
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JULY 12, 1919 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands Fatality At Riversdale how to be entleman as the town Wanted!
LABORERS ing microbe jon ducted by a BOCAS del TORO with Now long I know have port Free Transportation here.
you be you could to the Jamaica sauce, which is already on the coloration and examination by which rolled out spontaneously market and which is in great de means of theultra microscope is and uproarously. The welcome mand in the parish and elsewhere, ound to be an atermediarty paraat the Garrison was also enthusi (From the Gleaner. it being found, it is said, to be site between the pistozna lesand astic and perhaps a trifle more much better than those inported bacteria: a lepuspire Rroles.
into the island cor Hideyo, who is prosecne og his affectionate as it was here that The sauce was tirst prepared researches at Guaya. is relatives and parents were colthrough the enterprise of a well contented by only not lected. As soon as s Excellenthe cy the Governor arrived, a brief yellow of and Thank giving Service was con who obtained a patent for the the experimental rep.
His Lordship the stuff. So great is the demand for of this malady, but he na pre. Bishop Young Man Falls Off Cocoanut the article, that he has found it pared a vaccine by means of necessary to extend his business, which he hopes to render im The message of welcome pre for the Farms and Railroads at Tree and Breaks His Neck.
to cope with it. Consequently, mune persons whose calling pared by the Reception Committhrough his initiative, a company takes them in infected regions, tee and read to the batch ar Riversdale, June 20. Great has been formed, and a factory rived on May 23 gain read was the excitement that prevailed will soon be erected and in opera Barbados by His Excellency added :here, and in the nearby districts. tion. number of influential am not going to keep you when, on Wednesday morning at gentlemen are in sy inpathy you many about 10 o clock, the rumour that the venture and have taken out things to get through before you Noel Hyatt, a young man from shares and pledged their sup The Barbados Ser can return to your families. But the Cocoanut Walk district, was wish to add a few words of UNITED FRUIT COMPANY dead, due to his having fallen off vice Contingent The matter is at present sub personal. most hearty welcome a cocoanut tree on the premises to you on your return, and of Olivia Davis at Hampshire, judice, but it is known that all to express tie hope that you will shout a threequarter mile from the plans for the factory are al. Herald in reporting the re cour of the first heroin tine heat arrangements are complete and The Barbados Weekly emulate the excellent behaviready drawn up.
that The unfortunate occurence was prominent solicitor of the ception given to the second on all hands most excellent res reported at the police Station, DAL. Clarke, was tele town is engaged in preparing the batch of soldiers arriving at ports about them. You woulog men that island from the battle have all had the advantage of Apply to COOMBS graphed for at Linstead. He ar.
rived on Thursday morning and As already stated, the prepara fields of Europe and Egpyt, being for several years under military discipline: you have had 137 Central Avenue 155 Street performed the post mortem ex tion has been proved to be ex says. the enormous advantage of seeing amination. having recived the cellent and those who use it, pre.
PANAMA Looking flashy and fit in a great deal of the world which COLON telegram at a late hour on Wed fer it to the imported article: this their short pants, 160 of the best was entirely unknown nesday: speaks much for local enterprise and brightest of the island con fore, except by books and papers.
to and the energy of the son of Olivia Davis, named Rich be a success.
Noel Hyatt had gone to givo a facturer be the scheme is sure to tribution to the Regiment You should therefore be equip. reunion with all your family, Juf Assembly, at last Tuesday landed at for the a. ard Dayis, some assistance in officers, Lieut. Weathermeeting, without a single dissenthat manner never clearing up grass in his field. Hy head Tottie) and Lieut. Phillips. have thought possibls before you The men were then marched tient voice, passed a Bill to att is said to have asked Mrs.
TRINIDAD The same Davis for a water cocoanut, and programme was car went on active service. You have over to the Drill Hall where they amend the Education Act 1880.
ried out as on the arrival of the further had the very great hon were entertained at dinner. La By the amendment, the St. Miwas told that he could have it if first batch on May 23. The men our of being part of that wonder ter in the day they were each chael Vestry have gained the he could climb for it, which he From Port of Spain Gazette Messi Jones and Swan, King. Now trust that this will to their respective homes.
anded on the Wharf, opposite ful Army of His Majesty the given 2, furlong poy, and sent necessary authority to apply a did On reaching to the top sum not exceeding 100 of the the tree, which had recently had marched through The Ortega brought out in all their rates in each varying of McGregor never be forgotten by one of you, moneys raised at some of the boughs cut off, he HEALTH MATTER Street, Broad Street, Trafalgar and that you will, each and every 14 officers, Non Coms, and 1, 107 eventually held on to the stumps Square, through the Public one, strive to maintain the re. men of the British West Indies cation of purpose of assisting in the eduor was endeavouring to pass Buildings. Palmetto Street, putation of men who have had Regiment Calling first at St. of parishioners in ften girls, the children them when one gave way, resultSeveral house holders in Port Ricket Street and Bay Street, to the honour of being soldiers of Lacia, Capt. Paul and 60 men cumstances. at Queen College.
in straitened cir: ing in his falling to the ground of Spain have recently For annual from a height of about thirty feet, complaining of the presence in was flanked on either side by will not keep you longer. badodos there were Lt. girls to nomination of the girls resulting in his neck being broken the cows milk purchased from people pumped full of cheers, wish you God špied and a happy Tottie Weatherhead and 188 men. ment will be in the hands of the and the left shoulder dislocated, East Indian vendors, of an exof sediment For Trinidad. Capt. Herbert Vestry, whilst the Education epot. The mother of deceased which is discovered after the Cavanaugh, Lts. Herry Board will be entrusted with the was away at Rio Magno about article has been boiled. This Knaggs, Vernon Maingot. John examination of the nominees, who What Position Do You Want?
not three mica from the scene of being the a natural property of will be elected on the results of the Burslem and 413 men.
fatal accident. On receiving the the milk itself, it is safe to as.
International Correspondeuce Schools, Scranton, Pa.
Gor British Guiana: Capt. examination. The ages of sad news of the death of her son sume that foreign matter (which eligiCraig, Lts. Johnson and Phillips from seven to fifteen. The Bill bility for an exhlbition range her only child, great was her in instances may be of a deleter Branch Office, Ancon, and 192 men.
was introduced into the House grief, and she had to be helped ous nature) is produced by some home.
means or another, into milk, that Please explain how can qualify for a larger salary in the position, Winward and Leeward Islands; of Assembly by Nir. Jason eve tually goes to human contrade, or profession, before which have marked Major John Tough, Capt, Lawson Jones, and as we have already sumption, we take it, that the Lts. Stuckberry and Williams said metfwith no opposition.
THE BANANA INDUSTRY. milk supply of a city, is justly ELECTRICAL ENGINEER and 282 men.
ADVERTISING MAN regarded by The bauana trade is rather the health authoCapt. Muffat, RAM. came CRICKET brisk here, up to an early hour rities as a matter of grave im Municipal Engineer out with the drafts.
ARCHITECT CIVIL SERVICE this morning large quantities of portance, and every effor should be adopted full and three quarter fruit hav.
in to order safe.
ILLUSTRATOR Trinidad Representatives ing been bought for a supply to guard it from contamination, public Health the United Fruit Co. while the Under the PLUMBER STEAM FITTER to Visit Barbados Education of Girls many properties around keptsup ance, there is special provision for plying all through the night.
making of regulations The Barbados Herald says the for protecting milk against in Commenting editorially on Port of Spain Gazette understands It is understood that another ſection or contamination; and a Bill to amend the Educa that Mr Henry Attale the Secre.
order for fruit has again been re even for securing the cleanliness ceived at an advance in the price. of vessels used in the sale of milk.
AGRICULTURE tion Act 1880 introduced in tary of the Midsummer Races, These regulations. we take it to the Barbados House of is writing to Barbados with a CIVIL ENGINEER Assembly last month, the view of making arrangements to Kola Crop is coming in and are merely so many pious aspi take over a cricket rations, if it is possible that conTRAFFIC MANAGER Weekly Herald observes have already practically selected team. We Product is Fetching tamination of the kind we have thus: Good Price.
mentioned, can go on with im.
the team, and judging from the In accordence with the exnames published below it will The cocoa (choculate) crop is purity among the East Indian pressed desire by petition of the hot be only representative of the now going out, not much in either vendors, One is accustomed in St. Michael Vestry, the Ho ise the wet or cured state being ob. the city to witness the spasmotained. The kola crop is now com die efforts of the police in en.
ing in and quantities of those deavouring to prevent the milk nuts are being purchased by the seller from adding Water to his several produce dealers. milk, but from the complaints Yams have become quite scarce being made, it is feared that and the little that is still taken ta danger than added water, from there still a greater source of the market for sale is being sold which the consumer should be at a dear rate. Wet sugar has also gone up in price, vd. 7d. protected. As we said, there Head Office, National City Bank Buil ling, New York and 8d. is now being demanded are lots of regulation dealing per quart with the keeping of dairies and the of milk, and in the inContingent Men Complains of public health generally, one would welcome their There has been complaints continous enforcement in every made by several of cur returned detail, instead of the fitful exercontingent men of the rather ex tions of the police in merely orbitant prices being charged keeping the city milk supply them by some of the city stores, free of dilution by added water, RESOURCES OVER 100, 000. 000. 00U. CURRENCY They receive better treatment from the hands of some of the stores in the country towns, even Distinguished in the ancient capital.
Depository of the Panama Canal Japanese Scientist To Make Sauce in Discovers Microbe of the Island THE INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION IS INCLUDED IN THE ORGANIZATION OF Rabies.
Object for which a company is. The Port of Spain Gazette of The National City. Bank of New York Being Formed in The Trinidad, BW. states that:Country, The distinguished Japanese AND IN CONNECTION WITH THAT INSTITUTION AND ITS DIRECT FOREIGNJ BRANCHES scientist, Mr. Hideyo Noguchi, PRODUCT ON MARKET who discovered among many others of the greatest interest, Shares Are Being Taken Up has been carrying on an extenthe microbe of rabies in 1913, INTEREST PAID ON SAVINCS ACCOUNT AT PER ANNUM.
And a Factory Will be Built.
sive researches relative to yellow fever. He has just discovered We learn that a company has the microbe of this fever unE. MORRICE, been organized in the chief town known as it was up to the presA. ROBERTSON, of one of the central parishes forent. Yellow fever is caused by a Sub Manager the manufacture of a brand of micro organism, which, after SALESMANSHIP Jonstructing Bridge Engineer Structural Draftsman Structural Engineer Window Trimmer Show. Card Writer Outdoor Sin Painter Architeeural Builder Building Foreman Conerete Huilder CARTOONIST Contractor and mustan Ordin Electric Wiring Electric Lighting Electrie Car Heavy Electrie Traction Telegraph Engineer Telegraph Work MECHANICAL ENGINEER Mechanical Draftsmen Machine Designer Machine Shop Practice Boilermaker or Designer Patlari Foundrs Work Blacksmith Sheet Metal Worker AUTOMOBILES STEAN ENGINEER Steam Electric Knineer Marine Engineer Refrigeration Engineer Gas Engine Operator Heating and Ventilation Plumbing Inspector Foreman Plumber CHEMIST BUSINESS (Complete Bookkeeper Stenographer and Typist Hixber Accounting Certified Pub, Accountant Commercial Law Good English Designer Comino School High School Subject Coal Mininy Metal Mining Assayer Lumber Dealer NAVIGATION Live Poult and Daising Farming Army und Navy Service Positions Modern Languages os Phonograph Surveying and Mapping NAME.
ADDRESS OCCUPATION RESIDENCE (Continued on page INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION is terest sale Capital, Surplus, and Undivided Profits Over 9, 000, 000. 00 Cy.
Acting Manager.


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