
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JULY 5, 1919 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands Wanted!
BOCAS del TORO the many They were given to son.
the other children scious.
the TRINIDAD Departure of Naval Men. Newspaper Office De Walter Clarence Arthur bekabo Premier AsquithThe name of After staying in our midst safe.
in III. In the ex (SAN FERNANDO NEWS. guarding our island home against çlares 10 Pere Cent amination in Criminal Law and threatened attacks of the eneins, Procedere.
Van Sertimis placed in Class II. with that of Railway Acci jestys Navy is gradually aban, Dividends Cyril Asquith in Class III the land of Van Sertima. it will be recalled, dent.
As a matter of fact the had been a prisoner in Germany Navy Station will be handed The Argosy Co. Ltd. and it was only this year that he back to the Harbour Constabu took up his studies at Gray Inn, Twelve year old Claudina Nan. lary in the next few days. By the The report and balance Sheet having been previonsly at Oxford ton (better known as Marie) was Caraquet yesterday of The Argosy Co. Ltd. of and afterwards engaged in the for the Farms and Railroads at rather seriously injured while there left for dear old Blighty Demerara, for the year ended war on the battle fields of Flan travelling on the Railway to Chief Petty Officers Smith, 31st March last have been issued ders.
Pointe a Pierre on the morning Taylor, McDonald and to the Shareholders. The balance of King Birthday. The as also the following Sheet of the Company for the of the San Fernando C. Schoonhec. Morrison, Mack. year ended 31st March 1919, Jamaica ačcompanied by Mr. Winter skil skill, Ballard, McInnes, shows the net profits for the head teacher, were on their way and Collier. These men or the cuting and had entrained in the for the past years and, espec. providing far bud and doubtful Pointea Pierre Village for an majority of them, have been here welve months. after making due allowance for Tragic Deaths UNITED FRUIT COMPANY Such Fernando Pointe a Pierre ially the Petty Officers, made debts and and contingencies, amount workmen special for this pur to 8, 364. 93, to which has to be From the Gleaner.
pose. There is a gate on the series of informal send offs, and added the sum of Pointe a Pierre Road situated among those who went to bid 1, 283. 46 brougt The tragic stories of the deaths Free Transportation about 20 yards before the Pointe them on voyage yesterday to were to reward from last year, making of Eustace Williamson, whose lite a Pierre railway station is reach Mrs and Miss Carr and Miss Amy the directors recommend the harbour at the Market Pier, and total of 9, 648. 39. Out of this less body was found floating in the ed which is shut when trains are Huggins, Messrs Romeo, Bird payment of a dividend at the of James Matthew Dyer, a ser.
passing in order to stop traffic and Hannays. Instructor Wills, rate of 10 per cent. for the year, geant of the and is opened again to trattic af. and several others. These which willabsorb 7, 500 leaving a ended his life cutting his throat Regiment, who Apply to COOMBS ter the train has passed. The men speak in the most apprecia. balance of 148. 39 to be carried were told at a Coroners enquiry workmen special consists of tive terms of Trinidad, but of forward.
137 Central Avenue 155 Street in the Parade Court House held two carriages, and on the occa Miss Huggins, the British Sail by His Honour, Mr. Robin PANAMA COLON particular, They sion they were propelled by the ors friend.
locomotive from the rear. It is say they can never forget her becambi heroengine driver blew thoughefulness and kindness in Demerara Scholars Success. lehe fallowing jayowas bean, jury his whistle a distance off before every possible direction. In leav.
reaching the gate, and the gate ing the island it was their great John Valentine, Samuel Kitch. in a state of intoxication and gave ceased was sick for about three keeper was seen running towards desire to hear of the continued Young Sydney Van Ser en. Nathaniel Henriques. Caroline Miller some clothes and months prior to his death, and the gate to open it for the train progress of the pearl of the Bri tima Distinction Gibson Vaz, Hubert Taylor, went back to his work, though seemed much depressed in mind.
and Osmond Muir.
and did not reach in time, for the tish West Indiesthe woman persisted in his re. She believed there was no reason, maining. Nothing was seen or otherwise, for the deceased to train went crashing through, The facts related in the case of heard of the unfortunate man commit such a rash act.
knocking one half of it off and He was In the Times of April 30, af Eustace Williamson were as fol until his dead body was seen about 36 years of age. During smashing the other half into bits, TOBAGO appear the Easter Term results lows: Deceased was an old man floating in the harbour at the his illness, deceased was attend Little Marie, who with many of of the Bar examination and of 60 years of of age, and lived at Market Pier, by Frederick Tinkered by Dr. Turton.
in the second We are having ideal weather two British Guiana law students with one Caoline Miller. He therein are found the names of Matthews Lane in Kingson, along a boatman. policeman Was carriage, must have been stand Charlotte Dyer said she was called and body ing at the window looking out, ta incondicions pernately shinigar in the examination to Constitu to work on the schooner Emer out of the water. in an advanced that in the night the deceased. She for one of the bits of Wová that to conditions apore palenistons 1927 tional Law vand Legal History, ex and was not of sober habits. state of decomposition, removed night of the trugedy.
was staying with him She remained moving about from the when the yield of provisions The Sydney Wan Sertima. On the 19th May last, the schoon to the morgue, and identified. heard Adina Dyer call out. and smashed gate, strack her a blow unprecedented in Tobago. The Oxford. Guiana Scholar 1914, is er was in the harbour and de post mortem examination was when she went into the root she on the forehead, and she with 1918 crop was short, owing tona placed in Class I, with only three censed was working that day: performed on the body by Dr. saw deceased lying on the ground some others was knocked uncon. prolonged dry season It is un others, among them a son of ex. He went to his yard in the night Grabham on the 21st May, with his throat cut and bleeding The train continued its doubtedly expected that should who concluded that death Was profusely. She had never seen way until reaching to Pointe present state of the weather due to drowning Pierre Station. The teachers has continue the crops should be as him acting strangely.
tened to improvise first aid until large as that of 1917. Let us What Position Do You Want. The jury found that the deceased came to Wis death bylin Town police Station, said on Corporal Warden, of the Frank the little sufferer was removed hope for the best.
to the San Fernando Hospital International Correspondeuce Schools, Scranton, Pa.
drowning and that no one was the 9th June, he received some responsible.
where she was attended to and The scarcity of local foodstuffs Branch Office, Ancon, information and went to deceas.
is being keenly felt all over the Soldier End ed home where he saw him ly.
Ward On the 4th ultimo at the Please explain how can qualify for a larger salary in the position, The enquiry into the death of with his throat cut. He took Scarborough market only one ing on the floor in a pool of blood trade, or profession, before which have marked few James Matthew Dyer was next charge of the body. Fighting Peney in Trinidad sleep was slaughtered and a of and bananas ELECTRICAL ENGINEER beld Dr. Grabham who perform.
offered for sale which were disADVERTISING MAN posed of The Port of Spain Gazette of re.
in the twinkling The Coroner briefly told the ed the post mortem examinatiou.
Klectric Traction Municipal Engineer cent date says: eye, the quantity being quite in.
facts to the jury and the evidenee said death was due to hemorr.
was taken Exponents of the tistic art, will adequate for the number of to be interested learn that one of cooks. Imported foodstuffs had His Honour said the jury would Adina Dyer, the wife of the not find it difficult to arrive at a their ilk in the person of Tom to be resorted to, and the shops deceased, said they were married verdict, as the wife of the de.
PLUMBER STEAM FITTER Morenga Bonaparte, a south Am are again reaping a rich harvest.
High School Subjects for years and months and erican champion, or Fighting Ware living Boney as he is known in the erset Lane Lether at 22 Som ceased had seen him in the actoi Franklin Town cutting his throat.
On the 3rd of June some more wn. On pugilistic world, has arrived in of our Tobago boss from the the 8th instant they went to bed The verdict was that the deTrinidad, and is willing to at about 10 front returned.
About ceased, James Matthew Dyer, a into contest with any boxer ac o clock the next morning, the sergeant of the Regiment, Hixber Accounting to the accepted rules of right glad to welcome them as deceased got up saying he heard took his own life by cutting his a rap on the door and went to throat, while temporarily insane.
the game, Grenadian by birth, also Segt. siajor Leo Pouchet. Boney has seen some abroad, who looks extra fit.
look if any one was there. He At the outbreak of war, he was came back immediately and she trainer to the Czech Athletic The rainfall at the Botanic saw bim take his razor and cut hand in marriage?
his throat. He fell on the floor, in Prague, and as war is no Station for May last was 26 Because Bess. am always on the bleeding. She called out to the look out for Big Things. respector of persons, not even inches against 84 inches for fistic giants, he had to submit to May 1918.
other people in the place, De And that was the end of it?
internment as a civil prisoner of war in Austria. With the signing Tobago has still lands remainof the Armistice, the fighting one ing for sale. We want settlers regained his liberty; and a few and investors to develop our months latter, arrived at Barba rich districts not bad land, not dos where he donned he donned the mittens and gave a good account for bim sand but, rolling and rich, dark self against some hard nuts. He top soil and clay subsoil no ferproud possessor of a gold tilizers irrigation or drainage ne.
cessary as nature has provided 1913 cessary isese.
medal won in Prague in 1918 us with these. Seventy to eighty Head Office, National City Bank Builling, New York to sleep bushels of corn can be reaped in the third round.
when put his His record sch ar. Best lands for citrus each year.
to date is a fairly enviable one. and all other plants.
Ao indus fifty six contesta contests, forty nine wins, trio small capital two draws, and five losses. He trious man with never to have gone the can be independent here. Lands deli nearly all above sea no swamps Capital, Surplus, and Undivided Profits Over 9, 000, 000. 00 Cy.
losing games being on points. whliebe has worth meationing. Ideal climate sent many a man to seek the sol and weather. Schools and ace of warm blankets and ice caps. roads.
RESOURCES OVER 100, 000. 000. 00U. CURRENCY So churches in abundance good Added to his ring attainments he is a physical culturist of high Depository of the Panama Canal order, and is also prepared to DEMERARA demonstrate his ability in that direction to the local public. It is understood that arrangements are PERSONAL being made for an exhibition of his prowess at one of our amusement centres, and whether Fighting has been offered, and has acceptThe Hon. Browne, THE INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION IS INCLUDED IN THE ORGANIZATION OF Boney will meet his Waterloo in Tri inidad, is up to the fighting ed the appointment of legal ad The National City Bank of New York fans who are expected to uphold viser to the Georgetown Town colony honour in the manly Council, consequent upon the AND IN CONNECTION WITH THAT INSTITUTION AND ITS DIRECT FOREIGN BRANCHES art. He has entrusted bis man death of Mr. Lawrence.
agement to Mr. Rosenthal of the Mr. Brown is a colored West Colonial Film Exchange to whom Indian Barbadian and a brilliany communication, in his re himself with dignity to his proOFFERS EXCEPTIONAL BANKING, FACILITIES.
ant lawyer who has distinguished gard should be made.
Why don Fighting Boney fession and credit to the race.
try the Isthmus if he feels like picking up some easy money. For ADVERTISE IN if his career as stated above is MORRICE, ROBERTSON, bona fide he should make a good The Workman Sub Manager showing against some of our lo.
Acting Manager.
IT PAYS cal fighters. Ed. Workman. of an hage.
Electrie Wiring Eleetrie Lighting Electrie Car Running 2raph Engineer Telegraph Work MECHANICAL ENGINEER Mechanical Draftsmen Machine Designer Machine Shop Pretice Hoilermaker or Designer Patternmaker Foundry Work Blacksmith Sheet Metal Worker AUTOMOBILES STEAM ENGINEER Steam Electrie Engineer Marine Engineer Refrigeration Engineer Gas Engine Operator CIVIL ENGINEER Surveyinx and Mapping Jonstruction SALESMANSHIP Bridge Engineer Structural Draftsman Structural Engineer Window Trimmer Show Card Writer ARCHITECT OCAKI Painter Carl Draftsman CARTOONIST and Builder Building Foreman ILLUSTRATOR Concrete Builder Designer Common Sehool Subjects Heating and Ventilation Teacher Plumbing Poreman Plumlar Coal Mining Metal Mininy CHEMIST Assayer Lamber Dealer BUSINESS (Complete LAVIGATION Hookkeeper Stenographer and Typit AGRICULTURE Live Stock and Dairying Certified Pub, Accountant Poultry Farming Commercial Law Army and Navy Good English Servlee Positions Modern TRAFFIC MANAGER to enter We were all cording to.
Oh John, why did you ask for my ADDRESS Club in NAME RESIDENCE OCCUPATION INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION is the up to datea is reputed


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