
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JUNE 28, 1919 PAGE SEVEN The Different Garage.
Nof INDIFFERENT Sailings for Bocas Launch ALBA une cattle?
CARLOS HENRIQUEZ CHALMERS GARAGE shall in turn Good Picture place.
Scranton Photo Studio ours curiosity, gold em: Country: The Calidonia Jewelry Store American Civiliza ideas and principles. We failed cannot rise above his stock of to make him see froni a new tion and the West point of view, hence we are un Indian.
able to eat three square meals a day change our garments, use a tooth brush and powder. in For more than a decade, we sbort we are unable to control West Indians have been under those values which make life the influence of American civil worth living Leaves Colon for Bocas del Toro tion, and as result, we have imWhat are we going to do about bibed many of the ideols of the it? Shall we be like dumb driven The Garage where every one is treated alike.
American people. We were No, we ll make any sac Every Tuesday.
un der the immediate supervision of ritice to secure our rights white bosses One Price Some who claim to be leaders (Good Service almost every day Taking Freight Passengers for eight hours. Some of us sat advise that we should ask for beside the white man pushing what we think we would be like Right Pricse For Further Particulars Apply to our pens into the ink, and ham ly to get. To do so not only mering the keys of a a typewriter us as base cowards, but at least six days a week. Our also suggests that we we are asking spent most of their time charity. The question lasses fore shouli in the homes of the white people be, Am entitled to enjoy the 25 BOTTLE ALLEY Phone 325 with whom they worked. Our shits of Nature Yes answers COLON children were taught from the Creator. By tha sweat of Americar textbooks, by West thy face thou eat bread.
Indian teachers who in I am giving labor equal in un ve were supervised by by Americans, quantity and quality to tha: kiv.
Friendly Societies Directory Most of the newspapers and en by the other fellow, and am 13.
magazines read by us were edited therefore entitled to enjoy the by Americans. During ou our lei same things that he enjoys Court Brock No. 6725, Superior Lodge, No. of Court sure hours we were always in through his labour. am a Bolivar St. Colon General meet. Brock, Bolivar Street, Colon, de Gou close proximity, whether the made. ings ist, and 3rd, Wednesdays Secty. Regular Convention 2nd and 4tti Friday my streets of Panama and colon, br hood. can better do this when Samuel Crawford, or increases one interest in with on the ball ground. The instinct protection in reathers who suffer a.
nights of each month at p.
Court Land, No. 8448, imitation is is ever accompLand Hall Higino St, San Miguel General meetings ist and 3rd ThursRose Bud of the Isthmus Lodge, gradual, almost imperceptible lished without sacrifice. will close change has taken PHOTOGRAPHY my ears to the advice of the gold days Secsy George Alleyne, Atoon of 24th Street, GuachaP. C, employees and TRAITOROUS pali, Meeting nights 2nd and 4th MonWe noticed that the whites NEGROES, shall continually Court John Wallace No. 9111. days in the month. Secretary Adrians through organization secured arv CALL IN AT THE IN AT 24th St. Guachapali General Armatrading, Box 704, Ancon, their rights. We also have fallen cry out against the wrongs that in line and are organizing even with my tonge pen and mouth are not righted. will support Alexander Sanchez, Ancon Sector: Loyal Johnathax No. 2841 LO. S, 20 St. Cen. Ave, General meetings more rapidly than the whites did the the united 1st Friday and 2nd Wednesday But horrible to state, some of Brotherhood or ang Court Mizpah, No. 9199, Grant, Seety, Panama, them think that organization will organization which offers to the Morning Star Lodge 24 St Guachapali Negro a a helping hand regardless General meetings 1st and 3rd. wednes. Lily of Panama No, do us no good, and may possibly of the corsendians. Sleep no!
do us harm; so they are trying 68 Central Avenue Phone 1050 20 Balboa Heights.
and 4th Tuesdays Mr. Boyer Seety.
meetings 2nd to take the revolver out of the Arise West Court Minerva No. 9294, 7F, Ancon, jad hands before he shoots him longer. These merry boy of who self. Would it not be better to never fail to defeat the And you are sure to be interested in having Samaritans Hall San Miguel General Meetings ist and 3rd Saturdays Secty, nights 2nd and 4th Saturdays. Loyal Isthmian Star Lodge, No. 13; meeting show the lad how to use the gun, ors white boys at baseball, racing; your PICTURE taken by the genial proprietor Sydney McClean, Secretary Box 866. Victor Hall, San Miguel or school and impress upon him the im. given examinations when Ancon Canal Zone.
Secretary portance of being on the defen given a chance to compete must. McKENZIE Yearwood, Ancon BorCourt Paradise No. 9292, A, O, F, sive, rather than leave him un not be defeated in manhood by Land Hall San Miguel General Star of the Isthmus Lodge No. 2166 armed and at the mercy of ban these same white boys because (LATE OF THE MARINE STUDIO meetings 2nd, Tuesday and 3rd. Satur. Grand United Order of Odd Fellows dits. The more you keep the gun we failed to make the necessary day. Seety. A Rouget. Balboa regular meeting nights 2nd and Atla away from him, the more deter sacrcritices which would have Tuesday. Secretary M. Wilkinson mined will be be satisfy bis given them a tighting chance.
Printing, Developing and Enlarging Court Pacific, No. 9751 A, O, Box 411, Panama Groves Hall ist. Ave. La Boca General meetings ist. and 3rd Satur Household of Ruth No. 961 GL.
Those gold employees who STOUTE days, SPECIAL FEATURE make it their sacred duty to adEmpire O. Convening nights Monday each vise silver employees not lu join Pythian Pride Lodge No. 1, K, of month; Worthy Recorder Martyn the United Brotherhood are the Loyal Progress Hai Calidonia Regu Box 198 Panama.
lar Convention 2nd and 4th Wednesday sort that are always a disgrace Keeper of Records and Seal Green The Panama Canal Lodge No. 1410, to their country, Ancon O, United Brotherhood of Maintenance of ployees should spend their time America Really Free Panama Star Lodge No. Way Employees and Railway Shop Lapreparing as the immortal Lin. Land Halla San Miguel Encamp borers. Regular cessions secon and coln did for the opportunity that ments Ist. and 3rd. Tuesdays Jarvis fourth Fridays each month at Grovels may present itself. Have these Seribe, Anoon Hall, La Boca semi illiterates no aspirations to དཔ Loyal Pacitie the Presidency of the US! Under the above caption a coGroves tall La Boca General meet Isthmus of Panama Lodge No 2151, hope every Negro will be man respondent writing in the New ings ist, and 3rd. Thursdays United Brotherhood of Maintenance of enough to tell this class of gold York World of Jute the 8th iost. Obarrio Building. No. 2, Calidonia Road Hunter Sects. La Boca.
Loyal Pride of the Isthmus Lodge, borers. Regular cessions first and third Way Employees and Railway Shop employee to go where it is never says :at the freezing point Scotchman whose fortune it was 21 St. Central Avenue, Let us look at the subject from to hold for sixteen years in Glasgow the LET EXPERT HANDS DO YOUR General meetings every two weeks Mondays each month at St. Anthony (Wednesdays) wm. Lawrence, Hall, Caledonia Road.
another angle. We have been the prosession of school attendance officer Seety, Box 805, Ancon above question.
taught that dirt, dampness, feel like WATCH REPAIRING Star of Chorillo, No. 635.
darkness, and lack of good food It is honestly amusing to find Loyal Progress No. 8, and pure air are not conducive to German, who says he is Caledonia General meseings 2nd meeting nights 2nd Tuesday WE KNOW HOW. TRIAL WILL CONVINCE. Tuesdays and Saturdays Blades and 3rd Thursday each month, Secretary the longevity, and that we should an American at heart teaching Seety, Box 974 Ancon. Samaris Ancon Post Odre.
clean our teeth, change our gar children in our public schools, and all Loyal Ionica, No. 12, M, and bathe regularly. Ar the while, provided with this glorious op. Wedding and Engagement Rings a Specialty. 24th St, Guachapali General meetings Perseverance Lodge, No. 229, ter fostering and stimulating in portunity, in idiously instilling into their Ist, and; 3rd, Mondays J, F, Rallon Druids Hall, 20 St. Central Avenue.
us the desire for the afore young minds ideas which are by no means Buckner, Secty. Anoon Meeting nights, 1st and 3rd Wednesdays mentioned conditions, we are de democratic O, CAMPBELL Future Hope No. 2104 and 3rd Saturday. Per. Secty.
nied the means means thereby we may WATCHMAKER On, yes, we are free! apply for a sitAND JEWELLER.
satisfy the need, although we uation as an assistant official under the 20 St, Cen, Ave. averal meetings 1st Brown, Ancon Box 1011.
and 3rd Mondays, Saw Huggles Secty Phone 1053.
Cars Stop at the Door. Box 1081 Ancon St Mitchell Lodge No. 30. of give our labor just as well as Cruelty to Children authorities. Why, those on the gold roll. Yes, am told you are the viry type of Loyal Johnathan No. Daughter No and D, of S, Samaritan Hall, San is to blame for this sau man we are so anxious to employ. am 2758, L, O, S, 20 st. Cea. Ave, Miguel; General Meetings, 1st, 2nd and General meetings 1st Tuesday and 3rd 3rd, Wednesdays David Leon, Secretary: state of affairs. First, those who told to come fixed the wages. Secondly, those Then as an after thought, comes and start work Monday to produce a paper saying you had re Ideal is the rule in this God country Thursday. Miss Williams Secty. Box 1002 Ancon Cizo the who accept such wages.
question, are you an American? No Inounced the reigning powers of the coun Yes but it has a devil own way of run Ancon St Marks Lodge No. 21, Galilean Those who fix the wages am a Scotchn an, three years in New try that saw your birth. aing its affairs.
Lily of Paraiso Lodge No. 8714, Fishermen Meeting nights 1st, 3rd, and would not for a moment admit York. Very sorry indeed, but a GLASWEIGN.
America holds the Grove Hall, La Boca, Meeting 4th Mondays, Samaritans Hall San Mivery very unenviable that the standard of living peculiar Federal law prevents me from distinction of being the worst country in nights 2nd and 4th Thursday each month. guel. Secretary Evans, Box 712 Ancon brought to the Isthmus by West employing you.
Secretary Fitz Bowen, Box 701: An Post Office.
the world in which crime of any ADVERTISE IN Indians is as high as that which is and Isn this a wonderful consistent councon, Canal Zone.
obtained among the gold em. try? You can go to England, Ireland or every descriptiom goes unpunished. An The Workman Britains Pride Lodge No. 2343. Order fill other day, Royal Primrose Lodge, G, o. of of Druids Druids Hall 20th St. Central that the ten years meeting nights every Tuesday San Avenue William Benskin Seeretary; IT PAYS re job anywhere, you never would be asked heavens will fall when a clean, square ten years education received by Miguel Clarke Secretary, West Indians Box 807, Ancon powerful enough to raise their Guiding Star Lodge, No. 2322, Druids ideal of living to the same plane Hall; 2nd and 4th Mondays and 2nd Gorgona Star Lodge No. 3, A, S, that on which the ideal Saturday. Secty. Mrs. Esther Fletcher, Meeting nights 1st Monday 2nd of the gold efnployees rests.
Ancon Box 1036.
and 4th Thursday each month, Druids Grove, 20th street, Central Avenue those Continue to hold down the do who fix wages Britain Pride Lodge, No. 2343; 2nd Fonseca, Scribe, Box 741, Ancon, Post and 4th Fridays. Druids Hall, 20 St. Office.
on the Silver roll! Because Central Avenue. Seety. William Benstheir orignal idea of the West ken, Ancon, Box.
Loyal Primrose Lodge, No. 1016, Indian supposed inferiority to Meeting nights 1st Tuesdale the gold roll man has remained Rising Star Juvenile Lodge, No. 2341; each month, Blakes Hall San Miguel unchanged through these years THE HOME OF 2nd Tuesday each month. Secty. Clarke Secretary Ancon Post Office.
during which thrones and those Headley who sat upon them have passed in Star of Hope Lodge No. 632. Encampments 1st and 3rd Tuesday Panama Star Lodge No. 4, I.
is not surprising when we recall Meeting nights 1st Saturday, 2nd every month Court Land Hall San Miand 4th Monday in each month, Loyal guel Hanna, Scribe Box 702 Ancon the fact that it is easier for a man coat sleeve to get fresh Progress Hall, Calidonia Road. Secretary Post Office.
Sydney McLean, Box 866, Ancon, all of a for Loyal Felix Lodge, no 26, U, hat man to change his ideas sudHigh and Low Cut meeting every Saturday night denly for new ones. But the District Corresponding Secretary, Mount Carmel Lodge Hall; San Miguel, hxer of wages has had more Thomas Headley, Ancon Box Vernon Secretary.
than ten years in which to change, in all the Latest Styles and Prices to Meet 1011.
and the transition could have Royal Victoria Lodge, No. 2344, Odd Star of Dorcas Lodge, No. 12, been a gradual one. Why then has he fallen into the rut! The un. the Pocket of All Fellows Hall, 10 and St. Colon. meeting every Wednesday night, swer is evident; Every person Alternate Fridays. Secty. Frank MacLean Mount Carmel Lodge Hall, San Miguel, The Canal Press, Mt. Hope. Benn Scribe.
is, in handling his action from day to day, pretty much at the mercy of the stock of rules and principles he has on hand, and we West Indians failed to anDr. CONNELL Dr. JOHNSON nounce in clarion tones that we Sole Agent SURGEON DENTIST were progressing, and that our SURGEON DENTIST ideals were becoming loftier.
We placed too much confidence Can be found at 175 in 37 CENTRAL AVENUE PANAMA our employer sense of jus.
tice, forgetting that his judge.
Central Avenue Phone 1003 Address ments no matter how sincere, Opposite Station Ancon, 852 As a our Friend. the ments, wbo as LA MASCOTA men This stagnation of fideas The REGAL and BOSTONIAN Shoes wrinkles sudden than MULLER


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