
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JULY 5, 1910 PAGE SEVEN British Generalship. The Open Forum The Different Garage.
Not INDIFFERENT of their which fanaticism, War imprese strong of the people CHALMERS GARAGE o means done any man oli try; Good Picture spent in their war the your people it to deal in appear in the ben Scranton Photo Studio that the up In more of the world the native is nevi gulf am cognizant of problem.
efforts to similar sit Egypt The Calidonia Jewelry Store wage scale Disturbances in Egypt. Continued from page 6)
The continued di turbance in Egypt are causing Grat Britain Sir Juan Bynx fonerly commandini no little apprenension. The EnWe do not hold ourselves responsible for opinion expressed in this columnas Cardinantis and afterward thi glish consider rebellion an ill rethe sentiments are purely those of the correspondents.
Third Army, is a man of firm will an turn for the some audacity of imagination, and man rule in the ancient land of the Pha qualities of the great soldier. Genern six years ago when LETTERS TO THE EDITOR.
Haldane of thesxth Corps, who former they took control of the country ly commanded the glorious old Thin they found it suik beneath the Division, splendid in a score of battles deadening weight of a decaying The Garage where every one is treated alike.
DEMOCRACY HAS HOL the question, why not find out what a is a man of keen intellect, vital energy an civilization. in Representation to Washington might be, ruthless purpose. General Harper o LOW MEANING.
One Price Jersecution and Good Service ignorance vied (Effect. the Fourth corps known affectionately a with financial waste and dishonesNow Mr. Editor know this is one of Uncle Harper when he commanded th in keeping the people in ser.
Right Pricse Mr. Editor. Kindly allow me sp:e in those knotty problems had to solve Fifty first Highland division of death vitude and poverty All this your valuable paper to ask a few ques. when was going to school, and am Jess renown in this changed They restored tions relative to the present workings of aware that there are some smart bovs ed me as a soldier of char Egyptian find Secured the the Democratic Club. It is strange around now, and hope that a couple will acter and decision and had the freedom and that this promising young organization get down to mathematics and solve this trust of his should so completely fall into the shade problem, and if it cannot be done it will the Thirty Sixthh (Ulster) Division, an lossal public works, advanced his men. General Nugent o ended persecution ei rected cu. It has not done half the amount of good be necessary to see the Governor and ask General Hickey, of the Sixteenth frist education in a a word, they ac intended yet it has by no done any to try the system of rule of three; any Division were fine divisional commanders complished marvels in making harm so it should be encouraged. It way hoping for the correct solution soon General Elles, commanding the Tank Egypt a mod rn, civilized coul.
strikes me as if this word (Democracy is to appear in the columns of your paper.
Corps proved himseli to be destined to have a very hollow meaning Yrs, for Silver Employees extraordinary merit in organization to Yet the reasons for the disor aan 23. for those by whom it is used. When one remembers the delightful literary evenings anone those new fighting machines, with a sim ders are not hard to find. The JOSEPH BRYAN, ple nobility of soul which endeared hin so called Nationalists are grieved in their Club rooms thus creating tall his officers becaus: the British have depriv.
pleasant diversity for the idle way.
ed thein of There were many other able, con under the pernicious Turkish re.
farers on Sunday evenings, which has fermer control Dear Sir. noticed in the Star and entious gallant men commandine gime. Many of them are not of increases one interest in come to sich an abrupt end it puzzles me Herald of the 19th inst. that a Wet me to know what has become of these Indian Trading Co. Ltd. has been ongannur divisions What mainly Egyptian aspirants that your organization was orized in Panama capitalized at 30, 000 stock: they are wong with British generalship was the stem which put the high command inte Albanians. What they wish is a the urks, Arabs. Kurds, Syrians.
kanized to improve the moral, sobial and ordinary shares to be sold at 00 each.
PHOTOGRAPHY intellectual conditions of your the hands of a group of men belonging Patamans general merchandize and West is true that now and again little notices Indian to the school of war. unable, by reason return to the conditions of waste та dian produce in the daily paper about special consider the idea of the promoters.
of their age and traditions, to get away and graft upon which they fed in former days.
from rigid methods and to become elastic CALL IN AT THE meetings, but when one reaches the very desirable one and should meet with building esignated for the holding of the wholehearted support of all West InTo carry out their purpose face of new conditions.
Our staff college had been hopelessly they invoke the spirit of the re these meetings there is nothing to be dian on the Isthmus ligious fanaticism. The Mohamseen but an empty house. Have you fall As one very much interested in cominefficient in its system of training, if medan zealots are constantly in en in line also with the others in mislead mercial and realty entečprises for the am jusiified in forming such an opinion the non cited to efforts against the foreign ing the people. Let me tell you all that benefit of West Indians on the Isthmus.
from some specimens produced by it who heretics and find the brains of canaries and the mannerud against their proie 68 Central Avenue Phone 1050 you can do but little good for them at would like to ask the promoters that rate wers of Potsdam. There was also a close gees, the Coptic or true Egyptian Come out openly Democrats through your valuable paper the following helps Ministers of State. The and let the people see what you are do questions, whieh they may answer corporation anong the officers of the re insters of And you are sure to be interested in having ing for one would be glad to hear through your paper or by letter for which xular army, so that they took the lions of this pernicious activity is the lion Al Azhar University of Cairo.
little shall be truly more al out your activities.
grateful are of staff your PICTURE taken by the genial proprietor appointments, thus keeping (1) How many kinds of shares will be remain Yours But it must also be cilt brilliant young men of the new arbe admitted sold by the Company?
mies, whose brainpower, to say the least the uprisings are partially McKENZIE for Negro Advancement (2) What will be the minimum and. of it. was on a higher level than that of the result of the native dislike for G, HENRY maximum shares of all kinds that may be the Sandhurst (LATE OF THE MARINE STUDIO rst standard. Here and there, the British themselves. In owned by any one person?
where the the unprofessionuni vidier obtained than one part (3) Will shares be transferable?
has jeopardized the Englislishments of his adminis chance of high command or staff auLa Boca, Cana! Zone. 4) What provisions made io June 19, 1919 he proved the value of the busi Printing, Developing and Enlarging hibustrative efficiency by his lack of prevent the shares transfer of by share ness mind applied to war. this was tact.
Mr. Editor. Will you please publish holders to other than West Indians?
In seen very clearly blindingly in the able er allowed to forget their Egypt in the columns of your paper, with the (5) In the SPECIAL FEATURE event that it becomes negeneralship of the Australian corps, in which inost of the commanders, like Genlike Gen that lies between view that some Friends may be able cessary for a shareholder to leave the the two races.
to solve the Isthmus, and after making all One may find in Algeria French all reasonable erals Hobbs, Monash and others, were of the fact that there effor sell his or her or her shares to West The Soldiers or French workmen en in Civil life before the war.
The has been a heavy strike on the Atlantic Indians, fails; will the Company pura same thing was observed in serving under the command of a in the Canadian End, and from some time previous until alle such shares at par value?
native African corps, General Currie, the corps Camiuation for the Br tisher in. well say today) the Board directing the (6) Will the company also deal in real would be many of his high offiters having had no the mass of the people, especially wage scale of silver employees, has been estate; especially in the cities of Colon unthinkable.
And so in continous session, and cannot yet come and Panama military training of any scientific in the more intelligent, nourish, a to a decision to increase the (7) What will the minimum amount portance before they handled their own Taking it for granted that there is such of shares a shareholder should be the men in France and Flanders.
deepseated resentinent for the a board directing the Commissary sales, bona fide owner of to be eligible to hold This war, however, was not won by foreigners who rule their country But Great Britain is not to be we gather from the raise on goods sold office in the company?
kreat generalship, either among the British turned aside from her purpose Obarrio Building No. 2, Calidonia Road there. mean the Commissary) that Thanking you Mr. Editor in anticipaevery two (2) weeks at least the commis tion; and wishing this every success, French or American armies.
will keep her hold won by the valor of the private soldiers an increase.
until its Country peoand their young regimental officers. upon the remain, LET EXPERT HANDS DO YOUR then selves Then if it takes so short a time to inYours very truly, crease the commissary. goods sold in was won by the faith and spirit sacrifice of Kallant youth, who, in spite able of exercising a wise and en WATCH REPAIRING lightened autonoms: The them why should it take so long to raise VANTERPOOL of tragic blunders and frightful slaughter not untill then, will the British Then, and the silver employees, and if it takes such Gatun, fought their way to victory.
troops be withdrawn, and a new WE KNOW HOW. TRIAL WILL CONVINCE. a length of time for the board to decide 20. 1919.
Mediterranean State arise out of Son of Teacher Cunning of the Pharohs. Exchange.
the ashes of the ancient kingdom Wedding and Engagement Rings a Specialty.
ham Scores Honors in Have you a Conscience? The 28th June workman. report is O, CAMPBELL good and true Over 30 per cent colored labor, orCambridge Local WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER. By NICHOLSON NICHOLS ganized. are you?
If not. have a reason, or any conNOTICE!
Phone 1053.
Cars Stop at the Door.
The above missive is written as the to keep yourselj aloo from good, Cambridge Senior Examination tast attitude.
To get behind you delinquents of neand will not understand The Management of the grophobie brool: Asking of you your reason for reWolmer Gains First and Workman begs to notify Second Places maining still hind, Dr. CONNELL Secretaries of the various Dr. JOHNSON Have you a real true conselencey if NOTICE yes. why: get in line.
Friendly Societies and Secret SURGEON DENTIST SURGEON DENTIST We take the following extract Orders, whose Lodges appear in The mourners bench implores you, to TO THE PUBLIC AT LARGE from the Jamaica Gleaner of May come and kneel before our Friendly Societies Directory The ultimatum is ready to be stuck The West Indian Pacific Band 16th last.
Can be found at 175 upon your door In the Colonial Class List sent column to communicate with We are imploring you to rally, so as they have changed their name begs to notify the publie that out here of the candidates suc the office making the necessary Central Avenue Phone 1003 Address to let our cause thrive, cessful in the December Cam correction of any errors appear. Opposite Station And contribnto your quota. which and address to bridge Local examination, seven ing in their LodgeNtice.
Ancon, 852 is 75 THE PANAMA CAPITAL senior candidates were seen hate to cali men slackers, parasites BRASS BAND of any sort to have gained First Class Hon It has ors.
As, that course invites reprisals, and Band Hall, 22 St. Guachapali, now been made m here just to exhort House 25.
known that both the First and The bunch of you West Indiaus, who Sec. Whittaker, the Second places among the are staying far away, Mak haste, the Boat is ready, get in Band Instructor Sealy, seven were gained by boys from without delay.
Wolmer Boys School, B. Calidonia House 80 Cunningham and Wright, respectively, The book prize offered annually to the highest boy in the list by THE HOME OF We always have on the local Cambridge Examina tions Committee has, therefor hand a complete been awarded to B, Cunline of reliable ningham. Cunningham is the low priced talented son of Mr. Cun.
ningham of the Paraiso colored school. Canal Zone.
High and Low Cut This youngster who, is under Give us a call before going elsewhere.
seventeen years of age won dis You are sure to be on time if your tinction in this examination. He in all the Latest Styles and Prices to Meet entered Wolmer as a Founda WATCH was repaired by US.
tioner at the age of ten. having the Pocket of All won a scholarship, and has now REMEMBER WE MAKE WEDDING RINGS AND OTHER reached the top form of the school JEWELRY TO ORDER The Work man congratulates Mr. Cunningham on the success of his son and wishes for the lad a brilliant career Sole Agent 122 CENTRAL AVENUE Say friend how do you account for the present high cost of living? 37 CENTRAL AVENUE Corner 22nd Street, Panama, Phone 939 Oh bother mel! have enough to do with the old accounta! so cant look inany new ones. just now. It was Egypt.
She sary gets of ple have selves cap science man!
The REGAL and BOSTONIAN Shoes WATCHES and JEWELRY MULLER FULLER is the MAN you want to see.


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