p. 8


Cricket involved in.
these was on that field was Stephen, Mr. Clyne voices of States, PAGD EIGHT THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JULY 5, 1919.
umuman wonomame Federal Shake up May Ratara PACIFIC THEATRE UNION HALL Jack Johnson.
PANAMA COLON Pugilist Deenied ImporTONIGHT TO NIGHT tant Witness in Bail Fraud Case. WHICH WOMAN?
Continuaton of The action of District Attorney REELS Clyne in preferring graft charges against United States Commis.
and Weekly Comedy No. 21 sioner Mark Foote may result THE BRASS BULLET. in the return of Jack John son, champion pugilist, to Chi Sunday, July cago. Mr. Clyne announced that he would ask a gand jnry in HARRY CAREY quiry be made of une actions of Commissioner Foote in grantIn THE SCARLET DROP ing bail in numerous cases, some of which date back as far as the Pedro Miguel Wins From YorkJohnson case. The commissionshire er name became By Special Request the Entire 18 Episodes of the rumours that bond sharks Last Sunday, several hundred cricket had influence fons gathered on the grounds at Paraio in the federal EDDIE POLO, In. ALSO building, and it was learned that to see the fight that was due to take place Mr Foote borrowed money from between Pedro Miguel and York The Lure of the Circus Sol Lewiosohn, bondsman of hire Many bets were made that An Interesting Show Each Show Jack Johnson one or to other wou win ani Lewinsohn fled tb WILL BE REPEATED NEXT WEEK to spain with the pugilist.
bets were about equal, as the concensus of opinion was that the two teams were Commencing Monday Night the 7th July with MAY GRANT CLEMENCY Night the Coming Week qually matched. Pedro Miguel won the the first Episodes, and continuing each Lewinsohn has signed his to and went to the bat, and for a while unight with Episodes ntil finished.
willingness to Judge Landis to it semed as if Yorkshire was doored was make oath in court to charges he to defeat for with sixty runs up, only three of Pedro Miguel wickets money to federal officials. Some hd fallen. At this stage King was of the money in question is said Election of Officers given the ball, and be bowled so well that indeed. Brown was the only one who and ask the Captain of and SPECIAL the entire Pedro Miguel XI fell for 89 showed any form TRAIN to have come from the pocket of RUNS Standard to allow him to have the OffiJack Johnson. In order to pros.
After the usual recess Yorkshire went cial umpire from them This wa ecute Commissioner Foot, it is to the bat and started in to play exceed Britannic Defeats Pickwicks readily granted as Standard had already At a regular general meeting Continued from Paye declared that the testimony of ingly careful. Blackman was in fine On the Standaril Oval, last Sunday, passed s score. Pickwicks played of Loyal Perseverance Lodge No.
Johnson will be absolutely neces.
form good for time, and at sary, and federal oficials have lently; nevertheless when nine of York. the Pickwicks Batting first, Bri stago it seemed as if there would come 10105, o. of F, held at The cause of the accident will, tiled statements asking that the solites wücke schade is the mother wedghill batownich vs Croney made motort as for 42 Ice Hill was again given the ball. way, on Friday night, June 27. later on, and it would not be ad. Peturned to the United star and fallen a 8voof. but with wicketo som ting Perryman joined Braithwaite at the wickets only four runs to prevent de top score. Croney played a fine innings and the remainder of the team made 1919, the following officers were visable to prognosticate on that, testify to the charges he has for his side, an innings that can be run. Think of it! Five wickets for 42 elected to serve for the ensuing though public opinion seems made to private individuals can they preventſit? Every man ta better appreciated by those who saw runs, and 10 for 43.
five was on his feet, profound the match, then by anything we might wiede for 12runs: For Pickwicks) Belfon. H, affairs at the Railway which has Strong as to the existing state of ARREST OPIUM SMUGGLER milence reigns; the umpire gives guard say in his praise. It is true that Pick: Roberts 22 and Dick Smith were the E: tice came when Mr.
Foote releas; Peter, SH. Schars midt, been having many accidents of The Shake up in the federal of and play is resumed. One more run is wicks claim that he was out early but only batsmen that showed any form.
made and the Yorkshire supporters that the umpire would not give him out. Woods, of the Special had no le idlight ed Harry Patrick (white. called AllanP.
F: Mor felt sure of victory, Reid bowls one of his tempting ones, the that match, and Carter Telecenter andere die wind uplica Notice to Correspondents gan, DG: Allen, Ad weithet are ne hobunting the bound to ensure opuw smuglers, on asked to freight cars had her up of 000 when batsman reaches and missed the ball take the place of the other It is said H, Wilkins and Fait Justicia, vocate; Flemmings, Warden, Whether the yardmaster for the ordered him held on 10, 000 bai.
When out from the silence is heard the hat Carter is a Britanic, and committed your correspondenc: crowded out will Grant, Mapp: night had been advised of the fact Patrick was arrested by Dr. Blackman and the wicket many glaring wrongs, whether this is so appear in next issue. Roberts, S that James Reid, a West Indian, is reN James, un to the special from Gregory dope Sage chief of the federal line clear had been Wm. keeper How that? All eyes were or not, it is true that Stoute had to stop quested to call at this office anent his Pierre, given to squad, on March 10. He turned on the umpire. Deliberately be the game, go ovr to s ground, correspondence.
Park, and that he had so advised had when arrested 40 pounds of raises the fore finger of his right hand, the driver of the freight train to opium in a suitcase. He also had as he sees the wicketkeeper. Layne, manipulate his work accordingly knowledge of the whereabouts standing, ball in hand with both bails BRITISH OFFICIAL WAR PICTURES or not, are matters to be deter of almost one ton of opium stored The hat man has over reached his mined when the blame comes to in various places in the nited length, he has missed the ball and be fixed cleanly stumped by Layne. Yorkshir Yesterday afternoon the Acting Jack Johnson is now in Mexico has made 86 runs, and so lossess vers Director of the Railway, the Traf City, Mexico, and has formed close and exciting game by three run tic Superintendent and the Act a land company, with the prosBoth sides played well, and both tri ing Locomotive Superintendent pects of having men from the hard to win. Blackman made 33 run commenced an inquiry in the South take up residence in that for his side, and Blackman 31, 11 Norman coach coach at the Railway country. Communications from Edgehill wes top scorer for his with 24 and adjourned same until today. the federal department at Chihis credit In the meantime Mr. Bourke cago bave been sent to the pugi.
of the Traffic department who list.
Surrey Defeats La Boca was on the Special when the acEdmund Holder proves himself the cident occurred, engaged Premier batsman of the Isthmus. Batyesterday in investigating the Installation Ceremony ting first on a fairly perfect wicket last cases reported to the Hospital or Sunday, Surrey put up 130 runs for the department as having been wickets against La Boca to injured. As mentioned before On Wednesday night last the which they could only reply with 54 there are, we learn many others Lily of the Isthinus Lodg No.
The LBC C was carrying Surrey Hospital cases who 1 F. held a meetroughly at first, as they bd wickets have consulted. their private ing for the Installation of Officers down for 21 runs, but when Holder Medical advisers and these will for the ensuing term. The cere.
the skipper cime to the have to be reckoned with later. mony was conduct. by Brus.
thing was changed. Bowler after bowler In short it is anticipated that the Maynard, Master assiswas changed to no avail. He just did Railway will have to face a large ted by Bro. Lyall and others.
with the bowling and when number of claims.
The following are the new ofhe declarol sinnings closed after seven wickets had fallen for 130 runs, he had Empire Employees Association ficers installed for the term.
the respetable score of 84 not out by The Empire District of the Silver Bros. Paris, P!
the side of his name. Think of it! Two Employees Association will meet on Cadagón, J Griffith, weeks ago, this same batsman made 150 Monday night July 7th. Nominationis Bayar, c, Redman, runs not out ag inst Red Tank, not out and Elic ion of Officers Matters re. W; Daniel, against Standard, and now 84 not out ating to 00 or Delegation Moore, S: Brebner, Chapagainst La Boca. So far, therefore, te will be discussed.
lain; W, Waldron, Treasurer, has no been bowled for the season.
Benjamin Graham, Secretary, Bowling for his club he captured five Church Services. The ceremony was very impres.
wickets for 20 runs while his brother sive and was masterfully para Rawle captured wickets for runs.
Scene in the Monastery. PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL formed. After the close of the Alleyne was topscorer for LaBoca Lodge business members and.
with 22 to his credit and Inniss 11.
visitors from otler Lodges, reTHIRD SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY paired to the banquetting hall Standard Defeats St. Alban s, Paraiso: and partook of a sumptuoas re.
Standard met and defeated the British 30 a. Holy Communion past.
Guinha on the grounds of the latter 11 a. Matins, Holy Communion last Sunday. tried hard to put it and sermon. Special Peace Thanks Lieutenant to a Soldier Pat. Here giving Service.
oyron Standard as they said everybody p. Sunday School and Confir Pat are two shillings. This one to buy had one in for Standard. Batting first. mation c! ass Eggs and this one to buy Tobacco. Pat the CC. could only put up a srore 30 Evensong and address. hurried off but in a minute or two was of 33 runs. Their down fall was owing Rev. A, Nightengale Rector. seen hurrying back almost brea. 85 runs (BRANDON BANK)
to the good bowling of Ta sher Thomas St. Paul Mission, Chorrillo Now. Pat says the Lieutenant what is and John Charles Both men bowled 11 a. m, Matins and address the trouble. Oh pardon me Officer but seeins that now p. Sunday School in my hurry the two shillings got mixed Teacher has got back into his bowling 7, 30 Evensong and Sermon.
Rev. Nightengale. Priest in the Eggs and which for the Tobacco.
up and now dont know which is for swing the other teams will have a hard (FOUNDED 1868)
COLON charge.
tme makingg runs against Standard.
St. George s, Gatun Teacher Thomas captured wickets for 19 runs and John Charles for 12. To Our large Resources and well known 11 a. Matins and address p. Sunday School Friendly Societies Directory 33 Standard replied with 122. For 30 Evensong and address. Grovesnor played best and made conservative Management afford unRev. A, Nightingale, Priest in charge.
Court Brock No. 6725, top score 10. For Standard Romaine made questioned security for every dollar Bolivar St. Colon General weet35, Jabo Charles 20, Julian 19, Garvey 13 Peace Thanksgiving Services at ings ist, and 3rd, Welnesdays Seety.
aad Teacher Thomas 10.
deposited with this bank.
Para so in St, Altan Church Samuel Crawford, All Jamaica Whips Vincntiars To morrow Morning Court Land, No. 8448, Land Hall Higino St, San Miguel Toe All Jamaica journeyed to General meetings Ist. and 3rd ursBishop Hollow last Sunday and gave As a fitting religious recognition of days Seety George Alleyne, Ancon Vincentians a thrashing on their own the close of the war througb the sign C, ground, Jamaica batted first and put up General Banking Business Transacted ing of the peace treaty, there will be held at St. Alban church, Paraiso Court John Wallace No. 11.
a score of 59. Barnett was top scorer on Sunday tommorrow. a specia 24th St. Guachapali Gneral wtih 24. Many of the fans were disISAAC BRANDON NATHANIEL BRANDON BRANDON Thanksgiving Service at 11 o clock meetings 1st. and 3rd Saturdays Seety, apointed at the small total as they The publie is invited to attend the Alexander Sanchez, Adcon thought it was not big enough for such President.
Vice President Treasurer.
service and join in the general act of thankfulness to God for the victory a team as Vincentians; but it not only which has finally come to the allies, Court Mizpah, No. 9199.
proved big enough but was too big, as and the restoration of peace as achie Morning Star Lodge 24 St Guachapali vod and secured Vincentians make only could 21, Bar te world.
General meetings ist and 3rd. dnes nett bowling was too much for them The service will be conducted by the days Secty: Claud Vincent Box 326 rector, The Rev. A, Nightengale.
Balboa Heights.
Was outside the wickets every us ho pleased PANAMA BANKING COMPANY excellently and to me SECURITY PANAMA s


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