
as Consul: sign tion As that tiine in years be wing Others OF them on in Caledonia took their y and were carrying other hind.
strong into please. ou ll Working the Further, spread a apparent your stay ure stated In be or Central Drug Store PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JUNE 28, 1919 Recent Labour Troubles the forces and woke dhe verte openly The seven principle ringleaders just been burned down and other spect, and before any steps were tien into the complaints and de inform us what their effects are still on police fence consisted of, and bow much the verdict of the Supreme Curt taking everything in considera scene, they had committed inany In witness whereof we here money they had managed to save in San Jose.
tion it was considered advisable ontrekes such as would not be by sign our mes here with se Continued from Paye the scopeople were embered that ARRESTS ON PANAMANIAN TERRI invite Glashen to accompany tolerated in any part of the world companied by car seals of office in exactly the rest of the men under arrest without meeting fore with fotce. MCAD LM. His Majesty lost or stolen, be rejected. It same position as the labourers TORY AND TRANSFERRENCE TO and suspicion to Limon. The As matter of fact and as seems a perfectly logical thing to who struck work, receiving the COSTA RICAN TERRITORY Cause is strong against bim and as counter to the general complaints EDUARTE, Costa Rican Coin had same amounts of money their dirst ac for the same period. In all cases garding the arrestinge or Brilis hands of the Supreme Court in was produced to the Cominissica great deal has been said re already stated, it is now in the of the strikers clear evidence missioner; JORFERI GONG RO, COOtion would have been to safeguard the amount of clothes possessed West Indians on the Panama side Sun Joxe awaiting verdict. As that men willing to work were pany Lawyers it at and and it is signifi PONTON, British Vice as before stated, these so called the most that we could learn in of the Sixaola River by Costa regards Gibbs the testimony cruelly at o Rican officials and of their being given by hi. was in accordance cant that these men were the Consul Bocus. savings do not coincide with the regard to saving was that if transferred across the bridge to with the letter sent to Panama anna strikers ow countrymen, one a NOTMAX, Baptist Minis prime reason of the strike in. they managed to save a twenty the Costa Rican side, and the but evidence was produced to native of Portland, one a native ter Bocas)
ability to keep body and soul to dollar piece occasionally it was question of observing extradi the Cominission showing that his Patrick Town, and a third from this subj ct to the fol gether on the wages paid during as much as they could do ghts has been loudly in. barber shop was a regular meet. Springtid, particuiarly the lowing reservation: the past three or four years.
mentioned ing place for the strikers and second and third, the latter being demur to the statement con Most of the labourers have been COMPLAINTS OF ILL TREATMENT mented upon.
resident in this area for even less AT THE HANDS OF THE COSTA before, it is quite clear that the that he was a distinct lender under medical attention for four tained in lines to 11 ore 17 strike took its inception on Pana addressing the meetinus on th werk. In fact, the Rev. Mr. Not of report ceriin monis than that period. We now pass RICAN POLICE ma territory in the towns of on to the loss of effects. In this The Commission made a close Guabito, Alminute and Bahama side of the trader, pren man Voluntarily testified that for were expended by the na to inciting to violence. In fact, the first tin twenty he only on the labourers. The connection, proof has been estab sww strikers lished, that the men were inform have to report as follows:and was originated by in conversation with the detetive enquiry into this complaint, and del Toro, vees of the company who arrested him (but be with heavy clubs and a statement provisions etc, for labourd about armed amounts stated were spent for non non ed that they could take their efTo instance and and er strongly knowing who he was) he own of this nutie, coming from a police, who on account of hain fects with them, but here again has been brought forth showing supported like them intro pael, having an inumate knowleda o centlman so well known and re in the bush hud of course, led the wide gulf there is between these people inade no secret of it the burning of the Commissary spected thongst the strikers, is fed. NOTMAN solutely refused to touch them. West Indians in general, and the though when trouble reached and the attenpts to murder significant.
and the consequent loss can only natives of the Central American their door they were the first to And yet this person has made a be attributed to the foolish atty Republics. There appears to be cry out. Despite the fact that claim for five huudred dollurs ArginRARY ACTS ALLEGED TO tude adopted by them The following Rules and Regulatiors a mutual distrust between them every person was given full and gold, while another man, James HAVE BEEN COMMITTED BY and apparently neither will take ain!
effects with THE opportunity to prove his Eccleston, from the saine place OFFICIALS THE will be soon in force on all Living House ILNITED FRUIT COMPANY the trains to Bridgefoot where other and as in nine cases out of ed on Panamanian territory by claim for twenty tive thousand ere the trouble to understand the assertion that they were arrest and from the same record, makes After July First. No dogs, nor cats will taken In order to give absolute jus be permitted to live in these Flats.
the farms, ten there is an ignorance of each Costa Rican officials in not seen later on single instance could such proof tice to all concerned a very care.
them along the tracks to other trouble arises, whatever is said be adduced, in fact, every proof tion rights not being observed it commission into the acts said to In regard, however, to extradi ful investigation was made by the All birds, but Parrots, must be left he points. number of men, how on either side is misunderstood was, produced to the contrary. should be clearly noted that there have been committed under this. Unless your business to Police is known ever, left the camps and proceed and antagonism at once shows itNo not ed the adjacent woodland self. In the case under review, est complaints in this connection Panama and Costa Rica.
is no extradition treaty between heading and particular attention where they took up their resis The dence with fellow countrymen in to acts of violence, armed police Gibbs. The former is cited as by the latter, but was never rati subjects and statements made as soon as the strikers resorted are two men nained Glashen and treaty was drawn up and ratified the letters submitted by British time was given to the charges made in you are not allowed to use the Telephone.
From August to November, if you shelters already built or erected were sent from Limon to take sort of travelling minister of fied by the former consequently, Frequent mention was made of by themselves.
Close down your Windows, or It should be care of the Costa Rican territory the Baptist body (apparently there is a mutual working ar two men named Farrar and Cough, and Snoeze.
clearly understood that in the on the Sixaola River and it working independently and the ran majority of cases these shacks Don drive no Nails or Screws into or ranches were erected on and kon appears that in all the evictions proof is conclusive that he was rangement between the officials Kress, but particularly of the land belonging to the United ranches in the woodland, armed duced to the Commission that those who come within the pale ment is quite in accurate for Hall the destroying of the a leader as evidence was puros on both sides of the river to ar latter who throughout was men the the walls rest and surrender to each other tioned as a German. This state Or Court or make love, in the Dining off and erected dwelling on land police took a prominent part. It he took part in open air e River of the law without observing for hilst Kress a Unless these Rules are kept, and well belonging to the Costa Rican Gov. is feasible that the sight of armed on the Panama side of the policemen with fixed and the legality of this parents, he himself was born in respected.
and addressed two gatherings.
bayonets ernment. It was obvious that the police kind of terroris in Deration, if doubted, is one for United States and brought up Your presence in this Hore, will be upon crossing COMPANY WOULD NOT amongst the West Indians, and bridge from Panatinas Territory higher authorities to adjust. The there. His Majesty Consul ! rejected TOLERATE also a spirit of resentment and, to speak to the Governor opinion is, that the present pro sires to say that throughout the of cedure megave the Limon war Kress armed as But if you show, a decent, genteel mind on Costa Rican territory ress has always hey were, it gave the lhe told the latter that he repre. ACTS OF VIOLENCE COMMITTED ly been pro Ally in sympathy And all bad instinct, truly liv behin!
residences of this kind on land native policeman an opportunity he The manager will do the best to make belonging to them, by strikers of to assert himself. It is very clear sented the strikers, and wished BY THE STRIKERS.
and before the entry of the their own farm, and prompt no that in many cases words were to speak to him regarding Uuited States into the war die We regret to report that there was an American through an tices were given to quit the land. exchanged, and thougt the bayo the men who had been arrested. is overwhelming proof as to the Happy. Pleasant one in every way.
In regard to residences erected nets were not used, there is no At that time a commissary had guilt of the strikers in this re.
through These facts on the Government land it is the doubt whatever our minds winde in order to give him full justice proper thing to obtain from the but that the butts of the rifles regard to the the frequent men PARAISO authorities a a permit to reside were used to intimidate. In the tion of him. it appears that he thereon, but in not a single in Talaunanca district, we found this had a great deal to do with the Victory Lodge stance could such a permit election from the shacks See produced and several of the squat complaint very general, but in a instances is clear ranches built in the woodland by Quite a lively time was spent ters admitted to the Commission that some of the West West Indians and indian appears that a few evenings ago. When a that theChieffof Police had warn indulged in acts and words of de FOUNDED IN 1881 the destroying of these was a representative body of the oficers ed them months ago to obtain the rision towards the Costa Rican great deal under his direction so and members met to bid farewell necessary permit, but no notice authorities. We are of the opinion THE OLDEST DRUG STORE IN PANAMA far as the Company land was to their guests of honour Bros.
appears have been taken. It that the Chief of Police of that concerned. There may have been Fraiser (officer) and it seems CITY, AND THE MOST MODERN ONE.
it was consid district, Mr. Chiappi acted occasions when rough work was Guerrro, their departing brethered desirable to have with forbearance and Just in Stock a large Assortment of in evidence, bnt even on this ren.
threatened to point the Commission was unable The former goes to the United ment removed. Investigation ere did not permit any excesses on to find direct evidence on the States, on a well earned vacation re the part of the Costa Rican police Brook Powdered Barley other hand, there is no doubt but tion of notice to quit there is a properly insisted on the strikers SMALL AND LARGE TINS that the strikers used nung and the latter to his home in great conflict. The men are conforming to the rules of estabepithets and were defiant, evi Ecuador. Lively and well chosen firm in their contention that hat no lished law and order according to BROOK GROAT the basis of his sup. addresses befitting the occasion, notice whatever was given while the laws of Costa Rica. But we Specially recommended for children and persons detail on nationality. The were meritoriously tendered the Commission on the other hand it is contended are convinced that in his absence, Convalessing.
is satisfied that no gentlemen. officers and memthat ample notice positive proofs can be produced bers In turn; as they were genwas served. his deputy, Ruperto Morales.
to the good things either against himn or any other very close MANUEL ESPINOSA Tne ly and into the of the Company employees. It provided ihem state.
departing pd, and are unaniMEASURES Central Avenue, 33 den that the strikers were so geasy to the toasts, after in turn, responded mously of and the complaints made regard: Opposite La Merced Church Panama. impressed by the security of ment of a week notice to is substantially true and correct Indians were amply borne out quit ing the treatment of the West their own position to paralyse all which the members dispersed, trafic and efforts against them animated with the spirit of Unity and would agree with the time by the marks the men carried on that when they found out they and Brotherhood. resolved on the from the commencement of the had made a sad mistake, exas exertion of persistent efforts to bodies, and of peration prevailed and despera. uplift and further the progress labour. In regard to the other shown to the Commission during tion followed. On this point the of the negro, and the race.
of the effects said to have been that this person be promptly rethe We inquiry. recommend evidence is quite clear. We think fair minded persual of the it only fair to state that figures statements shows them be moved from any position of au.
were produced to us showing the TO YOU WEST INDIAN grossly exaggerated. It it hard concerned, and that proper re thority where West Indians are expenditure by Mr. Zeledon Chi to believe that these appi respectively, of the sums of ef.
nd other articles menment and also to the Bocus By NICHOLSON NICHODLS watches of the value of 20 presentations be made to this fect to the Costa Rican Govern 2, 960, 25 and 822. 00 gold for THE CITY PHARMACY food supplied by the United To West Indians in Panama tioned in the same proportion of Costa Rican Divisions value, altogether out of propor United Fruit Company, and we the Has supplied a long felt want by opening up Fruit Company to feed the Have you not heard the Ciarios call strikers ejected from the Com. Equal precaution fears no fall tion to the wages earned and the an up to date pany premises.
suggest that this be Why should you not obey the cry the strongly saving out of same, promptly and done.
bearing in mind the fact that Sixaola district, under charge of COMPLAINT THAT THE STRIKERS er our doors close 11th July As regards the Soda Water Fountain WERE COMPELLED TO WORK AT Shall we say, traitor. time is done these expensive articles were Mr. Luiz Zeledon, we stated to have been bought in that this officer acted with pru: we are satisfied To morrow you ll save no place in the THE POINT OF THE BAYONET ol and refreshening Drinks of all flavors most cases within the past four Idence and years.
dence and good judgement, and served with Syphon Soda, at moderate prices This complaint, which seems to have raised the most excitement In far off lands our Race excelled only resorted to force abroad, was This fact much impressed th force was being used by the very thoroughly Neath fire and smoke the foes repelled Commission, but full considera strikers. And it should be clear THE CITY PHARMACY gone into by the Commission and Do you believe your cause is just we are satisfied that no such ar In cherishing a thought of distrust?
tion was given to the claims ly borne in mind that the made, and the facts relating serious outbreaks of opposition bitrary methods were adopted Are you aware of, what it will be?
130 CENTRAL AVENUE either by the United Fruit Co. or a or Negroes awake tis not slavery deadlock as between the state district under this officer jurisby the Costa Rican officials at the Shoulder your burden fraternally: ments made by the men and the diction. In regard to illegal ar instigation of the former. These statements of the opposite side rests, in all cases we are satispeople are but human all and have always said. the truth out but inasmuch as a number of tied the men arrested were propJUST OPENED British prestige is held in too No need to beat the bush about men admitted to the Commission erly arrested under suspicion of high respect to sanction any such that they had received a full having taken part in acts of vio acts. We probed into this accusa Perhaps some day you ll bear with me week notice to quit the place lence such as resisting police au its deepest limits and had And in your heart of hearts agree so, there been the slightest proof Nothing that tends to elevate our Race wait and 122 Central Ave. Panama their shelters torn work, the burning of Sixaola forthcoming that such acts had Answers its quest, one single trace down, it appears they have only commissary, attempting to derail (near late Continental Bank)
been in evidence we would re Mark, read, digest and obey the call commend instant action for the As united we stand Divided we fall; bornness exhibited. And finally, farms, and last, but by no means BROWNE McALMON, Prop proper punishment of those con cerned. This accusation was too in not one single instance was least, the distinct attempts to proof produced against any per to murder by shooting. These serious a one to NOTICE!
pass over lightly son as having stolen the effects men were arrested and taken to large assortment of DRUGS and CHEMICALS and it received our closest attenin fact, not a single clue was the Island in the Bay of Port Li tion but we are bound to confess put forth by the claimants which mon, and detained their pending PATENT MEDICINES The Management of the could be to investigation Those TOILET WATERS, PERFUMERIES, SOAPS vestige of truth in it and the only workman begs to notify any corporation or Government, whom nothing could be traced conclusion we can come to in the Secretaries of the various We think it only right to say in a definate sence, were realeas matter is that the strikers, when Friendly Societies and Secret that we made special trips to ed. We feel it our duty to say they saw the armed police, fan.
certain of the farms where no that in nearly all cases there was they were to be compelled Orders, whose Lodges appear in Prescriptions carefully compounded to work in the manner alleged. our Friendly Societies Directory strike took place and took the evidence against them, and it opportunity of talking with the was only upon the personal apJ. BROWNE DAVIDSON We hereby declare the foregoing column to communicate with and visiting their camps. We peal of Mr Consul McAdam to Druggist Druggit to be our just, frank and unani the office making the necessary entered the houses, talked with the Costa Rcian Government that Phone 939 mous opinion given after the correction of any errors appearthem, and initiated their confi 42 of the released deepest consideration and rend.
ing in their LodgeNtice.
ered after a through investigaany case what throughout a the German basi Commission her erously helped Yeesia so brothers. In Went USED EXTREMELY HARSH strike to the imp the their Meet Me at the Fountain.
to men afect and or scope for sun?
when The Chemical Hall tion to. properly attached to against cied men were


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