p. 8


PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JUNE 28, 1919. THE BRASS BULLET won ment for That this right over 1000 members and white Wild Women did the trick as he succes The Bride Awakening Tuesday and Thursday from.
given 3 1 1 1 1 a 1 5 0 0 century Standard aims Cricket.
Open Forum PACIFIC THEATRE UNION HALL BRITANNICS CRUSHES BRITISH TO THE EDITOR THE WORKMAN. GUIANA PANAMA COLON The British Guians was seen in action last Sunday for the first time TO NIGHT TONIGHT (Held Over from Last Issue.
since the opening of the Cricket season All their other matches had been put off, and much had 13th and 14th Episodes of the Sensational been expected of Episodes 5th and 6th of the Universal La Boca, Canal Zone, them whenever they went in action, but Universal Serial Master Serial June 20, 1919.
on Sunday last on their own ground, they were simply crushed by Britannics.
Sir: Permit me space in your valus. The Lure of the Circus There was rain during the week, but ble columns for the expression of my Saturday was bright, and the day opened opinion relative to the Silver Employees FEATURING Association of which am a member exceedingly bot on Sunday, and naturally all Fandom looked forward to a beauSome time ago was approached by EDDIE POLO tiful cricket day few of the weatheran officer of the above named Associawise said the sun was too hot to conTo morrow Sunday tion who informed me of its rapid and tinue so, and that there would surely be.
heavy eavy downpour of rain successful progress, its brilliant and earIn this Sunday, June 29 nest efforts to accomplish some achievegame with Britannics the for the employee. He also told me of toss and sent them in in to bat.
MAE MURRAY BEAUTIFUL BUTTERFLY PRODUCTION its numerical standing which was then was the thing to do was demon and solicited my pastrated demon when they succeeded in dismiss in the extraordinary production tronage as a member, Feeling that the ing the for the paltry score cause of its existence was a just one, and runs. Joe Hill was the one who that could not get away from thefact that as he succeeded in captur Unity in itself is a virtue which no ing wickets for runs. Although well thinking man should reasonably wa made such a poor showing with the bat, TUESDDAY, THURSDAY SATURDAY evade, threw in my lot heartily. After their bowling nevertheless, proved paying the regular admission fee of 25 strong, as Britannics lost no fewer than gold, was furnished with rule book wickets before the seore was passed THE LAST EPISODES OF The Continuation of and later on was asked to contribute When rain put an end to the game Bri. 00 gold which sum was being collected tannies bad scored 48 runs for the loss THE LURE OF THE CIRCUS THE BRASS BULLET.
all the members for the purpose of of Swickets. Tramp was the topsending a delegate or delegates to Washscorer with 13 to his credit ington, for the purpose of obtain YORKSHIRE WINS FROM. PICKing on behalf of Silver Employees cer.
tain facilities which, we are told, cannot WICKS.
Yorkshire went over to Empire last Gittens trophy.
Any clut violating this Hollow. Umpires: Messrs. Hall and GOLD PRIZE. New Providence Deputation be afforded us bere.
Sunday and, as was expected, defeated law would be punished according to law Ashby.
From information received, learn Pickwicks. Batting first, Pickwicks 32 of the Constitution. It was also de La Boca vs. Surrey at La Boca that there are available funds in the hamil made a total of 52 runs and, with Teach cided that all games scheduled to take Umpires: Colthrust and.
For Highest individual Continued from Paye to the amount of nearly 2, 000 British Guiana vs. Standard at er Stoute and Jubilee in good form, it place on the Fourth of July should be tors would be really becefited.
Score on 4th July which can be safely used to the carrying postponed in deference to the formal Grounds. Umpires: Ashby and.
did not seem that this was an easy task opening of the Jamaica ground on In answer to when he would out of such a worthy proposition Fully for Yorkshire. It nearly proved so, for Britannic vs. Pickwick at Standard.
visit New Providence. Dr. three months have fled since such peparLovers of Cricket in general, Owens could not say but stated ations have been made, and it does not Yorkshire lost all of their best bats be that day, Umpires: Messrs. Skinner and Roberts and Cricketers in partieular will that he fore the score was in sight, and it was THE GITTENS CRICKET no doubt be pleased to know that that doe would communicate it to yet seem apparent whether the delegate left to Ashby, colt, who made 20 not LEAGUE a Prize of Five Dollars Gold 00)
the deputation goes to Washington or not.
out, to settle down with his captain The deputation then withdrew STAR LODGE No. 28 has been ofered by Mr. Lelis feeling deeply satistied with their To my mind, Mr. Editor, it is not a Philips and win the game. All Yorshire How They Stand.
Maduro for the batsman was eventually out for 85 runs.
The Installation of officers of partymission and exceedingly pleased question of peoples, or race, Played Won fost Drn. Ps. the Triumphant Star Lodge No Matches only top score in the Fourth of RAIN STOPS STANDARD AND with the kind and detailed hear feeling. but a matter of capability folBritannie. If the EA owed by a square deal. 28 of the wil Keen sport and although it may in seases, thomuglas and Shade is here to help its members, it SURREY Pedro Miguel Hundreds of excited fans were dissap Yorkshire take place on Saturday July 5th not be is expected generally he known, at the Morning Star Lodge hall a lively interest in sports gener made at once for obtaining the gardless of creed or takes ate that arrangements will be that everybody enjoys the benefits repointed Inst Sunday when the heavy rains put an end to the game that All Jamaica 123 atreet Guachapali at 30 ally. He is of a genial and cour New Providence Town Hall and this help is to be brought about through or color; likewise, if Surrey being played between the Standard Members try to be in attendance teous disposition, affable and ac have it tastelv fitted up to receive the instrumentality of others. feel there C. and the Surrey on the precisely at this hour. cessible to at all times at the the Dr. Owens and his Committee should be no personalities in the matter, Standard Oval. The day seemed ideal La Boca 10 Maduro Company (formerly on their arrival at New Prvidence but that our eyes be closed to individu. the well prepared turf gave promise of British Guiana Pickwick known as Ville de Paris) at 21 when the entire settlement will alities and unswervingly focused on large scoring, and many were the bets Red Tank R. WILKINSON Central Avenue, where all kinds turn out en masse to receive them. those channels only through which our that both teams go far over the The Workman congratulates salvation can be procured, and apart Although Standard has not come up CONTRACTOR BUILDER sporting accessories can be had. the settlers for their timely ac from se from selfish and ambitions, to expectation this season, it was surprising to see what a lot of supporters it Where They Play To morrow tion in bringing their colony to unite in every effort to achieve the obFirst Class Workmanship to the notice of Dr. Owens Econo ject of our desires.
still had and they were all there to show VOX POPULI mic Mission and wishes them do not say that if the leaders of the their confidence in the club with their Plans and Specifications Free Pedro Miguel vs. Yorkshire at Paraiso.
Rood luck Association feel that representa ion to cash. Standards won the toss and was Umpires: Messrs. Codrington and Brew By NICHOLSON NICHOLLS Washington is no longer necessary, that elected to bat. Surrey enthrusted the ter.
15th Street West House 90 The Voices of the people, in accents low Church Services. plans along that line, for reflection has their attack to Beckles and DeSousa while the Vincentian vs. All Jamaica at Bishop P. Box 411, Panama, and sweet defense was it to Dr. Gittens and Join in the dirge of Liberty,. onward in all ages justified her subjects for the Thomas. The opening WAS our foes to meet PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL taken on her behalf; and we pains dissappointing a Teach fell victim No ultruistie motive, but on your mission know that many a plan and resolution early to Desousa, when he had only bent St. Alban s, Paraiso: made by us, have oftimes resulted in ubun. soored one run, by giving an easy catch NEED We always have on Fighting for right of freedom, fighting for 6, am Holy Communioh.
to mid on.
to mid on.
tion. But then, if the officers of the right misspent.
hand a complete Beckles bowled splendidly, and the 11 am. Morning Prayer and sermon are led this way, why not come only batsman to give him trouble was WATCH!
The way of the transgressor is sure a rug. p. Sunday School and make reasonable adjustment John Charles who made 19, the top line of reliable ged path 30 Evening prayer and address and amicable satisfaction with the Rev. A, Nightengale, Rector.
perscore of his side. Standard was all out low priced Of criticism yoke and an unpleasant son or persons on whom their previous for 52 runs, and this was considered no aftermath St. George s, Gatun plans were brought to bear? Why allow score for Surrey, the Champions of last So. do unto others. as they should the Bolshevism of discord and unrest 11 a. Morning prayer and address the season, to wipe off. De Sousa And season, wie unto you; to spread so far as their ranks? Have p. Sunday School Tudor came out to face the bowling of Be loyal to your calling, and of all goed they forgotten their motto Pull togethTeacher Thomas and John Charles, and 30 Evening prayer and address.
Give us a call before going elsewhere.
things. be true; Rev. Nihhtengale, Priest in charge. much as läeth in you, live in peace with er. The injunction of the Apostle, As we think it, can safely be said a finer piece of bowling has not been seen on You are sure to be on time if your The psychological moment, is now before St. Paul Mission, Chorrillo all men, is applicable to associations Standard Oval for our doors, long while WATCH was repaired by US.
Why not accept atonement. or flee to 11 a. Morning prayer and address Teacher Thomas especially bowled other shores; p. Sunday School It is said by some, that the Association splendidly, keeping a length that defied REMEMBER WE MAKE WEDDING BINGS AND OTHER the batsmen from hitting him, and now Everything is now ready, that true and 30 Evening prayer and sermon. is threatened with dissolution. If this is and again putting in an off break that great desire, Rev. Nightengale, Priest in charge. not practically so, one thing is certain, JEWELRY TO ORDER was well nigh unplayable. He was Be steadfast to your duty: Our cherished St. Peter Church, La Boca that the present unrest which prevaile, heard to in the pavillion that the 52 hopes aspire is in many respects a hindrance and not Missionary Meeting a help warus its advancement, The runs his side had made was not gold, but Vox Populi our slogan, tis sure the voice Sunday next is the festival of St Peter slogan to day everywhere is Organize!
diamond, and that Surrey would have to of God play with 15 men to wipe it off and he Calling to you and others, the people The services at the above named church Organize. Can we consciously do so that day will be as follows: when there are already such bickerings in seemed determined to keep his word.
way to trod Ed Holder tried hard enough especa. celebration Holy Commu our ears coming from those organizations Send forth our loyal patriot, to herald 122 CENTRAL AVENUE nion Matins followed by a second cele that are already in existence. near and far ially when he saw the clouds began to bration at 11 am. Sunday School sdarken, but Teacher Thomas and John Then onward march to Liberty. Like sionary service p. Choral Evensong deed be pregnant with facilities for the Corner 22nd Street, Panama, Phone 939 The Severs organization might in Charles were in good form with the ball the brave Lochinavar.
and it was a matter of Maidens after and sermon at 30 pm. Rev. Mul colored man, but is there indeed any inMaidens from them. When care will preach in the morning and after the rain (eative to join this or any other organstopped the game, Surrey had wickets noon. Rev. Nightengale at night.
down for 24 runs.
runs. If Standard will but Monday at 30 o clock the anization when those already existing are far from the ideal. There is bring their fielding up to the standard nual missionary meeting will be held shadow of doubt to day that the white of their bowling, we predict that the Archdeacon Carson will be the chiel man is not going to champion or cause, speaker. All are invited.
other clubs behind has a hard time th there is too much evidence in the world against them.
Panama Baptist Church to day of this. If then we turn to the LA BOCA DRAWS WITH representatives of our race, and rally Guachapali (BRANDON BANK)
ALL JAMAICA round their standards with the hope of On Sunday 25 at 30 At the La Boca grounds on prayer achieving some consideration, and they meeting 30 morning Sunday School exhibit such acts of selfishnesss preju lice, Sunday last, rain put an end to the at 11 a. preaching service Mr. personalities, and all that tend to mar the match between La Boça and All Jamaion, Whittaker will preach at pm. Sunday of Battiug first La Boca put up a brotherhood, is is there then any PANAMA (FOUNDED 1868)
COLON School at 15 evening service immedia inducement to organize? Is not the white score of 43. Inniss being top score tely after which the Lord Supper will man looking on with pleasure at such exfor his side with 11. All Jamaica replied with 42 for wickets when rain put an Our large Resources and well known be administered to the members of the hibitions. Does he not feel that we church Rev. Hobson will officiate have not yet learned to live in end to the game. After the rain the captain of all Janisica wanted the game to conservative Management afford unat this service Monday evening at 30 In case the Severs organization stould prayer meeting Wednesday evening Hourish should not the exist as continue but as the umpires did not aquestioned security for every dollar at 30 Junior Society of Endeavours a memorial of the colored man to show gree as to whether or no the ground was at 30 Thursday evening at 30 that he is still capable of making an fit for play the game was unsatisfactorily deposited with this bank.
Inquirers class will meet. On the 15 of effort to free himself from the burdens of abandoned. All Jamaica has lodged a July the Panama Baptist Glee Club will misfortune?
protest with the league and the matter hold a rally of the Red White and Blue, will come up early in July for hearing.
Let us hope that the time will not be Providence Baptist Church long when all differences will be amiebly MEETING OF THE LEAGUE COMadjusted, and the wheels of the MITTEE.
New Providence Gatun General Banking Business Transacted Valley be again made to revolve smoothly stil There was a meeting of the Gittens all the grievances of the silver employees League Thursday night at the office of ISAAC BRANDON NATHANIEL BRANDON BRANDON Sunday at 11 a, m, morning service be ameliorated.
Dr. Gittens. Among other business Treasurer. pm. Sunday School Vice President.
transacted it was unanimously decided President.
7, 30 evening service Dr. Clement Thanking you in advance for abundant that no recident of the Atlantic end who son will officiate at these services, space occupied, am, was competing for the trophy at that Monday evening at 30 prayer meet end would be allowed to take part in any ing. Thursday evening society game at this end in connection with the will meet. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATION, ratber bounded satisfaction as a result of reflec forward to WATCHES and JEWELRY the soubor also.
say in FULLER is the MAN you want to see. 30 a.
SECURITY unity wity?


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