
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JULY 12, 1919 PAGE FIVE Canal Zone Notes nn last Much interest was VIS SCHrce prize lered for FOR SALE UNITED BROTHERHOOD The Fall of the Claude Vincent Dies at One large Farm, well Important Happenings of Lucai Lodges their national Fete day by page 1)
LA BOCA cultivated, and 4. Room Ancon Hospital Victory Thanksgiving er Cottage Houses, at Monte the French Colony here have vice.
Mass Meeting At Shorlit meetings het bestandard been marked by great hilar. Sad Occurrrnce Comes and On Sunday the 6th, special Victory For particulars, Apply to Almost Suddenly.
Cricket grounds in the next few ity and orderly demonstraSt. Anthony Hall days to enable also make salvam. tion, but as it is planned Thankegiving Service was held at St. JONES, Peur Church, La Boca, quite a large at tage of the present pay period that this year celebration is Yesterday evening at six tendance was present. The sermon was Box 165. Paraiso, for joining the ranks. monster to be observed as a victory o clock, Claude Vincent; a very interesting and historical. The ser or to In response to a fly sheet invi parade is contemplated for holiday, it is expected that well known young West vice was conducind by the Rector Rev.
tation issued by Organizer Labor Day GREAVES, Don fail to be in it will eclipse all previous re Indian; Grenadian by birth, Mulcare.
Carter and also by way of line, New Providence. finale to the series of public cords of rejoicing ever in was rushed off to Ancon meetings held in the near past, The Empire Star Lodge No. dulged in by the French Hospital ailing painfully, and Mr. Collins secretary of the La Boca elub house has left the Isthmus with be a record breaking crowd com 2513 will hold its regular meet Colony in Panama at a 14th on reaching there it was Don Forget prising every class of labor on ing on Wednesday 16th inst. July object of spending his vacation. Mr.
Holiday Vira La found that an immediate Hunter is now acting in his place, the Isthmus assembled at the St. Initiation of Candidates etc. Frances.
operation was necessary.
Anthony Hall, Calidonia.
The last call social closes on Despite the skill and science THE RED, WHITE AND BLUE Wednesday evening exhibited at Peir BALL which will take place on 9th, to testify by their presence of July the 16th at pm those who CLOSING OF MAILS of surgery, and the prompt 18 Balboa on Wednesday 9th when sever. July 15, 1919, at House No. 3, their interest, selle and earnest are not in must stand a chance.
al of the battle ships were to be 24 Street, Guachapali.
attention given by the hoswhen Saturday July 12 nese towards the progress and Members of the April or May pital staff our unfortunate een. These ships along with their crew This unique Ball will be given welfare of the United Brother Initiation will know that by the Visitors were al by his un. COOPER, President hood of Maintenance of Way they heinenuntinancials 16th their dnes are payable or Metapan, Per United Fruit Co friend passed away in the conveyed ammunition for New Orleans, ward shortly after the operalowed on board. They sailed on Thurs of the Emplovees and Railway Shop Registered Mail at a ordi.
day morning Laborers Courteous attention guaranIt is expected that the Lodge nary letters at a.
The spacious hall It tion, the case having been teed.
and adjacent balconies were so will hold a meeting on Sunday Sunday July 13 too far advanced for sucPARAISO members friend, packed that even standing room 20th when Guosts, are requested to come vis cessful treatment.
Per Peruvian Steamship Co Over fifty of the visitors or well wishers will be and have a jolly time. Soja fair sex graced the occasion welcome Mantara for Peru (only)
Fraternal circles will rePic Nic Jazz band will be in Attend with their presence many Registered Mail at a. ordi gret to hear the sad news among then wearing the indutan Big Mass Meeting nary letters at am On Friday, July 14th a Grand Pic Nic nce.
which has doubtless gone was held at the Paraiso Clubhouse when. The was over the Isthmus with a there was dancing and other diversions. Colon. Cristobal Chauf addressed by Messrs Carter.
ther voice, he must also see his shock to all.
Toppin, Hall and DeDier, but an at Colon AL 10p. m, a dancing contest took place face.
when 12 couples took part.
feurs Lining Up. thusiasm Deceased was a member its height usta reached The meeting was opened by the best dancer was won when it was announced that one by Mr. Ernest McSween and Miss to appear of the would the enthusiasm and zeal for the holding the office of permadid entone who were disclosed the best ing in Yesterday Edition pour the plattor da diesel engine per cupy 240 New Members Enroll on fansizcerns toute with his usuar of several Friendly Societies.
cause of the Brotherhood and nent Secretary in two of the altzing couple of the night. MeSween Star and Herald, calling a justice to the occasion, uttering a color and resides at Muller Build meeting of the Colon Cristobal several interesting and impres that all dnesday and Thurs. He was followed by Our Colon correspondent writes was enthusiastically applauded. Lodges: Court Mizpah, No.
ing. Caldonia Bridge, Panama. asked to facts every state that the said turn up will therhood in its relation to or any other working womentano whom sounded the key note of al Victor Lodge No. 18137, working man and Morales and Crooks both of 2198, and the Loy: come off in connection with the ganized labor among the colored in Colon and Cristobal, and in unison for the good to be He EMPIRE Silver Employees Mass Meeting employees of the Panama Canal fict every sympatnizes of labor, achiveed by the colored man in was a in the For1 to take place at to morrow) and Panaina Railroad. Special water Confirmation Service.
Sunday afternoon at the Cristo mention must be made of PresiWay Wrought up to boiling pitch. Joining the Brotherhood. Both esters Court and a in dent Toppin who was in his usual ene Brotherhood on Thursday cheered. This meeting resulted the Odd Fellows anxious Mass Meeting of bal Silver heartily To be held at St. Barnabas Episcopal All the Colon Cristobal ChaufJhumorous style.
He was also a member of 1919 at 30, Members and friends invited lahut dhe se non seuled ayo leolvendo fuers, Car owners and speed. Secretary Treasurers and their iniesomis turbine Colored Club house in the enrollment of 240 new Cristobal: members who are now proud of the of and assistants were kept busy getare invited, as it has been a long time ting out receipts for those apply This fever heat was occasioned wearing the red and green but wice this church was visited by the Bis ing for membership, and when at by a catchy hand bill circula zer Stoute for the good works he ton. Congratulations to OrganIn religious connection hop, and all will be glad to see him.
The Choir under the direction of Mr. very soon to Gatun, Monday evening, they report returning last from the continued strain ted a few days before the meetthey closed their books for the ing by Organizer Stoute for is doing for the Brotherhood deceased was a communp. buyers, Cathecist at this end, is preicant member of St. Paul The American Battlc Ship, which ar. night, there still remained the Atlantic end.
paring some splendid Anthems for the a Brotherhood. Church, Panama, and of unattended Cer rived at Colon on Saturday night last tainly it was a grand sight. The for holding the Meeting came And so when the actual hour Consion o. it was with dilticulty that organe Ever Green Lodge No. 2506 came Guild of Acolytes of this The regular meeting of the member of the St Vincent mg some thrilling experience to give, and the Locks and the town of Gatun. For using the foreground.
it would be well for all to come theizer Stoute himself could elbow off on Thursday night the 10th Church as well as Assistant in the short time in which these men were ushore the fruit peddlers did a hustling the faces of all as they listened grim earnestness depicted on his way to the platforin.
inst. This meeting was large numbers to bear His Lordship to be Superintendent of the SunThe Brotherhood of St. Andrews of the business, held on the 4th inst, but was day Scoool.
Loug before the appointed postponed to the 10th, owing to to the exhortations of the differht. Barnabas Chapter are also making Big Dance ent speakers, the busy Secreta hour for starting the spacious the holiday Arrangements are being extensive preparations for the visit of Don forget the big dance to be given ries, the long lines of applicants, Clubhouse was packed to its There was quite a large crowd made to have the body kept His Lordship. This Chapter has always by the Ladies Auxiliary of the United the ever increasing pile of greatest capacity each man present when organizer Carter at the Ancon morgue until the Church On Saturday night the greenbacks, all made picture jostling his brother for a position addressed the meeting; several Sunday. If this is possible the past, and it will be encouraging for 2nd August. Sam Gooding popular worth going miles to see. That of vantage to catch a glimpse of other speakers also followed dur the funeral services will take ole to pay them a visit.
band from Panama will supply the music the negro is at last awake to his the various speakers as the colored ing which the various Secretaries place at St. Paul Church and don you forget it that will be some interest is now beyond the sha: man has become so clannish since were kept busy en rolling names GATUN.
jazz music at the new Colored Clubhouse dow of a doubt. Go to it, boys. It being organized that he is not only total of 80 members was p. on Sunday, otherwise on the 2nd must be do or die this time. satistied with hearing his broadded.
the public will be notified of United Brotherhood Meeting the change in arrangement To night.
of the burial.
wo SXSXSSXos X50 30os sexs The United Brotherhood of Mainte nance of Way and Railway Shop Laborers will hold a meeting at the New ARE YOU GIVING YOUR WIFE SQUARE DEAL. Court Land No. 8448 Lodge Hall, Gatun, to night Saturday Installs Officers All are cordially invited long out Soooo oo GE place.
brilliant Remember Monday night, 14th inst.
will be the unveiling of the Chart, something good in store for all, commencing hour will be p. in. organiser Stoute, for the Atlantic end will be on hand with his addresses, along with several other speakers.
Miss Cave has been selected to unveil the charter along with the Misses and Osborne. Brothers of the various lodges are cordially invited.
Thursday night 10th inst. His Lordslip the Bishop held confirmation at St. George Church, when 29 candidates repared by our Catechist Mr.
Laurie received the rites of confirmation.
Rev. Nightengale assisted with the service, quite a large congregation turned out.
Hiss Lordrhip the Right Rev. Albion Knight visited the Locks during the early part of the day accompanled by his wife and Rev. Cooper from Colon.
0:55 No more discomfort bending over a hot stɔve, no fumes as from other irons. You can iron anywhere that there is a lamp a socket.
ELECTRIC FLATIRON On Thursday 3rd inst, at their Court rooms in San Miguel, the installation of officers for the en suing term July December took The ceremony was performed CR; Clifford Jarvis assisted by s Alex Lewis and Boyke.
The new administration com prises the followingE. Drakes, C, re elected. Rhoden, Charles, Treasurer. re elected. GAI leyne, Secretary: Carrington, Hinds, :J. Meade, Sewert, At the close of the ceremony the brethren repaired to the banquet hall where a very enjoyable time was spent. Several toasts were made to the prosperity and success of the new administration by C. s. Lewis, Jarvis and Boyke also many visiting brethren.
The Chairman thanked the speakers in behalf of bis col.
leagues, promising to do his ut most in the uplift of the Court.
The meeting was brought to a close with the singing of the British National Anthem.
the hand.
The handle is always cool and will not burn or blister lost in changing Irons. It stays hot as long as wanted.
No time lost in waiting for irons to heat and no steps The Electric Iron is used to.
day in thcusards of homes. Have you bought one yourself?
Cricket The Excelsior known as the brown men sent a challenge to the Operators of this town during the early part of the past week, but at the last moment they got cold feet. If the Excelsior wants to know about Cricket challenges let them ask Operators they are right here to receive any challenge even from Grace, Lord Brackley or the Surrey in England.
STEAMER MOVEMENTS Call and ask about these Liberal Terms.
Phone 602 Phone 150 Sunday morning last on the arrival of the 40 train which reached our town, the brought over quite a large crowd of their brethren; as previously announced in last week issue of the Workman. they held a conven.
tion service, which was one of the pleasantest services ever witnessed at this District. The program which consisted of several speakers is too lengthy to mention but every brother did his level best.
Thanks must be given the Messrs.
George Benskin (and Harper for the wonderful way preparations were made, several Sisters and their Brothers were over night guests taking the 20 train on Compañía Panameña de Fuerza y Luz Sta. Ana Plaza, Panama.
Colon Electric Ice Supply Co.
Bolivar Street, Colon.
United Fruit Co.
The Metapan will sail for New Orleans via Bocas del Toro on or about July 13.
The Parismina will sail for New Orleans and Port Limon and Bocas on or about July 16th.
The S. Tivives will sail for New York direct Monday July 141h.
The! Santa Marta will sail for New York via Kingston Jamaica, on or about July 17th,


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