience and cheers to proved health.
sounded over the hall. The programme The The Workman Paper is becoming respond and in his usual form the policy of the gods of the draw, The La Boca and Wednesday night. 25th instant, will consisted of 30 items, and it is suff so popular around this district, it won demonstrated to the Bros. his a West Indian has no go down on the record of history in the cient to say that all the con ributors be a bad advice if our purchasers would knowledge of mechanism, right to lines of Concerts, as one of the best did their best and received encores of subscribe and make one good thing of The banquet table was taste on an American, no matter how much better the West Indian to make with regard to the con nights ever enjoyed in the Colored Club olsuse, following is the list of those the matter, it cost only 60 cents per fully decorated, among the eats work may be, hence the wali ference held at La Boca a fewery of the United Brotherhood of Main wook Potoute traveling or quarter, come forth boys, come forth and ann drinks were seen a few birds at this District, when the Ladies Auxiligold days ago between the Board of from Mount Vernon, and a good employees have sent to the Con Directors of the Silver Employ tenance of Ways entertained resident Ranizer of the Maintenance of Way Union let your agent have less trouble.
from Empire who gave a spirited address vention, resolutions with regard ees Association on the one hand and their friends from all parts of the on the need for organizing Jones inCricket.
supply of Mr. McGinnis product to organization on Inspector for Silver Roll Isthmus at their first concert troducing spokesman on the Grenadians got away from Operators The health of the Republic was Employees on the other hand, Precisely at pm, District Chair the Secretary of clubhouses Mr. Booz by one run, but they will never put then drunk, and the function From the Star and Herald we but have deferred putting them man, Neverson, called the audience P. Smellie Supt. of music for the this over them again as our Capt has his came to a close at wee hours in learn that the metal trade De into print until see what attention to the business to which they ladies and gentlemen Mr. Booz who eyes opened for that batter who made the morning.
partment at Atlantic City gave increase in wages the Wage were invited on so special an occasion, was invited by the residents to find out fully the whole score out of the 79 runs the resolutions the Panama Board decides to dole out. and introduced a letter which contained who will be permanent the which the Grenadians put up to day. Dispensation Granted Metal Trades Council a good Meanwhile hope that the In the roasting and caused said resolu. vector will forward to the reply from the Secretary of Club listrict. He gave a very lengthly ad Hurrah when that day comes there will Houses, Mr. Booz for Iress to the audiance thanking them for be Isaac, Gittens, bowling for Operators tods to be revised before en Board of Directors a copy of his Evan Small. the hard working and ener the cordial ivitation which they byd tenThe officers and members of dorsement was granted. Thank recommendations to the Gover. Ketic Colored Acting Secretary of the dered him and was pleased to know the Improved Independent God, all white people are not nor. No secret treaties, says Club House at this Distriet. The letter that Gatun district could give such an PARAISO Order of Oddfellows, London Lase.
There are some alive to President Wilson; No secret re was sent by the majority of Employees interesting and delightful evening as Picnic and dance, day and night Unity and the members of day of the type of Lincoln and commendations say we, when showing their true respect and love for be one which he spent.
The most interesting event of its kind the Star of Rebecca Social, who Whittier: Clarkson and Wilber. we have publicly stated our the Secretary, and for the courteous Mr Booz refered ever held in the spacious hall of tbe are working under the jurisdicforce: Harriet Beecher Stowe grievances to the Inspector of way in which he handled the Club Paraiso Clubhouse.
during taries as some of the most truthful hon tion of the above named Unity, and Queen Victoria; and their the Silver Roll Employees handsome the period of time he was appointed to est hardworking secretaries. He also prize which will be awarded to the are asked to take notice that influence is worth more than Yours for Negro Unity and act; when say that Mr. Small did bril gave Mr. Small a good name and was winner at 11. 30 A chance for the Dispensasion has the blatant gibberish of the Progress.
liactly for the Commission is simply put glad to know that the residents appreere every one who attends granted by the Executive Counselfish, prejudiced ones.
Impartlal judges, have been ap sel of England and is now in STOUTE. ting mild, as compared with previous cisted him but he could not tell what pointed who will best decide the win the hands of the Star of it Allan Empire, Secretaries.
the future, would bring, but at the present her of the dance.
the United Brotherhood is awake, District Officers alert, and on the job. He inbers of the Social are asked to tends fight the Panama Canal SEXOXOXossos xoc SxSSEXSEXSO SESSOXXX Federation of Labor to a tinish.
attend a special meeting on Sunday 28th inst. at Chorrillo, In a a recent cablegram he in the School Room on the Icewill see that Local Lodges berg Building at o clock preget all that our constitution procisely, as there will be business Vides. We are not in Panama for ot great importance on the the mere purpose of collecting Agenda money, but rather to help those who certainly need help. If we Loyal Pride to Meet.
cannot accomplish what we are trying to accomplish, we will refund every cent collected. special Summoned meeting now appeal to those silver emof the Loyal Pride of the Isti mus Lodge no. 7980, 0, ployees who have not yet joined will be held tonight in the Brotherhood to make the sacrifice at once and show that their rooms 21st Street Central Avenue at 30 sharp, for they appreciate the help so kindly the purpose of Initiation of can oifered to us. Already the ene.
didates and Installation of Otti my is in the field exceedingly wait cers for the ensuing term. All conscripted: volunteer; let our members of Sister Lodges are uroblication be also complete: cordially invited nothing less than one hundred per cent Pueblo Nevo Las Sabanas, and They are a few silver employ.
San Miguel Baptist Missions ees who will not join the Brotherhood because they are either series of Evangelistic Serat raid of offending their bosses, or The Elecvices will be held at Pueblo Neuvo they are waiting to reap where tric Iron is usco toLas Sanabas commencing June they did not sow. Most of these day in thousai ds of 29th and every evening until the tellows draw between 60. 00 and of July. At San Miguel 75. 00. Some of them not only homes. Have you bought one Panama from July 6th, and every seith yourself?
evening up to the 11th. These conditions in general, but Services are to be held to com they also try to prevent others from becoming members of the memorate the founding of the above Mission five years ago. on Brotherhood. Their only grieMonday July 4th the San Miguel vance is that they are not draw.
Church will have a Rally. All ing twice time 75. 00. These 75 are invited.
wen should be first to join the Pastor Rev. PINNOCK.
Brotherhood, for they will be among the first to get hit should Bishop Knight Coming.
the Government decide to supplant alien with American LaCall and ask about these The Protestant Episcopal conbor. You foolish 75, 00 Non Unjun e that it the t you see that gregations here are making preLiberal Terms.
parations for the coming of the common labourers are paid full Rt. Rev. Albion Knight.
wages, you ll be better able to Bishop of Panama Canal Zone, on live when turned out of your clerical job? Don let pride hold his Annual visitation There are classes for you back my Brother for ll confirmation at all of the churches keep bammering you until you Phone 602 Phone 150 and the bishop will be kept busy come out of your shell and come when he comes, going from place to place to perform the Ancient Fellow silver employees, Colon Electric ice Supply Co.
Apostolic Rite.
again advise you to beware of the hypocritical gold employee, ADVERTISE IN and the traitorous Negro; keep far from the man who is afraid Sta. Ana Plaza, Panama.
Bolivar Street, Colon. The Workman to let the public know how he is transacting the affairs of the public. have some statements IT PAYS to the past secrebeen rker, president of All the mem the Hope ated he states: We ARE YOU GIVING YOUR WIFE SQUARE DEAL?
to be strong; don ELECTRIC FLATIRON No more discomfort bending over a hot stove, no fumes as from other irons. You can iron anywhere that there is a lamp a socket.
the hand.
The handle is always cool and will not burn or blister lost in changing Irons. It stays hot as long as wanted: No time lost in waiting for irons to heat and no steps ఆద state that that they are quite satisfied un man, Can to this country.
Compañía Panameña de Fuerza y Luz


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