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SAD RAILWAY COLLISION RAILWAY TRAGKMEN ON STRIKE AT JAMAICA liard and Dempsey only in the two but Yesterday afternoon about the. David he was Barret, a Pee on his WILLIARD STEPHENSON SPECIAL TRAIN DEFEATED TO BE HANGED TRAIN RUNS In 3rd Round of Greatest Mary Lamb Will be im INTO ENGINE AND CARS World Championship prisoned for Remainder Fight of Her Life Several Gangs Between Kingston Yesterday afternoon, at Buy In a recent issue of the Many Passengers Injured View, Arena, Toledo, Ohio, the Workman we reported the Ву and Ewarton Want More Pay biggest crowd of tight fans ever case of Arthur Stephenson assembled to see a championship and Mary Lamb sentenced to Impact Treated at Hospital tle between the two giant wil. death for the murder of In the Cleaner of the 27th sultant shock seemed to increase bat THE Gleaner of the 27th ul MORE MEN ONISTRIKE.
for timo states that Several the larg Alex. Ander Wint at Berry ulto. appears the following yesterday as the day went along, est purse ever put up for the Hill, Jamaica.
gangs of trackmen employ.
report of a Railway collision but the most serious or rather ed to the Jamaica Prilway and Bog Walk, June 26. It has fistic art in the annals of history the In refereuce to the same which occurred at the Gov. Public Hospital for treatment Seething throngs rushed Kingston and been case detained at the the en relations have been entstrike bourers between here and Ewar arena from every part of the case we reproduce the fol. ernment Railway Yard Kings was that of Isaac Richards, the Ewaròn, Fireman of the Engine which and some more of them ceased the line, have gone on strike to o clock in the evening there were Gleaner of the 19th ulto. for higher pay since Wednesday, ton, on the Ewarton section of United States and long after two lowing extract from the ton, Jamaica, recently: a higher rate of pay. still great masses of people before was bringing in In yesterday issue of the who had a leg broken in two work with the same object yesSpecial, and We are in a position to an: Gleaner we announced the colli. places as a result of the impact.
The men turned out to work the ticket office waiting to enter nounce this morning that His Ex. sion of the special Train from terday.
this morning at the usual hour the already over crowded battle cellency the Governan, after caces Marlie on Wednesday night. went to the Hospital between Not less than thirty four cases The strikers cont nd that six o clock and half an hour camp.
fully considering all the facts bringing back turfites to the city, Wednesday night with the present high cost of after the living, they are unable to existoff, uniese this themselves. The light lasted three roonds, with the case, has decided to set who had gone to the big rasa fternoon for yesterday had their de for more correctlv. just and oikeammstances in connection on the small amount paid mands them. About rounds, as Willard was complete on the recommendation of his meeting at that place, with an none were found serious enough them.
It is claimed that 15 men are involved, it is learnt. ly gone in the second. Heavy Privy Council, and he has signed other train a freight train to be kept in for treatment: they petitioned the Acting Only the Acting foreman, WII sums were lost on the excham the death warrant of Arthur shunting about within the yard Director in April, for an in liams the storeman, Morrice, pion who had a tremendous back. Stephenson, directing that he be limits of the Kingston Railway seven more cases reported them crease of wages, and that he and the line man Abel, were at ing before the fight promised to refer the matter to work, and the three gaugers, In the first round. Willard put Tuesday morning the 1st of July ther details to day of the affair Thornejo breates wald Anderson, selves at the Railway, but these executed within the walls of the Station.
St. Catherine District Prison on We are able to give some fur. did not go to the Hospital. Some tho Governor. Not getting any it is understood that Mr. Brad the tirst blow on his opponent had been by Dr. Albert reply up to the present the men shaw, the Assistant Line Super landed a right and left to thehen next at 30 o clock. So far as which marks another chapter in of Cross Roads, and Dr. Bar.
with a left to the head. He have struck.
intendent, was early on the lisdeackers hemd vifa tw ithe et bad cerned, the sentence of death of late to be dogging the Railway rington Gordon.
head On enquiry at the Railway yesterday, a Gleaner reporter scene, and on communicating siasm and cheered vociferously passed on her has been coin muted Department There were others who went to was informed that the gang the facts to his chief, he was in Dempsey then hooked a left to the to one of penal servitude for life.
Railway to notify their inbig The crime for which the two per cent. be a juries who refused go when there was an all round taken to acquiesce to the des right and left to the head. Dem. accused were convicted was a that a special train coming into Public Hospital used to set to the increase of pay in most departmands of the workers. The Wiljard ja which laid him low are that sineased blant parished appears that freight cars were Brooks, a busman, who is said to sey fired a fierce right swing to most diabolical one. The facts theme de station ishould not have having been treated by private found the line clear, but it ments of the Railway some situation, however, is quiet, He hit him twice. Wint, months ago. No action has Manchester. It was known that being shunted by Engine No. have had a fractured arm and a been taken in respect to the and it is believed the men will The Second round was the her well off and had a tidy tidy under Driver Brown within the sprained kn soon return to work.
knee, Amos pr? sent strike.
finish of the game as Dempsey sum of money in his house. He sard limits.
It went up and busman who had a bounce on got into Williard, hammering his was seen up to the evening before down the lines backing the cars body as well as a blow in the back, jaw with the right and left and his death and he was in good into the order required, when at and Albert Nunes a storeman Willard eye The Glorious The Scadron was dazed and saw the honors spirits. Next morning his life last came the special with its who got a cut on the right knee.
of the World championship less body was in a tank heavy human freight, all anxious number of other persons wno Fourth of July Optical Co. disappearing Foul play was suspected, and to get back to the metropolis, afare reported to have suffered in feeble uppercut gave after a full investigation on the ter their days outing at Marlie, some way or or another a result right was part of the police, evidence was It was about 50 when the of the impact went to private The old time Glorious Opens Branch Offices at Colon rapidly closing. Den pseyo feels secured pointing to the fact that sudden crash sent passengers medical practitioners for treates Fourth is here again, and the fight was over begane to the old man was suddenly pounc knocking about and those who ment and wastino doubt be creatthis year Uncle Sam has public is directed to the adver, back.
The attention of the Colon lenve the ring, but was called ed upon, strangled and his body were less timid or who had not ing damages from the Jamaica dragged his house and lost their nerves jumped out to Government Railway in due been more lively than for tisement of The Scadron Optical dumped in the tank.
find that the engine drawing the course.
Cousin John Company of New York which ap seconds threw in the sponge, and case; and the motive which the come up against another engine In the third round Williard That was the crux of the whole coaches in which they were had TREATED AT HOSPITAL.
was with him in the unbridled pears on another The list of those treated at the of this Jack was awarded the deci Crown suggestod was robbery, with freight cars, hence the un mirth and pleasure of a free scadron has taken away the world cham of the money which Wint had in The 211.
over man As it matter of fact, a portion expected jolt.
Public Hospital, or seen there by and democratic country. been established in the City of pionship from Jack Johnson. his house was traced to the posthe Medical Officers are as folRESULT OF COLLISION The United States, the Panama for several years. And by Isaac Rischards. Railway Fire.
successful Jack Dempsey is in improving largest republic of this hem the sight of numerous patrons, beavyweight champion of the session of Stephenson; and it was From what can be gathered the asserted Lamb, who Engine No. 19, proceeding to man admitted. Stafford Judah, isphere, enjoyed yesterday and many cases actually restor world. The and lived on the Ralph Connings. John Wood, supporters premises as Kingston with the passenger what might be considered the ing sight, has built up perma: dent that their man would be the to the foul deed.
backers of Dempsey were confi the deceased, was an accomplice train under driver Jones, had Pancho Goroy. Thomas Johnson, grandest celebration of her pent practice among the popu. dent reduced her speed considerably Constantine Bedford, James natal day. Not only in the lace of this city, who are loud in winner, and sustained applause The two accused were tried having whistled and entered the Austin (detained for the night. homeland but in the territo their praises of Dr Scadron and resounded through the densely at the recent session of the Man yard limits. On the other hand Walter McGregor, Alfred Uriah of assistants, packed arena when the lamps of chester Circuit Court before his it is stated that she had no head Lewis, ries and possessions the spirit Owing to the large number of the big fighter went out.
Sherwood, Honour Mr. Justice Beard, Act light on while the freight Amos Pattereins Charles Blon, Wilfred of pure patriotism prevailed. persons in Colon who come over ing Chief Justice, with the Hon. had up her light. The latter enwacalele Lion, David Tibby, In this country the festivi tu Panama for treatment the Company decided to Hector Josephs, K, Acting At. under driver Brown stopped and Edward Keating, Nathaniel Don Allan Bliswas endeavon ring to go back aldson, Geo.
open a to become impaired more and torney General, prosecuting.
ties took on a character of branch office, at Colon, which it more every day and at the same.
Mr. J, King appeared for when the impact occurred caus aus sett, Carlton unspeakable impressiveness is felt sure will greatly facilitate losing money. when by the Stephenson whilst the Hon. Finger Forsidengine No 19. had her Bertram Willoughby, Septimus considerably damage to both and Americans with Panama patrons, and others whose eyes consulting Dr. Scadron at Tomlinson defended the woman engines.
nians and all the various give them trouble. There is no his offices at 44 Front Street Lamb. cow catcher and front par Lorraine, Simeon Coley, Ernest foreign colonies on the Isth used two for our people to alow they can have their eyes properly The evidence given at the trial damaged, as also did No. 5, which Stewart, Enos Lennon, Hyman themselves to be repeatedly tested and the right glasses fit. was mostly of a circumstantial suffered perhaps a little ore. Ricketts, William Holmes, Phillip mus participated in the day fooled by the persons posing as to restore their sight.
nature and she counsel for both The passenger cars were slightly Granville Eldon Thomas, Perel Johnson, Charles of days in Ameriean national opticians, and allow their sight life.
defendants laid special stress on damaged, their platforms and val Thompson, Litford Uriah Car.
the danger in convicting on cir buffers suffering more than any ter, Larchin Anderson.
It is difficult to tell how adComing on the heels of the other part, and these will be Evangelistic Services.
signing of the Peace Treaty show to the world a true and The Jury, however, found both justed and put in service again others have consulted private by Germany the day was unquestionable interpretation The Evangelistic Service to prisoners guilty and they were by the end of the week. Evo medical advisers, but as far as marked with an unusual of her democracy in which all commemorate the founding of sentenced to death. Their cases freight cars suffered the most could be ascertained yesterday spirit of enthusiasm. America races within her portals shall the Pueblo Neuvo Las Sabarnas came up for consideration at a being smashed up, one upon top the fireman injury mentioned and San Miguel Baptist Missions Tuesday, and as stated above, meeting of the Privy Council on of the other, as it were.
helped to win the war and enjoy equal freedom, rights will commence on July 6th and His Excellency the Governor has It seemed lucky that both trains the two engines and the two The lines were cleared yesterNow for the human damage. day morning and the damage to the allies helped her to cele and protection. Three cheers continue until the 11th inst. The decided that Stephenson must were not proceeding at some freight cars will perhaps be the brate her Independence. for the United States! Hip, services will be held in the San We felicitate the Grand Hip, Hip; Hurrahl Hip; Hip, Miguel Mission Hall. On the 14th sie and that the woman Lamb speed, or the impact would have highest item of the bill human should be results.
At damage of course excluded, Nation on her birthday and Hip, Hurrah! Hip, Hip, Hip, will hold he rally when eli aisin. Penitentiary for the remainder of any rate the number of those hope for her that she will Hurrah. Continued on page vited.
as many years.
who had lews:results now same many was

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