
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, JULY 5, 1919 PAGE THREE HAPPENINGS CRICKET GOODS Cricket Implements on the Isthmus absence of to unveil were asked to Who 99 the lodge Open all by Then or petiLODGE os CONTRIBUTORS The Dedication of Royal pleasure of hearing from the lips Take Notice Primrose Lodge. concert they had witnessed in Panana, and that they had their Correspondence intended for moneys worth before it was half DO YOU KNOW THAT WE KEEP THE MOST COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF publication in the Workman can The Royal Primrose Lodge No. through. One cannot speak too not be entertained or published 10106 G, ras dedhighly of the Panama Minstrel unless the name of the icated on Sunday afternoon Coy, and trust that Mr. Hart the correspondent is signed to said the 22nd ulto. The Officers of manager, and his men will concontribution, not necessarily for the District who took part in the tinue their good work and that the We only carry SPALDING GOODS and guarantee publication, but as a guarantee of dedicatory service were Bros. West Indian public in Panama every article we sell good faith Also, it must be Wilson, :D. Best, will not fail to encourage them by clearly understood that contri in ;J. Beard, and attending their shows wherever tors must be known to this office Anderson, Owing to the and whenever they put them on.
HERE ARE SOME OF OUR STOCK or by some respousible member the gentleman of the staff The behaviour on the whole, the charter Grand Prix Cricket Balls Wicket Keeping Gloves that honour was given to Sister considering the large crowd and Lebert, a member of the Lodge the enthusiastic spirit exhibited, Bats Batting Gloves Austrian Sentenced to wake was very good.
After the unveiling, Death in Paris as Spy.
choir rendered in splendid Cricket Bales and Score Books style The concert was a thorough success in every way. The Felix Paris June Captain Funck, during which the offices of the members as well as all those who of the Austrian Army, has been lodge retired with the delegates Pay us a visit, we are pleased to have you tried and sentenced to death as a to the ante room, and returned took part ought to be congratu in procession with the various lated for giving our people such come and look over our Sporting Department spy by a secret court martial articles necessary for the dedica. wholesome, pleasant and enhere.
tion during the singing of the joyable time.
THE MADURO COMPANY It appears that Captain Funck dedicatory hymn, Before Jeho We hope to hear of something was in Paris: before the war bevah Awful Throne. The cere similar in the near future.
PHONE 24 gan and remained in the city mony was very solemnly perthroughout the hostilities, and it formed. Each officer did his was alleged at the trial that he part with precision and dignity.
Free Gardeners Elect day Saturday, until 30 made the enemy acquainted with The dedicatory address was Officers information regarding air raids given by the District Master.
and long distance shelling of He handled his subjects in a At the last General Meeting Paris. The specitic accusation up masterly manner and was loudly of the Sweet Rose of Panama on which he was convicted was cheered at the close. Next came Lodge, No. 463, Communicating information short but helpful addresses from held at Upper Calidonia Road, on the work they do. These will which, in the light of Allied war tribes full land rights over those Gothas and Berthas to the Gerting the pay, commensurate with cital of established wrongs by restoring to them and their concerning the bombardo representatives of various o orders Wednesday night the 18th inst. on the Isthmus, interpersed the following officers were doubtless hail the opportunity aims, certainly seemned pretty lands (and only those lands) man military attache at Madrid.
with Anthems, Songs. Solos etc, elected to administer the ensuing to return to their homes and to bad. there are short which the Chartered Company by members of the choir under term ending December 31st be again under the flag that en statements upon the remarkable has not sold leased to the leadership of Messrs 1919 :sures equal rights to every man series of loyal actions taken settlers.
West Indian Reception Rallen Buchuer, and Stewart.
notwithstanding Color or Class: the natives during the war, Miss Marks rendering of John Richards, Worthy Mas also to earn wages far better of which the British public Committee.
Dream of Paradise, was excep ter. Emerson McClean, Deputy than they are at present getting knows little Well Sam! Your are very late this tionally good and so was that of Master; Beckles, Pass here, and with the cost of living morning. The appeal asking for redress The above named committee Miss Henry. Beautiful words Manger William Ellis, Sunior a great dea! less than on the Yes Sir! knows it. But couldn met at the office of Dr. Lowe of Jesus but help it.
Mr. Daniels Warden: Frederick Thomas, Ju isthmus; and the genera atmos enumerates four or five specific be found that behe house with the nior Warden; John Bogle, Inner phere of social life a hundred tion there is only one passage aberturae have detained row them tons plans for the reception of the reI got kicked by a mule. grievances in the whole recentiy and transacted much Kicked by mule. Why that Mitchell.
Tenor Solo The Golden PathSentinel; Marville, Chaplain; a this is like you. way Morris, Steward; Isaac In.
where the representatives of turning soldiers who had volunWell Boss it did detain me for beteered in this country for service Although it was then getting kleton, Treasurer: and William South African Nations 5, 000, 000 natives declare that kicked me in the wrong direction.
late, and much left on the pro Beckles, Permanent Secre.
under no circumstances will they in the war.
Petition King George. tole gramme, yet the large crowd tary.
tolerate a republican government Funds are being collected for or anything leading up to it, as WHAT EVERY WOMAN circular has been sent to all the this purpose and the following Would not be satistied until he replied to an encore. Just a few The brethren who attended paid proposed by General Hertzog.
OUGHT TO KNOW The London Correspondent of The members of the South Afriminutes before starting there keen interest in selecting their leading gentlemen in Panama and on the Zone was a heavy down. pour of rain. welfare Bro. Charles Fergu The Manchester Guardian can deputation are also the bear.
but it spelt success for the Royal son in his usual spirit of Free writes to his paper about the ers of a petition to the King from Buying wisely to the fundamen West Indian Committee in PanaIt has been proposed by the cover one building was packed members the importance of their deputation of South African Lobengula. pointing out that not me do your shopping and you the to have böyton on the open this weils utmost capacity with re presenci and assured them that natives, who propose to submit only their own people but the will soon realise the immense country for service hind the war they assumed the responsibility a petition to King George. We dependents of Lobengula have saving that can be made on with the British and American presentatives, invited guests, and well wishers of the lodge by their seletion, therefore they read: been dispossessed of every lund Dress Material of silk, Cotton troops.
Refreshments were next served should awaken themselves so as The petition breathes a spirit right in their own country.
and Woolen fabrics of the very around and in all a very enjoyable the ensuing term one of marked The patriotism and gallantry The appeal of the family of lateste Styles, al and an expe: displayed by them have been obof warmth thankfulness for the record time was spent.
successful ending of the war and Lobengula to the King is really rienced shopper and know how served by all officers under whom of loyalty to the King, and the an earnest plea to remove front and where to buy.
they have served, and we hern Installation at Court Loyal Felix Concert requests are of the most modest them the stigma of being treated The Novelty Lousine Silk can testify to the genuine spirit Pacific.
nature. There is a pathetic re as aliens in their own conntry of self sacrifice exhibited by them is a beauty at the time they volunteered for The expected big Concert of MRS. ANN THOMAS, duty in a cause that demanded the Loyal Felix Lodge No. 26, At a meeting held at the above Dressmaker.
the of all civilized people. UO. was pulled of in their named Court, on June 28th. 1919 SIMONS 17th Street Central, No words of comment on the Lodge Room, San Miguel on Sat the following officers were in House No. 11 Pauama cal urday night the 21st inst. stalled for the ensuing term end.
struggle are necessary at this SUCCESSOR TO SIMONS HART)
time, and we feel sure that your Long before the starting hour, ing Dec. 31st, 1919.
interest in our allied cause will the hall was crowded, all bent on Bros. Edmund Squire, 22 CENTRAL AVENUE Ladies, prompt your having a good time. The chair S, Jones, R: White, Listen!
Co operation and substantial aid which we earnestwas occupied by Mr. Staple Treasurer: Maine, Before getting your new ly solicit The Panama Minstrel Co. was Weir, B; Prince, Friday, August 1st, 1919 has the tirst to start the ball a rolling Lorde, Lewis Reid, Hat give a call at No. 22 been fixed as the date for the enHeadquarters for Family Groceries and General Supplies and right swiftly and joyously Secretary Street, opposite the tertainment of thes men.
did roll throughout the Please send your subscriptions whole proceeding. The Felix choir National Institute. to the Treasurer, Dr. Car.
under Bro. Stewart as choir Empire Star Lodge No. 2513 Teas, Coffee and Spices You will hear the rest when rington, Attorney at law. Box 621 master and Bro. Gray as organ Ancon, or at his residence ist did splendidly. The choruses Broca large y determine the standing you come.
137, Central Avenue by the choir were nicely rendered ITTEAST On Monday night June 30th the of a grocery We are but the Solos by Mrs. Irons and Miss Riley were excellent. As members of the Empire Star par con proud to say that we supply Lessons Given NEWS ITEM for the Minstrel Coy, they had Ludge 2513 held their social many homes with teas, coffees to answer an encore to nearly meeting at 30 Bro.
all the pieces. Gazy the comedian meeting open for Initiation, when Stoute, President, declared the and spices of the highest grade on the Clarinet, the leading The New York Police Commis was in his best form, and so kept 21 members were admitted to though not of the highest cost, Band Instrument. Band or sioner has been authorized to inthe audience laughing from start our Lodge after which there were Orchestra furnished for all crease the police force by the the intermission ALL CAN BE HAD AT kinds of engagements.
additional appointment of 500 the Felix choir could only render various speeches by the brothers policemen and ten captains. This two more pieces, although they present, among the ladies preE. NEILSON item of news, ordinarily of passwere down for several others, be sedt were Mrs. Aula Royal, and Clarinetist Republican Band ing notice, becomes particularly THIS GROCERY cause the great crowd clamoured Miss McFarlane. Ice cream, Ancon Phone 1053 interesting to members of the for the Minstrel boys all the time cakes and cigars were served by 16 St. West, House 27, Panama, writers Association, who are Burglary Insurance Underand they did not fail to give full Bros. Payne and Mike.
satisfaction. It was said in the We hope to see all the employ.
wondering whether the police notification that the public would ees around Culebra, and Golden force when increased will be able get their money worth, and the Green, Empire and Lirio join the WM. LAWRENCE reduce the number of burgwriter of this article had the brotherhood before it is too late.
laries taking place in New York.
It is said that thieves in New Tailor and Outfitter York are making more profits than insurance men.
Proposed Brazilian (f. cany sort of transportation Dealer in School Books, facilities up to this time, but Frontier Railway which is rich in valuable timber, and Stationary.
The Clerk was a very obliging fellow, especially the varieties of trees 80 when a Young Lady asked him to containing essences.
IS SO WELL PATRONIZED. Cattle No. 11 Street, Panama show her some Blankets, roll after roll, TO RUN TO FRENCH BOUN reising on a very large scale is of them he pulled down, and showed her.
DARY. chains from Central Ave.
feasible along the route of the Seed road, while the rich BECAUSE it is the oldest Established Drug Store After looking them all over she said, Oh mines of the French terriin Calidonia.
am not buying, just now, am only The following extract is from wory will be reached by it. This Address: looking them over for a friend. Wait the April number of The Ameri district is the richest in Brazil BECAUSE it is Managed by a Graduated Druggist.
Box 805, Ancon Z, one moment said the obliging clerk, have one roll more on the shelf, and perods: and was referred to by early exBEEAUSE there is no fear of substitutes: haps your friend is in that roll. Brazil is keenly alive to new continent. During 1916 17 plorers as the Eldorado of the the part railroads will play in the the gold taken by the Prench BECAUSE it has always a fresh supply of Drugs Panama Hats new industrial era now at hand. from their mines in Guiana came and Patent Medicines. WILKINSON Within the past few weeks a to the total of 178 million CLEANED, and BLOCKED CONTRACTOR BUILDER concession has been granted for francs.
and TRIMMED to Order a railroad to run from Macapa.
at the mouth of the Amazon, just This should, indeed, be good THE PANAMA DRUG STORE ALSOFirst Class Workmanship north of Para, to the northern news for West Indians, generally boundary of the country oppo and Guianese particularly, many MULLER BUILDING MILLINERY DRESSMAKING Plans and Specifications Free site the rich French possession of whom are without employNext to the Calidonia Police Station.
HOUSE No. 965, LaBoca, 15th Street West in Guiana This line will tra ment here, while many others House 90 verse a country utterly lacking have to work hard without get Canal Zone Box 411, Panama, support store, TEAC Correction to finish.
After to WHY?


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