
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JULY 1919 PAGE FOUR West The Basis On Which Indians Should Be Paíd.
THE WORKMAN BE IN FASHION Latest Wages said Three Smoke the IN CIGARETTES CREATION to all Others FINE TIME Everywhere Are Superior AT Sold 15c. Gold Per package must the On Thursday, January 9, 1919, Published on Saturdays by HN Rates for Advertisement on applicaHis Excellency the Governor of WALROND, at the office Central Avv. tion. Correspondence on all matters nue and corner of Street, Panama, of public interest invited.
the Panama Canal, speaking be de fore the Sub Committee of the All copy for publication must be House Committee on Appropria PO Box 74. Panama written on one side of paper only, and Lions for the Panama Canal, under RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION must be accompanied by the same of the heading of Salaries and One Year 82. 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publica As the salaries Six Months 30 tion but as a mark of good faith.
have been increasing in the States, we have followed with kle we do not undertake to return wa Ope 21 rejected correspondence.
corresponding increases on the Canal Zone. To this, Mr Byrne one of the gentlemen on tive Coth The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of ourrights. JUNJUS mittee replied: And you have SATURDAY, JULY 5, 1919 proceeded to keep pace with the increases of the salaries paid to employees in the demartinent All On Favour Say Gye!
service here in the Stits.
Which His. Excellency replied. Yes, Sir: exactly.
The house has been called to order the Negro house At this stage another member in the Negro world; and a motion for a resolution on the of the Committee interpos dard solidarity of the race is in order. Wisdom presides, and querried: That would incre with a voice that admits of no misinterpretation the questhe wages paid to railway emtion on the motion has been put to the house. The debate ployess during the period of Gov.
ernment control? And His Exis now on, and all are anxiously waiting to hear the results cellency replied, Yes. Sir. S»
of the vote.
far as the American employees The Negro World is aflame with enthusiasm in the of the Panama Railroad are con probable outcome of the debate, as it progresses among cerned.
the masses. There are many sides to the question, and Mr. Byrnes then asked: So many ways of viewing the matter; but there is only one far as what is concerned? And vay to decide and that is for or against the resolution. We His Excellency again said. So here on the Isthmus cannot as a portion of the Negro far as American employees of World be indifferent to the question as it appears to cothe Panama Railroad are con lored people the world over.
Mr. Byrnes evidently not have been satisfied with Tne resolution is somewhat belated but it is still posthe answer given, for his next SOKOOKOO 004 sible to focus the power and interest of the Negro people SEXCOOBS question was, You pay them in a cause that is distinctly their own and that spells life one wage and pay others a dif.
ferent wage for doing the same or death according to the amount of real energy and faithfulness applied, by one and all, on their own behalf Editorialettes. short conference with Mr. but we trust they are.
This querry It is brought forth from ais Exery Gilkie, the inspector for the to be hoped that they did no lency the following statements and for the protection of a race that has never before had what is termed a square deal by the more favored and New Wage Schedule: Silver Employees Wage Scale, cutting down on Mr. Gilkie upɔn which we shall comment as more advanced races in civilization.
a few days ago, and some hu recommendations as this will we go along.
What the race has achieved in the past fifty or even It is rumoured that a new mane recommendations were not help to solve the bitter The common labor on the Is.
eighty years has been properly called by a noted psycholo wage schedule for Silver em submitted to him, and we un question as it exists at present. Ithms, including tireinen on lo gist of no mean merit, the wonder of the centuries. ployees will be out on the 7th, derstand that he was in favor Why should the Board be dis comotives of tine Panama Rail But we have not achieved much of our boasted progress inst. All eyes are anxiously of all that the men asked for. posed to cut down a reason road and certain other positions through the unreserved assistance of those outside our waiting to see what has been for silver men is uncertain. able recommendation? We do of that kind that are filled in the citi own race. True it is, that in many instances, we have done for alien labor here. The We do not know whether they not wish to be premature, but zens, are filled on the Canal Zone been petted and fondled like so many poodles and given representatives of the Silver are in favor of justice or not, past experience makes us by the West Indians. And we the freedom of the privileged circle; but then we were not Employees Association had a The attitude of the wage Board somewhat anticipatory. Mon have not of course, Kiven considered much more than the playful quadruped, and day will soon be here and we West Indians the benefit of the those who survived abandonment were of the sort that may as well wait and see, as to 25 per cent above rates paid in subordinated and suppressed their aspirations and ambi every side. There are men who will tell us that the moon commence a discussion before the United States in Government employment for corresponding tions.
is a torch light fed with petroleum; that there is no para the necessity arises. We haye work. he strain of personal and individual effort has dise, but hard work for the Negro; that ambition is immor been following President Wilwearied the muscles and fatigued the brains of all who al and personal pride idiotic; that education is a mockery son, policy of Watchful one the impression that if a clerk gives have succeeded by themselves. They have struggled on and knowledge a sura road to hell; that a kick is sweeter Waiting, gbut in the gets 100, 00 per mon amidst difficulties of practically the most gigantic, and ap than a kiss, and short pay more appetizing than chop suey; a clerk on the Isthmus gets 100 parently the most insuperable character. They have braved that money to the Negro is like an explosive in the hands if he is a West Indian, and 125, if he is an American citizen the storms and fought the viscisitudes of life, not as all of an infant; that race pride is a joke and personal dignity National men do, but under the most unfavorable circumstances an impossibility. If we listen to this conglomeration of Industrialism: This erroneous impression was quickly removed by His Excel and with the heaviest handicap under which a people could ignorance we would not be able to move a single step further than where we are at present. The bricks that has set the pace for the latin The government of Panama lency who continued thus: compete in the great race for life.
pwhat has been done by the few great men of our race pave the streets would have more chance of going on a republics in the matter of edu in force which forbids the rem There is an order can be achieved by the many through a general unification military parade than we of getting our people together on cation of her citizens.
In ad ployment of aliens in positions of interests and energies. We have, by sheer necessity, the basis of general organization.
dition to the regular compul paying more than 75, 00 por already found the how of success in individual cases; But we can and we should not pay any attention to sory schools for the children month or 40 cents per hour. Cor: and we are now ready to learn the when of united efthe traitors or the enemies of negro advancement.
The of school age, there are several are filled by West. when fort. We know of nothing that can possibly prevent the time has come when we must exhibit the real qualities of institutions for advanced stu cannot give them the correspon Indians we ed, Scientific and mechanical, literary and otherwise. pendence, dignity, and at last but not least, self preserva No section of the population because it we did they would There was a time in history of our race when the wedge tion as a people. We a cannot stand where we are, nor as we is neglected in the provision before ting more than 35, 00 per of unsophisticated meanness, cankerous insularity and are we must move and we must rise, but we will not be of practical education for the month or more than 40 ceats socian soexclusiveness kept us apart and, consequently, able to do this until we shall have learnt to ignore the ex people of this republicor Bes ploded falacy that the negro has been designed to be the sides the national colleges for oppressed.
Not only does the preceding Those who had risen felt it inevitable to remove the dish rag and mop head of all other races.
both sexes there are technical impression referred to, but it statement erase the erroneous old landmarks and cut themselves away from the relations The silver employees of the Canal Zone are waiting to schools where the young men implies (1) That West Indians and associations of former days. They kičked down the learn something about the promise of increased wages. of the country are given tho perform efficiently on the rain ladders on which they had climbed so that the rest might Time is getting away and nothing tangible has been heard. rough and complete instruc mus, services similar to those not be able to reach where they had been priveleged to go. Meetings and investigations can feed a hungry people, tion in carpentry, mechanism, performed in the by AmeriThey became the votaries of another race and traitors to and it is certainly time that something were known about drawing and architecture. cuansi tären niet onlyat under panu, citizens(That their own. But these days are gone just as surely as the the petitions of the people. The men are expecting some printing and book binding, but are used as instruments us glory of the one time German Empire.
thing good, will they get it? The words of the Governor electrical engineering, black keep American citizens out of There are some existing impediments to the general have not been forgotten Will he make good the pledge he smithery and other practical good jobs.
organization of the race seen, perhaps, more clearly in the made to see that a living wage be given to the silver trades. The young women in attitude of some of our laboring people in their quest for employees, or will he allow his hands to be tied by the seperate schools are taught tive order which is used as an ex: employment. As non Unionists they possess and exhibit antagonists to freedom and justice?
If the Silver wage board fails to recommend a decent basket weaving and fancy that His Excellency, when the dress making and milenery, cuse for withholding part of our no traits becomes vacant there is a rush for the position. If the va increase in the rating of silver, employees, it will be in; work, painting and crayon Shiver Employees Association te wages, it is well to remember cancy occurred because the last holder had made applica teresting to know how the Governor of the Canal Zone will work. In the national school quested that he recommend to some of the applicants does not let them hesitate to not be satisfactory to the men, and it cannot be seen how embrace the opportunity to that the Executive tion for an increased wage, the unspeakable meanness of meet the situation to the relear that a mean increase will of law not only do the men the Washington authorities order compete on the principle of the lowest bidder for the it will help the present condition of things.
study the profession, but bershme the Executive order The Unionists are watching the outcome meanwhile there are many young ladies is for the protection de informed secre place. Such creatures (how hard it is to call them men. tary are the new class of traitors to the race and it is for us to they are calling upon all employees all over the Zone to who have entered the classes differentes e per lite of American clean them up as quickly and as thoroughly as we can.
join the United Brotherhood. Will they succeed in con and are doing well at the lec mend to the Washington authori.
recomThe spirit of insularity and provincialism is dying out. vincing the lugubrious and unconcerned Can they draw tures. Vive, Panama?
We are fast approaching the time of intercolonial and into their ranks those who believe in the doctrine of take ties that it be changed. But up to this moment we cannot see ternational fraternization. All colored people are beginning no thought? Is it possible to arouse true manhood in the how Americans are protected by to feel that they are related in aims, aspirations, demands two faced double tongue back biters?
Surprise Ball Pacific Club. it. What we do know is that in and interests. The accident of geographical conditions is The solidarity of the race is a necessity based on the justice is meted out to both the becoming a diminutive proposition, and we are thinking of principle of one for all and all for one, and it means the Surprise Ball will be given at the But why lay all the blame on the On Saturday next the 12th inst. a American and the West Indian.
more important things, as a race, than where a man was independence of a now oppressed people. All colored people Cacific Club Corner of 19th Street Executiva order? If we look at the born who was his grand father.
who not in with the movement arecan Central subject from another angle The Promoters Messrs shall see that if tion. The professional man does not think now that he ployees are receiving living wages; and they have to pay effort to give the patrons of this bar to perform its daties in strict ac stands in a world all by himself, unrelated to and disinter rent for the government quarters they occupy. Is this fair? a very pleasant time.
cord with justice which is the ested in the affairs of the laboring man. The people are Is it just? Should the Gold Employees receive 200, 300, Neilson Jazz Band of six per outcome of ignorance, the Execuresult of intelligence, and not the realizing that racial independence cannot be effected and 400 while the silver man gets 35 and 40 and 459 formers has been engaged for the tive order would not be so griev: when a part of the people feels that it should not be at. Truly a few silver men are receiving from 60 to 75, but programme de winter der the select ous a restriction to be borner tached to the other part. We are learning that a chain is what are they among so many?
of music of hits from 30 to a. as strong as its weakest link, and that it is the duty of all We want all our people to speak together in the The attention of the Wage to combine for the strengthening of the force that is need: Union. We want improved conditions and if the Washing. The Rooster her husband, and cablea teams species and Careers Board is directed to President Wilson message to Congress, ed to fight the tremendous battle that lies ahead of us. ton Government does not know what we are suffering, we chickens eleven, all hope darling LizThe deafest ear should be given to opposition from shall try to tell them. All in favor say Aye!
the Senators and Representatives The wrong Direction.
on May 20, and which contains we man einen begrotingent sense for hime of diseriming wima a name, but they are not regroes. The silver me, Department Manager pointed by the wage Board. zie is safe up in heaven.


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