
THE WORKMAN, WORKMAN SATURDAY, JULY 12, 1919 PAGE THREE 0x00400 American Federation of all Wipes Out Color Line Interesting News From the West Indies ICKET GOODS Continued from (Continued from page 2) KNOW THAT WE KEEP THE MOST COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF Cricket Implements on the Isthmus ly carry SPALDING GOODS and guarantee every article we sell particular attentio zation of colored wherever possible zers to the work.
Thirty or more u ported that they line, after which delegates, explain under which they They complained th unions, by drawing excluded them fro son Forrester, hood of Railway Cle practices com said his union wou draw the color li Cullagh, of Omaho, the printers denonn line.
amateur talent, but will be a most formidable combination.
The following gentlemen have been invited, and we are pleased to state, have readily assented Andre Cipriani, Wiles, de Gannes, Dewhurst, Kelshall, Grant. Othere to be seen are Gerald Liddlelow, Guillien and about four more, from whom the bowling department will be supplied.
HERE ARE SOME OF OUR STOCK Prix Cricket Balls Wicket Keeping Gloves Bats Batting Gloves et Bales and Score Books the Grenada From the West Indian Wilson Denounces nauica 380oo.
Open all day Saturday, until 30 IMPROVE YOUR SIGHT relatives The Scadron Optical Co.
Pay us a visit, we are pleased to have you Governor Address come and look over our Sporting Department of Welcome HE MADURO COMPANY To Returning Soldiers 21 CENTRAL AVENUE.
PHONE 24 The following message from His Excellency Sir George Had don Smith, KCMG, Gor ernor of Grenada was delivered to the soldiers that Country who returned from the war. In the hour of need of your WILKINSON Empire you came forward like patriots to do your duty. you CONTRACTOR BUILDER have nobly carried out your intentions: your Island is justly of you. God has First Class Workmanship God has pre Verved you to return to your Plans and Specifications Free Island home, and friends, and to resume your 15th Street West duties as citizens. Continue to GLASSES TO SUIT EVERY EYE House 90 maintain in civil life the high Box 411, Panama, Standard you attained in military life, by being loyal. hard Working and law abiding citizens 180 WHAT EVERY WOMAN working for the good of your Island, as you have worked for Carefully Properly OUGHT TO KNOW your King Shur Tested Fitted Buying wisely to the fundamenThe Labour Danger.
tal principle of Economy. Let me do your shopping and you will soon realise the iminense agents had to refuse selling tickOn Friday last, the steamship saving that can be made on ets to persons of the labouring Dress Material of Silk, Cotton class who desired to go to Dem.
and Woolen fabrics of the very erara, or to get to Trinidad, or latest Styles. am an expe anywhere, as starting point to rienced shopper and know how on and where to buy.
soinewhere else, where they can PANAMA CITY NEW YORK COLON work for their full measure of 23 Central Avenue 44 Front Street The Novelty Lousine Silk daily bread, is a beauty We do not know of the labour MRS. ANN THOMAS, opportunities in those places, but those of our labourers who are Dressmaker. in communication with others 17th Street Central, abroad who send for them, and House No. 11 Pauama.
who ought to know conditions, should put their fingers in their ears and go with all possible SIMONS Ladies, Listen! speed. From time to time as we get hope (SUCCESSOR TO SIMONS HART)
Before getting your new make it known. The Government and employers of labour will soon Hat give a call at No. 22 know that it is time to take their 22 CENTRAL AVENUE Street, opposite the iron heel off the breast of pros.
trated labour in Grenada; but National Institute. they may know when it is too Headquarters for Family Groceries and General Supplies You will hear the rest when late.
We advise our labourers to go you come.
where they can get honest work to do for honest wages. The adusu Teas, Coffee and Spices vice seems unnecessary, because SPOCO every man of them knows that large y determine the standing Lessons Given he owes a duty to himself to STEASIL can of a grocery store. We are အcorr kor proud to say that we supply on the Clarinet, the leading bim in decent comfort. And they Band Instrument. Band or because the Grenadian is made should go for two reasons. First, many homes with teas, coffees Orchestra furnished for all better by travel. After travelling and spices of the highest grade kinds of engagements.
he returns to us with a greater TEA COFFE though not of the highest cost, spirit of manliness, and brotherE. NEILSON and unity, and be ALL CAN BE HAD AT Clarinetist Republican Band lief in his potentiality. Second, Ancon Phone 1053 because silent protest in 16 St. West, House 27, Panama, parture is far better than open rebellion and massacre. But we THIS GROCERY also advice them to go the WM. LAWRENCE which is theirs, and which must of necessity be better for them Tailor and Outfitter and for their children after a while. We have need of them; precious need of them and they Deaier in School Books, should go for a while.
and Stationary.
Four Houses For Sale No. 11 Street, Panama AT NEW PROVIDENCE IS SO WELL PATRONIZED. chains from Central Ave.
MONTE LIRIO, One measuring 25x44 Rooms BECAUSE it is the oldest Established Drug Store Address: 38x34 24x17 in Calidonia.
Box 805, Anoon Z, 30x30 BECAUSE it is Managed by a Graduated Druggist. WITH VERANDAHS)
No Reasonable Offer Refused.
BEEAUSE there is no fear of substitutes: Panama Hats Apply to, MR. CLARKE. Comissario) New BECAUSE it has always a fresh supply of Drugs Providence.
and Patent Medicines.
and TRIMMED to Order MR. WILSON, 23rd Street, Building 66, Chorrillo.
HOUSE No. 965, LaBoca, Canal Zone Rubber Stamps work for wages which And they while hood, greater in dewith WHY?


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