
PAGE SIX Sir Douglas Haig Spurns New Title United States Pharmacy Says Men Must Get Justice First Britain Stirred by His Rejection of Peerage, While One Tire Fighters ack Work.
left the army.
at market.
One has been hie race antagonism per places free seated to the dinner corps tinguished Sery lox king London, June Field Marshal Sir after the fashion of a Government UniverDouglas Haig, the hero of the bour in sity, but nothing official has been said Great Britain, is doubly so, because of the about it. It is stated that the Field attitude he has taken regarding the fu Marshal is heartily in favor of such a ture of our gallant comrades who have plan Having foregone the Soldiers Estimate of Haig.
peerage that could have been his long writer signing himself an exstaff o simply because he would not accept officer, writing in the London Sunday personal reward for his part in the war Herald of the many excellent points until a satisfactory systern was perfected, about his Commander in chiefs says that which would do justice to the to the men and in the Field Marshal opinion nothing officers in his armies, he is now hailed as sufficient to bring about the desired the soldiers friend an envious position opportunity for all one time soldiers indeed in these hard to please days.
done, and that until he can Little enough has been done for the it is unlikely that the nation will be own conscience in the matter demobilized soldiers, according to com 18 petentservers, but what has been ac given the opportunity of congratulating complished has been attributed solely to him on the assumption of another title.
Sir Douglas Haig remarkable and praise. Then the writer describes most interestworthy stand. They are several schemes ingly the soldier estimmate of Sir.
both in operation and contemplation Douglas Haig: which attempt to supply the machinery gentleman the backbone, and for putting discharged soldiers into pro no less a democrat this was the opinion which to resume civil Kfe, his men formed of him, and as the but the Field Marsbal is not yet satisfied. armies grew and the civilian element So he is still Sir Douglas, and no more.
became more pronounced, his well His first public utterance of any im known simplicity and hatred of any apportance upon returning to England was proach to fuss or ceremony endeared about that very subject. His men must him more and more to men who by have adequate provision made for them. habit and temperament were less in day or so after bis statement he told clined than the regular soldier to be the story of a demobilized officer, who impressed by a certain degree of parade had won the Victoria Cross, the Dis. and ritual. The story soon reached Service Order and the Military the trenches of his rebuke to corper Cross walking through the streets of Lon Commander whom he found surrounded don vain for any kind of work by a semi royal body guard at a time That story stirred things up schemes and his curt send away that circus hings up schemes when manpower was particulariy low, ar con under consideration were speedily put into operation, and the military authori. reverberated throughout the Expxj ties began hurriedly thinking up addition tionary Forces.
al and better ones. Of course, this is no The test of the National emergency easy task, as every nation with return placed him once and for all in that ing millions of men has found out, but special shrine of the people heart that that doesn alter the fact, in Sir Douglas no more than one man in a mind, that something must be done, and is destined to occupy.
The news soon done on a great and sufficient scale. spread from France of his coolness, his Placing Officers a Task judgment, his indomitable will, and most of all, his consideration for his Of greater difficulty than to find jobs men, a consideration unalloyed by the for demobilized soldiers is placing the offi general weakness of a Buller. The first vers, many of whom held minor positions battle of Ypres, in which his continud before joining up, but whose ability and presence among his troops heartened brain in the service brought out their them to their impossible task as nothing true selves. It is not Sir Douglas idea at else could have done and was worth all that the Colonel who was a clerk or balf a dozen of the artillery brigades of the Lieutenant who was an office boy which there were then so lamentab should be allowed only the prospect and deficient, set the seal of his popularity.
civilian life where he left off. The field Marshal says, further sourt honours until justice is opportunity of resuming Sir Douglas Haig attitude agains: and the public backs him up, that places done his fighting men has impressed the commensurate with those relinquished in the army should be presented to them.
British public all the more because of the fact that before the war he was widely The Government is paying out millions known to be in the highest of pounds in unemployment wages to almost basked in in it as a novelist might munitions and other Government workers say. When he he was Lieutenant General dispossesed when the armistice came. Sir Douglas Haig, before the war, it is Sir Douglas, in all fairness and defer related that he was not known so much rence to those thousands who counted in for his having been one of the high mili: war just as much as soldiers in the scale tary command, or for his exceptional of efficiency, realizes they must be taken work in South Africa with Sir John care of, but it is bis firm opinion that if French, or for his having been chief of unemployment wages are to be divided staff for India, or for his appointment to they should go first to the men who risk the Aldershot command, but largely for ed their lives and earned practically no his having been a court favourite on Better, he would have the Gov whom the King was just as likely as not ernment put into effect some system to bestow another honour any day.
whereby both the stay at home workers and the fighters receive equal and adeIt has been remarked in the British and get equal and adequate opportunity favour had not the war shown his sterquate recompense during enforce idleness Press that Sir Douglas Haig stood an excellent chance of wilting of carpet to enter befitting work or the opportunity ling qualities for other lines of endeavour to prepare for it.
The fact that his wife, the Hon. Dorothy There have been several hints in the Vivian, daughter of the third Lord Vivian press that the Government is considering and Lady in Waiting to Queen Alexandra, a project which will provide free train was a great court favourite bolstered ing in a wide range of trades and profes opinion regarding Sir Douglas seemingly sions for demoblixed men, something inevitable future.
generation Central Drug Store THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JULY 12, 1919 LABOR EMANCIPATION Whites Start Riot Writing under the above In London caption, the New York TriJUST ARRIVED!
bune of the 15th ulto, says. Continental Press despatch LARGE ASSORTMENT OF NEW AND FRESH The action of the American Londnn, Eng. June 21st, taken Federation of Labor in voting, from the Chicago Defender. PATENT MEDICINES with but one dissenting vote, to For use both Internally and xter ally ad mit negroes into all trade responsiblo for the following unions when there is no express report of the recent riot started exclusion to organize negro in England by White SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR, FOUR FOLD LIVER unions by direct charter wher troops:TONIC, Dr. SIMMONS SQUAW VINE COMPOUND, there is exclusion, marks one of DARBY PROPHYLACTIC FLUID, FOUR FOLD the greatest practical vietories In order to demonstrate that LINIMENT, Dr. SIMMON VEGETABLE for the Negro since Emancipa every country attitude is the tion Day same toward the man with dark LIVER MEDICINE For a generatior. Negro com skin, a group of white men from All these preparations have been used successfully by the mites have appeared before the United States started a ruce the Federation with pleading thousand British subjects, who people of the United States for more than 20 years.
riot here last week. More than voices. They have asked recog For Sale at Pharmacy nition for the privilege of co were misled by the whites are operations th the white man. Liverpool awaiting trial.
locked in the Bridewell Opposite Railroad Station) LOPEZ, Proprietor.
instrad of of bring compelled to un dersell him in the labor method of prop ugands has On and after August 1st, this store will remove to section denied political been established by Americans 149 Central Avenue, opposite El Sol Silk Store. rights and the other economic in this city and literature seek rights, and though he became skilful, found has been distributed broadcast.
the Negro, even ing to display racial prejudice it difficult to sell his skill except The fact that there was no social under conditions intensifying the barrier between the races her that be deplored. so angered the Americans that The new rule will, of course, insulting remarks were hurled not be perfectly obeyed Preju at mixed couples as they were Sailings for Bocas dice is a hard thing to kill. Be strolling down the boulevard tween prejudice and self interest Row Starts in Cafe many men elect to serve preju dice. But there is progross The bitter feeling became Launch ALBA dipiret progress. The door of apparent in Cala De Montricello opportunity is opened wider to where several Americans were the aspiring members of a race having a dinner party. The proLeaves Colon for Bocas del Toro whose submergence has made prietor of the resort, absolutely many of our professions seem free froin race prejudice hypocritical several mixed couples adjacent Every Tuesday.
The lifting of the bar is to be Blood arose in the eye of the table or the whites.
regarded as a by product of the Taking Freight Passengers Insulting re war Not only did thousands of Americans and directed at the coumarks were direct Negroes fight well, but there was a stirring of democratic ples. The management objected For Further Particulars Apply to thought. It was impossible to to the uucouth manner of the ignore all reminders of our and them great CARLOS HENRIQUEZ inconsistency, and a sense of the cafe. On leaving the shame has grown members slyly pulled the cloth from the table occupied by the 25 BOTTLE ALLEY Phone 325 COLON policy in good faith followed rough and tumble tiglit in which To the degree the new labor couples. This action caused a the country, and particularly the British were victorious.
the areas of large Negro population, will be benefitud Hard it White Rob Taxi is for any people to rise far Matters remained quiet untit above the condition of the labor the fall of night: Under cover masses. The luxury of repres of darkness the whites held up a sion must be paid for. The taxicab and robbed two British South to day is meeting an iners of 300 pounds. Following FOUNDED IN 1881 demnity bill which is a bad her. this they entered the homes of itage of slavery days. The whole the black population during their THE OLDEST DRUG STORE IN PANAMA country shares the loss incident absence and wrecked furniture to discouraging millions carried it into the streets and CITY, AND THE MOST MODERN ONE.
tired it. When this news was Just in Stock a large Assortment of spread the British and Americans engaged in fierce tights Brook Powdered Barley British Speak Out SMALL AND LARGE TINS of Atfiliation Since the Americans have been allowed to enter fashion BROOK GROAT able clubs here that have no Frederick Moore tells of rules relating to color, they have Specially recommended for children and persons Convalessing.
Going to see Gompers endeavored to impress the British with the fact that such a Twice to get Negroes ish MANUEL ESPINOSA rule is necessary to preserve the into the Union. superiority of the Central Avenue, 33 In the attempt to avoid clashes.
Opposite La Merced Church Panama. The New York Tribune, dsted several cafe owners have ordered June 13. states the following that the American whitese be anent the departure of a large denied the privilege to eat in the number of aliens from the United main dining rooms. In an interStates view a reporter, Sir Alber The Exodus of Italians and other tus Markham said: In observ southern Europeans from the United ing the cause and effect of racial States, the imminent restriction of ime troubles it can be traced directmigration by Congress and the great ly to the influence of the propa.
of labor during the reconstruction ganda put in operation by the period have combined to bring about Americans during their sojourn the action taken Friday by the Ameri in our midst as fighters of democan Federation of Labor convention at cracy. can emphatically THE CITY PHARMACY England say Atlantic City in admitting colored men that to equal rights with white as labor troubles prior to the advent of American units said Frederick Moore, of The the Has supplied a long felt want by opening up soldiers. Our con New York Age, yesterday. Even with ception what democracy an up to date those underlying economic causes, it really means not carry with Soda Water Fountain has required steady and persistent work it race discrimination and burnpart of the Colored people to ing of human beings. England bring about this action. More than has long since relegated that idea Cool and refreshening Drinks of all flavors year and a half ago, a committee, includ to the back ground and she canserved with Syphon Soda, at moderate prices ing Jones, Dr. Robert Moton, not afford at this late day to mar John Shillady, of the National As her brilliant record.
sociation for the Advansement of Parliament has been asked to ored People; Emmet Scot and my investigate the cause of the THE CITY PHARMACY self, went to Washington to see Samuel trouble.
130 CENTRAL AVENUE American Federation the recognition Silver City Band Journeys Gompers on the subject before the by the Federation of the Colored men.
We argued the matter before the exec to Cristobal utive committee. Again. year ago, we went over the same ground with The Silver Club House at Cristobal JUST OPENED them. Mr. Gompers said that he was will be the scene of conviviality and with us in the matter, and so was the jollility this evening. The Silver City executive committee. Our persistence, Band of La Boca will have to answer combined with the economie causes re guilty to that charge for it is their intenferred to, has won the battle.
tion to place before their audience There can be little doubt about the high class Band Concert and Dance 122 Central Ave. Panama (near late Continental Bank)
importance of the achievement. With which will commence the organisation of the Colored men of sharp. Get your glad rage on you at 7:15 BROWNE McALMON, Prop the North and South, relationships and brotherhood men and throw off dult understandings will improve, the black large assortment of DRUGS and CHEMICALS laborer will realize that he is more in cares for a while, at least, portant as an industrial unit than be was before.
PATENT MEDICINES OVERHEARD AT CRISTOBAL DOCKS. With the large influx of colored la.
TOILET WATERS, PERFUMERNES, SOAPS bor into the Northern States during the Resident; to lady from vacation. How last three years there was danger to did you like the trip to and from the Federation of labor from colored strike breakers. This danger was recorNew York?
Prescriptions carefully compounded nized by the Federation, and was suo Lady: Oh, I, had an awful time, did of the impelling causes leading to the not enjoy much of it. BROWNE DAVIDSON Federat! on action. With equal oppor Resident, And were you sick botb Druggist Druggit tunity and equal wages and membership Phone 939 in the Federation, the colored man will not lend himself to strike breaking.
Lady: Oh no, only vomited, Colored People Sought court favor nece of the white race.
with a Meet Me at the Fountain money.
Deed knew of does not the ColThe Chemical Hall The Clemenceau Family. IF Heredity is said to have play ed a part in building up the mar. By Nicholson Nichols.
vellous constitution which leads Clemenceau to be described If you can organize, when men are organizing as the greatest young man in And make a link in the connection France. For the past 300 years chain; and more every one of his direct It you can think, when other men are ancestors male line has thinking, belonged to the medical profesAnd make allowance for their future gain.
sion, and so, persumably, learn If yon can make trails to entrap the ed to look after his own health as Non Unionst well as that of other people. This And treat him only just. as best you can, unique record of continuity was Yours is the praise, and all the good broken for the first time when that with it, the French Premiers only son, Believe me friend, yours is the masM. Michel Clemenceau, elected to ter hand become an engineer rather than If you can canvas men, when others study medicine.
are failing The Premier father, who died To get together, those who have kept. only 12 years ago and continued If you can make, success of your to practice long after his eight progressing ieth year, made his famous son And garner in some men from day to conform to the family traditions. If you can win when other men are loosing, ADVERTISE IN And keep a check one very man you ve The Workman your days will be. those that are nevIT PAYS ways?
er And best of all you ll be a man my son.


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