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American Federation of Labor Wipes Out Color Line LABOR VOTES SOLID TO RACIAL FIGHTS WEST INDIAN DASTARDLY ATTEMPT TO AT LIVERPOOL BADLY BEATEN ORGANISE ALL NEGROES WRECK RAILWAY TRAIN Convention Decides to take Mil The West Indian element fightere ae Liverpool on sunday Sensational Discovery By Line lions of Colored Workers Superintendent Colored Population In By Native Policemen At State of Terror Colon a around smash up.
real progress on of police انا serious car continued the cases is un arbeen recrudescence of the racial of Colon was led to the appearance of three thrown into a state of excite cloured men at the police court ment on Sunday night last on Mondy Two of them who Jamaican named wore bloodstained bandages From New Yor4 Tribune) Untila few years ago there bad when their heads, wer charged The Jamaica Gleaner of the 5th July reports With been no organization worthy of Reginald Francis was shot, with disorderly behaviour and the following in connection with a dastardly attempt Atlantic City, June 13.
but one dissenting Vote the the name among the negroes, clubbed and kicked by about assaulting the polic and the to wreck a railway passenger train at that island.
while the skilled and semi skim half a dozen native policemar. third with herving in eumonposses convention the.
epution of Labor this afternoon de trades hipxe barredctinen years in a chinaman store situat: sian woefensive weapon membership In ed at the corner of 9th street eral policemen stated that the made on the Railway line be was found that the rail was sensational discovery was ful inspection was made, and it went on record for the thorough from organization of the millions of prisoners were fighting with tween Albany and Highgate a thrown in a gully below. It was the race hava and Hudson Lane.
Datoees asked Negroes in America white men while one of them couple of days ago. It was a rather fortunate that the motor Reports from eye witte ses was seen run along the street preineditated attempt to wreck car had preceeded the passenger and recognition from the Fede As a means toward that end it ration, but until today the in: furnish the information that waving an iron bar and shouting, the Port Antonio train bound to train and discovered what had instructed its executive officers fluence of Southern delegates the unfortunate man along Down with the white race. Kingston, to use organizers to place, had passenger ble, and as a club over those in prevent any fübistan linistrerende with a few friends were all were remanded for a week, plot was discovered and thus the train gone over this portion or ternational bodies whic, decline tion being given them.
standing of also Negro called Sunny the John, who was arrested on would damage that would to admit Negroes to full mem where the shop is Sunday in connection with the have been occasioned to lives and certainly be a great bership ordered that in all such To this convention the Negro street property can well be imagined trades the Federation shall char workers presented several re. located, and the police on outbreak last week Sunny ter Negroe organizations direct. quests. Among other things duty came up making the John was stated to have slashed aware, a strike took place few This is what the police are As newspaper readers are Who took away the 30 feet of rall and pitched same in the gully ba!
they asked for the establishment mandate that they disperse. at a policeman with a razor.
un bei low!
This action, taken toward the of colored international unions, Quickly, and without any ago on the Last week outbreak has of the Railway and another stort investigating. It is clear, however close of the session which had the assignment of organizers been devoted chietly to an ad every state where there is a larxe trouble the men obeyed and aggravated the tronble and the Antonio line, between Bog Walk that there is more than one per dress by Secretary of Labor unorganized colored populution Francis entered the Chink police are having streuous work and Richmond, The strikers are son mixed up in the affair; and ace in the dis men of the Permanent Way and reason why the Railway William Wilson, in which he and the detailing in Washington shop where the policeman in maintaining trict. White men appear deter. Works Department, and denounced Bolshevism and de of an officer, preferably colored, giving the order followed him mined to clear out the blacks.
they motor car was prevented from clared it never could make any who shall devote his time to the and bumped him on the who have been advised to re: Tuesday afternoon last the line was no doubt due to the fact that were demanding more pay. then probably going over precipice hip with his club.
inain indoors, This counsel Suprintendent went out me one of the conspirators had his States, is said by veteran labor Color Line Opposed men to be the most important After this he blew his whis. many of them disregard, and late Vision on Sunday a a large body of For the committee on organiza. tle and other Policemen came had to be requisitioned to pre motor car, and the lines were in coll section on on the Port conscienee pricked, and fearing the dire taken by the Federation in years He traveled ce Antonio The sole act designated by them tion Frank Duffy this afternoon to his aid. Francis made an vent follow, arranged the signal to be consequences that would as more important was the der reported against the forming of attempt to go behind the Whenever a Negro was seen he Next morning (Wednesday) he consequences. tact on the journey northwards given to the approaching motor claration of the convention of colored international the Detectives and Railway ofti1917 supporting the Adminstra ground that there must be no cole counter of the Chinaman for was chased and, if caught, was was returning from his tour of and that the Federation safety but the limb of the severely beaten. These scenes inspection and op nearing the 38t whole affair, but up to yestertion in its conduct of the war.
cials have been investigating the stands for no division on race or law who answered the call the morning, when the rain car went over until an early hour in mile one the wheels of the motor day Critics Answered, Says color lines. There were, he said, fired off his pistol and shot cleared a torpedo. day noc clue have been obtained.
streets. Four The incident have been kept Gompers It might here be explained many internationals which admit Mr. Comper opinion is that Negioes to full me Negroes had to be taken to the that this is a signal that is placed so far, a profound secret; but a membership. Du Francis in his foot.
pisation in these hospital, Two white men were on the line to warn approaching heard the story has busied himthe Gleaner who reporter Soon, other Policias the action of the convention on plication also attended to at the hospital trains or trolleys that danger is the color question is the answer necessary, he said. Other rived and finding Francis on for stabbing wounds.
self, and he is now able to give to those who charge that the unions, the committee found, re the ground, their humanity During the war the colony of the true facts.
Federation is non progressiye fused such membership.
permitted them to kick him coloured men in Liverpool, large when the torpedo exploded reward of has and exclusive Under such conditions, he It is, said he tonight, one went on, it is recommended until he became entirely un ly West Indians, increased until no one was in sight; but the sig offered by the Management of He then the men now number abuut 5, 000 nal given was indicative that the Railway for any information of the most important steps that the American Federation of conscious.
taken by the Federation in many Labor organize colored workers dragged over a block away Many have married Liverpool denger wasrabead: The driver that will lead to the arrest ana of the motor car slowed down, conviction of the guilty parties: from tne scene of the trouble, women, and while it is admitted and when the Line Superinten: In the past it has been under direct charters.
year but it felt that the reward difficult to organize the It is further recominended and then the half dead man bands the interinarriage of black dent reached a few yards from should be made bigger, and man. Now he shows a desire to that the executive council give was taken to the Colon Hos and white women not to mention the 39 miles, to his intense sur every effort should be made to be organized, and we meet him other relationships, has excited prise he found that fully 30 feet run th: cnlprits of the dastardly inore than half way.
Continued on page 3)
of the railway lines had been torn attempt to wreck the trains to Quite a delegation called much feeling.
away from the sleepers. care. earth.
at the office of the British Further The Fall of The Bishop Knight Consul in Colon and caused wild te perd kalachis took place in him to hold a the Standhopetrict of Liverpool late on Monday Lynched For Re West Indan SolBastille Arrives with Co. ernor Arcia who night, and Tuesday morning two promised that he would do all wiltus men and seven names roues fusing low Wage diers Reception Next Monday the 14th in his power to se: that jus were brought up at the police The Rt. Rev. Albion tice be shown.
court and were remanded for a inst. the Celebration of the Knight Bsihop of the meeting of the above named week (By Cenlnry News Service)
Bastille; will be observed i: Panama Canal Zone Mission committee was held in the office Musical and Drrmatic a general holi of the Protestant Episcopal Telephoning at o clock on Star City, Ark: June 20. Clyde of Dr. Lowe last night and Panama as Concert.
day. The Banks of Panama Church, arrived from New Wednesday morning, our Liver. Ellison who lived in this neigh. it was unanimously decided to and Colon will be closed as York on Tuesday afternoon pool Correspondent reported borhood, was lynched here last that the disturbances had as week when he refused to work change the date of the reception also, all the public offices.
Brotherhood members sumed an increasingly danger for a white farmer. Ellison bad from the 1st day of August, as The Republic of Panama this week, accompanied by others are reminded of the Musi ous aspect. The trouble of the been offered the sum of 85 cents at first arranged, to July 19th Mrs. Knight.
cal and Dramatic Concert which past few days has inflamed the a day to work in a cotton field. the date set apart by the British having become anally of France during the war, it is The Bishop held confirma of Unique Lodge Ne. 2514 and on Tuesday there was It was thought that he could be Government as the official day but fitting that honour be tion service at Christ Church, and on Saturdey indiscriminate riotingiu the frightened into accepting the for celebrating the conclusion paid to the French National by the sea Colon, on Wednes night the 17h instant at the st. Toxteth Park district. House work, and a charge of assault on of peace. All sympathisers of holiday. The French Colo day evening when the Rector The Star Performing Company ture taken from houses, piled in against him. The girls and charac: whom circulars have been sent Hall. Calidonia Road. property was damaged furni Misin sd elle Bennett was blared the abovenamed movement to ny in Panama is without Rev. Father Cooper pre tor Painter with his latest fire brigade was called out twice. auce, gave the plot away when are requested to send in their doubt a most law abiding will be in attendance. Look out the streets and set on fire. The teristic type of backwoods ignorand respectful section of the sented is community and is highly re dates. and tickets can be had thousands of excited people. In told her of Ellison refusal to 16th inst so that the committee at the door.
garded and widely respected. on Thursday night the of the part one case taxicab, It is therefore nothing to Bishop visited Gatun and Unique Adds 74 to its passenger taken out, and robbed to pick cotton.
coloured man, was stopped, the play in the scheme to force him might be able to make their final arrangements.
be surprised at that the cele confirmed thirty persons, at Membersh of about 175 Pounds by hooligans, Lynchers Give Warning bration of each French Holi St. George Church, the Rev.
who at once decamped.
REMOVAL NOTICE final appeal was made to Elday during the past few years Nigntengale Priest in Local No. 2514 of the U, a state of terror. and at the time seized, carried to a bridge and a The coloured population are in lison and following this he was Allman, Tailor, begs to and taken part in by a ma charge. Last night, Confir and R: hehe saa pheasant of telephoning some hundreds of rope tied around his neck. Flat notify his customers and the jority of the populace in Pa mation Service was held at weetings Brothe Wednesday vanight them were being sheltered at the runs were heated and placed general public that he will be various police headquarters. In numer around his naked form and he removing his place of business St. Alban s, Paraiso, Rev. locals enrolled, at that meeting ous cases coloured men were was forced to jump off the struc from Bolivar Street to more Recent celebrations of Nightngale Rector, Pre. Unique enrolled 44; and by Fri found to have armed themselves ture. His neck was broken bs ises at 132 Bottle Alley, on or spacious and commodious premday night 30 more were added to for self defence. Times Weekly (Continued on page 5) senting a class of twenty five. the swell financial Roll. Eaition)
Continued on Paye about the 15th inst, was is lore pital.
trouble and containing a nama.


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