
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JULY 12, 1919 PAGE SEVEN What Wilhelm Thinks Joys of Prohibition book or som Union the Word!
BE IN FASHION by section, CIGARETTES Smoke the Latest FINE TIME Superior to all Others Sold Everywhere 15c. Gold CREATION IN Are By NICHOLSON NICHOLS From the war ridden shores of Enland 20 the scarr a battlefields of France Overseas to the Great Dominion And America ll cast a glance, Union the word!
From Panama, Republican shores at the Atlantie, To the Facifie side by the sea, The ethnological breeze, blows gigantie Gales, of an effuvial tendency, Union the Word!
From the skies to the depth of the oceans.
You will find kindred unity: As each day reveals its new token Of essentials, to guide you and me Union the Word!
From the many homes that are in mourning From the torture, that we can scarce bear, From whose life blood, some poor heart is yearning For you to yield to the call. that so dearUnion the Word izing reign What now Dr. CONNELL SURGEON DENTIST They are AT Can be found at 175 Central Avenue Opposite Station ADVERTISE IN The Workman IT PAYS Per package ancestors as Our Friendly Societies Directory The Different Garage.
Not INDIFFERENT the head of The Garage where every one is treated alike.
One Price Good Service Right Pricse CHALMERS GARAGE What does the former Kaiser What They are as Disthink of the terms of peace!
closed in a Dry State.
Amid the breathless interest in tinal publication of the sen resident of Old Orchard tence imposed upon Germany. Maine wrote thusly to the New the world seems for the moment York Timus to have forgotten the lonely exile of Ameron To those of your readers who As he looks gen.
the treaty section, Cookies are looking forward to the joys with its provissions of pitiless will allow me to say that inly dless of national prohibition hope you severity, it must seem to him the those who have lived in a proni vronouncement of the end of all bition State can tell them truly things, the doom of the world in which he has lived and had his have lived in Maine seven years just what such joys will be being.
and am fully qualified togive inThe November revolution over formation on this subject.
threw the Kaiser throne; the The first joy will be that of realnu treaty overthrows the posted accomplishments of his right of that your constitutional of German am annihilated. The second joy will personal liberty has been ms in the Levant, what bother be in knowing that some of the the Bagdad railway; what of licy of pan Islamism; what of most unprincipled men, and per: kiao Chau; what of a German haps women, in your vicinity will Saltie; what of Morocco: What an be vested with power to annoy che navy, the Kaiser especial and humiliate you, often to the ser et extent of invading your home or Det: what of the great German overhauling your baggage when merchant marine: what of Ger, you :tre travelling.
wers man trade supremacy what of the German The third joy will be to know man army what of her coloniul empire are gone, that a percentage of your towns.
Gone all the achievements of people will be exempt from such what was to have been the great annoyance, while others will be est reign in all history the reign persecuted a matter of regulat which was to make the German ed solely through the medium of citizen as feared and respected so called graft money.
throughout the world as the Another joy will be in knowing Roman of twenty centuries ago. that the poor man who once Nor is this all. WILHELM II. drank openly and drank good has wrecked not only the accom liquor is drinking vile stuff plishment of his own life, but secretly and lying about it. Still Yokosdoss55 Osxos in large measure those of his another joy lies in the knowledge well. Surely the that the rich man cellar and ghost of his grandfather will re table will always be supplied proach him for the loss of with the best beverages, while Alsace Lorraine, that of FRED the poor man beer is growing ERICK the Great for the undoing of daily more unpalatable.
the work of the First Partition. Of Court Brock No. 0725, AO Loyal Progress No. I.
Other joys may be enumerated Bolivar St. Colon General meet. Caledonia General mereink 2nd all the mighty services of the such as the growth of hypocrisylings ist, and 3rd, Wednesdays Sects. Tuesdays and Saturdays Blades Hohenzollerns he has left for trickery, deceit, and intemper. Samuei Crawioru, Secty. Box 971 Ancon sterity only German unity anice which are the natural out Court Land, No. 844.
Loyal Ionica, No. 12. M, 24th St, Guachapali General meetings Well may: Wilhelm consider comes of every attempt to legis Land Hall Higino Su, San Miguel ist, and 3rd, Mondays Rallon himself a man alive in the world late morality instead of edu. General meetings ist, and 3rd Thurs: Buckner, Seety. Ancon days Seety George Alleyne, Ancon that is dead. His is the most cate it. 0, 0, Future Hope No. 2104 colossal failure in history. LOUIS And perhaps the greatest joy 20 St, Cen, Aveneral meetings 1st XVI. and NICHOLAS 11. went of all will be to know that we have Court John Wallace No. 9111. and 3rd Mondays, Sa Buggies Secty.
down to their ruin became fate opened our gates to revolution F24th St. Gunchapali General Box 1061 Ancon at had placed them meetings ist, and 3rd SaturdaySeety, social fabrics hopelessly inad, and anarchy by putting into effect Alexander Sanchez, Ancon Loyal Johnathan No. Daughter No.
a law that is absolutely in opposi 2756, L, O, 20 St. Cea. Ave, quate and rotten, fabrics al. tion to the principles of self de General meetings 1st Tuesday and 3rd ready doomed But WILHELM termination on which our country Thursday. Miss Williams Seety.
Court Mizpah, No. 919, Ancon has ridden a strong horse over was founded and through which Morning Star Lodge 24 St Guachapali a precipice, The German Em its success was achieved General meetings ist and 3rd, Wednes.
Loyal Johnathar No. 2641 days Secty. Claud Vincent Box 326 pire with its throbbing life, its Balboa Heights S, 20 St. Cen. Ave, General meetings Ist Friday and end Wednesday giant industrial system, its cen tralized efficiency, might have NOTICE Court Minerva No. 944. Grant, Soety, Panama.
remained indefinitely one of the Sam iritans Hall San Miguel General Court Brock No. 675, Bolivar SL Meetings 1st and 3rd Saturdays Seety greatest of World Powers, and Colon RP General meetings ist and 3rd had it not been for the follyof the TO THE PUBLIC AT LARGE Sydney McClean. Secretary Box 866, Wednesday. Seety. Samuel Crawford Court Land. No. 8448. Land Hall man in whose bands its destiny Hisino St, San Miguel General meetings ist The West Indian Pacific Band Ancon Canal Zone.
and 3rd Thursdays Secty. George Alleyne.
was placed.
begs to notity the publie that Court Paradise No. 9212, 0, To Wilhelm the eternal it the y have changed their name Land Hall San Miguel General content contenu parade. Ne line is hea Court John Wallace No. 9111.
will ever recur with its agonies and address toj meetings 2nd. Tuesday and 3rd. Satur Ird Saturdays.
of regret and remorse. No THE PANAMA CAPITAL day, Seety. Rouget. Balboa Ancona Sety Alexander Sanchez, doubt he will seek to place the Court Mizpah. No. 9196. Morning BRASS BAND Star Lodge 94 St. Guachapali General Meet blame upon others, upon his adCourt Pacific, No. 9751 A, O, F, insist and 3rd wednesdays Secty. Claud Vin visors, his generals, the allied Band Hall, 22 St. Guachapali, Groves Hallest. Ave. La Boca cent Box 33 Ralboa Heights, House 25.
General meetings ist, and 3rd Satur Court Minerva No. 1284. Samaritans Governments, in fact upon every Hall San Miguel General Meetings Ist and 3rd one and everything save himself. Sec. Whittaker, days, SacunSest des MeClean Box set CanalZone.
who alone had the authority Band Instructor Sealy, Pythian Pride Lodge No. I, K, of Court Paradise No. me. Land door not to do. Why should Calidonia House 80 Loyal Progress Hall Calidonia Regu. Hall San Miguel General meetings tuc Tues lar Convention 2nd and 4th Wednesday day and 3rd Saturday. Seets, Rouget, allies wish to pu: this poor Keeper of Records and Se. Green Balboa wretch upon trials Surely the NOTICE! Ancon O, Court Pacitie. No. 9751 Groves Hall harshest tribunal could devise Saturday for him no torture worse than Star Lodge that which he is now forced to Workman begs to The Management of the Land Hall San Miguel Encamp talks of Paradise Lodre. Ne mogu meeting nights notity ments 1st, and Tuesdays Jarvis eth Thursday each month, Secretary Fitz endure. the torture of reading Seribe, Anoon Bowen, Box 701 Ancon Canal Zone, the terms of peace. New York Secretaries of the various Royal Primrose Lodge Erchange. Friendly Societies and Secret Loyal Pacitie 0, meeting nights every Tuesday San Miguel I, Groves itall La Boca General meet. Clarke Secretary Orders, whose Lodges appear in ings ist, and 3rd. Thursdays ind and ith Mondays and and Saturday.
Guiding Star Lodge. No. 22. Druids Hau; our Friendly Societies Directory Hunter Secty: La Boca.
Seety. Mrs. Esther Fletcher. Ancon Fourteen Points. column to communicate with Box 106.
Loyal Pride of the Isthmus Lodge, the office making the necessary 21 St. Central Avenue, Britain Pride andre, No. 2343 and and 4th HauSt. Central Avenue General meetings every two weeks Seety. William Bensken. Aneon. Box correction of any errors appear. Wednesdays) wm. Lawrence, From the New Republic)
ing in their Lodge Notice. Secty, Box 805, Ancon Continued on Page 8)
Orlando smiled: and Pichon said. Your fourteen little points are dead.
Not so, the President replied. My little points have never died. canght the voices in the air, And heard proclamed an issue theje No man might dare to straddle; May not say first espied Tne onward flowing human tide With Labor in its saddle You think shantung brings me chagrin?
No; for Japan it always been THE HOME OF An economie barrier. promise to remove all such can say China likes it much But all Japan is merrier said we open our debate And hide no plan for any state, From Omsk to the Trentino; And nothing hid, you must agree From Clemenceau or George or me, Or even old Sonnino. Let take the Saar and there you ll find That France alone made up her mind, in all the Latest Styles and Prices to Meet Without my consultation No words of mine would she embracethe Pocket of All It was, you see, a clear cut case Of self determination The freedom of the seven seas We have secured with perfect easeDebate it, if you choose to: The League of Nations, in its might, Declares the seas hate every right To flow on as they used to.
Sole Agent Need say more? No more!
they cried.
And straightway to their tasks they 37 CENTRAL AVENUE hied, PANAMA With all their aids and all their clerks, Applying Fourteen Points to Turks.
Aneon The Calidonia Jewelry Store Obarrio Building.
No. 2, Calidonia Road the LET EXPERT HANDS DO YOUR Ist Ave. La Boca General meetings ist and 3rd WATCH REPAIRING Grove WE KNOW HOW. TRIAL WILL CONVINCE, Wedding and Engagement Rings a Specialty. O, CAMPBELL WATCHMAKER JEWELLER.
Phone 1053 Cars Stop at the Door.
AND 8888888 LA MASCOTA Good Picture increases one interest in PHOTOGRAPHY The REGAL and BOSTONIAN Shoes CALL IN AT THE High and Low Cut Scranton Photo Studio 68 Central Avenue Phone 1050 And you are sure to be interested in having your PICTURE taken by the genial proprietor MCKENZIE (LATE OF THE MARINE STUDIO) MULLER Printing, Developing and Enlarging SPECIAL FEATURE


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