
capt a stay Gutter to state de RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION One Year Six Months 20 Three 60e.
a 250 style, Court PAGE FOUR Editorialettes.
lawyer in favor of a white at Court Paradise No. 9292 tomey.
THE WORKMAN The Boys Reception.
It is surprisingly strange Holds Initiation and Inthat many of our own people stallation The Special Committee or will overcrowd the waiting On Saturday 5th inst. the above Rates for Advertisement on applica. ganized for the purpose of rooms of foreign medicos and court at a special meeting ralled for the Published on Saturdays by WALROND, at the ofice Central Aww. tion. Correspondence on all matters giving our returned soldiers a dentists when they have the purpose initiated four kentlemen into nue and corner of Street, Panama, of public interest invited All copy for publication must be at work collecting funds in time, and when brown days offices installed in their various Offices right royal reception is hard cash to pay the fees at the the mysteries of the Order and coloring had the PO Box 74. Panama written on one side of paper only, and connection with the plan. Cir come, run off with hard luck must be accompanied by the name of cular letters asking for donaThomas Andrew, Chief Ranger 12. 40 Cy the writer, not necessarily for publica tions have been sent to the their owa stories to professionals of Osvald Donawa, Sub Chef Ranger tion but a race with their Jas. Innis, Permanent Treasurer we do not undertake to return Canal Zone; the diplomats their hands full of reach officials of Panama and the mouths full of trust and Alfred Rouget, Permanent Secretary Paul Alexander Taylor, Senior Woodward rejected correspondence.
and Consuls in this Republie Prederick Grant, Junior Woodward and the leading bus ness men It were better if these John Creque, Senior Beadle The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of ourrihts JUNIUS the Miguel Hive Juuior Beadle.
as well as to the Friendly So ple would remember The ceremony of Initiation and InstalSATURDAY, JULY 12, 1919 cieties, Churches and Social members of their own race Institutions.
in the days of their means solation was handled by Brother Past that when the evil days come Land No. 8448 in his usual masterly Chief Ranger Michael Alexander, of Court Justice Triumphs, Negroes Rejoice The cause is in itself too they might be able to seek significant to require explana charity.
There was also a goodly number of visiting bretheren including swer Grand things are happening in favor of the Negro tion and it deserves the coLet us support and stand Barnes of Court Mizpah No. 8950 of race in the Americas, and incidentally, all over the world. operation of the whole public.
Costa Rica, accompanied by brother The era of right has dawned and the race toasts to The Persons who have not been by our own: they will help us C. Elton Woodruffe of Day which has broken on the world as an indisputable asked need not think that when we need. To depend on Mizpah No. 9198 and brother fact, and not Der Tag of the German dreams which they have been overlooked others is a disastrous reliance. Craigs of the same Court.
At conelusion of the ceremony the plunged that mighty nation into political and commercial as every body should feel it bretberce repaired to the banquet rooi oblivion.
his duty to help swell the fund TAG DAY.
where they received the interest on the They Throttled and strangling, the race has for years been for our own boys.
initiation fee.
gurgling protest and grumbling against the inhuman treat went over the top in the To morrow is Tag Day ment meted out by those who had the power and means, various battle areas. Let us go For what? For the fund which too busy to pay attention to the cries of an afflicted people; Merchants and grocers. every braven Colored soldiers who but not the heart nor intention to help. Politicians were ever the topiota e treat them, is being raised to féte our society had other interests more important. than the body do your little bit to have returned from the war.
complaints of the under fed and under paid laborer of show the boys our apprecia Some boys, they were, and ebony stain; the church saw and heard but heeded not; so tion of what they have done.
we wish to show them that there was no influence political, social nor religions Buy some tags to morrow some time.
that tried to bring the world out of a predicament that and do all you can for the threatened it with anarchy.
boys of the who buy more tags.
Buy a tag, buy two tags, Labor itself struggled, fought and agitated for her are once more with us.
Altogether, Everybody, own interests and in her own behalf. She has won; but the Buy Your Tags. Let us show fight has been a hard and long one. Negro labor not only our friends that West Indians contended with high browed arrogance and deep seated Race Patronage.
know how to do it.
prejudice both of which have been established through The success of all peoples traditional hate, but she has conquered even, in a civil has always, in part, been due strife white labor which until a few days ago proved her to the unstinted patronage by British Public Thanksgiving.
strongest foe. The hands of the clocks turned slowly, but the members of their own race at last indicated the time when the hour struck.
and sympathies. Looking It has been officialy announced In a most brilliant display the triumph of the Negro around us in this community it that Britain will celebrate the laborer was head lined in the New York Tribune of the is not very hard to see how the conclusion of Peace on July 19th.
14th ult. in the words AMERICAN FEDERATION OF support of the orientals given in connection with these cele LABOR WIPES OUT COLOR LINE. The importance of to business and professional brations a Public service of this act of a thoroughly democratic and broadminded in men of their own race results Thanksgiving will be held in the stitution representing the blood and fibre of American in the mutual advancement Wesleyan Church Panama City given it in the New York press where only things signifi West Indians can boast of tend and will give an address labor and industry must be interpreted by the prominence of patrons and dealers alike. on Sunday July 20th at pm.
His Majesty Minister will atcant are reported. The poisonous resolution which some of capable professional men and Loyal Friendly Societies and the brainless and spineless puffed ups from these parts progressive business men; and kindred Associations, are invited tried to introduce into the recent Labor Convention at At it is a moral and racial obli to send representatives ani the lantic City, New Jersey, was seen in its true color and gation that general and gen Service will be conducted by the banners of their Orders. The thrown into the waste basket as a most unwholesome thing erous support be given them Rev. Evers.
for so dignified and farseeing an organization as the in their professions and busiAmerican Federation fo Labor.
Panama Capital Society.
The enemies of the Negro organization were thus de If we posssess any genuine feated and humiliated. They were shown that there are race pride we would not pass There will be a general meet bigger men in the United States than the two by fours by the office of a qualified and ing of the Panama Capital who have come down here from those parts of the country experienced colored physician Friendly Society on Monday where they know more about chewing tobacco and sucking to wend our way to a medico night, July 14th instant, when snuff than they do about putting in real good work for the of another race, no more than ensuing terın. All members are officers will be installed for the eagle. The decision that colored labor be generally or we would overlook a colored asked to turn out and be on time ganized is perhaps the most important event of the conference, for it is by recognizing colored labor that the bal bright morning to find a new world and a new era like Rip ance of stable economics can be maintained. Of course, the opponents to the plan could not see this, they not be awoke to see himself all the years behind the times. Van Winkle who hibernated for nearly a generation and ing able to distinguish between good common sense and a King Bee cigarette.
one sided and incomplete democracy may have lived on Another effect it has had is the puncturing of the wind the nations call on the colored races for help and these uncontested in ante bellum times, but the war has made bag of those pale faced traitors to the race who decoyed race; having answered the call are now, in turn, calling as white men by short cropping their coco nuts in order to on the Nations in Council to administer a true justice and hold down better jobs than their oppressed brethren. In demonstrate that true sense of liberty which its members stead of plunging in with their own and helping to keep have told the world are the planks of its most sacred up the fight they bolted and yellow streaked in a fashion that made honor hang her head and weep. Now that the platform.
Negro Has won there will be no necessity, if ever there patiently for the issue, and its effects upon life on the We, in this part of Central America are watching was, to prevaricate as to nationality or side track as to Zone. The interpretation of the Panamanian Governtrue racial identity.
The voice which proclaims the triumph comes from President cabinet and in the various offices of State.
ment on the principles of true democracy are seen in the over the waters. The sound is unmistakable and the Here one hears nothing of color in administrative circles message is clear and plain. It proclaims the triumph of apart from the negligible infiltration coming from across Justice through the efforts of real men over the barks and the boundary line. Will the principles of a full democracy yelps of a pack of underlings who think that the bark is be exemplified among all shades of the inhabitants on the as good as a bite, so far as the Negro race is concerned. Zone? Will the employees of the Panama Canal and the They failed in their computation of this race which has Panama Railroad be treated alike whether they be black, produced men who have received politically, British brown, yellow or white. Will the Silver RoH be abolished, Knighthood; educationally, the degree of First Wranglers, and the sharp lines of segregation at the post offices and and industrially, experts of recognized experience.
commissaries pass away into oblivion. The race is now asking for the practical dispensation of full democracy. The brilliant William Trotter repre is expected to be seen in connection with an increase in Doubtless, the most immediate exposition of fair play senting the National Equal Rights League, has petitioned wages for the colored employees. The new wagescale was that certain clauses to secure equal rights to Negroes be promised last Monday, but it hasn appeared yet. Alien inserted in the League of Nations. Trotter is right, and labor is wondering as to the cause of delay. We do not he hadn to fumble about and manufacture statements wish to interfere in the administration of the work on the upon which to base the glorious achievements of colored Canal but the grass has been a long time growing while soldiers on the battle field in a war that was not their own. the horse still continues to starve, and just how long the The claim is a just one and will eventually succeed over the beast will be able to continue at this rate is a problem too rank and uncivilized principle of discriminating against momentous for feeble minds like ours to grasp.
the color of the darker races.
FOREIGNJ BRANCHES If discrimination were based fon the facts of intelli Labor will eventually reach these shores and when that FACILITIES.
The outspoken justice of the American Federation of gence, integrity, valor, manliness and qualities of this class day comes it will usher in a new phase of life among all the Negro would long ago have been on the favourable classes of people living here in a way that will ensure the side of the line, but to discriminate and segregate on the most propitious circumstances under which any governANNUM.
question of color only puts the race in a position that ment could ever hope to operate its business. We see that nature herself cannot relieve.
day ahead, and we want all the Negroes in this country, ROBERTSON, The sleeping ghost who thinks that the colored race is to join in now and work together so that the satisfaction still in the rear and will remain there will awaken one at its coming will be enjoyed by one and all.
Acting Manager.


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